Grumpy Bunny

Started by thegayhare, September 29, 2006, 09:32:25 PM

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Hello all
be prepared for whining of a silly nature.

Well tonight my sister is in New York and she will be attending a production of Spamalot... and you know what that just ticks me right off.  Everyone in my family has seen the play but me, and I'm the major Monty python nut here.  My dad saw it and he hated Monty paython (loved the play though) Grrr I mean I';m the one who introduced her to python in the first place... I'm the one who taught her the lyrics to the lumberjack song, and how to do the fish slapping dance.  Showed her the lost treasure that is the life of Brian and spared her the hersy that is Jabberwocky.

She better bring me a souvenir.... a killer bunny plush for choice...

If not I'll just have to beat her new video game and spoil the ending for her...yeah thats the perfect revenge

[/Whining of a silly nature]


Oh, we have one of those plush bunnies.  They are awesome.  Very good for muppet singing.

You're used to flame wars with flames... this is more like EZ-Bake Oven wars.   ~Amber
If you want me to play favorites, keep wanking. I'll choose which hand to favour when I pimpslap you down.   ~Amber



Spoiling the end of the game? You MONSTER! No, not even we're that bad. YOU GOVERNMENT OFFICIAL!


damn I couldn't get to the end before she got home... I can still spoil it though
But the fact of the mater is I'm a bit stuck... Oh well

She did bring me a bunny
just a little one with spring loaded jaws

My fat kitten Ebony is scared of it


Really nice...I want a killer rabbit too


I had the option of seeing Spamalot in NY but decided to see The Phantom of the Opera instead. I'd still really love to go to Spamalot though. On the way out of Phantom I saw a kid and his mum galloping down the street with coconuts  xD  It was awesome. I want some...


okay my sis just layed something realy trippy on me

She said she saw advertisments for the broadway production of Evil Dead while she was there

yes evil dead with Ash, deadites, boomsticks and chainsaws


HOLY ZEN! I WANT TO SEE!!! *bounces*