Welcome to the RCSI Forums

Started by Darkmoon, September 30, 2010, 03:50:35 PM

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RCSI and their comic properties have elected to marge in with our fine forum. Give them a big welcome.

Until such time as they define further rules, make sure to follow the general rules of CMF and try to act like a human being. We know it's difficult sometimes.
In Brightest Day. In Blackest Night...


Giving big welcome!

I've read Code Name: Hunter, and I've always thought it to be an excellent comic! (the DMFA cameos don't hurt ;) ) However, I wasn't really keeping up with updates after reading it in one binge, and I didn't know if you had a forum already. But, I will certainly be turning around the former, and for the latter, allow me to be the first to welcome the RCSI comic and all readers-to-be-forumites to this little corner of the internet! :D I look forward to getting to know you all :)


The same sentiments as above.  >>

llearch n'n'daCorna

I think my favourite RCSI sequence is The Streak.

... but then, I've been slightly twisted for years...
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


I like the different takes on the Fae in some comics.

But with the comics Following what seems like a comic book does it mean that the number of the page might follow something like [  9/26/2010 [Code Name: Hunter Volume Book#9 Page#15] Doubt in a loved one.].

Yes I know its long that's why I'm asking  does anyone know a better method?

Still I love this comic. Learned about it through Amber's comic. :)
I perfer my spam cooked on a skillet.


Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on September 30, 2010, 10:15:45 PM
I think my favourite RCSI sequence is The Streak.

... but then, I've been considerably twisted for years...
Fixed that for ya, and I haven't even known you for years!

Anyways, finally got caught up in Code Name: Hunter. (Dang, warn about about the size of the archives!) Yet another awesome comic that I will be following from here on out.


Quote from: joshofspam on September 30, 2010, 10:42:09 PM
I like the different takes on the Fae in some comics.

But with the comics Following what seems like a comic book does it mean that the number of the page might follow something like [  9/26/2010 [Code Name: Hunter Volume Book#9 Page#15] Doubt in a loved one.].

Yes I know its long that's why I'm asking  does anyone know a better method?

Still I love this comic. Learned about it through Amber's comic. :)

Well, since the book is it's own series without spin-off media (that I know of), it'd simply be something like:

09/26/10 [9-15] - Doubt in a Loved One
09/26/10 [Book 9 #15] - Doubt in a Loved One
09/26/10 [CN:H 9 #15] - Doubt in a Loved One

Any of those would do.
In Brightest Day. In Blackest Night...


Welcome to our merry little madhouse! Considering that there are several people here who, like myself, have followed the comic for a while, it would appear the move here was a good one!
I wish the real world would just stop hassling me.
"I work in Fringe Division. Weird is a matter of degrees."


A new comic to read, this will fill up my schedule even more. :<

People of RCSI and their comic, you are most welcome  :)


Hey, guys! Thanks for letting us join up with you all and for the warm welcome! Most CN:H readers won't visit the comic again until Monday, so it's going to take a bit for them to start wandering over. Though I'm sure a few will show up eventually.  :)

Quote from: joshofspam on September 30, 2010, 10:42:09 PM
But with the comics Following what seems like a comic book does it mean that the number of the page might follow something like [  9/26/2010 [Code Name: Hunter Volume Book#9 Page#15] Doubt in a loved one.].

I never really thought about it, I'm afraid. I tried naming the pages a few years ago, but gave up on that quick. I found I'm not witty enough to come up with clever titles. I've always just referred to them by their issue number and page number.

So, I guess something like
09/26/10 [9-15]
09/26/10 [Issue 9, Page 15]

But I don't mind if titles for the pages are made up. I'd say whichever works out best for everyone.   :)


Cool! CN:H has the distinction of being the only (non-print) comic for which I pay to read, and I can certainly recommend the supporters membership to the other fans around here. I am very much looking forward to its return in a few months. :)


Quote from: Darc_Sowers on October 01, 2010, 10:04:45 AM
I never really thought about it, I'm afraid. I tried naming the pages a few years ago, but gave up on that quick. I found I'm not witty enough to come up with clever titles. I've always just referred to them by their issue number and page number.

I thought it was because I pointed out gramatical errors in them during my (slighlty overenthusiastic) time as spellchecker?

To be honest, I always felt a little bit guilty about you stopping the titles after that, some of them were really good (especially that John Grisham one).


It was just the final nail in the coffin. After spending 10-15 hours per page, I don't have the energy or brain power to come up with something snappy. Most of those titles were done long after the pages were complete. I was struggling badly with the newer ones. Since my pages don't stand alone too well, titles really aren't necessary. :)

Though I want to thank you. We ended up hiring a professional proofreader. She's been wonderful, if a little pricey at times.  :giggle


In the case of CVRPG, I just make up some random title so one exists. It doesn't really matter to me how "relevant" the title is.

That said, in the case of the forum, most people just tend to make something "witty" up for the comic description. I haven't known many users to use the actual comic title for that space in the thread title.
In Brightest Day. In Blackest Night...


Welcome to the clockwork mansion, as others have previously stated. :o

I only started reading this a few weeks ago. My lord the archives are huge, and awesome.

Looking forward to enjoying this wild ride.  :3
Help! I'm gay!


Welcome to the CMF! Is it a bad thing that I read through the entire CN:H archives in less than a day? Me thinks I'm addicted, now. :P

Can't wait for more. Also, I like your art style.


I"m still following you where ever you go.  :thread
Henry K9
and other forgotten log-ins
Trying to see a brighter future!




I'd stopped daily checking CN:H due to the fact that I knew updates were frozen. So I hop over once a week.

LO AND BEHOLD now they've merged to be on here . . . . which is already a forum I'm a member of due to DMFA!

And yes, I'm a sad, sad little forumite that posts seldom. BUT I STILL READ :D

Madd the Sane

Quote from: Forestcat on October 05, 2010, 09:34:40 PM

I'd stopped daily checking CN:H due to the fact that I knew updates were frozen. So I hop over once a week.

LO AND BEHOLD now they've merged to be on here . . . . which is already a forum I'm a member of due to DMFA!

And yes, I'm a sad, sad little forumite that posts seldom. BUT I STILL READ :D
Luekers, unite!

Oh wait...
Get out of my mind, idea!  I already have an idea in here!
Don't you hate it when you have an idea, don't write it down, and forget it?