Melpomene's pictures

Started by Melpomene, January 05, 2007, 11:31:43 PM

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Uh... yea, I haven't seen photography yet... I do write and draw, too... But I feel like sharing my pictures :D

This photoshoot was taken in Victoria, Canada, the summer (August) of 2006. Enjoy!
The "Screaming Flower"
Inside the Lily
This one's slightly noisy/blurry;
Close Up
Sunny Side Up
Bubble-bee on the Butterfly Bush
Golden Dahlia
This is one is also kinda noisy;
The Cold Dahlia
Sunn Dahlia
Ruby in the Rough
Bright Contrast
This one's a bit over-exposed;
Bumble-bees Drink Nectar of Blood
The Screamers
These are all of landscapes;
The Sunken Garden
Japanese Water Garden
Japanese Water Garden Close-up
Fountain of Piecies
French Court
Giant Water Fountain

Drake Manaweilder

You have some beautiful photographs here. My favorite is the "sunken Garden" one. :mowsmile


Thank you! ^__^ I'm glad you like Sunken Garden, it was quite hard to compose in order to get everything!


These are absolutely stunning.

I've always loved floral closups- especially when as well executed as these.  I'm allergic to flowers, so I don't get up close to many of them very often.  There are quite a few of these that I would love to have on my wall.

You're used to flame wars with flames... this is more like EZ-Bake Oven wars.   ~Amber
If you want me to play favorites, keep wanking. I'll choose which hand to favour when I pimpslap you down.   ~Amber


Woooww.... so pretty!!! :D I've only really just taken up doing a bit of photography myself. I'll have to post up the links in my art thread... dang I've neglected that thing.

*has a thing for flower close-ups* <3


Quote from: Damaris on January 06, 2007, 12:39:42 AM
These are absolutely stunning.

I've always loved floral closups- especially when as well executed as these.  I'm allergic to flowers, so I don't get up close to many of them very often.  There are quite a few of these that I would love to have on my wall.
*Squees* Someone else who loves floral close-ups! :D Not many people I know do x.x It was discouraging! But HOMGYAY! ^.^ So very, very glad you think they're pretty.

Nya, I wish I knew how to do prints, otherwise I'd offer you one of the ones you want!
Quote from: RJ on January 06, 2007, 12:44:34 AM
Woooww.... so pretty!!! :D I've only really just taken up doing a bit of photography myself. I'll have to post up the links in my art thread... dang I've neglected that thing.

*has a thing for flower close-ups* <3
Photography's quite fun, once you learn what all the buttons are for. xD I use a Kodack EasyShare P712. Homgitsthelove. I'll have to get a good panarama to share from it~

Yessssss, post linkies. I'd definitely want to see what you've done! ^___^


Nice, very nice.

I like the "Ruby in the Rough" one, it kind of looks like it has a raspberry in the middle of the flower.


Quote from: Melpomene on January 06, 2007, 12:57:41 AM
Quote from: RJ on January 06, 2007, 12:44:34 AM
Woooww.... so pretty!!! :D I've only really just taken up doing a bit of photography myself. I'll have to post up the links in my art thread... dang I've neglected that thing.

*has a thing for flower close-ups* <3
Photography's quite fun, once you learn what all the buttons are for. xD I use a Kodack EasyShare P712. Homgitsthelove. I'll have to get a good panarama to share from it~

Yessssss, post linkies. I'd definitely want to see what you've done! ^___^

Yeah, I love it. It'll also be handy since I'm doing work experience with a small local newspaper and the editor said that most writers will have to take their own photos.

Hm, I use... *checks* A Caplio R4. It's 6 megapixels and has a built-in macro. I've been learning how to use it, and it's great fun.

Here's the stuff now that I just updated:


Quote from: Shadrok on January 06, 2007, 01:15:51 AM
Nice, very nice.

I like the "Ruby in the Rough" one, it kind of looks like it has a raspberry in the middle of the flower.
:D The Ruby in the Rough is one of my brighter pictures! I enjoy bright things (pretty obvious), and the petals seem to blaze... haha, yes, raspberry "fillings"! Tasty and alluring~
Quote from: RJ on January 06, 2007, 01:20:01 AM
Quote from: Melpomene on January 06, 2007, 12:57:41 AM
Quote from: RJ on January 06, 2007, 12:44:34 AM
Woooww.... so pretty!!! :D I've only really just taken up doing a bit of photography myself. I'll have to post up the links in my art thread... dang I've neglected that thing.

*has a thing for flower close-ups* <3
Photography's quite fun, once you learn what all the buttons are for. xD I use a Kodack EasyShare P712. Homgitsthelove. I'll have to get a good panarama to share from it~

Yessssss, post linkies. I'd definitely want to see what you've done! ^___^

Yeah, I love it. It'll also be handy since I'm doing work experience with a small local newspaper and the editor said that most writers will have to take their own photos.

Hm, I use... *checks* A Caplio R4. It's 6 megapixels and has a built-in macro. I've been learning how to use it, and it's great fun.

Here's the stuff now that I just updated:

Oh? A newspaper? That's spiffy! ^.^ What sort of things do you write about? Or do you not have a specific type?

I've actually never played with Caplio's before. But by the way your pictures turned out, it must be a winner. :D Built-in macro's always great! My Kodack doesn't have one, so it's harder to get good shots of flowers :/


Quote from: Melpomene on January 06, 2007, 01:26:00 AM
Oh? A newspaper? That's spiffy! ^.^ What sort of things do you write about? Or do you not have a specific type?

