I am confocalused!

Started by Think Tank, September 09, 2006, 09:20:05 AM

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Think Tank


I am new here.

I signed up a few months ago but haven't spoken until yesterday.

I registered because I thought this was a Castlevania forum, since when you click "THE FORUMS" link on ICVD it brings you here... But I guess not.


And apparently there is another ICVD forum that has nothing to do with ICVD the site?

I'm confused.

And what are "furries?" Please explain!


PS: Nice site design / layout.
PPS: The Arena board looks like a generic place to boost post counts, IMO.
PPPS: Where's Paavo?


To be honest, I don't know. I'm here for the drugs.


Think Tank

Oh, and there was cocks in my inbox.

I love it when you don't log in for a few months, and come back to find cocks in your inbox.


Were there hens in your inbox too? :B Or hooters or boobies?

Edit: Everyone loves cocks. And hens. And hooters. And boobie-birds. :3

Think Tank

Err, no. I'm talking tight, tan, human male penis. Times two.

From Bill Clinton.

He's always looking out for my cock needs.


I leave for a good time and I come back to meet furries...


Well, I thought you were talking about birds. So it's -your- fault I was confused. :3

D': I wish someone would send me pictures of giant cocks...like this one.

...It's so big! :o

Think Tank

I was talking about what they are talking about in this thread:


I was blessed with the same cocks spam.


well a while back the ICVD was merged with the DMFA (Dan and Mabs Furry Adventures) forums.  Each comic has one forum section dedicated to it's discusions and we all share the rest of the forums,  from shout out to Tower of art and beyond.

The DMFA Forumites are slightly more post prolific then the castleviane fans (or so it seems) 

as for what is a furry.  Furries are at it's simplest form fans of anthromophic art work.   To some there is more to it but at it's base thats all thats realy needed to be a furry.

And As for the Cocks in your inbox  Since you already know about the thread related to the spambot bill clinton why the hell are you bitching now it's been taken care of.  the fact of the matter is that the mods can't do anything about the pms that were already sent out.

Think Tank

I wasn't complaining. I liked it. Srsly.

llearch n'n'daCorna

Quote from: Slayer... on September 09, 2006, 09:35:20 AM
I leave for a good time and I come back to meet furries...

We apologise for the inconvenience.

.. although you're welcome to come back for a good time, instead, if you prefer...
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Welcome!! need a hug, see teh Xze ^^



Much thanks to Keaton and Haz for my sig, and King Of Hearts for my avatar. ILU guys <3


Hi new guy! Call me Zedd! *smirks softly* Pleasure to meet you...*holds out gloved red hand/paw*


Hi, I'm aiyno.

Pleased to meet you.


I'm Trevor
and Aiyno is my pet. :mowsmile

llearch n'n'daCorna

Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


For the first time ever, I seriously believe that this forum is suffering a good dose of this:


Joking aside though, it's nice to see a more left-thinkin' (or at least open minded) not-furry around.  I wholly support this.  I was getting tired of all the anti-furry not-furry folks, it's getting so done, no originality.  It's like theatre without the stage.

Glad to have such a type of a new person here, I hope you enjoy your stay.  To help explain things, you might want to stop by Dan & Mab's Furry Adventures.  The creator of that comic is the Sister of the creator of CVRPG.  So they decided to merge their forums, since they were closely related people who both had webcomics.  Hence the influx of new folks.

Welcome to the CMF, New Guy.

(Edit: Whoops, bloody disambiguous greetings.  I'm good at those.)


Quote from: Rowne on September 09, 2006, 04:31:45 PMThe creator of that comic is the Sister of the creator of CVRPG.
That I did not know. :redface

Hello new guy. :D


Yep, Amber is Darkmoon's sister.  I think.  Or they have some other similar familial bond, unless I'm just being an uninformed idiot, which in my case is all too possible!  I think that might be the case though.  But you've made me doubt myself.  I should go and check.

Ah yes, here we go.  Look at the main page of the DMFA site, a little way down there's a link to CVRPG and the subtext of "my bro's site".

That was more for my sake than anything else, since I had begun to doubt myself there.  <.<  My memory is a worryingly inaccurate place on times.

