Started by Gornemant, December 01, 2006, 06:27:58 AM

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Because you can't say it often enough  :U better prevent yourself from something that you can't cure
You're welcome to put some other interesting related links, thank you for your attention  :)


All I know about AIDS is that they found a strain of AIDS that fights off another strain and is less deadly or something. Isn't that pretty close to a cure? x_x


Getting infected with something that does a little less damage can hardly be considered a cure.
~~ Gabi a.k.a. Gliynn Starseed, APF ~~
Thanks to Silver for the yappities, and to everyone for being so great!
(12:28:12) llearch: Gabi is equal-opportunity friendly


I still think it's progress... If they can replace what you've got with something that does less damage, that's still progress. Possibly finding out what this other strain does to fight the other strains would be a big help too, wouldn't it?


it's not a cure because you will still infect other people with it  :B


I didn't even SAY it was a cure, so why are you telling me that?


it's not even remotely close to a cure if you prefer it that way, and if you want to go on your high horses, you know where the exit is, thank you.  :zombiekun2


So what is it then, people can goddamn pick on me all the time for things I didn't do, but I can't call anyone out on things they DID do?

Hold on a minute, you're the one who went all dramafest on me about friendship and how it's so hard to "earn" your friendship, so what business do you have acting that way? If you're going to pick on someone who hasn't actually done anything to warrant that kind of tone in this thread, don't you think maybe it should be the other way around? If you're going to treat those people who aren't your friends as dirt, just maybe it's my standards that should be higher, not yours.


Kinda reminds me of cow pox and smallpox... So yes, it is very much progress, as history shows. Especially if said strain can be genetically engineered in some way. Not a cure, but a step towards one.

And Gornemant... "high horses?" Stop. Just, stop, please.



Gornemant, shut up.  If you were stuck with AIDS, it wouldn't be going away, so at least it would be better to get a less destructive strain, plus study that strain and how it attacks other strains, we might be making some progress.

What's the point of celebrating a day about AIDS if nothing is being done about it?


Aaaah... another disgusting and vile creation of unnatural selection... killing one man, woman or child once every ten seconds... A testimony to human perversity and nature's indiscrimination. Thank you.

It's deadly, it's slow, and has no care for guilty or innocent.

Be smarter. Breed smarter. Stop aids now.


*shudders* Holy crap, Stygian... Ever think about writing the commercials for the campaigns against AIDS?

Jim Halisstrad

Just remember, wrap it before you tap it.


Oh I love drama in the morning. :D

But yeah. Infecting people with something that does less damage(how much less damage? A little? A lot) is still infecting people with AIDS. Hopefully we can find something that gets rid of it entirely.


That's why i'm hoping they can find out how exactly it's doing what it does, so that there'd be some way to actually combat it in the future.


a while back I read an artical that austrailian sceintests are reasurching crociadile blood as a possible cure for Aids.

It seems Crocs  blood has a reaction to the virus  it activly seeks out and destroys it agressivly,  it's a reaction that hasn't been seen anywhere else.

Anouther artical I read was on the use of a begnin bactirian that already exists in humans, generaly in there mouths  the bactiria eats the the protective sugar coating  the virus is sheathed in.  Its found in humans but it normaly doesn't exist in quantities that would be benificial.  It was belived it could be used in swabs for babies to prevent infection threw breast milk in poorer countries, and the possibility of using it in femine hygen products to prevent sexual transmition.


Quote from: Zina on December 01, 2006, 02:29:28 PM
Oh I love drama in the morning. :D

But yeah. Infecting people with something that does less damage(how much less damage? A little? A lot) is still infecting people with AIDS. Hopefully we can find something that gets rid of it entirely.
(Not picking on you Zina, you just have the closest post. :lol)
Ok, so this other strain of AIDS is still AIDS, but it's a less damaging form of AIDS.  If you were going to contract AIDS, wouldn't you want the less harmful strain?  You're acting like if it's not a cure, it's not any good, even when it is.  It's just the lesser of two evils.


so predictable  :)
Aridas, I perfectly know that you get agressive for absolutely nothing in your little disturbed mind, also why unlike others, I didn't bother starting a conversation with you since you joined. You should thank me for that  :3 if you want to keep bitching at me though, you're welcome to spam my PM box, but keep that kind of agressive post content out of this discussion, m'kay?  :U

Quote from: Manawolf on December 01, 2006, 12:57:10 PM
What's the point of celebrating a day about AIDS if nothing is being done about it?
lots is being done about it, as for celebration, well:
It's not really a celebration, it's more a general awareness day, to tell the people that it's here and that nobody is immune against it, and so prevent them from doing anything stupid just because they blindly trusted their partner. Take Geneva for example: 1 out of 100 people is infected with AIDS (known), people might have it but not know about it as it takes approximatly 6 months to actually be able to detect it in you, and you can get it in more ways than just having sex.
That be more clear?  :)


Quote from: HaZ×MaT on December 01, 2006, 03:07:07 PM
Quote from: Zina on December 01, 2006, 02:29:28 PM
Oh I love drama in the morning. :D

But yeah. Infecting people with something that does less damage(how much less damage? A little? A lot) is still infecting people with AIDS. Hopefully we can find something that gets rid of it entirely.
(Not picking on you Zina, you just have the closest post. :lol)
Ok, so this other strain of AIDS is still AIDS, but it's a less damaging form of AIDS.  If you were going to contract AIDS, wouldn't you want the less harmful strain?  You're acting like if it's not a cure, it's not any good, even when it is.  It's just the lesser of two evils.

