2016/02/19 [DMFA #1644] One hero's trash is this ferret's treasure?

Started by Lego3400, February 19, 2016, 01:58:25 AM

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Been awhile since I made one of these. Calling it now, that's metal with no magic in it.

Also taking suggestions for a better thread title. I tried.


I spy a Taun! ... Or at least someone who looks like Taun, with the clan mark on their armor...


Ooooo, collectibles!

The idea that the bits could be magic-less would make them really special, since Jyrras himself hasn't been able to do that with all his labs. But then the question then becomes, "How were they made?"  If Biggs has the answer, that would be the really precious thing.


I see what appears to be a bunny and at the ground many more bunny heads... is that pre-library Oolong? Or another of her kind?


Quote from: Tuyu on February 19, 2016, 02:19:46 AM
The idea that the bits could be magic-less would make them really special, since Jyrras himself hasn't been able to do that with all his labs. But then the question then becomes, "How were they made?"  If Biggs has the answer, that would be the really precious thing.

Well, taking them from another world seems the quick and 'easy' solution.  Beings seem to consider a weapon that can stick a Demon as the Holy Grail - it's why they invented flintlocks, and that didn't work either.  They've presumably been searching for a weapon that can do this for most of 100'000 years, and that's a long time to have not found a way to do it.

What I'm curious about is whether the stuff becomes contaminated with magic over time.  Though whether Taun still has her un-magic stick is another question - she might need it for Hizell.  Which then leads on to whether this somehow ties in with Destania's anti-dragon plan.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Quote from: Tuyu on February 19, 2016, 02:19:46 AMThe idea that the bits could be magic-less would make them really special, since Jyrras himself hasn't been able to do that with all his labs. But then the question then becomes, "How were they made?"  If Biggs has the answer, that would be the really precious thing.


But no, seriously. Ancient human tech that centered around anti-magic seems like a good reason to do whatever happened that resulted in them not being around anymore.


Seems like each 'hero' in those examples is fighting an opponent that is larger then them. Could this be about heroes slaying dragons?
I perfer my spam cooked on a skillet.


I was wondering if it was JyJy's gun in the box. It would have been a bit of a talking point. Not so sure about pointy bits of metal.

I wonder if offworld Mab's foreshadowing about magicless weapons means Jy is going to ignore the box and do his own thing, or perhaps, with all this talk about Taun's weapon, it's in the box and Jy will use it to make magicless weapons.

Speaking of which, Taun had an anti-magic stick? I don't remember this. :B  Granted, I am getting a bit long in the tooth. Maybe I need to get on twitter.
The most powerful magic is just a distraction.

Amber Williams

Quote from: Shadowdancer on February 19, 2016, 02:36:48 PM
Speaking of which, Taun had an anti-magic stick? I don't remember this. :B  Granted, I am getting a bit long in the tooth. Maybe I need to get on twitter.

It's more folks thinking the pink panel in today's comic is Taun.  I mean sheesh, it's like no one has ever wondered if someone who works for Taun's adventuring groups may try to emulate a hero of their own by matching their hair to them and use their insignia. :B

Quote from: Tapewolf on February 19, 2016, 04:16:42 AM
Well, taking them from another world seems the quick and 'easy' solution.

Course the downside to that is how do you get a bunch of magic-resistant magic-proof metal through a portal...you likely had to make out of magic to get over there...


Quote from: Amber Williams on February 19, 2016, 02:40:56 PM
Course the downside to that is how do you get a bunch of magic-resistant magic-proof metal through a portal...you likely had to make out of magic to get over there...

Other than technology based portals the only thing I could think of is more Fae shenanigans. Unless meddling with 100% natural non-magic stuff is another achilles heel for them.


Time for Jyrras to make a coilgun that fires meteoric cold iron slugs!  :D


Quote from: joshofspam on February 19, 2016, 11:32:05 AM
Seems like each 'hero' in those examples is fighting an opponent that is larger then them. Could this be about heroes slaying dragons?

Amber's commentary on the Katbox site states that only one of the middle panels is actually relevant and the others were drawn without a plan in mind.


Quote from: Lego3400 on February 19, 2016, 11:26:26 PM
Amber's commentary on the Katbox site states that only one of the middle panels is actually relevant and the others were drawn without a plan in mind.

The piece Jyrras is holding looks like a claw from the hand in the blue panel. Who is winning in that one btw?

Also, the pink panel weapon looks more like a disintegrator than a magic destroyer to me.
Spaace Lazzernator!  :gun1

The most powerful magic is just a distraction.


I appreciate the style in these panels.

It's very refreshing.


Quote from: Mischa on February 19, 2016, 11:23:19 PM
Time for Jyrras to make a coilgun that fires meteoric cold iron slugs!  :D

Meteoric iron would actually make sense for how you get magic-less metal.

