Let's talk about Christmas!

Started by RJ, December 18, 2006, 06:14:38 AM

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Quote from: TheGreyRonin on December 19, 2006, 05:37:15 PM
Let's see. I'm working Christmas eve, spending the day with my folks, then back to work afterwards. Man I love being an adult....*sighs*

At the risk of sounding like one of the Four Yorkshiremen, I was working for a small startup firm as a self-employed contractor in mid-late 2002 having been laid off in February that year. (At least the Christmas itself was OK).  For those of you who haven't played that game, I was charging by the day so all the time I took off Christmas was lost wages.  All told it cost me several hundred pounds and I had to pull a couple of half-days to keep body and soul together :yuck

I was so glad when they got the firm airborne enough to take us on as actual employees (at half-pay until we got the investment, but we had to move to Wales for that).

Anyway, my presents have arrived, three weeks late and arriving after the emergency replacements or two I ordered.  Such is life, I suppose...

Quote from: Aiyno Wolf on December 19, 2006, 04:55:22 PM
I'm getting a Computer-monitor (TFT, LCD whatever) Paying half of it myself since my parents budget isn't that large this month.

:U I want a laptop , but they're so.... expensive...

And I'm hoping for.. tape.
..what?  It's expensive and if I can persuade my synchronizers to stop messing around and actually do their job, I'll be using two reels at a time.   >:3

Laptops aren't that expensive if you don't set your sights too high.  I wanted mine to take to a studio, or run realtime synthesizers so it had to be relatively grunty - 933Mhz.  It cost about £250 second hand.  If I had only wanted to run a wordprocessor I could have got away with a far less expensive machine.
Two years ago I had my Dad's 12MHz 80286 laptop made by GRiD.  I kid you not.  It ran EDIT in MSDOS, which was enough to get ideas and stuff down.  Someone would probably pay you to take one of those off their hands...

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


I spent $80 and got my little brother the box DVD set of Cromartie High... I really hope he likes it. I said to him I wouldn't be getting him anything after the way he's treated me this year, but I couldn't help it.  :animesweat

llearch n'n'daCorna

TGR: I'm giving presents to my son and wife.

I don't think I'm getting anything. Heck, I can't think of anything I actually want, other than in a vague way, some music of sorts. Not that I don't have enough already...

Oh, and time with my wife. That would be nice.
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears

Aisha deCabre

It seems for some people here it's not too traditional a Christmas, and mine's no better.   :rolleyes

It's supposed to snow here for one thing, but we don't get the coldest weather and therefore the most snow until...probably February.  So everything just looks kinda grey and brown and dead.  But driving around at night you wouldn't think so...the way some people decorate their houses is just nothing short of spectacular, and sometimes just short of ridiculous.  But we like to laugh at it.   :3

We used to get a nice-sized tree, a real one at that, to decorate...it was funny because we had to watch the cat so that she didn't get into the Miracle-Gro water.   :mowtongue  Then later we got a smaller fake one to put on the table and put gifts under.  We still have it, but for the last two years, three counting this one now, we didn't bother putting up a tree...we have two cats who can be quite rambunctious and we're afraid of either of them knocking it down (Though I'm sure one can find a good and stable tree-stand SOMEWHERE...).

Thinking of the cats this year, it's somewhat sad...this is the first Christmas that my first cat (the one that used to try drinking the Miracle-Gro water) will never see again.  (She died a few months ago...  :(  )

Anyway.  One thing that never changed is that my parents don't always know what to get me.  XD  It's 'cause I never ask for anything...often, I don't know myself.  So my mom just gave me a gift card for Amazon to browse things.   :B  Same with my brother sometimes too.  I just spend Christmas with my family like usual, and whatever happens I just like it that way.  We get cards and stuff from faraway relatives and I send cards to my good friends.

And we're having duck for dinner.  Mm.   :3
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.


Oh, I've had worse Christmases. It just seems that what little magic I found in it just kind of faded out for me as an adult. *shrugs*

*edited for excessive emo and angsty-type stuff that no one should have to endure.*

Elader Arkon

Christmas Eve: Work. Then drive two hours home that evening.
Christmas Day: Celebrate with family. Leave back for my dorm Christmas night.
Day after: Work. Bright and early...


My evil very, very, VERY not-mean-at-all plans:
12-20: Flirt with a cute guy at school. ;) Unless he's sick or something...Then I'll have to kill him. :< Or at least flirt with him on Thursday...or Friday, if I see him. Oh, and I'll give him a christmas present too. A few [colored] doodles. :3 Just for him. *Giggles*

12-21: Flirt with that one guy some more. And I'll probably look for my cousin and yell at her when I find her 'cuz she hasn't been on AIM/MSN for a while...when I needed to talk to her. RAWR. *Chibi pout*

12-22: Half day at school. I'm-a probably take a nap when I get home. Or go on fchan kick some puppies.

12-23: Kick some more puppies, nap, doodle, go on fchan, play video games or read or something.

12-24: Impatiently wait for my presents. Even though I'm pretty damn sure they're dragon stuff, art stuff, or video games. Or stuff for my laptop.

12-25: Open my presents, and hiss at anyone who tries to touch my new things.

12-26: Either play with my presents, doodle or play on my computer.

