The Line in the Stars (IC) [PG/14]

Started by Azlan, July 31, 2006, 04:36:21 PM

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Hanger Area

   "Anti-pirate escort, then? Very well." As if the fact that Nazareth and his squad were being called in in a mission involving aliens and their ship wasn't enough, Nazareth definitely got the gist that this was, well more than the last run he did, a "need-to-know-basis" mission. Nazareth very much knew better than to inquire further.
   At that moment, caution alarms went off on the other side of the hanger as the Crusading Scales' fighters were towed in. With a motion to his squad, Nazareth got them heading away to take care of business.


Hanger Area

One of the larger internal doors opened within the bay, and 4 large cargo trucks entered carrying 4 heavy fighters.  The trucks slowly approached the designated next to the alien ship and near the assembled group.

Without any warning, brilliant yellow beams of energy blink into existence, each striking a fighter.  Quickly, effortlessly and yet still rather carefully, the fighters are placed onto fighter shaped flat points near the lower end of the midpoint of the ship.  Three of the fighters defying gravity itself as they sat on the pads.  Slowly an amorphous substance formed a bubble around the fighters.  Within moments they were completely covered and hidden from view.  These "blisters" for lack of a better word, retracted somewhat into the hull about halfway.  Mother's retracted petal like structures extended until they protectively covered the fighter blisters.

Kanzoria found that display to be rather fascinating, but quickly changed his demeanor as two orange vixens descended from the alien ship itself.  For those who had been in the ship, these two were Mother and the one called Alexis.

Alexis strode right up to the coyote, who stood there with his arms crossed, "you should leave."

Kanzoria smiled somewhat innocently and spread his arms wide, "well now, this little ship has more then one entity on it.  The other one, Loki, must be special."

"Where is your mother little boy, run along now before I toss you off the deck."  Alexis growled.

Mother put her hand on her daughter's shoulder and Alexis backed off, surprisingly Mother stepped forward and offered a hug to the smug coyote.  He merely huffed, turned and walked away.  He tossed his hand up in a goodbye sort of gesture, "take care of Ixiah, be seeing you."


Loki seemed a bit taken aback by the strange creature, "I can't marry you, I don't even know you!  Who are you Mara?"

"Mara is my... Matron's child.  I... am not Matron, but a defense for these memories and Mara against threats."  The cerulean vixen from earlier stepped from the shadows.

Loki still seemed fearful, but he did not retreat, "what do you want from Nova?"

"I want nothing, Mara wants nothing, there have been great misunderstandings in what Matron, Xaos and Gaea have done."

Mara beams up at the green fox and opens her paw, inside it is a swirling ball of letters, numbers and images, "see the truth!"

All that occurred with Matron, Xaos and Gaea danced before Loki's eyes.  Shocked, he turns to Nova, "do... do you believe them Nova?"

"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


Hanger Area
Romulus watched Kanzoria walk away with an emotionless look on his face. He then turned to Mother and Alexis.
"I guess you can say it's my fault he was here. I should have taken my men somewhere else for a while instead of heading straight here. I'm sorry"
Romulus looked at his men for a second then spoke.
"Men attention. This is Mother and Alexis. We will be traveling with them for sometime"
Romulus gestures to Mother.
"This is her ship and she you will treat her with the same respect you give Col. Nexx"
Then gestures to Alexis.
"This is Alexis and she is in charge of the ships defences, which also means she is in charge of us. You will also treat her with the same respect as Mother. If I find out about any of you disrespecting either of them and they haven't throw you off the ship, I will"
Romulus then turned to Mother and Alexis and salutes. Then addresses Mother.
"Where should I have my men stow their gear ma'am?"
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.

Prof B Hunnydew

"Loki, I have no reason not to trust them.  I have only good memories of them.   oh oh I don't know... As of few days ago, I just remembered them as my imaginary friends of my childhood.  Mara, I have not awaken her since I was 10.   Now, Now I have found I have a security system in my head, already... and a megacomputer AI around my neck.  I can't make a decision on my childhood remembers alone.   I need to talk to Xaos and Gaea, If they are still there.  I'm sorry, I want to trust them, but I need more information.  As I question everything I have ever done."

