10/05/2010 [DMFA #QFR3] - Rapid-Fire QA

Started by Drayco84, October 05, 2010, 01:38:12 AM

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Yay! First one to make a topic for new comic! (Now for Llearch to come by and tell me I did it wrong...)

Anyway... 'Nuff said on the furby style-stealers, Fluffy. 'Nuff. Said.

You did it wrong.
  -- llearch


For some reason, this Q and A had me on edge.

But when I found out about Quoar and PyroDuck's mom, hoooooboy.


Quote from: RandomMetaphysics on October 05, 2010, 01:44:14 AM
But when I found out about Quoar and PyroDuck's mom, hoooooboy.
Moral of the story: Don't piss off the bard?


Quote from: RandomMetaphysics on October 05, 2010, 01:44:14 AM
But when I found out about Quoar and PyroDuck's mom, hoooooboy.

Killed by the head of the love clan.  An impressive way to go.
(Then again, The Prophecy: "What do you love, Gabriel?"  "Cracking your skull.")

Also, the undead Tri-wing answer would tend to suggest that it is indeed ascension which prevents them being able to reproduce rather than having a bunch of followers per se as some have suggested.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


What? My first post outside the Haunted Ballroom? Woah!

Anyway, I missed asking cause I caught sick this weekend, but here are a few things I was wondering.

1) According to Dan, he met Dark Pegasus two times before the first time in comic; his first day out of adventuring school, and the infamous deathknight/spork incident. It was later revealed that he did not kill DP the first time, so the one in the comic was his second time. However in strip # 941 Lorenda says "You would think after the first TWO times..." implying that was the third time reviving DP, but the second time Dan killed him. So now I'm wondering... who killed DP the other time and when did it happen with respect to the spork incident?

2) Why the hell was Jyras' lab the Willy Wonka Factory that one time?!?! Is it possibly related to him working together with Mab on the patches?

3) Fa'Lina is a triwing cubi... but she only ever has two sets of wings out when at the academy. Is there a reason for this aside from personal choice? And on a related note... is there anything to stop a cubi from morphing a third set of wings even if they aren't triwing? And does triwing equate to clan leader and vice versa or is that just coincidence?

4) Back in the early days of DMFA, Amber did a list of 'ten things to improve webcomics' since then, everything on that list (if you count her brother's comic for the sprite thing) has happened except the baby thing. Is this on purpose? Coincidence?

Aside from this all of my questions are things that will probably be covered in the comic eventually anyway (What ever happened to those amazons from the first DP encounter? Do all the dragons really want to kill Dan? Even the ones he seems to be friends with like Shanna the amazon or that red dragon he owed money to? Is Regina DP's daughter somehow or does he and Kria have another sibling?) or stuff that's somewhat trivial and probably been asked before (Is there a relation between Queen Nutmeg and Nutmeg the warp aci? Is Abel gay? Is mink a boy or a girl?).

llearch n'n'daCorna

Quote from: AmberCross on October 05, 2010, 03:59:38 AM
1) According to Dan, he met Dark Pegasus two times before the first time in comic; his first day out of adventuring school, and the infamous deathknight/spork incident. It was later revealed that he did not kill DP the first time, so the one in the comic was his second time. However in strip # 941 Lorenda says "You would think after the first TWO times..." implying that was the third time reviving DP, but the second time Dan killed him. So now I'm wondering... who killed DP the other time and when did it happen with respect to the spork incident?

Where did Dan say it was 2 other times, out of interest? I can't find that...

Quote from: AmberCross on October 05, 2010, 03:59:38 AM
2) Why the hell was Jyras' lab the Willy Wonka Factory that one time?!?! Is it possibly related to him working together with Mab on the patches?

I would have to say "Magic", there.

Quote from: AmberCross on October 05, 2010, 03:59:38 AM
3) Fa'Lina is a triwing cubi... but she only ever has two sets of wings out when at the academy. Is there a reason for this aside from personal choice? And on a related note... is there anything to stop a cubi from morphing a third set of wings even if they aren't triwing? And does triwing equate to clan leader and vice versa or is that just coincidence?

