The Castle (OOC) - Open

Started by Stygian, February 14, 2007, 05:22:38 PM

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i've reread the posts i skimmed before in my rush to catch up and i see what i missed. I'll edit my last post and try to not be in such a rush to catch up now.
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey

Jim Halisstrad

I'll quit junking up the ooc thread after this Stygian.  Sorry >.<

Due to events in RL my free time is going to be... limited at best.  So, to make a long story short I think I won't be able to join this rp.

Prof B Hunnydew

Is it too late to join on this Stygian?

I promise to be good, since you are clearly the GM in this RP.  I will watch this thread as well as the RP thread....



It's free to join for everybody. Just hang with the pace, write descriptively and observe the rules!

If not, the bats will eat you.  >:3

Prof B Hunnydew

  Edit: Revision 2
Name Prof B Hunnydew
Race :  Feline (Fae, unknown to character)
Sex: Female
Age:  27 years in Coplay role(257 years in Fae)
Height: 5ft 6
Body Build:  average, figure 36-27-40
Fur Color:  Tan with white front torso
Hair : wavy dark blue  unusually tie in a pony tail reaching the lower back.
Eye Color: Green
Personality:  Curious, Kind hearted, and shy
Likes:  Learning about the change laws of magic, new science, and weird culture, Tea.
Dislikes:  the undead, Jocks and Divas

Appearance:  She is wearing a white lab coat and black pants, which are dusty, dirty, and torn in a few place, with no shoes.  She carrying a backpack,   

Edit: She wears now a green dress of  leaves which look like they growing together.  It cover her from mid thigh to the top of her chest.  She has no shoes and a bare back with giant green leaves of wings, and antenna with green glowing tips.

This is backpack is now missing.
{PBH has the simple black backpack with several spell books, parchment and a small palm computer.  Emergency supplies, 5 days worth of dried rations, rope 50', long hunting knife, small tent move for one or 2 fursons, one canteen with water-filter.  First aid kit will fix minor cuts to broken bones in minutes, and neutralize non-magical minor poisons and minor inflections.}

General skills: Martial arts training and basic knife combat, Linguist, First aid.

Spell list....
Light sphere for 8 hours of light over an area of 10 meters
Fire hands for 1 minute I can light any flammable item, or give 3rd degree burns on touch.   
Magic sight  detects magic
Starburst as sunbright fireball of spellfire which can cover a 10 meter area.
Mend/Repair Spell can repair or fuse nonmetallic items together(mainly wood).
Light magic protection spell against dark magic:  doubles the defense of individual.. 

This little Fae wanted to see what the fuss is about Technology, and why Beings that had high levels
of  technologies where the most destructive toward her trees.  So, she set herself up as little orphan with high intelligent and low magic, and she is adopted by two professor of a high tech city.  There she grows up learning the Technologies of the Beings, but she also falls into her character, and all but forgets she is Fae.

She has tried many experiments in a safe instant transport between the cities on Furrae, but they have not been successful.  One experiment landed her in Lost Lake, and where she met two Fae who were openly Fae to their being friends.  Miss Mab help Bam see that herself as a Fae, but she was still in her role as a scientist.  And with Jyrras help built a Skycar to return to her adopted family, but she got lost in a storm
and a dragon knock her to the ground a day's walk from the Castle.



Sorry to tell, B.H., but I've been receiving some pointers. The laser pistol and skiff have to go, as does the rocket. A regular pistol wouldn't be a problem with me, or even sixteen... but that's the way it is. Also, please don't rush in so fast. You've covered practically all the distance into the castle in one post.

And please try and stick to one tense?


Prof B Hunnydew

Oops, a pistol is fine okay 10 shots no loads...The brace is gone fine.  If I am too far in the castle, I can be in the kitchen wall instead just before everyone goes on to the library.   BUt I will wait for you to said where I am. 



Ah, what the heck. Is it alright if I get in on this too? I was watching you guys a bit during the original thread, and this looks like a lot of fun.  :eager

~Keaton the Black Jackal


Sure. Come on in! Just mind the bats though. They tend to eat people who can't behave.


