[Costuming] Scythe Finished

Started by thegayhare, October 26, 2007, 10:05:06 AM

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Quote from: GabrielsThoughts on October 31, 2007, 04:19:23 PM
well, it definately looks creepy with just the frame, but I want to see the finished product, as I'm writing this I assume you have paper mach'ed the head and are waiting for it to dry...

not as of yet I'm still waiting on getting whisker material. 

I might be able to pick it up tomarrow my aunt needs to go to mardens and big lots so I should be able to find something.  Also Mardens should have just what I'm looking for to make my tail


well Mardens didn't have the material I needed (I did find a new cook book and a few pounds of caramel filled factory seconds)

but I still have a small update


basicly it's an undercoate for me to apply the paper mache to


   clickity click click click. Quote in personal text is from Walter Bishop of Fringe.


Also in non death related costuming news my sister is planing to make a bat costume for next years Fur Fright. 

she was having trouble with how to make the wings when a comic I follow pointed me here and I thought I'd share with you folks.


he also had this link to a guy who made a kick ass set of samurai armor out of rubber maid garbage cans.


I've been thinking I can use the same sorta idea to make the cyborg space pirate Idea I'd had, as well as maybe a cyberBunny, or even my Mowlek



the skull is almost done.

which is good because I'm almost don straightening out my tail so they should both be ready to paint at the same time


   clickity click click click. Quote in personal text is from Walter Bishop of Fringe.



anouther slight update.  on the tail this time.

also the mask has gotten a bit heavy after the paper mache applications. It sits much better now but it also presses onto my glasses it's not bad though

I'm hoping to start painting tomarrow

there has been a set back in the scythe department,  unfortunatly the material I had on han cracked and splintered as I cut it so it's no use.

how ever I found this stuff called freindly plastic It's plastic pellets that you can melt in hot water and they then become maliable so you can mold them or press them into a mold.  I figure I can get some make a scythe blade mold (I can even make a gap for the leds to sit) and have the perfect glowling scythe for the  death of rats


and tail
are finaly finished

Though I'm thinking about placing a small battery operated fan in the skull

my next step is to build the scythe mold for the freindly plastic


are you planning on segmenting the tail with a permanent marker to make it look like a spine? or will you leave it white?
   clickity click click click. Quote in personal text is from Walter Bishop of Fringe.


Quote from: GabrielsThoughts on November 09, 2007, 12:50:18 PM
are you planning on segmenting the tail with a permanent marker to make it look like a spine? or will you leave it white?

I've been debating that myself.  I figure my paint marker would do a good joband it might make it look better but I'm not sure.  I think I'll do a test up near the belt peice. it'll be under the robe anyway so it's the perfect place to test the looks

also here is the results of my small scale test on the scythe blade


what do you think?

llearch n'n'daCorna


.. I was thinking, if you get some fiber-optic threads, you could run then down the blade - leaving the end of the thread somewhere on the edge of the blade, and thereby making a point of light there...

That might impact on how clear the blade needs to be, no?
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"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on November 09, 2007, 01:24:46 PM

.. I was thinking, if you get some fiber-optic threads, you could run then down the blade - leaving the end of the thread somewhere on the edge of the blade, and thereby making a point of light there...

That might impact on how clear the blade needs to be, no?

thats a good Idea llearch but the only problem I run into is I have no Idea where to find fiber optic threads on the cheap.  how ever I do still have plenty of that 50 pound test fishing line  I'm going to try a second test to see how well bundles of that would carry the light through the blade


I ran a new small scale test

the third image is a new test with half the block run threw with fishing line the other side has a plastic tube  the plastic tubbing give the best results and I'm hoping with a little tweeking and If I can find tubing that fits compleatly over the LED I should have a working plan for the scythe 


sorry for the repeat postings

I've updated the tail


and I've started working on the scythe blade

thats the blade form I've put together
It looks messy but all the tape is on the outside so the hot glue will only contact the laminate which I can pull off as it solidifies.  You might notice a small box inside the form owards the but of the blade thats the box that will hold the embeded LEDs

llearch n'n'daCorna

In a project like this, one expects a certain number of repeat postings. ;-]

I don't think anyone is objecting, yet. *grin*
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


well I got a 50 pack of glue sticks... and I'm still short on needed material

a new small scale test proves that the new glue(which is clearer in stick form) dries just as cloudy so I'll still need to run tubing threw the blade form.  I also think I can recycle the materials I used to make my small scale tests.  basicly I'll chop them up fine and add that to the molten glue as I work it. 

