movie found and thanks

Started by thegayhare, November 01, 2013, 01:30:44 PM

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Hi Hi all

Sorry all my latests posts have been weird off the wall sort of things and I know I did sometihng like this while looking for a game

but It's in my head and won't go away

I'm looking for a movie that I remember something of the trailers but can't seem to find and was hopping some one out there in internet land might be able to help me out with

I don't remember the title but I think it started with an S (big help I know)
I think it came out around the time of skyline or at least thats when I remember the commercials

I think it was a bout a group ot teens or young adults,  I remember seeing something like a ghost busters proton pack being used, and a black hole like thing that was atomising people and sucking them into it...

not much to go on sorry but if anyone has any Idea

I've spent the past few months off and on looking for this film...

thanks every bunny and sorry



That was my guess, too. I heard it was terrible, though. Just fyi.
In Brightest Day. In Blackest Night...


wow thats the one thanks Tuyu and Darkmoon

and again I got the title wrong, 

thanks a ton


having watched the movie I'll admit it wasn't a great movie but it wasn't that bad

the weird thing is I remember the comercials almost seeming like it was a comedy... definitly not a comadey but the disintegration effects are really cool

and I love the made Russian electrician with his cat covered in anti alien camo


its a weird phenomenon when you see a trailer/teaser and look forward to it, but then it zipped past you and you nearly forget

you remind me i have to locate and watch 'burke and hare', which i saw in the 'coming soon' database back in like 2010

...okay, bad mental image shoving you into that scenerio
Some will fall in love with life,
and drink it from a fountain;
that is pouring like an avalanche,
coming down the mountain.