Happy day. I'll be sure to get started on my post once I've looked over everything again.  I just need to figure out different ways to enter the castle. :eager *opens an umbrella to keep the bats away*

For now, here's my character's profile. Excuse me if it's a bit lengthy, I just wanted to get all of Keaton's stuff down, save for her history. I might write that in a story one day.

Name: Keaton the Black Jackal
Real Name: Katherine Beatrix Jyraneth
Nicknames: KBJ, Keaton, Keats, Notaek
Age: 519
Height: 5'3"
Weight: 110 lbs
Family:  Unknown for now, but possesses a Warp-Aci named Xianxi
Species: Black-backed Jackal - Canis mesomelas
Race: Succubus
Hobbies: Hunting, puzzles, drawing, reading, writing, soul-stealing
Build: Athletic, somewhat muscular
Hair Color: Dirty blonde
Eye Color: Brown (right); Pale brown (left)
Often Seen: Creating chaos, committing some random atrocity
Most Known For: Being a 'victim' of the Jyraneth Massacre which destroyed their hidden city, her rampant havoc-creating and soul-stealing
Alignment: Questionably Lawful Evil
Special Abilities: Shape shifting; innate control on Dark Magic; ability to blend self into shadows and use them to cloak herself; amazing acrobat and cat-like reflexes; other natural Cubi abilities; powerful Morningstar club wielder. Vulnerable to Light Magic despite a keen understanding of it, and cannot camouflage herself using the shadows if the area she is in somehow becomes completely devoid of darkness. Not very durable despite above-average stamina.
Best Trait: Determined, quick-witted, playful
Worst Trait: Sadistic, obsessive, brutal, borderline insane or immature
Favorite Food: Humiliation, Suffering, Sushi
Favorite Color: Black

Appearance [Partially Stolen from the Honor Circle RP and Modified]: 'The anthropomorphic jackal was reasonably young, perhaps around the age of twenty, and athletic, surprisingly confident in how she carried herself for her size of five-foot-two. Her hair color was plain enough, a shaggy dirty blonde, and her eyes chocolate brown—although one of them was considerably duller than the other—from behind the oddly mismatched lenses of her glasses, but everything else that topped the girl off was wildly abnormal.

Curling outlines of sable-splotched, abstract markings branched along her body from head to toe, forming a rigid mask of crescents and jagged streaks along her face, vines hiking up her arms and the tapering points of her elongated ears, streaks down her vulpine tail, and webs on her bare, clawed feet. A bizarre, vaguely '7'-shaped marking was engraved on her right shoulder, underlined by tribalesque, flowing scars of equal depth. Both had been somehow drenched in ink even darker than the shade the girl's markings were in, same with a thick scar around her left eye. The rest of her fur unmarred by the shadowy tattoos was a vibrant shade of saffron-yellow, sharply contrasting the darkness sloping along the jackal-woman's body. Creamy yellow of a lighter shade coated her muzzle, chest, and the underside of her tail, occasionally overlapped by the coattails of her gnarled markings.'

Although she prefers to keep them hidden, her head and back-wings both possess the same, elaborate markings, spreading along the muscles, outer membrane, and up the sets of two-fingered claws on the upper joints, like spidering waves. The inner membrane of her wings are of the same cream color as her stomach and muzzle. Her clan marking, which is emblazoned in white, is located on her right hip. Her glasses are outrageously mismatched, as the right lens resembles a half moon, and the other an enormous oval filled with abstract patterns of stained glass.

