Comin' on back in 'ere..

Started by Tony, February 19, 2017, 08:31:42 PM

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Whoops, there's probably only a handful of folks that know who I am, but, I just spent a literal day re-reading the entire DMFA archive because i had little else to do, and I felt nostalgic. :V So, here I am to maybe become an active poster of some degree. I miss forums.

So, um. For those who know me, hello again! For those who don't, hello for the first time! I draw, I read comics, and I hope to make my own comics to be read one of these days. (Slowly but surely working on that right now.)

(Shoutout to Ambaaargh for continued cool artworks and comic-draws. You're doing great, champ!!)

... Yeah, that should do. In any case, howdy. :V


Cool... welcome. Whatever. *nods*

*walks away*
In Brightest Day. In Blackest Night...


Welcome back, brother! We've been expecting you... :mwaha


Hi Tony!! I think you should definitely make that comic, we always wanna see more comics!


Welcome back!  And yes, more comics is always a good thing.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Thank you, all! It feels nice to be welcome.

I do have a couple comicky things I'm already working on that have public postings on Tapastic until I can work out a proper hosting service. I'll be sure to point people to them if there's interest to see, I'll have to make the appropriate topic and all.


Tony!!! Hello!! 8D Welcome back! I'm trying to be around here more as well >.> Let's do it!



Hey again Tony. Not really much reason to post here since we chat pretty regularly, but welcome back to the forums and all the best with your comics!


Why, thankee, Sofox. I appreciate that.

Quote from: Mao on February 23, 2017, 06:50:02 AM
Wait... who are you again?

Y'know, sometimes I wonder, too.