
Started by Tapewolf, April 02, 2007, 07:03:21 PM

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Ryudo Lee

I think I've heard the trade speeches, but the others I don't think I've heard.  They're probably specific to important NPC's or something.

Thanks to Taski & Silverfoxr for the artwork!


I've found the Merchant Mudcrab.  Twice as much capital as Creeper, but in a rather awkward spot and he only seems to take weapons whereas Creeper will buy souls - always a good moneyspinner  >:3

I've also discovered by accident that I've only done about half the Ahnassi quests.  It didn't seem polite to ask her about sharing gifts again so I didn't.  Anyroad, she's asked me to steal her a fancy robe.  Is there any way to liberate it from its owner without bringing the wrath of House Telvanni down upon my head?  Sneaking and invisbility don't seem to work.  Mind you, pretty much everyone in the Telvanni canton hates me anyway, so I guess it's no loss.  I was contemplating joining them though, if only because Qeniheru mentioned you get quests from the mad woman - that ought to be a good laugh.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E

Reese Tora

Any combination of magical items to give you 100% chameleon, go bare fisted and knocker her unconcious, take her stuff.

This is abusively strong, though, because it's effectively invisibility that doesn't break when you do stuff.

Also, I'm not 100% sure that you can stack chameleon in Morrowind like you can in Oblivion... *urge to re-install Morrowind rising*
<-Reese yaps by Silverfox and Animation by Tiger_T->
correlation =/= causation


Quote from: Reese Tora on May 24, 2007, 07:01:59 PM
Any combination of magical items to give you 100% chameleon, go bare fisted and knocker her unconcious, take her stuff.

There are about three witnesses in the room, so they would all have to be incapacitated.  I do have the ability to go 100% invisible for short periods, but my hand-to-hand is woefully inadequate so I might have to go on a crash-course in order to make it work...

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E

Reese Tora

if you're 100% chameleon, there are no witnesses, as no one can see you.  You could mug anyone in broad daylight in the presence of city guards and go unnoticed and unpunished. :3  (Oblivion did do some to improve this behavior, but the AI is still woefully inept when it comes to detecting hostile activity that doesn't effect it or one of it's allies... one of these days I'm going activate one of those plugins that restores the Radient AI to full strength to see what happens.)  The trick has always been getting there, as the chameleon spell becomes exponentially more expensive as you approach 100%.  In any case, you can turn on sneak, if you want to ensure yourself being unseen.
<-Reese yaps by Silverfox and Animation by Tiger_T->
correlation =/= causation


Quote from: Reese Tora on May 24, 2007, 09:53:43 PM
one of these days I'm going activate one of those plugins that restores the Radient AI to full strength to see what happens.

Blood in the streets, but bring popcorn!

Ryudo Lee

Actually, you just use the taunt method.  Talk to the person, go into pursuasion and keep taunting until they say "That's it" then they'll attack you.  Let them do the first bit of damage and then you can slay them, legally.  The others around you won't move.

Thanks to Taski & Silverfoxr for the artwork!


Quote from: Ryudo Lee on May 25, 2007, 09:24:43 AM
Actually, you just use the taunt method.  Talk to the person, go into pursuasion and keep taunting until they say "That's it" then they'll attack you.  Let them do the first bit of damage and then you can slay them, legally.  The others around you won't move.

Taking the robe had the same kind of effect.  They had no idea who they were dealing with and they were all dead in 15 seconds, no bounty.
But that's not really the point.  I want to give the robe to Ahnassi without the Telvanni knowing.

Invisibility and sneaking don't seem to work (although admittedly Cat Dude is a pretty incapable thief - mostly he just kills people).  As a last resort I can steal it, flee and hope they calm down later so that I can worm/bribe my way back into their good books, but Ahnassi seems to think I'm clever enough to take it without anyone knowing so that's what I'd ideally like to do.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E

Ryudo Lee

Then you need to increase your sneak skill.  You can't get the robe off the person's back by pickpocket, you gotta kill 'em.  But if you're in pickpocket mode while you're looting a body, chances are you can get away with it.

Thanks to Taski & Silverfoxr for the artwork!


Quote from: Ryudo Lee on May 25, 2007, 12:38:52 PM
Then you need to increase your sneak skill.  You can't get the robe off the person's back by pickpocket, you gotta kill 'em.  But if you're in pickpocket mode while you're looting a body, chances are you can get away with it.

It's in a cupboard.  What I guess I need to do is pickpocket the wardrobe without the owner, his friend and the other person in the room seeing.  But yes, increasing his sneaksie powers is probably the way to do this one.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E

Ryudo Lee

Oh, my bad.  I misunderstood.  Definitely level up your sneak skill.  In fact, what was said before about using chameleon will also help with that.

Thanks to Taski & Silverfoxr for the artwork!


Yep.  I had a long chat with Ahnassi's friend in Vivec and went from about 6% sneak to 66%.  That certainly did the trick.

