Eurofox - Belgium, Holland, Germany - Pictures too!

Started by rabid_fox, June 01, 2007, 03:21:36 PM

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Well. Hull has a big shark.

I went on a school trip there (44 children in an airport! Fun!) to Europe and it was fantastic. Enjoy having a look.

Belgium is incredibly flat and the people in Holland are incredibly friendly. I spent most of my time next to the Rhine in Boppard and I have to say, it was wonderful. Of course, I'm not included many pictures because mostly they're for the school display boards and you're not getting a look at my pupils, but EuroFox has had a blast and too little sleep.

The Hull Shark:

The view from my hotel window:

What? Don't believe me? Proof:

The great Koln cathedral. Highlight of the trip was listening to "Pretenders to the throne" at the top.

The Rhine:

A large statue that, apparently, got bombed a lot:

I like sunset shots. Ferries are particularly useful for these:

Oh dear.


Ah, I was wondering where you ran off to.

Sounds like you had fun, I've always wanted to go to Europe.  The view of the river seems slightly less spectacular in the second pic.  :/ Must be the brown water.  And who doesn't like sunset shots?  That'd make a cool signature pic, too.


That is an epic little image. I knew I had a greater plan when I retook that picture with the sun in the bottom right and now it's become clear. Cheers!

Oh dear.



Quote from: xHaZxMaTx on June 01, 2007, 03:51:15 PMThe view of the river seems slightly less spectacular in the second pic.  :/ Must be the brown water.

I remember watching a documentary about pollution in European rivers.  There was a bit where they took some bottom-feeders and moved them from clean water to Rhine river water.  Then they showed the cancerous lesions that they developed.

Would you like a googolplex (gzipped 57 times)?


do you have a larger version of that sunset picture?  It is arguably very cool.

Also, I do not believe I could stand 12 relatively well-behaved children, let alone 44 rowdy ones.  You, sir, have my greatest respect.


one day i hope to travel my old homeland of Germany, see the castles and maybe take in some morris dances.

but taking two weeks off of work, plane tickets, and the money for food, rooms, and transportation would be waaaay more then i could hope to do

sometime look up what the deal was with that statue, i used to know what it was but forgot years ago.

QuoteI want to stay as close to the edge as I can without going over. Out on the edge you see all kinds of things you can't see from the centre.
Some will fall in love with life,
and drink it from a fountain;
that is pouring like an avalanche,
coming down the mountain.