Amber Williams!

Started by Damaris, February 06, 2007, 04:39:09 PM

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You take that cold weather and snow back!  We don't want your used weather down here!

You're used to flame wars with flames... this is more like EZ-Bake Oven wars.   ~Amber
If you want me to play favorites, keep wanking. I'll choose which hand to favour when I pimpslap you down.   ~Amber


Tiny crested flint


Come see all the winter wonderland thats never ment to be!

Amber Williams

Ha! You didn't mind the cooler weather back in Pennsylvannia! Now that it's all grown up into full cold you want to get rid of it eh? Typical pet-weather owners...

llearch n'n'daCorna

Send it over here, we could do with a snowdrift deep enough to bury a child in...

.. incidentally, does anyone want a somewhat used child in spring?
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Amber said 'eh'. :giggle  The Canada virus is beginning to take effect.


Shooosh! Shes not sposted to know about that!


Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on February 06, 2007, 07:44:37 PM
Send it over here, we could do with a snowdrift deep enough to bury a child in...

.. incidentally, does anyone want a somewhat used child in spring?

Does the child know how to samba?
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"

Sienna Maiu - M T

You crazy Americans, with your blossoming-cherry-trees-in-Washington in December and stealing Canadian snow over in the East *shakes fist*

I'm still waiting for even more than an inch of a snow even now. Geez... :mowignore


Our snow this year has been a tenth of the normal snowfall. First it was wet and mild, and now it's dry and bitterly cold.


Id there's still some snow to spare, can you send some here, please? I have yet to see a snowfall. Of course it may be safer to wait until the winter, as the heat would be bound to melt it now.
~~ Gabi a.k.a. Gliynn Starseed, APF ~~
Thanks to Silver for the yappities, and to everyone for being so great!
(12:28:12) llearch: Gabi is equal-opportunity friendly


Send it to Japan! The pretty snow festival-thing has been suffering :<

And they made a giant snow-Stitch too!


Pah! Amerikanskij! You don't know real chill from ice rink! In socialist Sweden, cold freezes in YOU!


Quote from: Stygian on February 07, 2007, 12:07:18 PM
In socialist Sweden, cold freezes in YOU!

It's cold but there is still too little snow. :(
This generic comment was brought to you by:


Bah, anyone who wants it can have all the snow in my yard.  We've got a good five inches (which, yeah, for some people isn't a lot, but no one shovels here, lazy bums, and I have to walk to work in it.  So I'm cranky.)

But you have to bring your own sled and come get it.

You're used to flame wars with flames... this is more like EZ-Bake Oven wars.   ~Amber
If you want me to play favorites, keep wanking. I'll choose which hand to favour when I pimpslap you down.   ~Amber


I am suddenly reminded of the Goon Show episode where Seagoon buys a crate of snow...

The White Box of Great Bardfield
QuoteMoriarty: Do you realise Seagoon, that the Sudanese have never seen snow?
Grytpype: Just think Neddie. You could be the man to hold the first exhibition of British snow in Khartoum. You'd make a fortune.
Seagoon: Really? But I don't own any snow.
Grytpype: Moriarty, a bill of sale.
Grams: [Whoosh]
Grytpype: Sign there would you Neddie.
Grams: [Scribbling on parchment]
Grytpype: There. That gives you possession of all the snow in England.
Seagoon: Hooray! I'll take it to the Sudan and make my fortune, but first...

QuoteSeagoon: Ladies and gentlemen. Unaccustomed as I am to public speaking...
Bloodnok: Here. Never mind that, cut the tape, go on.
Seagoon: I now pronounce the box of British snow open.
Omnes: [Native mutterings]
Seagoon: Oh no! The snow's gone! The box is full of water!
Bloodnok: Ee gad. The heat of the sun's melted it.
Seagoon: Who stole my snow and put water in its place eh? I'm ruined! [sobs]
Bloodnok: What? This water will sell for huge sums to tribesmen living in the Sahara Desert.
Seagoon: Oh? [panting] How can I get there?
Bloodnok: Quite simple. By the merest chance...

llearch n'n'daCorna

Ah, the Highly Esteemed Goon Show.

Can't be beat.
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Quote from: Kasarn on February 07, 2007, 11:59:55 PM
I am suddenly reminded of the Goon Show episode where Seagoon buys a crate of snow...

Heh.  I don't think I've heard that one.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Come to think of it, I've only ever seen snow once.  :< And it was mushy at best.


Quote from: Damaris on February 06, 2007, 04:39:09 PM
You take that cold weather and snow back!  We don't want your used weather down here!

Actually, snow is caused by Republicans.  We're very sorry, we left the switch on by accident.  It's out policy only to aim bad weather at poor people and minorities.  We'll be more observant in the future. 

Reese Tora

Quote from: Evil.Iguana on February 09, 2007, 11:36:04 PM
Quote from: Damaris on February 06, 2007, 04:39:09 PM
You take that cold weather and snow back!  We don't want your used weather down here!

Actually, snow is caused by Republicans.  We're very sorry, we left the switch on by accident.  It's out policy only to aim bad weather at poor people and minorities.  We'll be more observant in the future. 

That's not possible, democrats took the house from them in the last election, so they should have all the super powers now. :<
<-Reese yaps by Silverfox and Animation by Tiger_T->
correlation =/= causation


Quote from: Reese Tora on February 09, 2007, 11:47:49 PM
Quote from: Evil.Iguana on February 09, 2007, 11:36:04 PM
Quote from: Damaris on February 06, 2007, 04:39:09 PM
You take that cold weather and snow back!  We don't want your used weather down here!

Actually, snow is caused by Republicans.  We're very sorry, we left the switch on by accident.  It's out policy only to aim bad weather at poor people and minorities.  We'll be more observant in the future. 

That's not possible, democrats took the house from them in the last election, so they should have all the super powers now. :<

Bush must have done it behind Congress' back. :dface


The recent snows were caused by a recent security flaw found on the weather servers.  Some script kiddie or hacker in South Korea demonstrated the exploit for it for his proof of concept.  I'm sure someone will do a panel on it at DEFCon.
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


I got plenty in upstate NY in a town called Oswego whch has 142 inches of snow in feetage 11 fricking feet you could bury a child a VW beetle with room to spare you could put a midget.  >:3