Once again Tinky Winky is in the gay spot light

Started by thegayhare, May 29, 2007, 02:13:49 AM

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Yes, please do watch the show before you try to argue with someone about what goes on within the show. That would be wise.

Amber Williams

In regards to the purse:

When one takes away the gender-classification surrounding it, a purse is an amazing object. Especially to incredibly young children. Triply so to 2 year olds and younger.  Around that age, there is very much an "out of site, out of mind" connection.  When they see something, that object is there. But when it is gone, in many ways its like the object doesn't exist to them. They don't understand that it is simply somewhere they cannot see.  Which is why peek-a-boo is such a popular past time.  To the incredibly young, it is practically magic.

So having an object where other objects magically appear from is an amazing concept.  Because at that age, there is no "This is what females carry, this is what males carry" distinction.  While there is a subtle ability to discern a male from a female at such a young age, there is nothing that is going to say "purse=feminine".  That concept only applies as the child gets older and start noticing the different mannerisms of both genders.

Superluser: I had no intention of accusing you of being homophobic. I know better than that. I just wanted to point out what could be considered the foolishness of your statement.  I remember when that Todd Goldman vs Dave Kelly situation happened, how some people were saying "Oh Dave Kelly deserves to have his art stolen because I hear he's a babyfur"  There is no corrolation between the two events, and being glad something happens for a reason that has nothing to do with ones reason for disliking something only makes the person seem petty and immature.

That and no one expects the Spanish Inquisition.

Teletubbies, like many children's shows, are shows geared for an audience where the parent should have a very big influence over if their kid should watch them or not.  This isn't the age of slumber parties, or even the age where they are starting school of any type.  I remember back when Barney was the big thing, they were interviewing this one guy who was actually JEALOUS of Barney because his daughter, who used to run up going "daddy's home!" whenever he came back from work, would now be watching Barney when he got home and giving less attention to him.  Jealous to the point he was part of that Parents against Barney group and could recite the mock-version of the I love You song that involved Barney dying in various ways.  It was almost pathetic.

But really, the issue of the thread was more that one person or group was grasping at thei own insecurities in regards to homosexuality to the point they view nearly anything that isn't cookie-cutter gender-roles as a possible threat.

Unreliabel Dragon

What i don't get is why people are complaining.I mean those people are grown up why are they wacthing the show. Anyway the kids wacthing the show will probaly start making fun of the show when they get older and they will wacth other shows and forget about tinky-winky's gayness. It seems like these days people want to complain about everything they see to get attention.


[I'll try to catch an episode on Thursday to re-evaluate my initial assessment of the Teletubbies.  Until then, I won't comment on the content.]

Quote from: Unreliable Dragon on May 29, 2007, 08:10:06 PMWhat i don't get is why people are complaining.I mean those people are grown up why are they wacthing the show.

In fairness, they *should* be watching the show if their kids are.  I do realize that we don't have time to watch TV with our kids all the time, but you should watch a program at least once just to be sure that it really is age-appropriate.

Quote from: Unreliable Dragon on May 29, 2007, 08:10:06 PMIt seems like these days people want to complain about everything they see to get attention.


Would you like a googolplex (gzipped 57 times)?


Quote from: Amber Williams on May 29, 2007, 06:26:41 PM
So having an object where other objects magically appear from is an amazing concept.  Because at that age, there is no "This is what females carry, this is what males carry" distinction.  While there is a subtle ability to discern a male from a female at such a young age, there is nothing that is going to say "purse=feminine".  That concept only applies as the child gets older and start noticing the different mannerisms of both genders.

would some form of magic box or Santa style cloth sack work just as well? or would these insane censors believe its trying to introduce children to D&D by showing them a 'bag of holding'?

.....am i the only one who thinks the sexual orientation of something with no genitalia is a moot point?

QuoteThe Yen Buddhists are the richest religious sect in the universe. They hold that the accumulation of money is a great evil and a burden to the soul. They therefore, regardless of personal hazard, see it as their unpleasant duty to acquire as much as possible in order to reduce the risk to innocent people.
Some will fall in love with life,
and drink it from a fountain;
that is pouring like an avalanche,
coming down the mountain.