I can pretty much imitate the Khajiit voices now (I actually found myself muttering "Fetchrrr" when someone cut me up on the roundabout the other day) so I'm strongly tempted to see if I can assemble a Khajiit voice pack for Tomtom Navigator as a lark.   ("At the end of the rrroad it should turrrn left.") anyone interested?  >:3

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E

llearch n'n'daCorna

I'd have to get a copy of morrowind (£3 on ebay, it seems) and practice...

Hmm. Starcraft first.
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears

Reese Tora

Quote from: Tapewolf on May 25, 2007, 02:57:34 PM
Yep.  I had a long chat with Ahnassi's friend in Vivec and went from about 6% sneak to 66%.  That certainly did the trick.

I can pretty much imitate the Khajiit voices now (I actually found myself muttering "Fetchrrr" when someone cut me up on the roundabout the other day) so I'm strongly tempted to see if I can assemble a Khajiit voice pack for Tomtom Navigator as a lark.   ("At the end of the rrroad it should turrrn left.") anyone interested?  >:3

I'd be interested in a set of sound files for my computer to replace Windows's normal sound set.
(I had the dragon-tails theme on my windows 98 laptop for the longest time.)
<-Reese yaps by Silverfox and Animation by Tiger_T->
correlation =/= causation


Quote from: Reese Tora on May 25, 2007, 11:56:53 PM
I'd be interested in a set of sound files for my computer to replace Windows's normal sound set.

I find those tend to mar the original - I used to run Doom with a whole load of really weird samples - mostly from The Box of Delights.  It made watching the series quite peculiar afterwards, because I'd mentally associated lines like "You got any green cheese for me?" with demons attacking me.

Nonetheless, it was something I'd considered.  I'd use the original sounds for that myself since there's plenty to choose from "Greetingss friend... sharre some sugarrr?" on startup, "Go away!" on shutdown etc.  There's a whole load of growling, purring and pain sounds for other events.

Now.  I've finally managed to persuade the angry tradesman on the island off Vivec to tell me what he wants, and it seems that some fell thieves did waylay him and steal his glass ore.
Unable to find them, I did a google search (which is how I discovered that Ahnassi had a few more surprises) and it turns out that they lived in one of the caves which I looted in hopes of freeing more cat-brethren.  I have absolutely no idea what became of the glass.

Can I just steal some from somewhere else and pretend it's the same stuff, or do I need to cut his head off and eat the body to prevent word getting out that the Nerevarine screwed up?

Hehehe, I've just broken the 3M barrier.  I still haven't decided what to do about the glass, but I'll probably just nick some from the Ash Vampire ruins round Dagoth Ur way and see if I can pass it off as the same stuff.
What prat turned off the ghostfence?  It was beautiful, and more to the point it was stopping the nasties from getting out.

Anyway, I've just got the contract for building my nice Redoran stronghold.  Redoran isn't exactly the best fit for me because they seem to have this annoyingly old-fashioned concept of 'honour' and my more modern idea of honour involves bringing the wrath of Lord Nerevar upon anyone who looks at me funny or calls me 'scum'.  Ah well.  The main reason I chose them (apart from them being the underdogs) was the idea of being able to have the slaves I free sent to the stronghold.  That would rock.

Now why do they want 5000 gold coins?  That's a pathetic amount.  5 million would be more like it and I'd actually have to work hard to achieve it.  I've probably lost more than 5K down the back of Ahnassi's sofa.

The slander mission had me scratching my head.  How exactly has Beryon Venim been indiscreet with someone's woman when I killed him about three months ago?  And do I really want to know...?

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E

llearch n'n'daCorna

Someone playing dressing up games?
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Quote from: Tapewolf on May 26, 2007, 05:59:05 AM
Hehehe, I've just broken the 3M barrier.

Do you really think I'm that stupid? No one walks around with a million gold on them; that's ludicrous! I won't stand for this kind of patronizing! I WILL NOT BE MOCKED! You'll see. You'll ALL see. I'll get you!

(it's a quote from Tribunal :) )


Quote from: Kasarn on May 28, 2007, 05:34:23 AM
"Do you really think I'm that stupid? No one walks around with a million gold on them; that's ludicrous! I won't stand for this kind of patronizing! I WILL NOT BE MOCKED! You'll see. You'll ALL see. I'll get you!"
(it's a quote from Tribunal :) )

What do you expect?  He can carry 500 kilos of metal and rock  >:3
As for tribunal, I'll have to install that when I'm done with the other stuff.

One of the things I've idly wondered about is when he sits down with some trader.  They can see the skooma and moonsugar immediately, so he's obviously laying out all his wares on the floor or something.  That logically includes the three million gold coins.  There must surely be a temptation for Baisha or some other down-on-luck trader to cosh him and take the money.

I wonder if I could short-circuit the process of becoming a Redoran kingpin by simply purchasing them?

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Right, panic time.

It looks like my fun at the mines has totally screwed up my ambitions of becoming a Redoran councilor.  By the power of Google, it looks like I need to modify the journal state.  How is this done?  From the command prompt I have established that the CalderaDisrupt and CalderaCorrupt variables are 50.0 and 0.0 respectively even though I've killed everyone except the slaves, freed Dahleena three times (once in the presence of all the slaves - courtesy of the PlaceAtPC command) and got the secret ledger in my pocket.

