04/28/07 Abel's Story [84] Wow

Started by AndersW, April 28, 2007, 12:04:37 AM

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After the last Abel's Story I was expecting  :grave not  :bat
so I have to say  :goamber :judges

Quote from: Tapewolf on April 28, 2007, 03:40:01 AM
Looks like this could be some fun voicework for Shadrok  >:3

Indeed   >:]
I wonder if Cid/Aniz has a mwaha line in the next one.


Quote from: Tapewolf on April 28, 2007, 09:42:20 AM
Quick word of advice, Candide, don't do two consecutive posts like that.  The admins won't like it :P
OkeeDokee, then.  I'll keep that in mind.

And it's, "candide," with a lowercase "c".  ;)

Quote from: Tapewolf on April 28, 2007, 09:42:20 AMAs for the soul-eating thing, that's possible but it depends what his goals are.  The general impression I'm getting is that generally only the really power-hungry ones go in for it.
Well, maybe Aniz is power-hungry.  If he's been playing the role of "adventurer & being" for 24+ years...

Or not.  We shall see what we shall see.


Anyone notice that the scar 'Cid' had is gone now? If he was always a cubi, why did he have teh scar at all? I think that, if he was always a cubi and Cid was a psudonym, his marking is on his eyelid and thus the scar made an interesting story for the eyepatch to cover it? Either that or the cubi did take cids place at SOME point and had to give himself a scar. Since it is now gone, either Amber forgot it or it was part of the shapeshifting and now I wanna know WHY he had it! :)
Amber-ism #700: If the problem isn't solved, there are still survivors you missed.


Maybe Aniz isnt Able's father?

Looking at what May was saying before, she did some fooling around win she was younger and maybe got some with a cubi.
Then she meets Cid shortly after, have a "kid" and have a semi happy life.
They move to the demon city and maybe after a while Aniz notices Able and his happy family
and sees a perfect invetation to have some fun.
Abled goes and sees multible friend get killed and Aniz sees the perfect oppertunity to strike.
Kills Cid and yada yada yada.

So really he could have only been planning this for a couple of days or maybe a week.

thats just my 2c, im probably wrong anyway  :rolleyes


Well, at any rate, it's obvious Abel's father is an incubus given the circumstances we have seen so far.

Maybe the simple solution is the correct one? *avoids getting sliced by ocum's razor (man I bet I misspelled that)*

Aniz posed as a being to have a son for reasons unknown. Why he couldn't just have a kid with another Cubi is beyond me though. At least then, you can be pretty darn sure that you'll have a kid that's Cubi.

But, the reasons will be revealed by Mrs. Williams as we proceed. I for one look forward to the next installment with anticipation. :)

And Amber, don't feel bad for giving us a dark comic now and then. It's all part of good storytelling! :D Besides, we'd likley enjoy any comic you put up dealing with any subject.


First of all, go Amber. I personally support your decision to go this way, and any further direction the story will go. Hope you feel better after this is over with.

Alright, I haven't posted since the move, so I guess this counts as delurking... But I don't really read the forums so I have no idea if someone has thought of this in another topic. Anyway.

If Cid/Aniz is an incubus, don't you think it's possible that Edward Ti'Fiona killed him? It would certainly explain Abel's violent reaction to Ink's reminder. If that's the case it's even possible that Abel feels slightly threatened by Dan.

I think Aniz was always Cid... why, I don't have enough information to draw a conclusion yet. But I was noticing that Aniz looks very, very young. If that's his natural form, then it's possible he's a very young incubus. I think that he did love May once... maybe he married her very soon after his headwings came in, even.

Trying not to draw too many conclusions, since this is Aniz's first appearence, basically... And I remember everyone hated Abel before Abel's Story came along. I think things are only going to get worse from here on out, though...


In response to Grenn... You know he's right...

And I Ouai has a point... Knowing Amber, Aniz very well could be a random Cubi just suddenly taking Cid's place for kicks... that would get rid of the "Years of planning for a bit of enjoyment" Concept... All he'd have to do is use his mind reading abilities a bit...

((And btw... not everyone hated abel before his story came out... I have <3ed Abel to no end the first time he appeared in the comic... ))


Myself as well, but there were a heck of a lot of people bashing him at the beginning.