Or for how you make a magicless processing machine to make more magicless metal.


Not to say that the whole "magicked metal bits" thing is a new element in the Furrae "Lore", but I am liking that it is being focused on now (more than before)! Also, I love those drawing on the center panel there!


Quote from: Kibin on February 20, 2016, 06:03:09 AM
Meteoric iron would actually make sense for how you get magic-less metal.

Not necessarily:  In Niven's 'Warlock' series, magic is a non-renewable resource that actually comes from space, so meteors and such are very potent sources of magic.

It seems more likely to me that magic is evenly distributed throughout the cosmos of the DMFA world, so meteors are liable to have exactly the same makeup as rocks on the planet itself.  If magic tailed off away from the planet they'd not have been able to colonise the moons.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Quote from: Tapewolf on February 20, 2016, 01:57:47 PM
It seems more likely to me that magic is evenly distributed throughout the cosmos of the DMFA world, so meteors are liable to have exactly the same makeup as rocks on the planet itself.  If magic tailed off away from the planet they'd not have been able to colonise the moons.

Also, Jyrras wouldn't need to spend so much time trying to de-magic it if could just be 'imported' by a more space-hardy creature.

I wonder how Amber feels about us medically dissecting the physics of her comic, which is fiction and doesn't need to make sense. I mean, if we wanted realism, we wouldn't be reading comics in the first place.
The most powerful magic is just a distraction.


Quote from: Shadowdancer on February 21, 2016, 03:53:49 AMI wonder how Amber feels about us medically dissecting the physics of her comic, which is fiction and doesn't need to make sense. I mean, if we wanted realism, we wouldn't be reading comics in the first place.

That's a very poor way to look at creative works. The best works of fiction are the ones that do make sense and have well designed physics and world building.

Nothing is being dissected, we're just interested enough in Amber's creative works that we want to know more about the world she's made and are willing to put an effort into imagining what might be.


Quote from: Shadowdancer on February 21, 2016, 03:53:49 AM
I wonder how Amber feels about us medically dissecting the physics of her comic, which is fiction and doesn't need to make sense. I mean, if we wanted realism, we wouldn't be reading comics in the first place.

One of the best parts about reading a work of fiction/watching a show/movie is discussing it with friends afterward.


Seems to me what Jy needs to build is a "Doubt Cannon" since the effectiveness of magic in most settings seems to stem from the caster's belief that it will work you don't actually need to build a anti-magic fifty cal, when a simple derringer will do. If you wound some one through magical shielding the belief in the strength of that shield is going to waiver, and if you do it well looking effortless it is going to waiver more.

Then you stick them with the anti-magic spear head mounted on a lance used by a motorcycle jouster. Woo Dragon kebabs for weeks.


Quote from: Tapewolf on February 20, 2016, 01:57:47 PM
Quote from: Kibin on February 20, 2016, 06:03:09 AM
Meteoric iron would actually make sense for how you get magic-less metal.

Not necessarily:  In Niven's 'Warlock' series, magic is a non-renewable resource that actually comes from space, so meteors and such are very potent sources of magic.

It seems more likely to me that magic is evenly distributed throughout the cosmos of the DMFA world, so meteors are liable to have exactly the same makeup as rocks on the planet itself.  If magic tailed off away from the planet they'd not have been able to colonise the moons.

I'd like to put in that the inhabitants of the moon seem to be mostly staffed by a downward curving horned alien with all blue eyes and what seem to be technological backpacks. It may be they aren't aligned with the inhabitants of furrae and they don't even know they're there. They may just use technology to colonize the moons if that's the case. Actually even then it's not really a colony its a communications station. It may be from some galactic imperium that left an outpost there to relay messages in the sector. Unless Amber's revealed what they are in the past and I missed it.
Forward ever onward upward aiming skyward.


Quote from: Jasonrevall on February 23, 2016, 01:18:25 PM
I'd like to put in that the inhabitants of the moon seem to be mostly staffed by a downward curving horned alien with all blue eyes and what seem to be technological backpacks. It may be they aren't aligned with the inhabitants of furrae and they don't even know they're there. They may just use technology to colonize the moons if that's the case. Actually even then it's not really a colony its a communications station. It may be from some galactic imperium that left an outpost there to relay messages in the sector. Unless Amber's revealed what they are in the past and I missed it.

There was such a post, yes.  But it's 11 years old so I'm not sure I want to embarrass Mab by digging it up, and how canon it is now is anyone's guess.  It is linked in the wiki (which is how I found it).

To summarise, it was a comment about how technology has been slow to start because magic has generally been easier and better,  It mentioned in passing that there are cities on the moons and in space which are entirely magic-based.

More recently, one of the comments she made on the comic about the comms station was that the 'backpacks' are actually the males...

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E