Nova sadly hugs the child AI computer, " I am sorry Mara, but we have to go.  Loki and I need to get to the ship and we going to see your mother."

"And I am going with you? Hurry, let's go" yells the AI cub..

Loki and Nova are awaken by a message buzzer.  Nova pats her crystal and puts in the her shirt.  And answers her message board.

Quote"Aaron sends Lt. Nova another message
If you are not here in 5 minutes I'm coming to get you."

Nova grabs her bags and heads out the door..."Loki, Come'n for Fun and Adventure" says the cat-girl with a false cheer.



Aaron leans over to Naz, "That was pretty creepy wasn't it?"

He then notices Mother and Alexis.
"Oh yes, I should point out those two over there." gesturing towards the two orange vixens.
"They are the ship Mother.  It sounds confusing yes, but it is essentially true.  They are AIs that run the ship.  Treating them like computer are a mistake though."

BIG MISTAKE!  DO NOT MAKE!  That gaze still unsettles Aaron.

"Respect them as the ship's crew and you won't go too far wrong.  I've not quite figured out the dynamics of how it works, but that one, the one in the military uniform, is Alexis, the other one is Mother.  As strange as it sounds, get to know them.  They really don't seem like the sort of AI you are used to.  Or at least what I'm used to."
The All Purpose Fox


Hanger Area

   As the Zetas were about to go confer with the dock hands about the placement of their fighters, the alien ship spontaneously shot out beams of energy at the machines. They were levitated to the ship, and "absorbed' into it, now held within armored bumps on the ship.
   All the the Crusading Scales, Nazareth included, were very wide-eyed at the spectacle. Nazareth, for one of the few times in his life, was...unsettled. Not for what the ship just did, but for that he didn't know what it could do.
   The belly of the ship opened up, lowering a ramp with two orange vixens striding down it. Orange wasn't such an uncommon fur color for vixens, but these two sported pelts so vibrantly colored, Nazareth didn't doubt that these were more aliens.
   Aaron leaned over, offering a small comment to the physically-imposing Komodo Dragon, who didn't seem so imposing anymore. Nazareth's normally lustrous green coloration seemed ever-so-slightly-bleached, and his expression was a grim slash. "Sir, 'creepy' is a massive understatement."
   At Aaron's next explanation a few things were cleared up, but did nothing to allay Nazareth's unease. Believe me, computers are the last thing I'd be treating them as... But at another thing he said, Nazareth spoke up. "Get to know them? Major Aaron Brown." Nazareth turned to Aaron with a deliberate demeanor. "With all due respect, Sir, I intend to stay as far away from...them..." Nazareth said, referring not just to the AIs but to the ship and the actual alien, " possible while still doing my job. That said, I need to know what my job is. You may or may not know that Captain Summers wanted to confirm that I am qualified to handle a CV, which I am. So, which ship in here-" Nazareth glanced around the large hanger at a few of the other docked ships, "-am I to pilot? And on a closely related note, why, pray tell, are my squad and I being separated? If I'm going to be piloting a Carrier Vehicle instead of my own fighter, which I am already unhappy about, why am I not carrying my own men?"


Hanger Area

Aaron head canted at Naz.
"Being separated?"

Aaron double checks his orders,
"I see nothing about a second ship.  I believe that you and your men are stuck with the lot of us.  And the ships AIs.  And aliens.  On the note of the lack of details, I apologise.  There was a specific set of ears present that I did not want our mission leaking out to.  We are searching out an alien crash site, the 'infamous' Hunnydew's Golden Alien Starship.  We have new leads on where it is, and Lt. Nova, the only one that we are still waiting on, has been there previously.  You really are on Anti Pirate duty.  The site is in pirate territory so we are expecting to have a few attacks.  I can not force you to like Mother, but at the same time she and hers are to be respected like the crew of any other ship.  You will need to talk with her about your fighter accomidations, how the launching business works, amongst other details."