12-17 - 1-7: Be lazy. Or I might do those stewpid projects I have to do. >->

1-8: Go back to school. :<


Enjoying my blizzard. It'll probably be gone by Christmas, but...I can dream of a white Christmas. D:
Basically....enjoying my break. Spending the holidays with family and friends. My aunt is coming down to spend Christmas with us because the rest of my dad's family is at WAR with one another(my only regret, I think, is that I don't have five or so more siblings to have long elaborate fueds with). Also will be spending it with my sister, her husband and my two nephews. Henry thinks I'm the coolest person on earth, and I do not wish to tell him otherwise. :3
And...yeah. Christmas with the family and hanging out with friends. And no school. Sounds like a good time to me.


You should marry into a big family full of full-blooded Irish women.  The holiday feuds are a sight to behold.

You're used to flame wars with flames... this is more like EZ-Bake Oven wars.   ~Amber
If you want me to play favorites, keep wanking. I'll choose which hand to favour when I pimpslap you down.   ~Amber


I wish I could head to a person I love dearly about....I promiced I would


I always forget that most get presends with christmas .... I got them sooner with Sint-Nicolaas woot the 5th of December


Okay, guys, one of the purposes of this thread is to boast about our brand new presents, right? Well! I love my parents. They got me a lap-freaking-top! :D:D I'm writing this (and making a zillion typos AUGH End brackets here we go) using it! My brother is celebrating that I wil no longer be using the family computer quite so much, and I'm celebrating because I own a freakin' laptop!
/kicks the internet over


Alright, I'll boast. :B

I got:
A WACOM Tablet (It's installed, but I haven't used it to doodle yet.)
A new [used :U] scanner (My laptop's being a pain and it keeps lagging/freezing when I try to install it though XP)
A dragon figure-thing ([Site with pics])

Aisha deCabre

(Envy) I want a dragon figure... XD

At this moment, I'm listening to music with my brand new alarm clock/stereo CD player/radio...

After I had put away the new socks...  :rolleyes

And later I shall watch the "Mysteries of the Deep" DVD set (Yeah, nature girl.  Shut up.  XD ), and play Zoo Tycoon 2, then watch my bro play Twilight Princess.

Wootness!  :mowcookie
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.


Let's see, I got two KATO N-Scale Amtrak Phase II baggage cars, a DCC chip for my KATO N-Scale Amtrak Phase IV GE P-42 Genesis, and Oingo Boingo - Anthology two disc set.

BTW, KATO is like the shiz when it comes to model railroading, so this is really cool. :D  And my sis' fiance got her a guitar! :O

Drake Manaweilder

We were a bit pinched for money this year, but my dad still got me Sly 3: Honor Among Thieves, one of those Bionicle things, My Granny got me some really warm socks and some Tracing Paper. My dad also ordered more games that are due sometime next month. No sign or a scanner yet, but I've  still got some hopes for it yet. Now i need to go eat my way early dinner!

(it's a quarter to 3 here)



My brother got me a Sigur Ros album, but I can't freaking read what the title is. :B  I'm getting ready to go to my grandparents for dinner (at 1:40 PM) and I guess some more presents. *Shrug.*


Clothes. Almost nothing but clothes.

But hey, that's what I asked for, so I'm good. *grins*


Merry Christmas from the newbie!  :)

I have to say this is one of the better Christmases I've had in recent years. I now am the proud owner of an acoustic guitar (Fender Starcaster) that I have no idea how to play and a Zune MP3 player which is pretty awesome despite difficulties getting videos on it.

But enough about me, I hope all of you guys are having a wonderful christmas, whether you're alone or with family and friends!  :3

Now to plan the New Year's party...   :boogie

llearch n'n'daCorna

I got a sweatshirt. And a book.

Woot. Hold me back.
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


I got enough stuff to give my room a makeover :3 New bedspread, table cover, mini water fountain, pillows, fairy lights inside pink flowers, a bonsai tree (wheee), and some fake cherry blossoms :)

I also got a new phone, my brother got me a DVD, and so did my dad, though... strangely enough, he got me the boxset of the Karate Kid movies... o_o Well, I did get him the boxset of the Batman movies. And MK gave me a Cozy Heart Penguin plushie <3

Oh yeah :D And a 10 DVD boxset of the 1980's version of Astro Boy!  :boogie




I got coal!

And a threat letter.

Hmm... :,

King Of Hearts

Christmas came and went... got cash from my granma.

And Ive become constipated after all the food Ive eaten this season with all the Parties Ive been to.

Faerie Alex

I got:

Axis & Allies (board game)
New iPod (Black, video) & iTunes gift card
a few books
noise-cancelling headphones
a puzzle
some money
So yeah, good day.
Jeez I need to update this thing.


I went off to my aunts

I'd already got my presents (cheeps shoes and boxers)  so I helped her wrap up stuff for my spoiled nephews and neices.

I had a little fun with is since I had to take them down a peg,  I wandered around there house picking things at random and wrapping them up,  A pile of napkins, one left shoe Robbies dirty luandry, etc labeling them and leaving them under the tree. 

then I slept in christmass morning so I didn't have to listen to them bitch about how it wasn't exactly what they wanted,  Aww you didn't get the right games with the x box 360, You got me a nano I wanted a shuffle, Hey this is just the 30 gig video ipod.

then as the day went on I'd end up sitting in a room watching hogfather, or listinging to my little cheesy mp3 play (hey 20 bucks and it's also a flash drive it was a damn good buy I think) and they'd walk over "err I've broken it it hasn't worked in an hour" and I'd plop open the instructions and have the damn thing working 6 seconds later

happy hogswatch


My parents got me a small sleigh-shaped basket and...20th anniversery special edition DVD of TRANSFORMERS the movie! Woohoo!

also...back home from my parents place...
I'm a Skype User.
Skype Name: Karaius

Sienna Maiu - M T

I may, or may not, have gotten a Wacom...