QuoteThat and no one expects the Spanish Inquisition.

Heh... for Psychology I recently had to keep an emotional journal, and due to the almost inviting nature of the format I considered very much the proposition of slipping in an entry like this just to see what the professor would do:

1:46 -  Didn't expect the Spanish Inquisition

Emotions:  Fear, Surprise


Quote from: Zina on May 29, 2007, 02:46:33 PM
. A ball is shown, the word "ball" is repeated several times, and then the characters engage with the ball. Saying things like "The ball is red" or "the ball is round" is far too advanced for the shows intended audience.

I would like to note again, I started speaking in whole sentences at 16 months.  My first words were to my grandmother when she stumbled on the sidewalk.  My mother has repeated this to people for decades:  I said, "Did you have a nice trip?" 

But then, I am he who shall use my brilliant scientific mind to make my mutant Charleks the supreme beings!   :mwaha
Three's a crowd:  One lordly leonine of the Leyjon, one cruel and cunning cubi goddess, and one utterly doomed human stuck between them.



Quote from: Alondro on May 30, 2007, 11:16:36 AM
Quote from: Zina on May 29, 2007, 02:46:33 PM
. A ball is shown, the word "ball" is repeated several times, and then the characters engage with the ball. Saying things like "The ball is red" or "the ball is round" is far too advanced for the shows intended audience.

I would like to note again, I started speaking in whole sentences at 16 months.  My first words were to my grandmother when she stumbled on the sidewalk.  My mother has repeated this to people for decades:  I said, "Did you have a nice trip?" 

But then, I am he who shall use my brilliant scientific mind to make my mutant Charleks the supreme beings!   :mwaha

16 months? But is that an amazing age, or a lackadaisy age for a goddess to talk? I forget, what with the lifespans and abilities...


kids always supprise you- at the age of 2 my daughter had perfected bribery.

we were at a 'chilies' resturant and she had a cob of corn on a stick, i left for the bathroom. everyone busted out laughing as she waved her corn in the air saying "DADDY COME BACK! I GOT CORN!" trying to pay me to stay.

then again just last month she had the revalation she just had to tell everyone "boogers come from the nose!" and displayed evidence. pretty advanced logic for a 2 year old....oh, she wants to speak on her own behalf

nnnnnnnnnnnnnbbbbbbbbbbbbbhhhhhhhhhhhgggggggggggggggggfdxxhbn mb           hhhhIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII<8

what she said involves the word 'boy', 'gimme', 'fuzzy' and 'kitty' in seemingly random order mixed with excited babbling.

and just so you know she watches maybe 2 hours of TV a day, but often wanders away while 'watching' and only pays attention occasionally. her favorite shows are the 1970s version of 'match game', emerel, the pink panther, teen titans, and modern marvels.
her absolute all time favorites are voltron and braveheart.... which seems a little off sinse her name is Eowyn.

QuoteMan is the only animal that learns by being hypocritical. He pretends to be polite and then, eventually, he _becomes_ polite.
Some will fall in love with life,
and drink it from a fountain;
that is pouring like an avalanche,
coming down the mountain.


Yay Voltron!  I remember that from oh-so-long-ago.  I always thought, 'You know, if they just formed Voltron at the very start of each episode, they'd beat the bad guys in about 2 minutes.  But then they'd have a really short show."   :3
Three's a crowd:  One lordly leonine of the Leyjon, one cruel and cunning cubi goddess, and one utterly doomed human stuck between them.



Quote from: Alondro on May 30, 2007, 02:25:15 PM
Yay Voltron!  I remember that from oh-so-long-ago.  I always thought, 'You know, if they just formed Voltron at the very start of each episode, they'd beat the bad guys in about 2 minutes.  But then they'd have a really short show."   :3

my wife and daughter love the show but i cant watch it without nit picking what the villans did wrong and how stupid they are not to have done this and this and not that and that and okay if plan X didn't work don't throw it away but save the whatever it was to use with something else.

under no circumstances should i be allowed in the presence of evil villains, the world is not ready for a competent evil overlord.