Hopefully, Aaron will get some his own questions answered too.
"As far as creepy goes, I asked Mother where she came from and how the ship was made.  She showed me.  Boy that was creepy how it was... made... born... created?  These are the times I wish I could put images straight into people's heads."

Aaron shrugged.  Which reminded him of something.
"Oh yes, more introductions.  Over there is the special forces team, lead by Sgt. Romulus Darkcloud, they are ground support, they were also on the planet with me during the last engagement.  With me is Richard, he is following along to help out and advise on pirate subjects and this is Ixiah, he is the one in the colonel's outfit.  Speaking of which,"

Aaron looks to Ixiah, "I like the uniform, but it would make me feel better if you changed the rank to something below major.  Things will be less confusing.'

Ixiah pouts some but changes this rank.

"Thankyou.  As I said, we are waiting on Lt. Nova, she has been to the site and once we find the site she will be instrumental in extracting useful information.  She is accompanied by Loki, another alien like Ixiah."

Aaron goes over the score card in his head, which is now down by one intelligence officer.  Oh boy this will be fun.  Aaron is sure that the good Lieutenant who is willing to dive head first into alien tech will get along swimmingly with the pilots who, somehow, seems... xenophobic.
The All Purpose Fox


Hanger Area

The two vixens considered each word that was spoken among those assembled.  It was Mother that spoke first, she addressed Romulus and his group, "please stop saluting me, I am not in your military, you must stick to your command structure.  What I do require of you is to be respectful and follow the instruction of myself and my daughters in regards to matters pertaining to ship, its technology, and those of Loki and Ixiah's people."

Alexis gestured towards the ship, "if you all will walk this way, we shall get you situated in various areas suited to your needs."

"The fighters are secured, we shall show you how to access them and when we are outside, I will show you how to launch,"  said Mother.  The vixen then turned to Naz, "as for you, I have been putting this to great thought and I will need you, or one of your pilots if you are unable, to pilot the ship.  This is as often as I need and most specifically in battle.  You will find that I am as nimble as a light fighter and better armed then one of your cruisers.  If we must resort to violence, then you will be the point of a very sharp spear.  Your Zetas have not decreased by one fighter so much as gained a deadly wing leader."

Mother and Alexis lead the group through the ship, showing Romulus's group the troop area.  It was very much like their area on the Phalanx, only much higher tech level.  The training area was complete digital reality capable.  The weapons racks held a number of small arms both of models Romulus was familiar with and others he was not.  It contained nearly every model of weapon necessary, but before anyone could examine them, Alexis shook her head, "touch nothing in those racks.  You have your armaments, I will issue out these if the need arises."

With a word, all the cases sealed themselves.

The next area was the quarters for Nova, Aaron and other non-special forces people.  Each room was labeled with the person's name.  Those not in use were sealed without means to open them, being nothing more then a door shaped spot in the wall.

OOC: all doors open automatically and have no handles or means to lock them that are visible.  Locking those that respond to players and trying to open those that do not requires a thought projection, but none of you are aware of this.

The tour briefly passed through a starboard hallway that appears to lead towards engineering.  Alexis pauses in this hall as Mother leads everyone on.  The younger vixen watches everyone as they pass, making sure no one decides to break off and head down the hallway.  Everyone gets the feeling that though they may appear to have free movement in the ship, it isn't so very free.

The last stop was the converted cargo area, inside the design was a hybrid of function and form.  Each fighter "egg" was accessible via a sophisticated ramp and Alexis demonstrated by ascending to the top docked fighter and passing through the organic shell as if it was water.  The shell became transparent and inside could be seen the fighter.  Gravity orientation in the small shell was noticeably odd, but Alexis demonstrated by flipping herself up and into the seat.