Personal choice.
Other tri-wings? It's not exactly easy, I'd say. Anyone who can manage that, same as the other signs (e.g., tentacle heads) is probably tough enough that you don't want to mess with them anyway.
Amber has said that there have been a couple of cases where there are two tri-wings in a clan, but it's not common.

Quote from: AmberCross on October 05, 2010, 03:59:38 AM
4) Back in the early days of DMFA, Amber did a list of 'ten things to improve webcomics' since then, everything on that list (if you count her brother's comic for the sprite thing) has happened except the baby thing. Is this on purpose? Coincidence?

Coincidence, I think. Either that or Amber has been planning and implementing four-year subtle jokes that nobody but you picked up on. Somehow, I suspect it's coincidence.

Quote from: AmberCross on October 05, 2010, 03:59:38 AM
Aside from this all of my questions are things that will probably be covered in the comic eventually anyway (What ever happened to those amazons from the first DP encounter? Do all the dragons really want to kill Dan? Even the ones he seems to be friends with like Shanna the amazon or that red dragon he owed money to? Is Regina DP's daughter somehow or does he and Kria have another sibling?) or stuff that's somewhat trivial and probably been asked before (Is there a relation between Queen Nutmeg and Nutmeg the warp aci? Is Abel gay? Is mink a boy or a girl?).

Don't know, Dan might have met them later, but nothing has been mentioned about Shanna and Anna since then. Hannah, of course, is buried. I did wonder if Dan ever found her fluffy tail...
Probably not, but enough to make it dangerous to assume otherwise.
Maybe. I mean, come on, if you knew Dan, wouldn't you want to kill him sometimes?
According to her cast page: Family: Second Cousin (Lorenda), Second-Uncle (Dark Pegasus), Second-Aunt (Kria)
Queen Nutmeg and Nutmeg the Warp-Aci are unrelated, Amber said at some point. If you look in the wiki, you may even find a link to it.
Abel is unlisted as yet. It's part of the story that nobody knows.
And Mink is a squiggly. So says the Ambaarrgh.

Any other questions?
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Wow! Ducky's mom killed by the bard of love of the cubi clan. It seems like such a contradiction and Fa'lina use to be friends with Ducky's dad. Wonder if it would have been a lot less gruesome if her hubby didn't make Fa'lina cry?

It was quite enjoyable. Though I don't know how I feel about the Furbies Stealing Fluffy's thunder.

You have defeated 12 QUESTIONS.
Congratulations Amber. Those have to be either worth a ton of experience points or gold coins.
Also happy birthday to your husband
I perfer my spam cooked on a skillet.

Ted Schiller

Alexsi is ticklish?
How does anyone know?
Let me rephrase that.  How does anyone living know?

With regards,


You did it wrong.
  -- llearch

Totally not surprised... (It WAS past 1am for me, afterall...) Thanks for the fix.

Quote from: Ted Schiller on October 05, 2010, 12:32:04 PM
Alexsi is ticklish?
How does anyone know?
Let me rephrase that.  How does anyone living know?

Ummmm... Destania and/or Edward?

And I also have a question... Why don't more of the ladies go shirt-*BLAM!* ... *THUD!*

llearch n'n'daCorna

Quote from: Drayco84 on October 05, 2010, 12:44:25 PM
You did it wrong.
  -- llearch
Totally not surprised... (It WAS past 1am for me, afterall...) Thanks for the fix.

Welcome. *grin*
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


I desire to tickle Alexsi now.  Regardless of, or because it would end in my death.


Yay, rapid-fire question answering!

Point of note:  Heavy weaponry doesn't exist in Furrae... except in Jyrras' lab.  >_>  Which... is probably why Mab wants him to keep inventing.  Creatures aren't going to have as good of defenses against a machine gun or a laser cannon... 

Also, Quoar has just gotten a little more awesome.  It's a little sad for Pyroduck, though. 