Catastrophe, sometimes known as Kytharion [Also Stolen from the Honor Circle RP]: 'For a moment, Keaton looked down at her weapon: it was intricately designed, from the spiked globe crowning the handle, to the long, elaborately engraved hilt. The same symbol that was carved on her shoulder  was etched just beneath the club's head in pure white, the only splash of color on the otherwise completely melanoid weapon. The Morningstar was almost her height, and despite its size she could wield it quite effortlessly.'
Notes about Catastrophe: For an undetermined reason, Keaton absolutely insists on referring to Catastrophe as a 'he' and a living entity. Also, she has a tendency to chain it up at night or keep it sealed up somewhere, also for unknown reasons. Keaton can wield Catastrophe almost like a baton, using it to orchestrate Dark Magic and somehow brandishing it almost acrobatically despite its barbaric structure. This is due to the fact that the weapon is completely weightless thanks to a charm she placed over it. Similarly, Keaton can also augment her Morningstar's properties and use it in different forms by imbibing it with magic, altering its shape and enhancing it.

Okay, I went a little crazy...

~Keaton the Black Jackal


Very good! I think this would also be a good opportunity to point out that character profiles are appreciated! So I'll go fetch my own...


Quote from: Stygian on February 27, 2007, 06:47:34 PM
Needs a tidbit of editing, but very good. I think this would also be a good opportunity to point out that character profiles are appreciated!

Editing? Where? Just point out where it needs to be edited and I'll take a pencil to it. *searches the post*

But thank you, by the way :3 Glad it passes!

~Keaton the Black Jackal


Name: Sebastian Samael Ignatz Don'Chel
Nickname(s): Stygian, the Don
Age: ?
Race: Angel?
Species: Predatory bat
Family and Association(s): The Don'Chel and Caerule lineages, The Sacred Order of Justice
Place of Origin: ?

   Physical description

Height: 6'0"
Weight: 200lbs
Build: Athletic, long-limbed and lean. Compressed and hard.
Eyes: Gray
Hair: Whitish-blonde
Fur Coloration: Whitish-blonde
Distinguishing features: Decidedly handsome, with well-shaped features. Somewhat pointed muzzle, with a flared tip. Lips curve up slightly over the tips over a pair of long fangs. Has five distinguishing scars; a pair of thin ones across the right cheek and side of his lips, a large, cross-shaped one over his heart, and two large ones on his back where his wings used to be. Mostly wears all black clothing and a pair of slim glasses.

   Biographical and general information

   History: Sebastian is not exactly the kind of man to tell anyone of his past, much less leave an account of it. The name 'Ignatz Donovan', an obvious and admitted allusion to his own, appears in a few records and rumors, but at very few times and far in between. Those who know how and where to ask may find out that he is a person who appears in many rumors and legends, most often depicted as some sort of spectator, arbitrator or chronicler. His real name also occurs in the personal accounts of the former Rector of the Academy of Haszal, and the diary of one Amy Don'Chel.
   The name Stygian though, is certain to provoke much more of a reaction, at least if mentioned in the higher circuits of power. Few are certain about the identity of this figure, but he or she is infamous as one of the more mysterious and influential dark mages around, and affiliated with many evil powers. Some would also say that he or she is an assassin, a thief or a prophet of some sort. Regardless, he is at the heart of a number of reputable incidents that have taken place for some time back, although almost never in the foreground. He is charged with many cases of murder, property destruction, theft and the utilization of forbidden magic, and is widely considered to be one of the most wanted individuals in existence.

   Personality: Mainly sly and sharp, even sinister and vicious at times, often with a chilly touch to him yet far from entirely cold at heart. He can sometimes shift moods quickly, and often appears quite mercurial, yet he is slow to anger and as a rule his perceived actions and feelings are little but a front. He layers these like he plots, complexity and unpredictability having become a habit of his due to past experiences and his line of work.
   Despite his first impressions and his tendencies though, Sebastian has a certain warmth to him that only shows once he is with those he trusts or regards as friends. He almost never directly lies to anyone, nor does he ever commit an act of evil without a to him very clear purpouse, and he regards unneccessary cruelty and malice as the worst kind of sins. And once his intentions are assured one can depend on him to the very end.

