What is your favorite giant robot game

Started by thegayhare, May 11, 2007, 02:08:10 AM

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So tell me what is your favorite Mecha games and why?

I know the standerd is Mechwarroir but there are lots of other ones out there.

I myself am fond of the Heavy Gear series...  For a couple reasons

One Most gears are still rather small so they are more of a battle suit then a walking fortress

Two,  I love the gears dual transportation modea (every gear has tread drives built into there feet,  with the touch of a button you can lock your legs and double your speed, but you loose somemobility)

Now Heavy Gear 2 realy takes advantage of the Gears humaniod shape, since it adds the option of of altering your stance,  which can drasticly effect your sensor profile.  there are alot of stealth elements added to this one, toggles between passive and active radar, and gauages to show how much of a sensor shadow you have.  It's the only mecha game I've played that had you crawling on your belly threw a swamp on a comando raid. 

Also 2 lets you play around in space.  Which was very very cool though zero G operations take a little getting used to.  The space missions are just great and are truely immersive leaping from the deck of your craft and landing on an enemy space station under fire is so cool

The one thing that 2 seemed to fall down on that 1 nailed was the gear customization.

In two your basic chassis's are set in stone... there are tons to choose from (in four differnt classes with 4 or 5 differnt paintjobs each) but you can't alter the chassis it self,  Weapon loadout, weapon placement, system upgrades and flaws can all be added though so there is still alot to monkey with.  But in the first heavy gear you could design your gear compleatly from top to bottom, mixing and matching legs, arms, torso's heads, and engines (because a gear isn't a forty foot tall mobile fortress its powerplant and engine are mounted like a backpack on the rear of the torso) you could even get down to the nitty grity deciding which sorts of shock absorbers, or sensor packs you wanted.  Sure there were problems putting to heavy a torso on lighter legs would slow you down to a crawl,  and I remember once equiping a rifle that was way to heavy for my arms and having them actualy tear from there sockets due to the weight but it was alot of fun.

One other thing I miss is the ability to use an enemies weapons,  In one if you destrowed an enemy gear, you could ditch your handheld weapon and pick up theres,  it only worked on carried weapons bu it was a cool feature.  Oh well in 2 I can carry a claymore or an axe so that makes up for it

Janus Whitefurr

I was fond of Mechwarrior 2 and its expansion back in the day.

Other than that, the Armoured Core series is where my machine love shines. Building heavily armoured tank-tracked ACs and making tactical use of low-ammunition, high-powered weapons to obliterate the enemy? Fun.

I'd love to get my hands on any of the Super Robot Wars games though. C'est la vie.
This post has been brought to you by Bond. Janus Bond. And the Agency™. And possibly spy cameras.

King Of Hearts

Well you could always... uhurm...  play the GBA versions or if you are masochistic... the SNES versions on emulator.

My favorites...

Super Robot Wars series - Ive been playing the thing for some 13 years now, this subconsciously started my like for SRPGs. Thata nd SRW is basically a fanfiction game, answering many a "what if" for any Mecha anime fan.

Front Mission - Even the Gunhazard sidescroller game in SNES. I loved it in FMIII when they included two Filipino characters whom I gave the secret Wanzer to. Its just such a well written story and the combination of mech parts and weapons really set it apart.

Id think of more later.

Ryudo Lee

Xenogears on the PSOne.  Can't understand half of the story, but that just makes me wanna play it several times.  Quite possibly one of the longest games I'd ever played.

Thanks to Taski & Silverfoxr for the artwork!


Belive it or not...I prefer most over alot of them yet always wished some came here as a special thing for us all..Specialy Super Robot Wars ya know?


The one at the Ice Palace where it's 4 players. You all get in a half circle (kind of like a bulgy wheel) and close yourself in. The darkness, combined with your 6 screens, and tons of controls, makes it feel like a real mech game. I think it's an offshoot of mechwarrior. But MAN is it fun as heck...

Kitsune Ascendant

in terms of mechwarrior-esque games, I'd say mechwarrior 3 or mechwarrior 4: mercenaries, though future cop is good.

in terms of non-mechwarrior games with giant robots, I'd say one must fall: 2097.
I may be a bit young to be worrying about it so much, but I'm not changing this sig until I find true love.
yappities by silverfoxr, and are awesome.  Thanks!

King Of Hearts

I rememebreed a couple of fighting games that I enjoyed as well...

Cyberbots.. this is a 2D fighting game by Capcom... this is where Jin in MvC and Devilot in Gem Fighters first debuted.

Tech Romancer - a 3D fighter by capcom as well... I loved how they spoofed the mecha genres... my fave was the Getter Robo pastiche... twinzam V. and to this day I hate Goldibus' cheap ass.


Ooh! How could I forget my absolute fav... thanks for reminding me, King, with that... weird mech name.
Virtual On. I love the game. Me and my friend used to always play it at the lazer tag building before and after games.
Tenjin was the best ever. Though I did have some fun going nuts on the final boss with that sailormoon-esque robot girl...