Quote from: AmberCross on October 05, 2010, 03:59:38 AMDo all the dragons really want to kill Dan? Even the ones he seems to be friends with like Shanna the amazon or that red dragon he owed money to?
Quote from: Fa'LinaI told him "The second any dragon finds out Dan is from Cyra's clan they are going to try to kill him... Except for one dragon. He's nice."
As far as we know, only one dragon so far knows he's Cyra clan, Pyroduck. All the others met him before his clan symbol manifested.
"Cogito, ergo es. I think, therefore you is." Ray D. Tutto (King of the Moon) to Baron Munschaussen


Quote from: AmberCross on October 05, 2010, 03:59:38 AM
4) Back in the early days of DMFA, Amber did a list of 'ten things to improve webcomics' since then, everything on that list (if you count her brother's comic for the sprite thing) has happened except the baby thing. Is this on purpose? Coincidence?

Well, the baby thing is going to eventually happen.

But yeah I noticed that too! I do think it's coincidence though haha.


Quote from: Arcblade on October 05, 2010, 02:07:25 PM
Also, Quoar has just gotten a little more awesome.  It's a little sad for Pyroduck, though. 
My thoughts exactly.  Emphasis on the first part, especially from the assumption that it normally takes... well, I have no idea how many 'cubi it normally takes to stand a chance at taking down a dragon, but... I guess the short version, to quote an old debate that involved Optimus Prime, is this: Is there anything about him that ISN'T awesome? (If not, don't tell me.)

Huzzah!  Huzzah for these walls of text, and more where they came from!
Quote from: DamarisThis is the most freaking civil "flame war" I have ever seen in my life.
Yap yap.


Learn to laugh at yourself, and you will never be without a source of amusement.


Wait... so did Pyroduck's mom have five heads?


Quote from: lilpuppy23 on October 05, 2010, 05:37:28 PM
Wait... so did Pyroduck's mom have five heads?

That's the obvious implication.  Dragons are shapeshifters and for all I know she was in some kind of hydra mode.  But she could equally have been a mythos of some kind.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E

Amber Williams


I just broke my arm in five places.

This means I obviously have five arms.
Help! I'm gay!


Ahh, I see, no heavy weapons, those things in Jy's lab?  They really ARE for mining, I knew he wasn't lying, Lorenda is all suspicious for nothing :D


Quote from: Drathorin on October 05, 2010, 05:48:46 PM
I just broke my arm in five places.
This means I obviously have five arms.

Yes, but your wording is so different to the wording using in the comic that I'm not sure they can be directly compared.  What would it imply if you had written "I just cut my thumb off five times?"

Quote from: Amber Williams on October 05, 2010, 05:41:35 PM
Nah. She just had a really long neck. :3

In a way that's kind of disappointing :P

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Quote from: Tapewolf on October 05, 2010, 06:11:33 PM
Quote from: Drathorin on October 05, 2010, 05:48:46 PM
I just broke my arm in five places.
This means I obviously have five arms.

Yes, but your wording is so different to the wording using in the comic that I'm not sure they can be directly compared.  What would it imply if you had written "I just cut my thumb off five times?"

That I'd just cut off my thumb in five places at the same time.

As in the word "Just" implies it happened within the last few minutes. Or at least a small enough frame of time to make it impossible to surgically reattach and heal, and cut it off again, five times in a row.

Sometimes you have to use common sense, and understand slight bits of slang.

But mostly...Common sense.

Remember, it is a super power. Deadpool says so.
Help! I'm gay!


Quote from: Tapewolf on October 05, 2010, 06:11:33 PM
In a way that's kind of disappointing :P

Disappointing?  How you think she felt?  She was killed by someone who the only thing you can say when losing to is, "CURSES!  I've been defeated by the power of looooove *gack*" who then probably proceded to serve some young lass cooked dragon neck steaks later that night :p

At least, that's where my imagination is going.


Quote from: Drathorin on October 05, 2010, 06:15:45 PM
Quote from: Tapewolf on October 05, 2010, 06:11:33 PM
Quote from: Drathorin on October 05, 2010, 05:48:46 PM
I just broke my arm in five places.
This means I obviously have five arms.

Yes, but your wording is so different to the wording using in the comic that I'm not sure they can be directly compared.  What would it imply if you had written "I just cut my thumb off five times?"

That I'd just cut off my thumb in five places at the same time.

As in the word "Just" implies it happened within the last few minutes. Or at least a small enough frame of time to make it impossible to surgically reattach and heal, and cut it off again, five times in a row.

Sometimes you have to use common sense, and understand slight bits of slang.

But mostly...Common sense.