   Abilities: Sebastian is an expert dark magician, and besides possessing the characteristic speed and senses of an Angel, honed even sharper by training, he seems to have a number of abilities and traits that are unusual or do not tie into his racial belonging. He usually does not use magic directly for combat, being more of a ritualist, but instead seems to be able to manipulate and control darkness in some way, using shadows and negative energy to deadly effect. He has also proven capable of extensive shapeshifting without the aide of conventional magic, and has often displayed a general prowess and power that far exceeds what should be within his natural capabilities.

   Trivia: Sebastian is an Angel, or at least it would appear so, yet he does not have any wings. Not because he doesn't show them, but rather because they were cut from his back, where he still bears scars. How they once looked it would seem only he knows.
   Sebastian possesses an angelic voice, and is quite the singer. He also plays some instruments, his favourite being the guitar. He loves two particular genres of music; classical, and black metal.
   Sebastian both smokes and drinks regularly, yet does not seem to take any harm from it whatsoever, much to the dismay of some.
   Though magic is his forte, Sebastian seems oddly fascinated with technology and science, and hopes very much to unite the two concepts some day. His favorite kind of machines are motorcycles.

Mel Dragonkitty

Through the magic of cut and paste:

Name:  P. Melodie Icewing (and she's not telling what the P stands for)
Nickname(s): Mel
Age:      Just under 150,000
Race:   dragon
Species:   ice with just a bit of lightning
Family and Association(s): Grandmother L.L.; brothers Barron and Rage
Place of Origin: Kanek city (a dragon city in a secret location)

   Physical description

Height:  as a sizeshifter this varies from 22' (6' tall at shoulder when standing on all fours) to 22" Generally seen in 5' anthro form but this can change to fit the occasion.
Weight: varies with size from 1¼ tons to 10 lb
Build: slinky
Eyes: bright blue
Hair: none
Fur Coloration: no fur but pearl colored scales
Distinguishing features: is quite small for a dragon

   Biographical and general information

History: Youngest grandchild of the leader of the Icewing clan, famous/infamous as information brokers, she was raised to work in the family business. She is a gatherer, copying memories out of people's heads, often without them ever knowing. Had as normal a childhood as anyone could living with her grandmother.

Personality: friendly, curious, calm, when flustered she can revert to formal, almost stuffy, manners. Small and sickly as a child she was raised to believe she's fragile and tries to avoid physical confrontations.

Abilities:  Illusionist, ice magic, sizeshifting, touch mind/memory reading, teleportation, lots of elemental magics, healing and an odd assortment of other spells picked up over the years. Is able to put her illusion magic and memory skills together into traps.

Strengths:  Very quick and strong with the magic she has. Thoughtful fighter, team player.

Weaknesses:  because of her belief that she's small and weak she tends to sabotage herself due to lack of confidence. Has a magical/visual learning disability that forced her to learn to use magic in a very odd way that keeps her from learning some types of magic.

Trivia:  Trying to escape the family business she ran away from home and trained as a jeweler and actually still owns a jewelry store although she seldom has time to visit it. She's quite a good jeweler, specializing in enchanted objects.
My, I'll bet you monsters lead interesting lives. I said to my girlfriend just the other day: "Gee, I'll bet monsters are interesting," I said. The places you must go and the things you must see. My stars! And I'll bet you meet a lot of interesting people, too. I'm always interested in meeting interesting people.


I should have one of these too, huh? Fine, fine.

Name: Jeremiah Ac'Gregor
Nicknames: None
Age: about 28
Race: Being, frog
Family and association(s): Lets not go over everyone, it would take forever. Main figures in his life would be two best friends, Marcus and Henry, his grandmother, Gramma Ac'Gregor, and his brother, Nickolas.
Height: 5'9"
Weight: About 140 lbs
Build: Somewhere between wirey and stick figure
Eyes: Green with yellow flecks
Skin: A mottled, different shade of green
Hair: Reddish-brown, long and shaggy