"oh how quaint!" she remarked, "it is such a... classic... design."

During the walk, Richard leaned over close to speak to Aaron, "do not forget the bondcord... it is minor, but important."

Hall outside Nova's quarters

Visibly shaken, he rose to his feet and stumbled after her, he seemed to be in a little pain, but shrugged it off.

"okay, let's go.  I will trust your judgment with the strange little one.  It almost seems like Matron used a bit of you and herself when she brought Mara into being."

As she rushed down the hall with Loki, they ran straight into the doctor from the infirmary, though he was dressed far more casually, "oh, Ms. Nova... how nice to see you.  Young Loki as well."  His smile was rather infectious even if Nova did not want to smile.

"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


Hanger Area

   Nazareth listened to everything Aaron said, having returned to an expressionless face. When he was done, Nazareth looked like he was about to say something, but then Mother came up to them. Nazareth stiffened slightly, but also listened to Mother as well with equal parts curiosity and suspicion. But when she said that she intended for Nazareth to be the ship's pilot, Nazareth's careful composure slipped yet again. For the very first time since he was given command of the Crusading Scales, Nazareth actually went slack-jawed.
   However, it was only for a breif moment, then Nazareth clamped himself firmly behind a rigid, impassive demeanor. That does it. He thought to himself. There is nothing else these blasted aliens can possibly do that will surprise me today.
   With a motion, Nazareth and the Zetas followed behind the groups into the ship for the 'tour'. Nazareth took stock of as many details as he could, regarding everything with a wary eye. Aside from seeming somewhat tense, not unlike a caged animal, Nazareth also appeared to be keeping his distance from Ixiah.
   The other Zetas, however, seemed more facinated and interested than cautious (though they certainly didn't throw that to the wind). When passing by the 'forbidden' hallway, both the snake Satch Nestor and the frilled lizard Norton Kalmunt stole glances down it, but quickly moved along under Alexis' watchful gaze.
   They gathered around when they got to one of the strange bubbles that housed one of the Zeta's fighters. While Alexis demonstrated how to get to them, the younger Zetas watched intently, while Burns raised an eyebrow, and Nazareth observed with folded arms and a guarded expression.

Prof B Hunnydew

The rushing Nova had  slowed for Loki, she saw that his side pain him again and she is worry, but also she knew he would be safer with Mother on his ship.  Just as she thought this, she runs straight into the one furson, who she wished she had never met.

"Why If it isn't Dr Yuri or you are some vacation agent, now?" says Lt Nova.  "What may we ah ot do for you?"     

Nova shields Loki from Dr Yuri with her hand on the crystal on her chest.  While facing down the coyote, the catgirl looks for a way around him or for any kind of help.   She wonders, how he knew they were here and if he knew of this mission.    Of course he does...but Is he a double agent?  Hey Loki send a message to Mother and the Major. thinks Nova.



Inside Mother
Dude, that sounds kind of creepy

As Naz and his group were distracted with... yea... he responds to Richard, "Ah yes.  I think I shall have to make one.  I assure you I have not forgotten, but I'll need details about it."  Aaron figured he could dig through the supplies and find suitable materials with appropriate coloration.  Mother's weapon display earlier reassured Aaron after he forgot to secure personal arms.  He really didn't like carrying such things, but at the same time they were always so handy.

He was also noting the continued lack of a Lieutenant.  He feared he would have to make good on this threat towards Lt. Nova.  First change he gets he indicates to Richard and Ixiah that they should get their rooms in order and he will go and fetch Lt. Nova
The All Purpose Fox


Aboard Mother: Special Forces area
Romulus stopped saluteing and followed Mother and Alexis aboard.
"Sorry ma'am"
Romulus and his men, grabbed their gear and follow til they got to their sleeping area. They went in and started to look at the weapons til Alexsi told them not to touch them. They all stoud at attention when the weapons disappeared. Romulus looked at his men when the others moved on.
"Find a bed and stow your gear"
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.