Ohh I remember virtua on

I think my favorite was the samuri ish mech and the solder mech with the tonfa and shotgun

Nimrods Son

I'm totally in favor of POWERDOLLS!
Like, there's anime, and guns, and lots of 'em.
But then, Evangelion beats all, of course.

King Of Hearts

I havent really found any good Eva games... I suppose "Girlfriend of Steel" is somewhat nice, if only for the chance to get Shinji and Kaworu to end up together. *snicker*


Quote from: Kitsune Ascendant on May 12, 2007, 02:00:29 PM
in terms of mechwarrior-esque games, I'd say mechwarrior 3 or mechwarrior 4: mercenaries, though future cop is good.

in terms of non-mechwarrior games with giant robots, I'd say one must fall: 2097.

Agreed, agreed, agreed, and oh, OMF:2097 now has a sequel, which I was on the beta team for.  Unfortunately, everything went wrong(seriously, everything.  The Jaguar, Force, and Pyros are the three most balanced robots, and the game itself is lacking in substance), so it kinda flopped.  I'd say it makes a decent freeware-quality game.

One Must Fall:Battlegrounds, if you'd like to check it out.

And now, off I go in an attempt to stat out an Evangelion in BESM 3rd edition.

Kitsune Ascendant

yeah, I've played the battlegrounds demo. I almost considered trying to find the full version just to see how they handled katana, but I kinda decided against it.
I may be a bit young to be worrying about it so much, but I'm not changing this sig until I find true love.
yappities by silverfoxr, and are awesome.  Thanks!

King Of Hearts

I dont particularly remember that...

But I forgot another mecha gem...



Tou control the President of the United States as he wages his Armored Suit War against the Vice President. Though I can imagine why this wasnt released in the US.



Quote from: Kitsune Ascendant on May 21, 2007, 01:10:53 PM
yeah, I've played the battlegrounds demo. I almost considered trying to find the full version just to see how they handled katana, but I kinda decided against it.

Katana and Mantis are both, actually, quite fun.  Katana is very graceful and does a lot of spinning, Mantis makes you feel like a kung-fu master.(If you've got a sharp eye, keep an eye out for a rogue polygon on his right claw which I pointed out, but they never fixed.  It's hard to spot!)

Also, I don't believe they ever fixed that Jaguar can OT other HARs out of arenas, or that if you're good with your keys, you can "glide" Gargoyle out of the arena entirely.

I'd actually say about the only HAR I absolutely loathe to play is Warlord, especially with Christian piloting.  Because going slow SUCKS!(and I think Christian is one of the slowest pilots in the game.)

Adrias: did you ever find the secret menu, fight Fire or Ice in story mode, or crank the scrap up to unbelievable levels?(I think I usually played with max scrap, chip damage at 5%, and I've fought Ice a couple of times.  He slaughtered me.)


Not really. I played the game and that was about it.


I believe you can change scrap level by just hitting the 1-9 and 0 keys in game, with 0 being default scrap level and 9 being "Lookit all the pretty bolts and plates!" level.

The secret menu can be reached by typing "2097," from the menu, I believe, and to reach Fire and Ice, you have to be playing on a particular difficulty level(or higher!) and perform an additional combo after performing a Destruction(similar to MK's Fatality, for those of you not in the know), which causes your HAR to break a hole in the floor of the Fire Pit.

For example, the Jaguar simply jumps through the hole, the Chronos teleports, the Gargoyle flies downwards, the Shadow's giant shadow reappears a second time and punches a hole...

Some of the hardcore players figured that it you go into Career mode and crank the speed of your Shadow way up, you can get an infinite combo on his shadow kicks.  Like really, infinite, not just "until he dies," but as long as you can keep at least 2 projections onscreen.

Kitsune Ascendant

Quote from: Fuyudenki on May 23, 2007, 02:32:15 AM
I believe you can change scrap level by just hitting the 1-9 and 0 keys in game, with 0 being default scrap level and 9 being "Lookit all the pretty bolts and plates!" level.

The secret menu can be reached by typing "2097," from the menu, I believe, and to reach Fire and Ice, you have to be playing on a particular difficulty level(or higher!) and perform an additional combo after performing a Destruction(similar to MK's Fatality, for those of you not in the know), which causes your HAR to break a hole in the floor of the Fire Pit.

For example, the Jaguar simply jumps through the hole, the Chronos teleports, the Gargoyle flies downwards, the Shadow's giant shadow reappears a second time and punches a hole...

Some of the hardcore players figured that it you go into Career mode and crank the speed of your Shadow way up, you can get an infinite combo on his shadow kicks.  Like really, infinite, not just "until he dies," but as long as you can keep at least 2 projections onscreen.