Personality: A wiseacre who considers nothing sacred to his sense of humor, and definatly no hero on account of being far too aware that he's mortal. At times questionable sanity, due to his curse, but usually only shows when Jeremiah is under incredible mental strain. Quick thinking and resourceful when the situation calls for it. Loves reading, writing and drawing (at times jokes that he should have just taught "generic creative visual things") and has a bit of a philosophical streak.
History: Jeremiah lived a fairly average life, teaching art at a high school. Of course, the inherant risk of teaching anything is students. One of his, a demon disgruntled with his grades in numerous (that is to say, all of his) classes, went on a rampage through the school one otherwise pleasant thursday afternoon. However, this student was apparantly as inept with spells as he was in calculus, because when he tried to curse Jeremiah he botched the casting. The backlash shattered the student's arms, and the lasting effect on Jeremiah was what he calls his Inexplicable condition.
The spell created five magical personalities, each named after a word used in the casting of the spell. Their names are In (break), Nex (isolate), Plic (steal), Cab (command/alter), and Bal (decay). They weild a respectible amount of power, but it's power that Jeremiah has little control over.
The personalities acting against his wishes, coupled with his understandable frustration toward creatures when the student was released by a jury of his peers, drove Jeremiah toward bitterness and seclusion. He would probably be a vagrent adding to the world's more macabre folklore with his curse if it wasn't for the actions of his friends and family. Even so, he harbors a deep grudge against creatures, namely those known for adhering to the demonic "might makes right" mentality. They say he started researching the making of pipe bombs and staring thoughtfully at his old student's home, but there's no proof.
He himself became prone to journying far from home for months at a time, keeping little company. Sometimes, he even has a destination in mind when he does. His curse prevents his holding a job for too long except as a substitute teacher, but his travels make that impossible anyway.

Strengths: Illusion and hypnosis related spells, creative use of otherwise small spells, running, fishing, panicking, and stand up comedy.

Weaknesses: Where to begin? His curse fuels itself off his own magic, leaving him with little to work with for spellcasting. Save from the barest self defense classes from his dad when he was young, he's had no training in any manner of combat.

Trivia: Only recently got glasses and is sometimes still astounded at the difference in his vision between now and before he had them. Shy around women who he's attracted to. Right handed. Is deeply opposed to getting a haircut.


Eh, Gar, Cog killed the fenris one page ago. Apologies, sir.


Problem solved, with permission from Styg.


Is it too late for a total newbie to dive in? I don't really have a character/sheet but I could make one from looking at everyone elses, the closest thing I have to a character is my guy in the suit and the shades in my avatar, or does he need to be "furrae"

Oh and uh... what is "furrae"?


[sighs, then coughs and straightens, and gives his best and friendliest pointer]

Yes. He needs to be furrae. Now, there are some easy pointers, such as this and particularly this and this. Shouldn't be too hard, if you take the time to skim through.

Also, make sure you stay in character, and don't screw things up on purpouse. The suit and glasses can come too, if they want. They're not a problem.

And please try to read some of what has happened on the previous pages. There are descriptions and things in there, if you take the time to find them.


Sorry to be a pain bud, just a li'l eager to jump in and have some fun s'all.
Furrae is cool with me, I've always liked canines to be honest.  I have been reading what I can, should I put a description in here or there? Oh and uh, do I just appear or do I start at the castle entrance like y'all did?

Again, Sorry.


Hey, you're not too much of a pain. Nothing like what I've felt before anyhow. A canine is perfectly fine. Though you'll have to post the character sheet here.

Also, if you want to make an entry, it's up to you where. We still haven't gotten P.B. out of the kitchen area, and as previously mentioned, there might be other people trapped in the house. If you can just come up with an excuse for exploring, I think we can place you right in the heart of it all.

llearch n'n'daCorna

Start Here.

Make a description. Find the GM, and ask them if your description is adequate, or if it needs work. If it needs work, keep working on it until the GM accepts your description as fitting his (or her) plan for what the RP is about - that may mean specific species, that may mean certain power levels, etc etc. (note that these are general instructions, and apply to all RPs here, not just this one.)

At that point, the GM will provide suggestions for how you could merge with the party.

