Which DMFA Character would you date?

Started by KarlOmega1, January 26, 2007, 02:42:23 PM

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Simple Questions

1:If you could go on a date with the DMFA Character of your choice, who would it be?

2:Where would you take him/her to for the date?

3: How much time would have to pass (days, weeks, months, etc.) before you consider him/her your Boyfriend/girlfriend?
I'm a Skype User.
Skype Name: Karaius


...Here we go with the dating/fantasising again...


1. I would date Janus Bond. And by date, I mean punch.
2. In the face!
3. Take that!


Definitely Matilda.
You can have so much fun with a fire-breathing cobra-taur.

....Actually, it wouldn't even be a date. We'd probably just watch funny movies with Jyrras and Lorenda while eating s'mores!(No campfire needed!)
Yap by Silver.


1. I will take out Wildly

2. Dinnner at this resturant the Marriot Marque which has a revolving resturant in NYC and after that the video arcade in midtown manhattan.

3. 1 week and if she says no then I will ask her out again and ask again in a month.


I'm already dating the voice of Wildy, is that close?


hell I'd date one of the bar stools

*is lonely*


A picnic
Nevah, Imma using him for gay luvins :E

Janus Whitefurr

Quote from: Zina on January 26, 2007, 02:44:45 PM
1. I would date Janus Bond. And by date, I mean punch.
2. In the face!
3. Take that!

I'll Vegemite you. See if I don't.
This post has been brought to you by Bond. Janus Bond. And the Agency™. And possibly spy cameras.


The new Vegemite in a tube is made of weak taste and useless. Zina would survive.

Reese Tora

From the developed female characters, I think I would be most interested in dating Mab.

Where to go? um... a movie? maybe a decent restaurant (not the expensive kind, but the kind where you can sit around and talk before/after the meal, and that has actual good food)

um, girlfriend? I dunno, I suppose I wouldn't until we'd mutually agreed to consider each other as such.

Truthfully, I don't think I would want to seriously consider a... romantic relationship with any of the female cast of DMFA, for various reasons.  If you changed this to a 'who would you like to hang out with' instead of dating and relationships, I think I would enjoy hanging out with Jyrras, one tech to another.
<-Reese yaps by Silverfox and Animation by Tiger_T->
correlation =/= causation


I'd Date, Abel or Jyyras (Short guys need love too)

I would take etheir a nice walk on the beach under the moonlight glow,maybe se a wonderful flick and dinner at my place.

I would hope be a romanic loving and caring romanic one that will go beyond boundrys of living and love *purrs*


Quote from: Gareeku on January 26, 2007, 02:43:25 PM
...Here we go with the dating/fantasising again...
Good call.  That said, Alexsi... as soon as Pyroduck flabbergasts everyone when he is revealed as a conniving puppetmaster.
Quote from: DamarisThis is the most freaking civil "flame war" I have ever seen in my life.
Yap yap.


I think Wildy would be a cool person to know and hang out with... but she doesn't come off as someone who'd be interested in dating though...

and Mab... well, I'd probably end up accidently touching her antenae and going boom.

Lorenda would be someone that would also be interesting to date, but knowing me... I'd end up as "food" at some point after saying the wrong thing.

Heck even Abel would cool to hang with too, but he's still much of a social-phob, so I can't see him dating either.


Quite probably none! For you see, the ones that intrest me tend to be succubi and well, that may not end on a good note... for myself.

Janus Whitefurr

Quote from: Kasarn on January 27, 2007, 08:59:40 AM
The new Vegemite in a tube is made of weak taste and useless. Zina would survive.

This is why I always keep jars of the strong stuff.
This post has been brought to you by Bond. Janus Bond. And the Agency™. And possibly spy cameras.


Quote from: insanekaosx on January 27, 2007, 01:33:22 AM
I'm already dating the voice of Wildy, is that close?
replace the character name with Abel and ditto.

.....God, that's one weird pairing. O.o


1:  Abel.

2:  OPERA!

3: Probably 'round about the time he stopped refusing my offers to be his sex slave  :mowwink


First off i have to admit that i am happily married to a very short norsewoman, and if i dont want a facefull of axe, sword, and viking dwarf fury i need to politely decline any such offer.

that being said.

1. either lorenda, hippo hips the poodle,  possibly even wildy (i like gamer chicks and im supprisingly durable. mostly i like anything with functioning ovaries, boobs are a huge pluss)

2. the date would include going to a recreational outing of the dates choice, such as bowling, DDR, danceing, getting fit shaced mhrunk, shooting pool, or even harassing the guy in the big foam costume at an arcade. afterwards (or in between depending on length) i would treat the date to a home cooked meal of my speacalty dish, handmade side dishes/appetisers, and a reasonably elaborate desert. she shall be powerless before my strawberry crepes!

the courtship of my wife has taught me that its always a good idea to have some crepes you made beforehand in the freezer and some whipped cream and fruit in the fridge. theres not much that says "im a real catch" better then being able to cook, but fruit crepes really leave expensive clothes, cooking,  six pack abs, cleaning, cool hair in the dust. dont believe me? learn to make crepes and supprise a signifigant other with a fancy breakfast item or frenchy desert.

