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Started by Nyssa, June 06, 2007, 10:51:02 AM

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Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on June 06, 2007, 06:54:55 PM
Why should I be warned about?

I mean, it's not like I got drunk and banned people.

Erm. Much.

Maybe I shouldn't have drunk that much this evening....

*chuckles* That reminds me so much of another certain mod I know...

Anyways welcome to the Forum Nyssa, and a belated warning regarding Xze-xze huggles.


Hey llearch n'n'daCorna,
May I ask you who made your cute fed ex box in your signature? Oh and thanks Netrogo for your comment.


And Miaka is late to the thread, as per usual.

Welcome to the forums, enjoy your stay, and don't worry, most of us don't bite too hard.

Have an acorn.

llearch n'n'daCorna

Quote from: Nyssa on June 10, 2007, 08:26:58 AM
Hey llearch n'n'daCorna,
May I ask you who made your cute fed ex box in your signature? Oh and thanks Netrogo for your comment.

Kattucino was the instigator. I think she had a thread offering to do these things for people, but sadly, she's been busy, and the thread has idled out.

She's welcome to ask us to unlock it, when she gets back into doing the art. Or to make another one, and link to that one...

I suspect if you want something like this, you'd have to offer some incitement to working on it (ie, commission it, rather than just ask nicely) at this stage, as I guess she's still got a backlog...
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears

Josh Massa

Meep. I'm new too, and I heard radioactive ticking muffins were evil. So here you go! *hands you a radioactive ticking muffin*


Glad to see you here..Just watch where you step! Or its rollup time!


Quote from: Josh Massa on June 19, 2007, 06:54:11 PM
Meep. I'm new too, and I heard radioactive ticking muffins were evil. So here you go! *hands you a radioactive ticking muffin*

NO NO radioactive ticking muffin,go away and take your muffins......*Screams away while running*

That was fun can we do it again lol?

Josh Massa

NO NO radioactive ticking muffin,go away and take your muffins......*Screams away while running*

That was fun can we do it again lol?

Alrighty. *Hands you another muffin*


Dood- I'll need to see your muffin handling license, kthx.

Welcome to the forums - I hope you like your daily dose of insanity. I'm Kryptic. Yeah. Duh.

And watch out for the box.

...And the muffins. :doommuffin

llearch n'n'daCorna

Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


hi i am new here can someone please introduce me to all of your "slang" pretty please :ddrabel i followed a DMFA link so anyone who is a mad Abel fan would be of great help :)


why would only abel fans help you with slang

Josh Massa

Quote from: Kryptic on June 22, 2007, 12:40:01 AM
Dood- I'll need to see your muffin handling license, kthx.
...And the muffins. :doommuffin

Hmmm...*coughs up "Radioactive muffin handling license". Aw damn, it expired in August....of 1988 o_O.

And as for that muffin flying away, hurry up and grab it! They are delicious. I ate that whole basket RJ gave me.  >:3


Quote from: nanaki1709 on June 22, 2007, 07:01:39 AM
hi i am new here can someone please introduce me to all of your "slang" pretty please :ddrabel i followed a DMFA link so anyone who is a mad Abel fan would be of great help :)

Slang? It's pretty much the same as most of North America, to my knowledge. I'm sure we've got bits and pieces from the rest of the world, but there's nothing really weird. :/

Well, unless you're referring to lame furry slang which is essentially grafting 'fur' onto perfectly innocent words so that it means the same thing, but for furries.
/kicks the internet over


hi to the both of you.  :boogie