In this case, the GM in question is Stygian. I'd suggest that possibly talking to him via PM might be a good first step. Also, following the links he provided and reading all the information therein would be a good starter before bothering him... You may also wish to read the entire archive of the webcomic, as well... At the very least, the last three or four Arcs would be a basic grounding.

(Sorry, Stygian - I'd typed it all, and didn't want to waste it... :-)
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"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears

Prof B Hunnydew

Quick question Stygian

I am at the main entrance,
IS the party caming back this way or should I try to find the library or wait for the other new comers?



Help appreciated, Crazy Box in Corner. And the party is most likely not heading back to the entrance, P.B. I suggest you get the Hell out of there, on account of my last post.

Prof B Hunnydew

THanks I call out I few times but I was in the middle of the battle.....PBH


Oh.. aheh, well I'll try and be less of one.  I'll try posting a character here, I'm a li'l nervous about screwing it up so I'd appreciate constructive criticism y'know? Just point me in the right direction and I'm sure I'll be just fine.

Right... here goes nuthin'

Name : Unknown (75 is tatooed upon his wrist)
Nickname : Depends on whatever he is named by whoever he is with. "75" "Suit" "Shades" "Agent"
Age : Appears to be in his 20's yet it is unknown to even himself
Race : Canine
Family : No traceable routes or associations
Height : 6'3"
Weight : 11 Stone
Build : Average, some apparent arm muscles
Eyes : Hidden behind shades (Blue/Green)
Fur : Black with Grey starting from his chin down his front to his waist.
Hair : Brown, short and neatly Gelled.
Distinguishing Feature : Apparently never removes his shades, even when indoors

Biographical & Generical Information:
History: 75 was once a man with promise, he was an ambitious youth with everything to hope for before his town was destroyed in a mysterious attack from an unknown foe. Needless to say none survived, even he believed himself dead before awakening flat on his back in a forest clearing, the bright blue sky's sheen forcing him to wince.  He found himself in a finely tailored black suit, clipped Black tie, white shirt and polished shoes which shimmered in the morning light.  He found a small card in his breast pocket accompanied by a pair of sunglasses.  The card simply said; "75, we spared your life so that it might service our cause.  Wherever you awake will be of our choosing, and whatever you do will be according to our design."  The canine did not think, he did not speak, he simply looked at the tinted black shades and placed them over his eyes.  He rose to his feet and dusted himself off, and started walking.  
            He never knows what he must do, all he knows is; whenever or wherever he awakens, he is the wrong man in the right place.

Personality: He says little unless necessary, his shades and formal expression and mannerisms discreetly hide any emotion that might appear in his face.  He remains distant from any who might try to befriend him.

Abilities : Expert in hand to hand combat, can endure obscene amounts of physical pain and makes a good leader in dangerous situations.  He has no magical abilities.

Strengths : Fast, high endurance and will power.  Morally upright.

Weaknesses : Not very Charismatic, is vunerable to magic.

Phew, I know it was bit of overkill but I'm still new to this, is this okay? anything I need to change?  If I'm good to go could you give me an idea of how/where to start? just a li'l guidance ya know?

Thanks again.


Unconventional, but good. Yeah... I think we can place him somwhere. Like, say, vaulting over the railing on the balcony in the entrance, yelling at P.B.; "Look out! Spiders!"


Forgive my outburst but... Squeee!

Okai, Aradorn was telling me about how to RP and its intricate details. I don't wanna mess up on my first post so I figure it should be good. 
       I understand I cant do too much in one post, would that be like "75 jumps over the railing and lands on the balcony" Of course, it'd be longer and more detailed but thats basically it right? Or do ya need me to describe how I ended up at the castle in the first place?

Thanks Again Again.


I'd say it's better if you say that you dart out of a corridor and have 75 yell something while pulling P.B. along at this stage, and that you say that ginormous spiders are following you.


Ah, the 'ol grab them and start runnin "Quick! Theres stuff chasin me! RUN!"

Can do Chief.

Right, I threw myself in there with the spiders just like ya said, hope its okay.