The Brag Thread.

Started by Aridas, January 01, 2007, 02:01:32 AM

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Quote from: Supercheese on January 04, 2007, 01:47:02 PM
Quote from: ITOS on January 04, 2007, 01:37:38 PM
I used a trick to clone items. I had enough rare candy to get up to level 200 and enough gold to by a town.

Yes, the old Missingno. trick (spelling?).

Actually, it was when cloning a Pokemon that was holding an item. Took some time but it was neat to have some spare master balls.
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Aisha deCabre

Ack...Missingno...that almost creeped me out when I first saw it.  Red and Blue I think are a glitch hunter's paradise.   :erk

I don't have much to brag about really...Myst III is the only Myst game played so far that I haven't just went to GameFAQs for beating it...the original Myst probably counting, although I used the in-game hints.

I was proud when I finally got through the Hanging Waters levels of Ecco: Defender of the Future.  No easy task, lemme say...but it was fun.
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.



UT has some of the best words for multiple-kills.

Sorry, the picture is entitled: Record Smashing Monkey-Balls.


does this coun't I purchased bully and beat it in one sitting, no cheats then flipped it and sold it on ebay for 5 bucks less then I payed


Quote from: Supercheese on January 04, 2007, 01:28:11 PM
Quote from: RJ on January 04, 2007, 10:03:20 AM
Oh, and can't forget the first time I levelled a Pokemon (from the old blue version) to 100. That was awesome.

Rare candy?

No, it was all was all my own hard work  :3 It was a lv 100 Vaporeon.

You know, I think I've seen a MissingNo. cosplayer before though.

Reese Tora

back, with a few more...

finished FF7 at level 49 (only because defeating jenova raised my level by 2! )

beat Sonic the Hedgehog in approximately 4 hours, with all chaos Emeralds... the one time I timed how long it took, I may have done faster.

I'll see if I can remember any other coups. :3
<-Reese yaps by Silverfox and Animation by Tiger_T->
correlation =/= causation


Have finished Call of Duty 3, Red Steel, and Zelda:TP all for the WII.  Now to wait for more good games to come out.  :mowninja

Kitsune Ascendant

While some of us are on the subject of pokemon, I've encountered mew in yellow, gameshark-free.

I have also heard some of the nuttiest rumors concerning that game. trouble is, I actually believed a few of them. like there's supposed to be a secret area where you use strength on a boulder in brock's gym, and it will reveal a stairway, and in this area you can catch any pokemon, including mew and (this should have tipped me off) togepi.
I may be a bit young to be worrying about it so much, but I'm not changing this sig until I find true love.
yappities by silverfoxr, and are awesome.  Thanks!


Now here is a good oldie I almost forgot about.  Tribes 2.

This was around the time a group of us discovered the advantages of logging in all at the same time to the same server on the same team.  At first it was some fairly simple stuff, two of us would get the Juggernaut armor, a third with scout armor, and just a rain of laser guided mortars. 
But then a bad thing happened.  I figured out how to sneak into the other team's base with the juggernaut on the ice map.  From there it was nearly impossible to get the juggernaut out until he runs out of ammo.  So a new plan was devised.  The guy who was formerly in scout armor now took juggernaut armor.  Two of us had shields, for extra survival.  The third had an item station.  So now there were three juggernauts, with nearly unlimited ammo, running around a defenseless base, cleaning house.  All this well before the net meme, "I'm in u r base, I'm killing u r mans!"

Another classic story did not actually happen to me.  It happened to a pair of my friends but it was more then amusing enough.  I shall call them G and B.  Back in the old Ultima Online days, before it was ruined.  They had just gotten their first boat.  G had the compulsive need to organize everything.  Over organize really.  Bags in bags in bags in bags in bags...
So G was looking for the boat key and didn't know where he put it in his bag structure.  This can take a good half hour to search through.  So B was waiting for him to find the key to get on the boat.  Two thieves snagged the key.  They unlock the boat and get on.  B sees the boat unlocked and gets on too.  The thieves get on the boat and takes it out to sea.  Their plan is to redeed the boat and sell it.  B was not about to let that happen.  So the thieves told B, "Teleport off the boat or we will kill you."

So now there are two thieves on the boat and a ghost.  You still can't redeed a boat with a ghost on it.  So the thieves leave.  So now there is a ghost, on a boat, all alone, in the middle of UO.  When the GM finally showed up he was very amused by the whole story.

Sorry that both of these weren't really bragging, other then owning the hell out of some defenseless newbs on Tribes. 
The All Purpose Fox


well, all i got to brag about is this:

ace combat 5, gots me all the aircraft, including the ever glorious, Falken. (it's a Frikken laser with wings!)

Dragons, it's what's for dinner... with gravy and potatoes, YUM!
Sparta? no, you should've taken that right at albuquerque..


I guess the only two that come to mind right now are:
1) Smash Bros: I played as a random character, Mario (whom I stink with), and played against 3 of my friends with all of them on a team. Aaaaalmost won. But I fell off...

2) Zelda Wind Waker: I was under that island in that cave where there's three tunnels that pour in enemies wave after wave. I went through the whole thing, and I got down to the final 3 darknuts. I was low on health but I figured, meh, I got a fairy. Well, after the fight, I had half a heart left, and I went to check my status screen to deequip my mask that shows enemies health. Come to find, I'm fairyless. That was a nice surprise...


I may be the fastest button pusher in the world, no kidding. I can press a button at (approx) 10-12 times a second. I think my fastest was doing the Whommp game where you press the button for 10 seconds and see how many Womps pop up (IN Mario Party..forgot which number) and I got 110 womps to pop up!
Amber-ism #700: If the problem isn't solved, there are still survivors you missed.