QuoteThe opposite of a correct statement is a false statement. But the opposite of a profound truth may well be another profound truth.
Some will fall in love with life,
and drink it from a fountain;
that is pouring like an avalanche,
coming down the mountain.


Truth be told, i hardly think that Tinky Winky was what influenced me to be gay. I mean really. Most children that watch these shows don't even pay attention the fact "hey he's got a purse!" i guarentee had he been something like...orange...he wouldn't have been attacked as badly. they took the face he's purple, has an inverted traingle, and totally blew it out of proportion. But truth be told, gay is a terrible sin, like instant coffee and daytime television.


Er, you can't be influenced to be gay. That's the thing.


refresh my memory- has anyone gone public with the line of thought "god made me gay, therefore its probably OK with him"?

Quote from: Aridas Soulfire on May 31, 2007, 12:10:50 AM
Er, you can't be influenced to be gay. That's the thing.

actually hanging around so many homosexuals and bisexuals (out of everyone i talk to online, only ONE is straight) seems to have shifted me from heterosexual to 'curious', whatever that means...

QuoteJust because it's not nice doesn't mean it's not miraculous.
Some will fall in love with life,
and drink it from a fountain;
that is pouring like an avalanche,
coming down the mountain.

Jim Halisstrad

Quote from: Aridas Soulfire on May 31, 2007, 12:10:50 AM
Er, you can't be influenced to be gay. That's the thing.


Two words: Johnny Depp.

I know several straight people who would Butthurt for him.  (I'm stealin' that line Netami ;p)


One might say you already had such inclinations yet displaced responsibility for them onto an actor/actress that is found commonly attractive by your sex, or group that you hang around with... because you are ashamed or uncomfortable of them.

(It's his/her/their fault I'm feeling this way.  He/she/they turned me gay/curious/straight/bi)

The real question might be, why did you admire Johnny Depp so much to begin with; why did you seek such company from the beginning?  Did it really "just happen" that way?

Freud FTW


By the way, the Polish government found a sexologist that basically said: "No, Teletubbies won't turn Polish children gay." The investigation was thusly closed two days after it had started.


Did he roll his eyes while saying it?  That would be hilarious.


Quote from: Aridas Soulfire on May 31, 2007, 12:10:50 AM
Er, you can't be influenced to be gay. That's the thing.

exactly. That's what bothers me so much. Nothing INFLUENCES you to be gay/bi...but you can't tell anyone that. 90% of people will say "OMG no you chose to be this way!" Yes. I chose something that gets me ridiculed and picked on...and for some...killed. Not that I regret being gay, i'm very proud of it, but it's not something anyone CHOOSES...though claiming you're Bi does seem to becoming a "trend". "Oh, i'm bi...so i'm cool."


Whoever thinks being bi is cool these days is asking the wrong bigot.  There are plenty out there that still don't discriminate the two.


I'm mostly certain I'm straight, often wondered if I might be bi.

Although like everyone....

Once upon a time I actually posted here.


Quote from: Secateur on May 31, 2007, 03:14:17 PM
By the way, the Polish government found a sexologist that basically said: "No, Teletubbies won't turn Polish children gay." The investigation was thusly closed two days after it had started.

i wonder if this is because polish children are somehow immune or if its because theyre exposed to something even worse and suffer no ill effects.

i don't know why they're blaming children's television- most prime time shows it seems like 2 out of every 3 men are homosexuals. childrens programing at least portrays adults who love each other as married, having kids, and oogling attractive members of the opposite gender.

QuoteMy formula for living is quite simple. I get up in the morning and I go to bed at night. In between, I occupy myself as best I can.
Some will fall in love with life,
and drink it from a fountain;
that is pouring like an avalanche,
coming down the mountain.


Quote from: Brunhidden da Muse on June 01, 2007, 01:47:39 AM
Quote from: Secateur on May 31, 2007, 03:14:17 PM
By the way, the Polish government found a sexologist that basically said: "No, Teletubbies won't turn Polish children gay." The investigation was thusly closed two days after it had started.

i wonder if this is because polish children are somehow immune or if its because theyre exposed to something even worse and suffer no ill effects.