Hallway heading towards hanger bay

Loki shakes his head and sends his thoughts to Nova, I cannot send mental messages with him here.  It is hard to just send one to you, there seems to be a lot of interference from him.

Almost as if he had heard the conversation, Yuri responds almost immediately, "interference hmmm?  Well that aside, I was merely heading down this hallway in the opposite direction that you are going.  Speaking of which, I really must be going.  Ciao!"

He turned and continued walking, but he paused for a second and turned around to face Nova, "Lieutenant, remember who you serve and what you belong to.  Do not allow this childhood fascination jeopardize the safety of our people or the ISF."

With that he turned and continued walking.

Major Brown arrives at just this point.


Inside the ship, much activity is going on.  New crew and passengers are stowing gear and familiarizing themselves with things onboard.  There is a cafeteria style area where everyone can eat and where food can be prepared.  There are a few recreational style areas jam packed with everything a small, green alien fox thinks the peoples he has met would find interesting.

Richard and Ixiah both nod and wander off to examine their respective quarters.  Ixiah has the edge over anyone else thus far, as a member of the same race as Loki, the ship is not barred to him like the rest of the people.  However, he sticks to the instructions given to him and arranges his room.

The Special Forces personnel all scramble to choose bunk space and stow their gear, while Ben examines his quarters and sets up his own equipment and gear.

The Zetas spend much of their time examining their fighters and practicing the techniques necessary to board their fighters and prepare to launch.  They pause briefly to toss their personal gear into their assigned rooms before returning to their work.
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


Hallway heading towards hanger bay

"Lieutenant Nova, I was just coming to find you.  You seem distressed.  Regardless, all seems well now.  Come come, we depart soon.  Over the hills and through the woods hmm?"

Aaron turns about to take Lt. Nova and Loki to the little fox's ship.
The All Purpose Fox

Prof B Hunnydew

Nova is relieved to see the major, but she turns to look at Dr Yuri as he passes.  She calls down the  hallway to him, "Sorry Doctor, but know this, what I do I do for the good the ISF, for the good the Alliance, and maybe the galaxy.  I will not forget who I'm working for."

"Thank you. Major sir, Please, can you carry my bag?   Loki is looking worst for wear." asks Nova as hands the Major her garment bag.  She hugs Loki and goes to picks up Loki.



Aaron was taken a bit of a surprise, normally it was the senior officer asking for such things, but since Lt. Nova had her hands full of a little green fox he shrugs and throws the bag over his back.

"I thought that tail was familiar, Major Kanzoria seems to have taken an interest in bothering my crew.  Though I did not know he was also a doctor.  Interesting how many Major Doctors there are around here."

Wording cleanup, will teach me to post before morning tea.
The All Purpose Fox


Loki blushes when he is hugged and allows himself to be carried, as he is a bit tired.  All this running around and emotional stress is a little much for him in his current state.  With a supreme battle, which he loses, Loki drifts off to sleep in Nova's arms.

When they arrive back at the ship, a confused logistics person, a bat of some sort, watches as the food stores and other equipment is lifted from his transport by an energy beam and taken into the alien ship.

As Nova begins to mount the ramp up into the ship, Mother appears almost out of nowhere.  She has a neutral look on her face, but her swishing tail might indicate that she is a little less then happy with Nova seeing the current state Loki is in, "okay Nova, what happened?"
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"

Prof B Hunnydew

"I  AH  ah  " says Nova with a burry flashback of her brother carrying her home after her first night-out and only two drink and she couldn't walk for some reason.....

"Ah Can we have this explanation after I put him in his bed?." asks the tired cat to Mother.  She, herself, was feeling tired after her mental adventures, confrontation with Yuri and her quick walk with Loki in her arms to the ship..  "Please, his stateroom"



Aaron waves at the confused guy from logistics, "Very good, carry on."  Just because Aaron likes to further confuse people.