<.< >.>

*sends Akisohida out to play Track & Field on the NES*


Ahh, UO. One of the more 'hardcore' MMOs. When I was new (Could not be attacked) I found a fenced-in area where people would go to PvP grand melee style. I would hang around there with my high-str warrior-type person and, when people died, I would wait for loot rights to go off (The area was FAR away from any town or healer so it was a long walk) and loot peoples corpses for anything profitible I could find. I was one of the richest people on my shard just from spending about a day looting people and seeling the stuff I could not need or did not want. I also had a halberd and full plate even though I was a newbie. Boy did I tick off alot of people! :)
Amber-ism #700: If the problem isn't solved, there are still survivors you missed.

Castle Pokemetroid

In Castlevania Aira of Sorrow, I've got to level 96 with 9,999,999 gold and all wepons you can get.

And also, in another CV game, Harmony of disonance, after getting to level 48, (for me it was) you only get 1 exp per monster killed, and with thousands of exp to level up each time after, I'm level 56. And I've played Aira longer. Go figure.

Kitsune Ascendant

Quote from: Castle Pokemetroid on January 15, 2007, 02:42:21 AM
In Castlevania Aira of Sorrow, I've got to level 96 with 9,999,999 gold and all wepons you can get.

And also, in another CV game, Harmony of disonance, after getting to level 48, (for me it was) you only get 1 exp per monster killed, and with thousands of exp to level up each time after, I'm level 56. And I've played Aira longer. Go figure.

That reminds me of one of my circle of the moon exploits. While doing a magician mode game, I got to camilia and defeated her without ever having gotten that ring that purifies the water.
I may be a bit young to be worrying about it so much, but I'm not changing this sig until I find true love.
yappities by silverfoxr, and are awesome.  Thanks!


I made an NPC mod for Oblivion that lets you kill Jack Thompson over and over, does that count?


I have played Action 52... and enjoyed it.  Long live the hillbilly ninjas! :mowninja
Quote from: DamarisThis is the most freaking civil "flame war" I have ever seen in my life.
Yap yap.


Quote from: Caswin on January 15, 2007, 11:37:13 AM
I have played Action 52... and enjoyed it. Long live the hillbilly ninjas! :mowninja
Didn't we also "beat" it?

anyway.. new additions: Star Fox, third path, average 100% blah blah, and i forgot the rest. I should probably try to remember instead of try to brag.


got Laharl to level 9999 on Disgaea..yey! (yea, I know I need a life)


Quote from: Aridas Soulfire on January 15, 2007, 02:35:49 PM
Quote from: Caswin on January 15, 2007, 11:37:13 AM
I have played Action 52... and enjoyed it. Long live the hillbilly ninjas! :mowninja
Didn't we also "beat" it?
Define "beat".  I beat Cheetahmen, but only by using savestates; level five is murder, man...

I did rip a bunch of sprites, though.  Not sure why.  Maybe I could use them in that "Crisis 52" comic that's been bopping around my head somehow, on the off chance that I get to it at all.
Quote from: DamarisThis is the most freaking civil "flame war" I have ever seen in my life.
Yap yap.


Doom 2, beat it on ultra-violence.....

Oh it sucked.

The Lurking Dragon

Okay, not so impressive, but here's a couple:
StarFox 64 : taking on all 3 of my friends (after telling them to team up against me, which they did) and still winning. For extra showoff points I switched from Arwing to tank to on foot after each death. Yeah, it was close at the end but hey, it was a blast. =)
Final Fantasy 8: maybe an oddity not accomplisment: The fight where you are Lagun and co. fighting a ruby dragon on the movie set (way harder than what you had been encountering.) I had Odin show up.
FF8 again: I somehow landed Pain on Bahamut. It was hilarious watching this huge dragon try to hit me but miss every time. =) That and meltdown made for an easy fight.
"You can't see me or hear me unless I want you to."
The Lurking Dragon


Oh, right, FF8! How could I forget that... x_x
Pulling of Zell's two weakest moves, each faster than .03 on the clock. Given the huge amount of time I had, this led up to enough damage to kill Final Boss- Stage 1 in a single hit. Then, on Stage 2, I had a nice Lionheart waiting, which promptly took the Boss to Final Boss- Stage 3, where I had a The End waiting. Quickest boss fight ever. For me, at least...


I just beat Minesweeper on expert. This is probably the highlight of my entire life.

Jim Halisstrad

I earned the invisible cheat on Goldeneye for the 64.
That is probably, in my opinion, the hardest thing to unlock in a game, ever.
(Actually, I unlocked evey cheat in that game and beat it on every difficulty, but thats niether here nor there.)

And yes, Minesweeper is incredably hard.
I haven't beaten it on expert yet.... But I have been OH so close >.<


I beat Devil may cry, the first one, on Dante must Die with a perfect S rank back in the day. Dunno if that's all that great or not, but I think that's the best I've ever done.

I guess there's also Halo 2 on legendary, but that's more a test of one's patience than actual skill. I didn't think Tartarus would EVER die.

Jack McSlay

how about proving wrong the theory that the mouse+keyboard is not unsurpassable by analog controllers in terms of precision by giving several headshots straight in Goldeneye 007 without the aim function?  >:3

and the other day I finished the first 3 levels of Quake 1 without getting a single hit
Keyboard not detected. Press F1 to resume.


Wait, people liked auto-aim in Goldeneye?