Quote from: Grenn on April 28, 2007, 07:51:31 PM
Maybe the simple solution is the correct one? *avoids getting sliced by ocum's razor (man I bet I misspelled that)

Occam's razor failed big time on this one, IMHO.  After all, if the simplest solution was always the correct one, we'd be able to tell exactly what Amber was going to do, and where's the fun in that?

Quote from: Indy on April 28, 2007, 07:54:46 PM
If Cid/Aniz is an incubus, don't you think it's possible that Edward Ti'Fiona killed him? It would certainly explain Abel's violent reaction to Ink's reminder. If that's the case it's even possible that Abel feels slightly threatened by Dan.

I disagree.  If you read the SAIA arc again, note that after the initial baseball-bat treatment, Abel is going out of his way to keep Dan happy.  Even the paint thing was ultimately to keep him from becoming depressed.  He was absolutely furious when Ink drove Dan into a coma, he went out of his way to protect Jyrras (even putting himself in serious danger from Aary) simply because Jyrras was one of Dan's friends.  I had a longer list at one point... I'll have to see if I can find it.

Now I don't know what the relationship between Ti'Fiona and Abel is, but the signals I'm getting are that Abel owes Edward big.  You might be right, but unless Aniz pulls a rabbit out of a hat and redeems himself, it's looking more like Abel would thank him for killing his dad.

QuoteI remember everyone hated Abel before Abel's Story came along.
I don't  >:3  Now I'll grant you everyone hated Devin until his flashback...

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


O.O where does it say his name? :mowdizzy

*edit* Oh ya, One more Delurker was made today [me]

btw the person who asked about the scar,


Quote from: Tapewolf on April 28, 2007, 08:04:05 PM
I don't  >:3  Now I'll grant you everyone hated Devin until his flashback...

I hate myself for it... But I did too...


Quote from: Rambon on April 28, 2007, 08:11:38 PM
O.O where does it say his name? :mowdizzy

*edit* Oh ya, One more Delurker was made today [me]

btw the person who asked about the scar,
Amber mentions his name on the second page of this thread. :3

And, I still wonder if the bold outline on his left eye is his clan marking, hence the need for the eyepatch. A scar would be a nice excuse to wear it.


The only problem with that is that, if he is in fact Abel's dad, wouldn't they have the same symbol, same color, etc...?


Quote from: Zibani on April 28, 2007, 08:27:09 PM
The only problem with that is that, if he is in fact Abel's dad, wouldn't they have the same symbol, same color, etc...?
Yes, unless Abel belongs to a different clan than his father.  While I'd say this is impossibly unlikely, it can't be entirely ruled out...

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Quote from: Marmonstein on April 28, 2007, 08:19:23 PM
Quote from: Rambon on April 28, 2007, 08:11:38 PM
O.O where does it say his name? :mowdizzy

*edit* Oh ya, One more Delurker was made today [me]

btw the person who asked about the scar,
Amber mentions his name on the second page of this thread. :3

And, I still wonder if the bold outline on his left eye is his clan marking, hence the need for the eyepatch. A scar would be a nice excuse to wear it.

That's what I was saying; the scar would NOT be there if the cubi did not want it so the cubi must have wanted it to either A) Impersinate Cid or B) Hide something like a clan marking. :P
Amber-ism #700: If the problem isn't solved, there are still survivors you missed.


The truth is obvious.  This entire thing is just a bad dream and Abel will wake up safe and sound in Dan's bed, "Wow!  I just dreamt my dad was an incubus pretending to be an adventurer!"   "Awww!  Poor Abel dear!  Come over here and let Danny make it all better..."  

And then fan-servicey shonen-ai ensues, turns into hentei, and Amber makes a fortune selling the comic in Kobe, Japan.  >:3
Three's a crowd:  One lordly leonine of the Leyjon, one cruel and cunning cubi goddess, and one utterly doomed human stuck between them.



Quote from: Zibani on April 28, 2007, 08:27:09 PM
The only problem with that is that, if he is in fact Abel's dad, wouldn't they have the same symbol, same color, etc...?
Oh, I forgot about that. XD

Well, then I've got nothing.  :U

MT Hazard

I'm quite curious to see how long this topic will continue to have new posts, until Monday at the very least.