Aaron watches the brief exchange between Mother and Nova and decides that he shall tag along, he likes explanations.  Though he was relieved, rather then an exhausted Loki and Nova he was half way expecting to find a vegetative Nova and a defensive Loki explaining that she asked him to do it.
The All Purpose Fox


Ben eventually came out of his room and approached Romulus, "So, do you think we need anything else?  Maybe we should get Wilcox, shame we can't have her dropship... but I think this baby might be a lot better." 

Ben patted the wall as he spoke, but then a strange look appeared on his face and he suddenly blushed and seemed very embarrassed.

"the ship just thanked me for the vote of confidence and stated it was millions of times better then that dropship... it was that older fox's voice... the one they call Mother.  No one told me they were the same literally... I thought it was a figurative term.  Don't you think it's creepy... just a little?"

Alexis walked out from around a corner from where there was no entrance or possible way she could have come from that way without being seen by the two NCOs, "don't worry so much, we will afford you privacy in your various areas... and yes Ben, if I had a solid energy body like master Loki, then I could likely bear your children."

Ben grew very red under all that fur and laughed embarrassingly.


Mother narrowed her eyes slightly, and her fluffy fox tail relaxed its annoyed swishing a bit.  Wordlessly she nodded and turned towards the entrance ramp.  The vixen let Nova and Aaron through the ship to the quarters area.  At the head of the block of rooms was one of two large staterooms, this one appeared to be of a person of importance, possibly the captain.  Fitting for Loki it would appear.

In reality, the whole of the vessel's halls and rooms were clever designs and illusions of expectations the assembled anthro-peoples expected her to be arranged.

The door opened quietly into a very spacious suite.  The well apportioned bed seemed to almost reach out to grab Loki away from Nova in a soft, loving embrace.  Upon the walls were many pictures and plaques of things one would expect in a captain's quarters.  A plaque with crossed sabres, ISF rank insignia and the Navy's credo adorned the wall in the study area.  Pictures of various naval ships from as far back in history as the Ages of Sail. 

The only thing out of place was a picture above the bed.  The symbol on it was dynamic, always changing and difficult to see for anyone looking at it.  Except for Aaron, who found it to be a spiraling, luminescent, green prism.
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


Aaron takes a few moments to admire the scenery as Nova attended to Loki.  He was unsure if these were 'real' relics or if they were more strange matter arranged like relics.  Either way, There was no denying that Loki had a very pleasant room.  Aaron always wanted a nice room.  Alas, his insignia only lists Major, two steps below the nice room rank.  Plus all the stuff Aaron owns could fit in a little cardboard box.  And currently does. 

His eyes came across the picture above the bed.  It was a very odd shape, that and it almost seemed to glow.  He stared at it for a moment before patting Nova on the shoulder,
"Hey Lieutenant.  Look at that picture just above the bed, isn't it amazing?  It looks almost real... as though that makes any sense.  That and real isn't the right word... it's just the best one I can think of."
The All Purpose Fox

Prof B Hunnydew

Placing Loki in the bed, Nova felt the pull of the bed for Loki and herself.  She stay laying on Loki for a moment, looking at the cute green fox and genly fixes his hair with her finger.  Damn it, girl, you would fall for this guy for sure, if he did not look like twelve. thought the catgirl. 

Hearing Major Brown, she looks up at the picture above the bed, and trys to make sense of the ever changing patterns.  She makes out an emerald green for a few seconds, but random patterns takeover again.  She is too tried, but she knows she owns Mother something.  She sat up on the bed edge, and looks from Loki to Mother.

"Are you free, Mother?  Within the civil rules, that we are taught and what society needs to keep going... Mother, are you free to choose?  No you need not answer.. I needed to know if I am, so, I asked Loki to find out, if I am free.  He did a mental probe of my mind, and turns out, I am free.  My freewill is my own, but I found I am not alone in here." she tap her head.  "I have a security system, it seems, and no Loki was not hurt.  Loki has just learned somethings from my memories, which are not taught to good little foxes.  I am still sorting them out."