Remember, it is a super power. Deadpool says so.

"Snicker" Good old Deadpool said a lot of things. Some that got him smacked around quite a bit. My favorite was when he insulted She Hulk and had his intire head planted into the ground like a plant bulb.

The the five place-one cut method might have been her neck being tied into a not and Quoar cutting the not in half. Lets just leave it as said, that no matter how he did it. It would probably be something that would have demoralized whoever was fighting for her.
I perfer my spam cooked on a skillet.


Quoar may be a bard and focused on love, but he is STILL the oldest and most powerful Tri-Wing in existence. It stands to reason that he is NOT to be trifled with.


Quote from: Drathorin on October 05, 2010, 05:48:46 PM
I just broke my arm in five places.

This means I obviously have five arms.

To be fair, I thought Pyroduck's mom had five heads too. :c

Reading comprehension for the looooooose.


Quote from: Keaton the Black Jackal on October 05, 2010, 07:54:35 PM
Quote from: Drathorin on October 05, 2010, 05:48:46 PM
I just broke my arm in five places.

This means I obviously have five arms.

To be fair, I thought Pyroduck's mom had five heads too. :c

Reading comprehension for the looooooose.

It wasn't my first reaction, but it could easily be read that way, yeah. o.o "I was just amputated 4 times!" also sounds like I'd have had all my limbs chopped off, not just one chopped repeatedly.

Edit: Drath, the reason yours is easily identifiable as the same arm, is because you use the word "arm," which is singular. Amber did not say "he cut her head off five times in a single swipe" or "sliced her neck through five times in one swipe."


To be honest, I read it that Quoar managed to make that single swipe curve through sheer awesomeness and cut through her one neck (which I assumed to be pretty long) five times that way. Either that or he managed to swing so hard that he bent time causing the universe to replay the instance a couple of times. Her neck being curved did not occur to me however, nor the knot thing. Technically speaking I'm pretty sure you can only decapitate one head once though, after which you're really just cutting pieces off the neck...

Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on October 05, 2010, 08:18:31 AM
Where did Dan say it was 2 other times, out of interest? I can't find that...
Wait... found the source of my confusion. Dark Pegasus said in strip 150 that his plan was the same as the LAST 2 Dan thwarted. However I realize now in retrospect that their first meeting really doesn't count as a thwarting bringing that storyline up to the FOURTH instance they meet rather than just the third.
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on October 05, 2010, 03:59:38 AM
I would have to say "Magic", there.
The thing that makes me think it's something more is that in the strip after Jyras said, "I think I know what went wrong" so I'm wondering if it is in fact something more.

Quote from: AmberCross on October 05, 2010, 03:59:38 AM
Probably not, but enough to make it dangerous to assume otherwise.
Maybe. I mean, come on, if you knew Dan, wouldn't you want to kill him sometimes?
According to her cast page: Family: Second Cousin (Lorenda), Second-Uncle (Dark Pegasus), Second-Aunt (Kria)
So it's possible there are some dragons that would not want to kill him for some reason, that's good to know.
Also, I suppose a better question about Regina would be to wonder who is in between her and the main group of Kria, Dark Pegasus, and Lorenda. She's not directly related to any of them, so who else is in their family tree? Dan said he didn't recognize any of them, so we probably would either, but I'm still curious. Like I said though, these are questions that are not meant to be answered because they're either irrelevant or spoilers.

Quote from: Kittastrophe on October 05, 2010, 03:37:27 PM
Well, the baby thing is going to eventually happen.
Huh, completely forgot about that. I've always assumed it would have to happen to one of the main cast to count, but that could definitely work.

I guess my only other curiosity is why Wildy in 119 never realized Dan was a Hero who actually did all that stuff he talked about when she knew him not only since before he started adventuring in the first place, but also in fact since they were both children?


You know that statement about picking fights almost has me wondering if the only reason she was picking a fight with Quoar was because of the war. Though that probably goes the same for Quoar killing her.

Though the tech development of Jyras's has me wondering if he ever tried to make himself power armor before?

Fluffy's faces where so awesome this strip. :giggle

Going to sleep now. "ZZzzzzzZZz GiggleZzzzzzZ
I perfer my spam cooked on a skillet.