Actually, it's hold down  b-i-g, then press a number to change the amount of scrap per hit. Fire is above champion, and if you play at the absolute maximum difficulty and manage to beat fire with a destruction, you can do the same move to access another secret opponent called ice.

I didn't know about the infinite shadow combo. The only one I found was a fully upgraded shredder with a forward punch and a bit of good timing.

yeah, I'm a bit of an omf junkie.
I may be a bit young to be worrying about it so much, but I'm not changing this sig until I find true love.
yappities by silverfoxr, and are awesome.  Thanks!


So this may not be a giant robot game, more the opposite really, normal 'bots are about 3 feet tall, but a robot game I am particularly fond of is Metal Arms: Glitch In The System.


Quote from: techmaster-glitch on May 28, 2007, 03:10:42 PM
So this may not be a giant robot game, more the opposite really, normal 'bots are about 3 feet tall, but a robot game I am particularly fond of is Metal Arms: glitch In The System.

I'd never have guessed, given you use a handle based on that game, and your sig is always full of Metal Arms quotes.

Still haven't played that one, but I want to... *stares at pile of PS2 games*


I'd have to go with Virtual Ontario on the Saturn with the Twin Sticks as being my favorite

However, I think that Steel Battalion on the Xbox was probably the best there ever was.


I've never found giant robot games to my liking, but then again, I probably haven't given them as much chance as they deserve.  I kind of liked that 2-D Gundam fighting game on the PC. 


I don't think anyone has mentioned "Armored Core" yet. I like how it offers a ton of parts to work with. You can go for a two legs, four legs, tracks, or my fav. a hover design. as for arms, you can either go with humanoid arms or weapon arms.

I tend to go with the humanoid kind since it alows for you to have a blade weapon on the left arm. It's no fun to run out of ammo in the middle of a fight and not have something to fall back on.

Janus Whitefurr

Quote from: Shadrok on June 01, 2007, 05:18:48 PM
I don't think anyone has mentioned "Armored Core" yet. I like how it offers a ton of parts to work with. You can go for a two legs, four legs, tracks, or my fav. a hover design. as for arms, you can either go with humanoid arms or weapon arms.

I tend to go with the humanoid kind since it alows for you to have a blade weapon on the left arm. It's no fun to run out of ammo in the middle of a fight and not have something to fall back on.

Not every day I get to quote myself!

Quote from: Janus Whitefurr on May 11, 2007, 02:31:18 AM
Other than that, the Armoured Core series is where my machine love shines. Building heavily armoured tank-tracked ACs and making tactical use of low-ammunition, high-powered weapons to obliterate the enemy? Fun.

The laserblade's my last resort. As I said, I go for tactical use of very large guns.
This post has been brought to you by Bond. Janus Bond. And the Agency™. And possibly spy cameras.


there was this police mech game that I used to play. but I can't remember the name of it all I can remember is

"hold your fire, those are tax payers  out there."

and other over used boss lines such as "where are you? bwa ha ha ha ha!"

EDIT: and the Xenogears demo rocked
   clickity click click click. Quote in personal text is from Walter Bishop of Fringe.


Quote from: Janus Whitefurr on June 01, 2007, 05:48:13 PM
The laserblade's my last resort. As I said, I go for tactical use of very large guns.
That's going in my quote list.

Quote from: GabrielsThoughts on June 01, 2007, 06:32:08 PM
there was this police mech game that I used to play. but I can't remember the name of it all I can remember is

"hold your fire, those are tax payers  out there."

and other over used boss lines such as "where are you? bwa ha ha ha ha!"
Future Cop: LAPD, for the Sony Playstation and Windows PC.  I still have a copy of the PS1 version, but my disk appears to have a scratch which prevents the ending trigger for Hell's Gate Prison from going off.  Other good quotes:
"Try to stay alive, Ace.  I need a date for the Policemans' Ball."
"This is the LAPD, please put down your--"*lots of random gunfire and a tomato.* "Thank-you for your support."*flamethrowers*
"Mysterio converted the park telescope into a laser cannon, and gets his kicks shooting down airliners.  Bagged three this morning."
*X1A trips, stepping off a platform* "I... hope no-one saw that."
"Tanks, choppers, points, crying.  Beautiful."
"Oh-yeah.  Theredarrowpointstotheredbase,bluearrowpointstothebluebase, whoopee."
"That's going to leave a nasty little mark."
"Statue is toast!"
"I don't care what he's doing to that man, but stop it!"


Armored Core three does own all, but lately I've gotten into Steambot Chronicles. It's a sandbox/musical career simulater/crazy taxi/smugglers run/beat-'em-up/dating sim/intro to giant robot games with RPG elements. :3 Only game where not only does your giant (or at least fairly large) robot go on rampages everywhere, but the combat system makes it so it's never so simple a matter of who has the more obscene firepower and, if battling doesn't work out, you can always convert your 'bot into a bus or a mining machine or something until you get more cash.