3. before considering someone a signifigant other i go by the rule of 3, either three good dates that end well or three months of regular contact with nobody trying to maul anyone constitutes 'boyfriend girlfriend'

but hey, what do i know? ive never dated anyone but my wife, i never knew when we were dateing or just hanging out as friends, and SHE called me up one day to say "hey, wanna be my boyfriend?" back when we only played videogames together.

QuoteThe quickest way to know a woman is to go shopping with her.
Some will fall in love with life,
and drink it from a fountain;
that is pouring like an avalanche,
coming down the mountain.


You sound like you married Barbivine...


(well... only kinda :P)

llearch n'n'daCorna

.. she's short, yet she can reach your face? :-)
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


I don't know the girls in DMFA seem kind of limmited to personalities that remind me of my sister, either mean cruel and hateful,or Clingy, needy, and bubble brained...but perhaps I've said too much.
   clickity click click click. Quote in personal text is from Walter Bishop of Fringe.


I'd date Abel if he would refrain from being a jerk for a while and just hang. I'd date Wildy too, on those same conditions.

Most of all though, I think I'd just stick with Mab. Why? Well, it would most certainly be a "magical" time, and she doesn't have that "I'll use you as a stress-reliever if you misstep" syndrome.


Quote from: GabrielsThoughts on January 28, 2007, 05:45:02 PMI don't know the girls in DMFA seem kind of limmited to personalities

I dunno.  The koala contractor (does she have a name?) always seemed a fairly robust character--even though she's only in three strips.  You see her barking orders, and then at the drop of a hat, she's having a heart-to-heart with Mab.

You know, she's strong, confident, has a stable job with prospects...if she were human...
(Edit: Is there an appropriate word for discovering that you're attracted to (the female version of) Prosser?)

Would you like a googolplex (gzipped 57 times)?


1. None of 'em. I would consider socializing with them, if they asked me to (ie, if I knew them already and one of them said "Hey, we're going to the movies and thought you'd like to come along" - although I dislike going to the cinema primarily from cost concerns. That and it seems to be that most of the movies my friends go to see turn out to be naff and I end up getting texts saying "Good thing you didn't stay to watch the movie, it sucked"...), since I am not a particularly... outdoorsy person right now. The clean air! It burns us!  :B I'll admit I need a walk now and then, but my longest jaunts are thirty minutes maximum unless specifically requested to be longer. (As it takes 20 minutes - roughly - in total for me to complete a quick supply run to the nearest shop)

2. As for a where... eh, what I do normally when I do go out with friends - walk around town. This is not only good for the constantly changing scenery, but I find it also tends to allow one to get to know one's surroundings better. I can, for certain (as this has been tested at least twice now) navigate my way home (which is in the suburbs) from the middle of the city or the other side of it, just by walking. I don't actually know where I am, I just know where I'm going, and somehow manage to work out the shortest route from point A to point B like some kind of crazed organic GPS unit.*

3. If it did get that far... up until it was obvious they considered me likewise. Mutual feelings ftw. :B

(*Note I never manage to give anyone else accurate directions, like a GPS unit, I just know where I'm going and what route to take.)

llearch n'n'daCorna

Quote from: superluser on January 28, 2007, 06:00:52 PM
(Edit: Is there an appropriate word for discovering that you're attracted to (the female version of) Prosser?)

"Help" ? :-)
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


QuoteI would consider socializing with them

Quoted for being a good idea.

Relationships with the community of characters in that universe is messy at best. Let us not forget the upcoming "Destania does not approve of Alexsi's relationship with Pyroduck" fiasco; nor the fact that the longetivity (or lack thereof) of the characters tends to place a damper on things. I'd rather not consider the possibilities and stick to mere flirt and conversation.

So no. No boyfriends nor girlfriends -- but drinking tea with Mab?

Yes, indeed. Particularly because that's about the only time Mab and her pet conduct themselves differently from status quo. (i.e. etiquette)
True Magic does not bow down to rules like mana or sacrifice. True Magic bends all rules. I have seen the truth. I am now free forever. (I used to be Doctor Ink. Now stop asking.)

Jim Halisstrad

The dragon from 141 - 143

Thats right.

Vore parties.


*is found lying in a puddle of blood with a battleaxe protruding from his skull*

QuoteTime is the best teacher, but unfortunately, it kills all of its students.
Some will fall in love with life,
and drink it from a fountain;
that is pouring like an avalanche,
coming down the mountain.

Jack McSlay

I've never acutally thought up a date, but I'm personally fond of messafint

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