I've actually never played with Caplio's before. But by the way your pictures turned out, it must be a winner. :D Built-in macro's always great! My Kodack doesn't have one, so it's harder to get good shots of flowers :/

Well, I only started just the other day. The editor is a nice guy. He gave me some articles to rewrite (though I'm not sure if it was for practise or not... I'll have to see when the newspaper comes out). I think next week I might be going with him to some big rally over the growth in the bat population here. It's gonna be a good one.

I was really glad when we got this camera. We'd originally planned to get one of a poorer quality, but since the shop didn't have it, they gave us an upgraded one for the same price! Lucky :3


Quote from: RJ on January 06, 2007, 01:32:23 AM
Quote from: Melpomene on January 06, 2007, 01:26:00 AM
Oh? A newspaper? That's spiffy! ^.^ What sort of things do you write about? Or do you not have a specific type?

I've actually never played with Caplio's before. But by the way your pictures turned out, it must be a winner. :D Built-in macro's always great! My Kodack doesn't have one, so it's harder to get good shots of flowers :/

Well, I only started just the other day. The editor is a nice guy. He gave me some articles to rewrite (though I'm not sure if it was for practise or not... I'll have to see when the newspaper comes out). I think next week I might be going with him to some big rally over the growth in the bat population here. It's gonna be a good one.

I was really glad when we got this camera. We'd originally planned to get one of a poorer quality, but since the shop didn't have it, they gave us an upgraded one for the same price! Lucky :3
He sounds delightful! :D That must be an awesome place to work. How was it? Your first day I mean. ^.^

That IS lucky! Does it have a variety of options? I bet it does. :3 Sounds nifty!


It's pretty cool there, though I was a bit bored for most of the day. I got left to my own devices and the articles were pretty quick for me to do. XD But I did get to go for a test drive in a new car afterwards which was pretty fun.

I haven't worked out all the new functions quite just yet. @_@ I get confused pretty easily by new stuff, but it seems to have scenery and lighting settings and that.


Haha. xD Well, still, that sounds like fun! You seem to really enjoy it.

Ah... well, I think the manual should cover most of that. If it doesn't, I know you can always look it up online. Or ask someone! I ask people what something's meant to do all the time. It's part of learning P: But you seem really good at what you've got already! I can't wait to see how you progress.




My thoughts are get an image manipulation program. Play with the Levels to increase contrast and also add a touch of extra colour saturation. They're pretty much the most basic edits you can make and all you really need.

Your camera probably came with something (usually Photoshop Elements) but The GIMP and Paint.Net are also free.
The beta for Adobe Photoshop CS3 is free to download but has a 2-day limit (winkwinknudgenudge) but also has some bugs.

That said, I did like Golden Dahlia and Japanese Water Garden. French Court was also okay but you should've taken an extra step back (of course, it's not always possible to take that extra step due to you being corporeal and all).


Photo manipulation? Huh, I haven't really considered doing that to my photography before. ^.^ It's a very wonderful suggestion. I have Photoshop Elements and Photoshop 6.0 on my computer, as well as a Correl... Haha. I only really use them to color stuff with. x.x

*snirk* Free, eh? I'm up for free stuff...

Oh, yes, Golden Dahlia is my computer wallpaper. It's lovely, though there's a bit of noise in the center. I actually couldn't get a good shot of French Court, because people continuously walked in front of my shots (it was a public place, after all). And that was the only people-free shot I had. As for Japanese Water Garden... well, the scene was simply too good to pass up ^.^

Thank you VERY much for your input!


Photo manipulation is largely a personal thing. Some people don't like it and others overuse it.
I'd think that most digital photographers are on the conservative side when it comes to edits. Photography isn't much of a skill if you can just edit the image to your hearts content to get that perfect look.

But while you are using a digital point and shoot, you don't really have much of a choice as you're stuck with whatever your camera decides is best (well, that's not always true; it varies from camera to camera).


Whoa. The words "win" and "awesome" come to mind. Wonderful photos! My favourite would also have to be the Sunken Garden picture, though i very much like the Japanese watergarden pic too. Great work! ^.^


Quote from: Kasarn on January 06, 2007, 04:20:16 AM
Photo manipulation is largely a personal thing. Some people don't like it and others overuse it.
I'd think that most digital photographers are on the conservative side when it comes to edits. Photography isn't much of a skill if you can just edit the image to your hearts content to get that perfect look.

But while you are using a digital point and shoot, you don't really have much of a choice as you're stuck with whatever your camera decides is best (well, that's not always true; it varies from camera to camera).
x.x; Wow, all very valid points. I'll just play with editing it, and see if it's my thing or not. I think that'd be the best course, and seems to be what you're trying to say. I'll try not to overuse it, considering that I do enjoy the challenge of trying to get the natural appearance of things.

Quote from: Gareeku on January 06, 2007, 06:41:32 AM
Whoa. The words "win" and "awesome" come to mind. Wonderful photos! My favourite would also have to be the Sunken Garden picture, though i very much like the Japanese watergarden pic too. Great work! ^.^

Thank you very much, Gareeku! Haha, people seem to enjoy those a lot! ^___^ I'm glad you did too.


Beautiful indeed! And so are the names you gave them. :)

The "close up" flower is so pretty! What kind of flower is it?
~~ Gabi a.k.a. Gliynn Starseed, APF ~~
Thanks to Silver for the yappities, and to everyone for being so great!
(12:28:12) llearch: Gabi is equal-opportunity friendly


Thank you, Gabi! And... I'm not sure. x.x; It was in a hanging basket, and grows along a vine, alternatively. The leaves are directly under the petal, and the flowers appear to need a lot of sun, by the way they bend towards it. Haha... yea, the name eludes me. x.x;