Oh Snap! Pluto not planet...

Started by KarlOmega1, August 25, 2006, 12:21:00 AM

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Quote from: Roureem Egas on August 25, 2006, 10:53:06 AM
You'll survive. We all will, somehow. :<

And kaos, Hades was the god of the dead, not death. There's a bit of a difference.

You are quite right, thanks for catching me on that one.


So many planets...So little time...For a sec there...I thought Amber blew up pluto  :U


Uranus is not the same god as Saturn. Fyi.

Saturn/Chronos was the son of Uranus. Last I had read, there really is not translation into Greek for Uranus -- which may dictate that the Greeks didn't have a parallel god the Romans could Sub in.

As far as the Romans stealing the Greek gods, they did and they didn't. The Romans had gods before they used the Greek ones. Those gods were simply "ported" over to the Greeks, taking the Greek characters and many attributes, but also keeping many of the attributes that defined them as Roman.
In Brightest Day. In Blackest Night...



Quote from: Darkmoon on August 25, 2006, 02:26:19 PM
Saturn/Chronos was the son of Uranus. Last I had read, there really is not translation into Greek for Uranus -- which may dictate that the Greeks didn't have a parallel god the Romans could Sub in.

So, basically, they wanted a sky god, and pulled uranus out of their butt.


Zeus/Jupiter WAS the god of the sky. At least in Greek mythology.


Quote from: terrycloth on August 25, 2006, 07:39:58 PMSo, basically, they wanted a sky god, and pulled uranus out of their butt.
...So -your- anus (or is it -my- anus? :P) came out of -their- anus?

That's...freaky. :B

*Goes in the off-topic corner, for being perverted -and- off-topic* Whee! :3

Destina Faroda

I guess a good way to look at it is the Greeks being the NES/SNES and the Romans being PSX and PS2.  A lot of the franchises ported over, but there were changes along the way that were lost people will only remember what's new and not what's old..and in the end, it really doesn't matter, as we can make our own mythology.

And by the way, maybe Pluto's no longer a planet, but we still live in a plutocracy....and yes, I know that derives from Plutus (sp?)  But still, I couldn't help but make the pun.

There's always a bright side.  Now Pluto can finally go on that second honeymoon with Proserpina.
Sig coming...whenever...


Quote from: Zina on August 25, 2006, 11:25:07 PM
Zeus/Jupiter WAS the god of the sky. At least in Greek mythology.

Yes, and still is in Roman.

As it goes, and mind you, I have no text book to reference:

First there was Uranus and a female god (the first of the Titans). They had children, among whom was Cronus/Saturnus (Saturn). Saturn eventually killed Uranus and took his mother as his wife. He then killed all his siblings, and attempted to kill any of his offspring.

Zeus/Jupiter, however, was hidden from Saturn, eventually came to maturity, and killed Saturn, He cut open Saturn's belly, and freed his siblings. Thus, how the gods came into existence.
In Brightest Day. In Blackest Night...


Well, Pluto's still kind of a planet.  It's a dwarf planet, according to their definition, because it hasn't "cleared the neigborhood" of other objects.  Although that's a really poor reason, because for example, Earth hasn't "cleared its neighborhood" of the many "Near Earth Objects."  So doesn't that make Earth a dwarf planet?  Well, some people are reasoning that Earth is the dominant mass in its orbit, compared to Pluto in its orbit which isn't really all that massive when you put all the Kuiper Belt Objects together.  Only reason it's not a planet is that its orbit is affected by Neptune, I think, but I haven't read anybody saying that.  Now that would make sense, over the "cleared the neighborhood" argument.

So in my opinion, this new definition stinks compared to the other proposed one (anything with enough mass to form a sphere and is in orbit around a star, and isn't a star or a satellite).  I always thought science was supposed to follow the mantra of "Keep It Simple, Stupid."  Okay, sure, many things in science are very complicated, but the point is to understand and explain things.  Well, now the IAU has only added more questions!  So IMO, it's a bad, somewhat vague definition.

Sorry about the rant. ^^; I could care less whether or not Pluto is a planet.  It's just that this definition needs refining if they intend on sticking with it. 

King Of Hearts

Uranus IS Greek, his Roman equivalent is Caelous at least in his story within the mythology. Caelous just wasnt as revered as Uranus was.

If my memory serves Uranus is one of the four first creatures from the cosmic egg with Gaea, Eros, and Chaos.

Cronus waged war against Uranus with his hundred armed titans and cysclop siblings, [This is where my memory is fuzzy... I think Uranus banished these children of his to Tartarus or whatnot]  in some stories Cronus outright kills Uranus, in some I heard he merely castrated him, anyway, the blood or the genital that Cronus dropped on the sea later became Aphrodite.

Cronus married Rhea, his sister and mother to Zeus' brood.

Destina Faroda

I know the joke's been done 1,000 times, but I just can't help beating a dead horse.

(Full version can be found here.)
Sig coming...whenever...


That's right, NASA, take those Lesbians down a peg.

Yes I know she's not a lesbian, but she could be.


How disfunctional the Greek/Roman divinities were...

Uranus is the progenitor of the titans, Hecatonchires and the the Cyclopes.  He was the son of Gaia/Gaea (who the father is I do not know) as well as her husband at least as far as Hesiod tells it (though it is sometimes told he is the son of primordial "gods" Aether and Hemera).  His son Cronus/Saturn castrated Uranus, from his blood that fell to Earth sprang Gigantes, the Erinyes and Meliae.  Aphrodite came forth from the genitals that fell to the sea.   :<

There is a reason I dislike Greek and Roman mythology...

"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


Quote from: Azlan on August 29, 2006, 02:47:36 AM
How disfunctional the Greek/Roman divinities were...

Uranus is the progenitor of the titans, Hecatonchires and the the Cyclopes.  He was the son of Gaia/Gaea (who the father is I do not know) as well as her husband at least as far as Hesiod tells it (though it is sometimes told he is the son of primordial "gods" Aether and Hemera).  His son Cronus/Saturn castrated Uranus, from his blood that fell to Earth sprang Gigantes, the Erinyes and Meliae.  Aphrodite came forth from the genitals that fell to the sea.   :<

There is a reason I dislike Greek and Roman mythology...

But it's so wonderfully messy and bloody, and other dysfuntional stuff that makes you think "how on earth could anyone believe this crap".
\^.^/ \O.O/ \¬.¬/ \O.^/ \o.o/ \-.-/' \O.o/ \0.0/ \>.</

llearch n'n'daCorna

Funny, I feel the same way about Christianity... And Islam... And pretty much any religion. Buddhism seems silly. Taoism might have something going for it.

Mostly it boils down to, the heaving masses need something to believe in. And who knows, they might well be right, and us illuminated atheists all wrong.

... You wanna go see first? :-)
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"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Soon anime will become a religion and I can smell the chaos

llearch n'n'daCorna


If it was organised, it'd be a religion. The word you're looking for is "cult", and it's already there.

In my opinion, of course...
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears

Sketchy boy

Meh, i just think they had to discover something to get a paychek or something.

Then again, I can be wrong.  Again.


Next thing they say the moons isnt a planet etheirs


Quote from: Sketchy boy on September 09, 2006, 01:23:41 PM
Meh, i just think they had to discover something to get a paychek or something.

Then again, I can be wrong.  Again.

Tish, it's not exactly a discovery. It's just some stuffy classification that really shouldn't be changing people's view on the world at all. I mean, it's not as if Pluto isn't there any more, nor that it's no longer interesting.