Again, how much less damage is it causing? A little? A lot? Sauce, plz.
Sure, it might be the lesser of two evils. It's still AIDS, and no one wants AIDS, no matter how much 'better' it is. Less damageing does not a cure make.


THIS IS AFTER YOU GOT F***ed UP AND HAVE AIDS.  You don't want any strain of the virus in your, but if you got unlucky and ended up with AIDS, it might at least be a trade off to go with the less damaging strand.


Again how much less damage is it causing? Will you still eventually end up dead? SOMEONE give me the source of this information so I can actually feel like we're having an intelligent discussion that isn't based on a bunch of 'what if's.


Well, thing is we're not sure if you might pass the "modified" version or the actual "regular" AIDS virus.
Again, if you modify a virus, it might also addapt in other ways, then you might find a cure for state1 of the virus which might not work with state2, and so on.

(that aside, caps does not make a point  :U )


Caps lock is cruise control for cool. D:


Quote from: DigitalMan on December 01, 2006, 01:05:18 PM
*shudders* Holy crap, Stygian... Ever think about writing the commercials for the campaigns against AIDS?

No. I kind of both enjoy the whole thing because of the getting back at humanity, but at the same time it disgusts me so utterly...

I wouldn't even spend money on it. And even if it meant that I would be kept from screwing for the rest of my life, and avoiding many things, I'd do anything to stay away from it so that I can just loom over it in my superiority. I am the kind of person who never gets sick, and if I contracted some form of disease like AIDS or agressive and incurable cancer, or even some bad type of diabetes, I'd probably consider committing harakiri immediately. I am not content with living on like that.


Quote from: Gornemant on December 01, 2006, 03:20:27 PM
so predictable :)
Aridas, I perfectly know that you get agressive for absolutely nothing in your little disturbed mind, also why unlike others, I didn't bother starting a conversation with you since you joined. You should thank me for that :3 if you want to keep bitching at me though, you're welcome to spam my PM box, but keep that kind of agressive post content out of this discussion, m'kay? :U
This, coming from the one who was immediately talking down to me for no fathomable reason.

ANYWAY. It's not THAT hard to type in "AIDS strain fights AIDS" in google, but since it was my fault for forgetting the link in the first place when I mentioned it, I'll now re-find it. *poof*


Quote from: Aridas Soulfire on December 01, 2006, 03:46:06 PM
Quote from: Gornemant on December 01, 2006, 03:20:27 PM
so predictable :)
Aridas, I perfectly know that you get agressive for absolutely nothing in your little disturbed mind, also why unlike others, I didn't bother starting a conversation with you since you joined. You should thank me for that :3 if you want to keep bitching at me though, you're welcome to spam my PM box, but keep that kind of agressive post content out of this discussion, m'kay? :U
This, coming from the one who was immediately talking down to me for no fathomable reason.

Let's not ruin another thread, okay?


Quote from: Jim Halisstrad on December 01, 2006, 01:06:55 PM
Just remember, wrap it before you tap it.

Oh my god I just about died! That was GREAT!

Quote from: Jim Halisstrad on December 01, 2006, 03:58:12 PM
Quote from: BillBuckner on December 01, 2006, 03:46:59 PM

And twice in one day man!! Freaking hilarious! You just made my Friday! Thank you so much Jim!

Onto the topic at hand. AIDS awareness is an awesome thing. You can't prevent or do something about anything unless you know about it.

Some uncommon Facts about AIDS that you may or may not have heard anywhere. But hey, its all about Awareness. Best to be repeating what you've already heard than risk saying nothing and assuming everyone just knows.

1: AIDS stands for acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. It is a disease in which the body's immune system breaks down and is unable to fight off infections, known as "opportunistic infections," and other illnesses that take advantage of a weakened immune system.

A lot of times its not AIDS that will kill a person necessarily, its that AIDS attacks the immune system and people often die of something else they contract because their immune system can no longer fight it off. Pneumonia, or even just a common cold can be deadly for some people.

Women are at least twice as likely to contract HIV through vaginal sex with infected males than vice versa.

Don't let this think you are still safe guys.

It is important to seek testing at a place that also provides counseling about HIV and AIDS. Counselors can answer questions about high-risk behavior and suggest ways you can protect yourself and others in the future. They can also help you understand the meaning of the test results and refer you to local AIDS-related resources.

Good sound advice. If you find you have been infected, your not alone. Talk to someone, it will acually help.

The CDC's National AIDS Hotline can answer questions about HIV testing and refer you to testing sites in your area. Operators are available toll-free, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, at:
1-800-342-2437 (English)
1-800-344-7432 (Spanish)
1-800-243-7889 (TTY/deaf access)

My last piece of advise as this has already become a rather lengthy post.

If your sexually active, get tested often. How often is up to you. Between partners, once a year or every two years if your in a committed relationship. How often is entirely up to you. Even if you don't suspect anything piece of mind is a wonderful thing. For you and your partner/s. If you feel self consious then talk with your partner about getting tested together. You don't have to do things alone.

And one last thing. If your grown up enough to have sex, your grown up enough to talk about it. Don't let passion get in the way of keeping your body healty. Talk to your partner about the important things before you get too carried away and "lose yourselves in the moment". Piece of mind is once again a wonderful thing and if your not sure, then don't do it!


Very well put, Wildy, and thank you. I did indeed learn something.

And this:
Quote from: Jim Halisstrad on December 01, 2006, 03:58:12 PM
Quote from: BillBuckner on December 01, 2006, 03:46:59 PM

...Made me laugh until I hurt. Thanks, Jim! I needed that today!