"On top of that, we ran into Mr Yuri, from ISIS.  I am not sure what to think for him, but Loki has problems reading/sending in his presence." finishs Nova.  "I'm not the enemy, Mother.  I do not want to hurt him."



Mother gives a quizzical eye towards Aaron as he relates about the picture above the bed, "indeed it is real is it not, it is there.  What do you see?"

When Nova begins her explanation, the vixen focuses on her, "this has to do with Matron and that crystal dangling at your neck doesn't it.  Loki's mind races at a feverish pace, he seems very confused."

She paused to gaze deeply into Nova's eyes, this lasted so long, Aaron might think the two may kiss.  However, Mother breaks the gaze, "do not worry Nova, if I thought you were the enemy or wanted to harm him, I would have destroyed you myself.  Now you should retire to your room and sleep."

"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


Romulus looks at Ben.
"While she would be very useful on this mission I think the fleet could use her skill incase of a pirate attack or something of that like"
Romulus chuckled abit when Ben said Mother talked to him.
"And then there is the fact Wilcox would argue with Mother about her ship*
Romulus nods to Alexis when she walks up. He raised an eyebrow when Alexis spoke to Ben, he gives Ben a side ways glance.
"What the hell where you thinking about? Yes she is good looking but I don't think she would like our kind like that. Plus she's one of the avatars for the ship *Then looks at Alexis* No offense ma'am"
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.


Mother's converted fighter bays

   After awhile of practicing with getting in and out of their fighters with the strange alien docking setup, the Zetas started heading back to their new quarters.
   "We've familiarized ourselves all we can for now." Burns reported to Nazareth. "The only other thing we have to get used to his how to jettison and re-dock ourselves with this vessel, and we can only do that once we've launched."
   "Good man." Nazareth replied. "You go ahead and settle the boys in, I've got something I want to take care of."
   Burns went with the the other three Zeta-Group members, while Nazareth turned back down the hallway, looking for "Mother".


Aaron blink blinks, first at Nova's dismissal then at Mother's question.  Then another round of dramatic blinking when Mother stared at Nova.  

In one of the darker and slimier corners of Aaron's heart, he was kind of hoping Nova and Mother would kiss.  Of course, that area of his heart was dark and slimy, he made it a note to not visit there often.  He feels dirty every time he does.

After a bit Aaron went back at looking at the picture.  While it was interesting, it did not seem like a big deal.  He took a moment and then spoke up,
"Well, it's a picture of a green prism, it looks to be spinning, and another neat thing is that it kind of glows.  How does it get that effect anyways?"
He looks at Mother, who seems to be looking more intently at him.
"Uhh... what?  It's not one of those trick pictures is it?  Like the ones where you cross your eyes or some such non-sense?  Never got those things to work for me."

((OOC: Fixed up the description of the picture.  Having more sleep helps when reading X3))
The All Purpose Fox

Prof B Hunnydew

Nova was tried enough to curlup on this bed, if not the floor.  She looks at the technicolor picture with puzzlement, after she heard the exchange between Aaron and Mother about the silly thing.  She doesn't see any one thing long enough to makes sense of it.  she turns back to Mother.

"Mother, I have ...Matron left the security system, that is for my protection.   And the Crystal, It is a little more complicated.  It is alive, and something like your daughters, but it .. she is somehow related to me..  She is my protector or helper, but also some weapon against AI ships like you.  Ow, I'm too tried for this.  Tell Loki, that I trust them, Xaos and Gaea, but I am also cautious.  They are like crazy relatives, you have not see in awhile.  They have your good interests at heart, but you never know what they will do next" Says the tried cat as she fights to get up on her feet. 

"Thanks Major for showing up when you did and my bags, you need not have done that." smiles Nova at the Major.  She makes it to the door without her bags.  She looks confused out into the hallway, "I have a room?" she asks looking back at Mother.