The obvious logical thing to do would be to SetJournalIndex the quests to 100.  Unfortunately this command is not implemented in the game.
If I were to resurrect the two slavedrivers and kill them again, would that help?
Failing that, it is said that SetJournalIndex is supported within the editor, but just firing it up quickly and playing around, I can't figure out how you would get it to operate on the current game state as it appears to be intended to edit the master datafile rather than modify the state of an existing savegame.

Any ideas?

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E

Ryudo Lee

I think that by killing everyone before you completed all the quests you've pretty much screwed yourself over in that endeavor.  I'd say the safest thing is to just start over, or barring that... do you have an old save file tucked away for just such an occasion?  I wouldn't recommend hacking the save file as that can lead to serious problems.

Thanks to Taski & Silverfoxr for the artwork!


Quote from: Ryudo Lee on May 29, 2007, 03:56:59 PM
I think that by killing everyone before you completed all the quests you've pretty much screwed yourself over in that endeavor.  I'd say the safest thing is to just start over, or barring that... do you have an old save file tucked away for just such an occasion?  I wouldn't recommend hacking the save file as that can lead to serious problems.

Alas, I have had a number of epic adventures since the mine debacle.  Killing Dagoth Ur, sorting Ahnassi out and one or two other odds and ends I'd rather not lose if I can simply adjust the journal flags.  One option is to install Tribunal as this implements the command in the game.
Out of curiosity, what is it likely to do if I run the Tribunal program with just the standard datafile?

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E

Ryudo Lee

Tribunal relies on the master data file.  If you don't select the master data file, it won't run.  But your save is compatible with Tribunal.  If you install it at this point it won't hurt your save.  I'm not sure what will happen if you do Tribunal quests and then uninstall Tribunal.

Thanks to Taski & Silverfoxr for the artwork!


tribunal and the other thing are pretty much just expansions. They give you more things to do, probably more places to go, and more stuff can happen.


Quote from: Aridas Soulfire on May 29, 2007, 04:32:54 PM
tribunal and the other thing are pretty much just expansions. They give you more things to do, probably more places to go, and more stuff can happen.
Yes, but it has a more advanced version of the runtime.  That's all I'm interested in at the moment.  Any ideas what would happen if I installed Tribunal, ran the commands to change the journal entries and then uninstalled it without doing anything even vaguely Tribunal-related?

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E

llearch n'n'daCorna

make a backup, try it, and let us know?
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Now I want to play Morrowind, but I loaned out the disk a while ago to someone and Bloodmoon doesn't work with the bloodmoon disk itself.  ;-;

Ryudo Lee

Have you done any of the updates to Morrowind that aren't on the Tribunal/Bloodmoon disks?  Those might give you the commands you want.

Thanks to Taski & Silverfoxr for the artwork!


The correct command is 'Journal'.  I suddenly remembered, as I had to do some surgery earlier when J'Saddha refused to talk to me.  I found the incantation on TTLG but didn't make the connection about how it worked until this morning.

Earlier I said I was disappointed that the Ordinators weren't trying to hunt me down like a cat dog when I was posing a direct threat to their religion.  I have now rectified this state of affairs.

As suggested earlier, I dressed up Cat-Dude in all the Ordinator gear and pranced around the city of Vivec.  They ignored this completely until I spoke to one of them and then he went berserk.  So I killed him, and this had the effect I had been aiming for - subverting the justice engine.  Because dressing up as one of his dead colleagues enraged him to violence, he started the fight and I didn't get the usual bounty.
I began experimenting with this because the Ordinators and guards in general have developed an annoying habit of helping themselves to my favourite possessions as well as the 40 gold pieces when I'm arrested for killing them and selling their armour.  They were taking things like some sword I found somewhere called 'Chrysamere', the Amulet of Direct Injection, Wraithguard, all the Hortator/Nerevarine stuff and various other irreplaceable objects.  I'm just glad I noticed the theft because I had been just about to kill Dagoth Ur when I realised that the entire set of Karegac's Tools had been nicked and more obviously, the clothes he was wearing at the time of his arrest.

Anyway.  I narrowed it down to the cuirass he was wearing, but the thing is, after I killed my second Ordinator, all the others went berserk as soon as they saw me, which is what they should have done when I'd declared that I was the son of God and the Temple was full of shit.

I am very, very pleased with this because it has transformed the usual, boring job of trudging through Vivec from the temple to the Mage's guild into a thrilling adventure.  >:3

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E

Reese Tora

IIRC, all the stuff that is 'stolen' from you by law officers, except for the money, is placed in the evidence chest back in Seyda Neen.  There may be regional evidence chests, but I don't know where they would be.
<-Reese yaps by Silverfox and Animation by Tiger_T->
correlation =/= causation


You have to be careful when storing things. If you put stuff in an "owned" container and then take it back out, the item will be treated as stolen.

There's a console command to display the owner (and internal name) under the display name. I forget what it is but I found it helpful to leave it on.