Greetings. You've been warned.

Started by Demon_Shade, June 29, 2007, 06:48:07 PM

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I suck at introduction threads so bear with me on this.

I'm Vin, new to the forum. I'm currently serving in the Air Force which probably isn't the best of ideas since I tend to not like work so much as I'd rather sit back on the couch to a good video game or a comic book.

As for stuff I do other than work, I'm a fanfic, writer, rper, gamer-extraordinaire, comic book reader, movie lover(mainly Japanese horrors and any type of anime. Yes, even the cutsie type ones and if you think I'm a dork for that? Then, oh well go rot in a hole somewhere because I don't care what negative opinions people make of me).

I'm getting married next month; some of you may already know my soon-to-be-wife on here by the name of AngelSephy. I can get along with people very well but I'm not one to talk to about what's going on with celebrities on the news or politics(ironically, me in the military and all). I hate politics and 98% of the celebs the news chooses to talk about.

I'll warn everyone that my sense of humor and things I find funny are probably not the most funniest things in the world. Not in a boring sense rather, but what I mean to say is while I have a good side to my humor, I also have a demented and sick side as well. I tend to take distinct pleasure in making fun of stuff that alot of other people would hear about or see and go "Oh my god, that's horrible!" Example? An Hero. 'Nuff said!

I do look forward to meeting people on here and chatting with them. Add me on myspace or drop me an IM on aim and feel free to read my live journal though currently out dated as it may be.

AIM: PimpyMcHoSmack

P.S:  :kirby Rock on Kirbs!
P.S.S: Edited the introduction up a bit so I don't come off as such a dick to readers.  :mwaha


Hmm.... Myspace account, obvious b-tard, serves in the air-force.



Vinnie is honest as you can tell. But he's not an actual asshole. He's very nice and a great guy to hang out with. And, having myspace doesn't make you a /b/tard. Browsing on 4chan does! :mwaha

Oh yes: He also is my BoyToy! :3

edit: I told him to come say hello and introduce himself. DMoon, if you remember OneWingedAngelXD from ICVD... this is him.

Roureem Egas

That is the wordiest greeting I've ever remembered seeing, since ever.

With that aside, welcome to the forums.


I told him to edit it a little because I didn't want him coming off as a real jerk when he's a nice guy. As he said, he isn't all that great with introductions. :<


Well, the guy's got to get up pretty damn early if he wants to be a bigger asshole than what we're used to.


You mean like Snapple and Tweeter-big?


Greeeetings to you...And I reasure you will be warned as well...Beware of talking boxes,cubi,evil lionesses,Chainchomps with girl faces,men who wear gasmasks and mostly elemental creatures...I think I mentioned all to worry about...I think :shifty


Don't forget the Scarlet Squirrel!! You forgot that. :3 And muffins... even though muffins are yummy! :mowcookie


 Welcome to the forum, Demon_Shade. Any friend of the lady I've barely met, as welcome as anyone else, I suppose.


Baby, you know better than to mention Snapple and Tweeter around me. I swear if there was a theme song to describe my 'relationship' with those two, it'd be Ill Nino - "This Is War"

And thanks for the welcome everyone.

Faerie Alex

Interesting...normally, the newb's aren't the ones warning us. Methinks you'll fit right in with the insanity. Just remember this:
Jeez I need to update this thing.


Quote from: AngelSephy on June 29, 2007, 07:13:18 PM
You mean like Snapple and Tweeter-big?

I believe he was aiming that more at me and Bill.
In Brightest Day. In Blackest Night...


Just you, but we'll throw Bill in there because I don't like to leave people out.


Quote from: Demon_Shade on June 29, 2007, 08:07:49 PM
Baby, you know better than to mention Snapple and Tweeter around me. I swear if there was a theme song to describe my 'relationship' with those two, it'd be Ill Nino - "This Is War"

Just as a heads up, we discourage bringing up rivalries from other forums here.  As in, "It's totally against the rules" discouraged.

You're used to flame wars with flames... this is more like EZ-Bake Oven wars.   ~Amber
If you want me to play favorites, keep wanking. I'll choose which hand to favour when I pimpslap you down.   ~Amber


Mostly because the admins and the members have no idea what you're talking about, and the former have a really big problem with not understanding exactly what people mean in their posts. No bad typing, no language other than english, you get the drift.  :P


No, more because I don't want word getting back to Snapple and Tweeter, and a flame war between entire forums starting as a result.

You're used to flame wars with flames... this is more like EZ-Bake Oven wars.   ~Amber
If you want me to play favorites, keep wanking. I'll choose which hand to favour when I pimpslap you down.   ~Amber


Yeah, trust me, I knew exactly who they were talking about. When it comes to ICVD, I'm well versed in it's history.

Bear in mind, to me this forum is sort of an ICVD2.
In Brightest Day. In Blackest Night...


*Nod* That's understandable. Won't happen again. I just had a pretty bad first experience with those two so I kinda lost all respect instantly. But yeah, consider all ill-feelngs kept to myself from now on. I don't want a flame war going on either.

Anyways, I hope I can fit in here. My girl tells me it's a cool place.


Holy Whoa, Demon-Shade gets the award for being exactly the 700th registered active member of these forums! (Yes I know the real number is over a thousand, and you regularly purge the accounts of nonactive members, that's why I'm only counting by active)


In Brightest Day. In Blackest Night...


Oh you asshole. You purged the accounts! Well, Demon-Shade was the 700th member for a few hours at least :rolleyes ...He can keep the award. Unless you go to his house, murder him, and take it back...



*appears in a flash of blue light*

Hi there, and welcome to this place - a dimension of sight and sound, but mostly of mind.

Do remember to leave any sanity you may have brought with you in the secure storage provided, and be sure to retain your claim ticket.

Have a welcome gift. *gives the new person a souvenir coffee mug*


*waves, and vanishes in a shower of coloured sparkles*

"We demand rigidly defined areas of doubt and uncertainty!"

I'm on deviantART.
Also FurAffinity


Did someone call me an asshole in here?


Yepper, that they did. It took you this long to notice? Damn man, you're slipping.
In Brightest Day. In Blackest Night...


I was out for 2 days because I bought Morrowind.


Ahhh, an addictive game.

You know Morowind is just a gateway drug, right? Addiction to that opens up an addiction to cocaine. The disk is good for making the lines.
In Brightest Day. In Blackest Night...


Shit, I have to keep up with my coke bills AND my heroin bills now?  :<


At least you aren't into pot as well. That shit takes away ALL motivation.
In Brightest Day. In Blackest Night...