Alexis shrugs and smiles seductively towards Ben, before turning away laughing, "R...Rom... heh ...ulus, pardon me..."  She pauses to compose herself before continuing, "Romulus is correct, I am not like you... I am a very advanced artificial intelligence, but... I am... alive.  Enough of this though, it is best if we review our action stations."

Alexis gestures to two exits on each side of the area where the special forces teams muster off the main room.  Lighted walkways appear to the door and beyond.  "Follow me."

She walked the right path and entered the door way.  This was an isolated hallway, direct to a rack room where each team member would sit in the event of a drop landing.  The ship could either land or drop the teams out like from Wilcox's dropship.  The hall enters at the center of the area.

"Unlike previous ships you have been in, we are a full gravity vessel with high-G inertial dampeners.  These seats are formed to your specific species types and resemble your drop racks.  In a combat landing, or hostile LZ, this will be your post and we will advise whether you will be dropped or we land and you deploy off the ramps.  This bay opens at each side, so it is best if half of each team exits from different sides.  The right bay, the one we are in now, is for Romulus.  The other, which you take the left door from the main room, is for Ben's team and it is exactly the same as this one."

She gestures to the wall at what appears to be mechanized powersuits, "I hope to not have to do combat missions, but who knows what the future holds.  We also have 2 dozen autonomous war units, which are essentially a robotic foot soldier... by your standards they are amazingly advanced AIs, but to me they are rather dull..."

One of the mech units disengages from the wall, crosses its arms and focuses its optical units on Alexis.

She gives the thing her best innocent look and it waves her off and returns to its wall mounting.

Meanwhile... in the hall leading from Mother's converted fighter bay.

Nazareth headed out to find Mother, but in reality, he did not know where to begin looking.

While Naz was considering where to look, there was a light tap on his arm.  Behind him was a vibrant golden vixen wearing, of all things, a pair of spectacles on her muzzle.  Her head fur was auburn and her eyes blue, her garb was heavy and that of a technical officer or ship's engineer.

"can I help you lad?"  she said with a slight, hard to place accent (highland Scottish).

At Loki's room...

Mother smiles a secret little smile that only she could possibly know as Aaron describes what he sees, "at some point you must tell me about your mother and father.  I think I would like to meet them, if they are still around."

Her attention is torn from Aaron as Nova stumbles about and reaches the door.  When she inquires about her room, Mother nods slowly and moves to assist Nova who is rather tired and confused.

"Please let us go this way, Nova, it is time for kittens to sleep.  Perhaps after you are rested, perhaps the daughter of Matron should appear and we should speak.  For now you should rest.  Come Aaron, let Loki rest as well, we should speak at length."   
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


Romulus followed Alexu. He shook his when Alexis smiled at Ben and said she was alive.
"Don't give him any ideas. This may be a long trip"
Romulus was impressed with he say. When Alexis shows off the the dropzone area he whistled alittle bit. He nodded his head as Alexis showed off the robots. He chuckled when one disengages from the well and looks at Alexis. He then looked to Alexis.
"Old boyfriend?"
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.


Aaron nods and follows Mother out of Loki's room and to Nova's.  He was a tad confused about Mother asking about his parents, but at this point he had the story of his parents down to an art.

"On the subject of speaking, I can tell you all about my parents in short order.  My mom is gone, has been for my entire life.  People remember her, but never speak of her and change the subject when I bring her up.  My dad did not last much longer.  He was a trader in the space lanes, so I rarely saw him.  I got plenty of messages though, until I didn't get anymore.  That is all I know of the grey fox Maria and the red fox Robert."

Aaron shrugs.  "My brother thinks that they are both dead, I've never been so sure."  This discussion reminded Aaron that he did have a collection of pictures he wanted to go through.  

"So, was there anything else you wanted to talk with me about?  I'm sorry if the story of my parents was disappointing."
The All Purpose Fox