Yay for split personality related story twists! Its something that when its done wrong its cheesy and annoying but done right, it devastating, the kind of thing that was people saying things like 'Woh!' and 'it all make sense now!' or 'okay, now I'm lost'.

Of course the 'they seemed like such a nice person'  syndrome can come in. One person with many faces, all health sane people have, to some extend, several personalities.

Would some consider taking medication to get rid of alternative personalities killing? After all you are potentially permanently silencing a unique individual(s), who just happen to share a head.   

When you consider perception is an illusion it can all unravel......
Grammar and I Don't always get on.

Link of the moment:  half man (web comic) 


Quote from: Alondro on April 28, 2007, 08:31:48 PM
The truth is obvious.  This entire thing is just a bad dream and Abel will wake up safe and sound in Dan's bed,
NUUUUU!!! Abel/Jyrras all the way!!!! Okay... I feel better now


Quote from: Aurawyn on April 28, 2007, 01:34:25 AMI can't wait a week!!

Put the main strip on hold and do Only Abel's story updates!!

Thats my vote anyhow...

I withdraw this statement having just read the rant  :B


Just to get it out of the way, since the entire post will be full of it...


I never had any questions about Cid's scar.  The scar is obviously what happened to his left eye, and it's a perfectly feasible injury for an adventurer to have.

Personally, I'm putting my money on both "Cid was a figment of Aniz's imagination" and "Cid got replaced when he went off to kill a certain incubus."

Early on, some readers were commenting that they expected Abel to fight Aniz.  I would like to point out that Aniz is obviously older than Abel, and has been pasing as an adventurer for the past two or so decades.  Adventurer mortality rates are rather high, as Dan and Edward are considered to be very lucky for being retired, instead of dead.  Cid, also retired, un-retired, and re-retired, is no slouch.  He would have no trouble taking on a (now injured) being, an absent-minded snakegirl, and a young librarian incubus(who has always thought he was a being, anyway.)  Since Abel is obviously not dead, I think the only fight we're going to see is the merciless slaughter of the unfortunate May Rewanz.(probably not even that.)

The nose punch brings to mind a  possible injury for the lands of Furrae which is unknown to humans(usually): breakage of the upper mandible!  Seen primarily in canine races.  I wonder what the cast for that would look like.  Definitely be uncomfortable.


Yeah, after last Abel's Story (strip 84, of course) I was like, Woah!

Who's Aniz, anyways? I mean, I think I've heard the name before. And those red-black headwings seem very familiar... -_0

Stig Hemmer

I see that most of the readers applaud the new plot twist.

I don't agree.  I think this latest twist just broke the plot, sorry. :confused

Please understand that I love most of your work, but this ... this just was too much. :brokenheart
Stig Hemmer, at your disservice.


What if Cid was also a cubi and got replaced by his competition?


Quote from: Stig Hemmer on April 28, 2007, 09:58:15 PM
I see that most of the readers applaud the new plot twist.

I don't agree.  I think this latest twist just broke the plot, sorry. :confused

Please understand that I love most of your work, but this ... this just was too much. :brokenheart

Yeah. I feel your pain.


Quote from: Psychogirl on April 28, 2007, 10:28:41 PM
Quote from: Stig Hemmer on April 28, 2007, 09:58:15 PM
I see that most of the readers applaud the new plot twist.

I don't agree.  I think this latest twist just broke the plot, sorry. :confused

Please understand that I love most of your work, but this ... this just was too much. :brokenheart

Yeah. I feel your pain.

This is what I've been trying to say, but I had trouble talking over all the stupid.


Clearly she is a genius, weaving grandiose elements of humor, terror, love, and loss. Mrs. Williams has revolutionized the medium and ascended the title of Web Comic Artist. Bucking the trend of toning down harsher content, she has created a story of which thousands of discussions will be had, all filled with the highest of praise. Together we have anticipated the twists and turns in the riveting tale of Abel's Story, and shall continue to do so for many years to come.


You're used to flame wars with flames... this is more like EZ-Bake Oven wars.   ~Amber
If you want me to play favorites, keep wanking. I'll choose which hand to favour when I pimpslap you down.   ~Amber


Nobody likes a kiss-up, Net, especially a sarcastic one who can't even get the author's name right (be it her maiden or married name).


Sometimes you forget it's copy pasta. I am so used to the internet forming around my fingertips and shifting into what I need!  :disco