Yes, they're exposed to Poland, and somehow survive.   >:3

*remembers on one Simpsons episode where Ralph Wiggum was Poland in the model UN.. snerk... *
Three's a crowd:  One lordly leonine of the Leyjon, one cruel and cunning cubi goddess, and one utterly doomed human stuck between them.



While not tinky winky it is polish TV


TV Show's Gay Kiss Too Hot For Poland
by 365Gay.com Newscenter Staff

Posted: June 1, 2007 - 11:00 am ET

(Warsaw) Just days after a Polish government official was forced to back down on a call for an investigation into whether Teletubbies are promoting homosexuality the country's state-run television network has chopped a scene from the hit British series Little Britain over a gay kiss.

The series features the character Dafydd who bills himself as "the only gay in the village". 

In the sketch that was cut Dafydd, played by British comic Matt Lucas, sets up a booth to sell sex toys at a church fair.  The booth sparks a war of words over homophobia with the local priest and ends with the vicar kissing his gay boyfriend.

"We decided to cut a scene which could cause controversy among Polish viewers and which isn't exactly in line with our mission as a public television channel," network spokesperson Aneta Wrona told the Agence France Press.

Earlier in the week, in the face of international criticism, Poland's ombudsman for children backed down on as call for a psychiatric report on whether Tinky Winky and other Teletubbies are promoting homosexuality to children.


all TV has gone insane, recently MTV noting that they do poorly in Europe has started a show in germany that stars handicapped people playing pranks on the unsuspecting.

one skit was a blind woman and her dog going up to someone, asking directions, and then the blind woman asking the dog if it got it all....i dont even wanna KNOW what skit they had planned for the five overweight Bavarians in wheelchairs, liederhosen, and carrying boom boxes the size of a Labrador retriever.

QuoteHuman beings, who are almost unique in having the ability to learn from the experience of others, are also remarkable for their apparent disinclination to do so.
Some will fall in love with life,
and drink it from a fountain;
that is pouring like an avalanche,
coming down the mountain.


One thing we must realize, these shows wouldn't be on if they didn't get ratings.  It's not just that TV is degenerating, the people watching are as well.

How many seasons of "Survivor" now? 

Face it, the average person is a blithering idiot.  I mean, THEY VOTED MELINDA OFF AMERICAN IDOL INSTEAD OF BLAKE!!!   :P
Three's a crowd:  One lordly leonine of the Leyjon, one cruel and cunning cubi goddess, and one utterly doomed human stuck between them.


llearch n'n'daCorna

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"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears

King Of Hearts

Hey, its quite... entertaining when they are auditioning the more delusional candidates.


Quote from: Alondro on June 01, 2007, 09:53:06 PM
Face it, the average person is a blithering idiot.  I mean, THEY VOTED MELINDA OFF AMERICAN IDOL INSTEAD OF BLAKE!!!   :P

all i heard was

"Face it, the average person is a blithering idiot.  I mean, BLITHER BLITHER AMERICAN

shows like American idol, survivor, the simple life, anything where celebrities are filmed doing not much other then being drama queens, and the newer game shows are all insults to intelligence.

you want reality TV? film people who don't know theres a camera, or at least stop it with the stupid challenges whcih make people argue like 4 year olds. getting a cast of people more diverse then 20 year olds who go 'wooo' a lot would help too.

you want to watch a home renovation? watch some guy with a name like 'gus' or 'norm' tackle an old dilapidated building instead of some poser who tears down a perfectly OK house and raises an empty facade of a mansion.

you want a game show with a celebrity asking difficult questions? watch 'win ben steins money'.

you want to watch people compete for a job? watch the food network bake offs, where actual creativity and skill show up... those fashion shows are appalling how often they send someone out wearing curtans and a welcome mat.

QuoteExperience is that marvelous thing that enables you recognize a mistake when you make it again.
Some will fall in love with life,
and drink it from a fountain;
that is pouring like an avalanche,
coming down the mountain.