Anyway, indeed.  The new guy deserves a basket of something.  Has TGH given him a basket of something yet?


Stay away from the Charline. If you encounter it, my black market organ mill is available for your use.


Hm, actually ... Bill brings up a good point but prevention is better than cure or somesuch.  So for the OP, here's a wiggly-wiggly Tarantula.  If Charline tries to eat you, just wave it in front of her and chant "Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle!".  That should just about do it.  Just be careful not to give her a heart attack.


I first discovered the furry thing in 2001 while looking for stuff about the Genesis song 'White Mountain' - a strange lupine insurrection, apparently beloved of the furry community.  This was something I'd not come across before.  A few days later I discovered what I have referred to ever since as 'gay werewolf porn'.  It took me four years to get over the horror.

Then came DMFA.  For the first six months on the original board I used the System Shock status display as my avatar.  Memories of the GWP still haunting me, I tried hard to fight the furry.  
But to my shame, I realised that I have always had an affinity for intelligent animals and such things.  Now I have the avatar Blade drew last Christmas and with the new forum I've actually taken the bizarre step of calling myself tapewolf - which took a leap of faith, to be honest.

As with most things, there are different degrees of furriness.  I actually wince slightly when people call me 'Jakob', although I guess I asked for it by having him as my avatar.

Rowne - is that true or are you trying to get him eaten?

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


I had a funny experience with furry to be honest.  I've always been kind of out there, I guess.  One of my clearest old memories is of an art class, most kids drawing lewd or boring things and there I was, drawing Dragons, mecha and mechanized Dragons.  So I don't know where the hell it came from.

My first experience with furry was actually meeting one and a rather clean one at that.  My first thoughts regarding furry were "Holy ----, there are other people like me out there?".  I was knocked for six to say the least.

I'm not a particularly pervy person but that's because my mind is just wired too incorrectly to perceive that, I operate in different ways that most people (aside from one particular niche) wouldn't understand.  However, being the leftist and open person that I am, I support everyone's stance that they can do whatever the heck they like.

I suppose furry to me is the fact that I've always been drawn to both animals and mythical creatures, not since a particular date but simply forever as my mind perceives it.  I like them.  They're fun.

I just see it all as something very innocent and inventive.

Moving right along, then ...

Tape: Every time a spider has even been mentioned in Charline's presence, she either exhibits utter horror, shock or has nearly passed out.  I don't think she's actually been taunted with a Spider yet, I think that might just be enough to see her faint.  Though one never knows ...

My intentions are good.  *Cough.*  And not experimental in the least.  Honest.


Actually, to clear things up, ICVDForums and InvertedDungeon.com used to be associated.  Darkmoon (who runs the site) and Devilotx (who runs the forum) chose to split ways a little over a year ago for reasons that really don't need going in to.  ClockworkMansion forum (which would be here) was created as an outlet do discuss DSWC (Darkmoon's Silly Web Comic) and CV RPG, as well as a General Forum and other discussion.

A few months ago, ClockworkMansion became the home to DMFA's discussion forum, and there you have it.  As I am underqualified to explain the furry movement, I will leave that one alone (besides, I think the question has already been answered).

You're used to flame wars with flames... this is more like EZ-Bake Oven wars.   ~Amber
If you want me to play favorites, keep wanking. I'll choose which hand to favour when I pimpslap you down.   ~Amber

llearch n'n'daCorna

While everyone is washing their laundry in public - I'm not furry. I'm just cynical and a loner, and you lot are open enough to let me be cynical and alone without bothering me about what's annoying me.

Just ask anyone who knows me. If you can find any of them. :-)
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Differences make the World go 'round and all that, if that state of existance is the state you enjoy, then no one should be able to argue the point with you and I don't think that realistically, anyone here would.  So that's all good then!

Though in all honesty, you come across as more generally entertaining than cynical to me.  I do however realize that this is probably because I find cynical entertaining.  Whether that's a good or bad thing is open to speculation.



Quote from: Aridas Soulfire on September 09, 2006, 06:05:33 PM
can boxes even be furry?

No, but you could have an anthropomorphic box if you so desired..

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Those last two posts are so going into my collection of quotes.  Yes, they are.