Also I got two small fans (one styled after an Ipod, the other styled after a flip cell phone) the I fan will be worn under the robes I had to glue an arch of plastic canvas over the intake fan so the robes won't get caught in the suction.  I also cut the back off the flip fan I mounted that inside the mask with some velcro.  I tested it and the fan can barely be heard outside of the mask but it's quite loud inside


I'm thinking of changing my lighting scheme for the scythe.

since Christmas is coming up I had a thought. I figured I could find a sting of blue battery operated Christmas lights. 

like these


this way I can embed a string with several lights along the blade to make a nice bright scythe with out the diffusing I'm having with the current set up.

the only problem is I've got to find a set of these lights.  I figure I might hit walmart to see if I can find a set cheap.  if all else fails I could order them but that could be pricey

what do you folks think?

Sienna Maiu - M T

I myself have led lights from Zellers bought a few years back, and Dollarama for the past year or two have had battery-operated christmas lights for sale. But I don't know if you have Dollarama specifically...
Try it though, you might get lucky.
All the Best :)


llearch n'n'daCorna

Somehow I doubt he'd be let in with a razor sharp carbon steel scythe.

Plus it doesn't glow.
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on November 13, 2007, 06:39:12 AM
Somehow I doubt he'd be let in with a razor sharp carbon steel scythe.

I'm not sure they'll let him in with the one he's making either...

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on November 13, 2007, 06:39:12 AM
Somehow I doubt he'd be let in with a razor sharp carbon steel scythe.

Plus it doesn't glow.

and if they would I'd just polis up my farm scythe and ad some lighting

Quote from: Tapewolf on November 13, 2007, 02:01:29 PM
I'm not sure they'll let him in with the one he's making either...

I don't see why not.  the blad will be the consistancy of hard rubber, and it sure won't look real.  not all cloudy and glowing blue.

but anyway I plan on asking on there forums once I have something to show.

In scythe news I've found a good handle.  on one of my recent walks I spoted a young white bitvh.  now something had happened to this tree since about 3 feet up the trunk it suddenly bent at a 90 degree angle.  I checked and it was stil green under the bark so it wasn't dead, but it's trunk was twisted and cracked and it was being choked by creepers so I figured it would be soon.  Today I went down with a hacksaw and pruning shears.  It's currently about 8-9 feet long so I've got some trimming to do.

this part should be easy just got to peel off the bark, tri, down all the branches, and sand it nice and smooth


well mini update folks.

according to my talks with the Dorsi Irregulars Sgt. Steve I've learned I may be allowed to carry the scythe.  they say definitely for the fursuit parade, and I'll be able to have it on the con floor if I peace bond it some how.  I've already got plans in that area.  But final judgment will have to wait until after they see the final product.

anyway as I said last time I found a 9 foot length of tree trunk. 

Today I took ten minutes with a jigsaw and trimmed it down
I cut it down to size and trimmed off the branch ends

Then after about an hours worth of work with a knife I finally cleaned it down to the wood

next steps are sanding it smooth and staining


welp I finaly got my lights and after several hours of work I'm ready to post my blade


what do you folks think?

the light placement could have been better but realy I think I needed more lights.  but I still think it's pretty good

llearch n'n'daCorna

yah. Need Moar Glow. ;-]

More seriously, it's looking good. Certainly well worth the time you've spent on it.
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


I had to order the lights threw the mail so it cost me a bit. I wish I'd known the batter led strings were linkable before hand I'd have ordered two.  It would have looked much better.

but it still looks good

I'll tell you one thing though that hot glue is aptly named.  I pulled away from the mold to quick and a big gob of hot glue fell from the tip onto my thigh.  I almost screamed it hurt so much.  Instinctively I swated at it and smeared the scalding glue across my leg. 

It was pretty bad


Slight update... with the use of a cranky and ancient power tool I was able to fit one more light into the blade




Much thanks to Keaton and Haz for my sig, and King Of Hearts for my avatar. ILU guys <3


i dunno' the scythe looks kinda cheesy, I'm sure the pictures don't do it justice though.
   clickity click click click. Quote in personal text is from Walter Bishop of Fringe.