The Line in the Stars (IC) [PG/14]

Started by Azlan, July 31, 2006, 04:36:21 PM

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Prof B Hunnydew

Oh Loki, Just because you are a lord of chaos, don't think, I wouldn't figure you out from your slips. thinks Nova with a sigh.

"Okay, then Capt Summer said he would like to secure that another ship that my grandma found some 18 years ago." says Nova as she turns to the control console.  On the alien control panel, She bring up for the star chart of the known space of the 27th sector on the front viewer.....Fleet's position was on the far right with only Fleet positions showing up.  Concentrating on the console, the catgirl doesn't hear Aaron's marks to Mother.

Tapping on a battlestation in map, she continues...
"Grandma's expedition returned to Deepstar Station #27.  Her ship was nearly a wreck itself from a pirate raider attack.   The nav computer was damaged with the starcharts gone and the drive was lucky to make it to the station.  Grandma said she didn't know where crash is.  The military and the university were after her and her crew for years for any information or clues to try and find this ship, again.  A few ships went out and search, but all they found were pirates and dust.

  On the ship itself, the expedition's engineer and crew didn't think the ancient ship could be repaired nor that it could be moved without it collapsing and turning to dust,  Yet, main computer core was intact.  This is what Capt Summers seems to want.    If we do go, we will likely run into pirates.  So, who or what do you think we may need, Romulus?" Lt Nova finishes with a question and a look to Romulus.



Romulus looked at Lt Nova and thought hard for a bit.
"Well sounds like we may want some starfighters in case we're attacked while in space. Maybe a bording party so we can take out any larger ships that may attack. Definetly need a squad for when we're dirt side. If I could get my guys from that damn warrant officer that showed up out of no where"
Romulus thought a bit more.
"The least we'll need is a ground force incase we come across any issues when dirt side. I don't know the offensive or defensive of Mother so I would think a few starfighters or mechs might be a good idea"
Romulus then looked to Mother.
"We may face some heavy problems pirate attacks out there. Think you could deal with them?"
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.


Ixiah flashes a rather nervous grin when Major Brown remarks about where his caretaker is, "well... she became rather... damaged when I fought the General and the rest of the forces.  She was saved and now... is... with the General."

Mother frowned, barely noticeable, but it was briefly there.  Mother slowly turned to face Aaron, "where did I come from?  Another prisoner?  I am no prisoner, young fox.  You see, I am the ship."

As she spoke, the entire ship's systems came online and the rhythmic hum of the core was audible in the background.  She placed her hands on the grey fox, "let me show you where I am from."  Both glowed white before disappearing without a trace.  Mother appeared to have missed Romulus's question.

Another female vixen, nearly identical, except for the fact that she was dressed as an ISF military officer, strode into the room  from the hall that everyone else had also entered from.

"well now, this ship is certainly not a carrier Mr. Darkcloud.  However, we have studied your databases and you have a model of dropship called the Leopard CV which can carry a squadron of ASFs.  The cargo areas of Mother can be configured to carry about 4 fighters at most.  As for whether Mother can handle pirates, we are capable of outfighting most cruisers you are familiar with."

"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


Romulus shrugged when the other vixen spoke.
"Well then I say we go fo it"
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.

Prof B Hunnydew

(OOC)rewind A few seconds before(OOC)

Lt Nova was looking and listening to Romulus as he explain his needs of a squadron, his head turned towards her as he talked.   The ship hummed as Mother and Major Brown began to glow and then they faded from her sight.


A shocked wideyed catgirl watches as Romulus turns to Mother, to find Mother and Major had left the room and then a ISF vixen who walks into the control room and answers his question. 

"As much as, I wish Major Brown to be elsewhere, Mother.  I will like to know, if he is returning to our poor existence sooner or Later? " asks worried Nova, who stands up looking over the whole room.  After a moment, she stops turning and looks directly at the ISF vixen officer. "Mother"



The vixen garbed as an ISF officer regarded Nova with an amused expression, "oh no, I am not Mother, I am Alexis... this ship's security... entity.  I am one of Mother's daughters... so to speak.  As for Major Brown, he will be back very soon."

"Loki's ship is very different then our standard ones."  Ixiah remarked.

Loki himself just shrugged, "Four is better than one."

A short time later, Mother and Aaron do reappear.

Mother nods to Alexis, "pardon our little sidebar, but Aaron here asked a question I could best answer by showing him.  I knew such a thing would interest him.  To continue with the situation at hand, I suggest you speak with Captain Summers and Colonel Nexx... get their approval and secure what you need in equipment and personnel."

"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


Aaron reappears, with a very surprised look on his face, "Exactly where I last was? And what do you mean one for..."
He is thrust back into the realization of where he was about as quickly as he was thrust back into where he was.  A bit slower, but back none the less.  He works a bit to regain his composure, before losing it again,
"I just saw the most incredible thing!  It was... it was..."

This was about when he realized he really had no way of describing it adequately.  All he knew was that he was going to need to find it.
The All Purpose Fox


Romulus looked little surprised at  Aaron's reappearance.
"You know I didn't even know you where gone. Also looks like you'll need to be talking Major Summers and Colonel Nexx about us getting suplus for our little trip"
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.

Prof B Hunnydew

Mother and the Major just return and now, that there are four AI onboard, four.  Romulus didn't seems to think it weird that Mother and the Major Brown just happen to reappear, like they just walk in the door.  Did them just walk in the door? 

"OKay, Okay, Capt Summers and Col Nexus need only be call.  And the supplies can be loaded, the extra equipment/fighter maybe a little bit of problem.  And any addition personnel..will have been cleared by you, Major."  said Lt Nova.  "But me, I just need my buffalbag from my stateroom.  And a little tea and bed right now.  I'm I'm not unsure of what to think right now.  I need some alone...time to sort this out."

The cat-girl just sit back down in the nav station seat again.  Looking into her hands, Nova trys to get the physics of the impossibility of a matter transmitter out of her head. 

God and Goddess, four impossible AIs to run this ship?



Aaron quickly realized that no one really cared about what he experienced.  Unsurprising to an objective viewer, but Aaron was not quite objective at the moment, though he was always a patient one.  He just need a workable plan.
"Okay, what exactly are we doing again that requires permission and stuff and work on my part?"
Aaron had the situation explained to him.
"Mmm... alright then.  Just get me a list and I'll see about it."
He also wanted to talk with someone.  Either the Colonel or the Captain.
The All Purpose Fox

Prof B Hunnydew

"Oh Right Like you didn't know that the Captain wants to secure this ship and the infamous "Hunnydew's Golden Alien Starship", which the ISF military and fortune hunters like has been searching for but never found for almost twenty years.  If not for my Grandmother's later research, and a few other artifacts from other sites that benefited from her research, We, Hunnydews, would be laugh at in every University, science hall and research lab this side of the Unicorn Nebulae." Shouts Lt Nova to the Major.

"I was just giving a briefing on its possible location in the heart of Pirate territory, if you can remember anything beyond Mother's Mother's ....eye color before you left to where only Mother Knows where."  Finishes the Catgirl.."Oh Why are you so  a a ah annoying male... that I can't think oh Why,  Oh Oh I will need that Tea now."  AS she turns and walk off and out the control room.



Aaron looks out of the control room and says to Lt. Nova,
"You mean the briefing I disappeared for?  By the way, Mother's eyes can be quite creepy... maybe I'll tell you about it later."
Aaron looks to Romulus and shrugs.

He had the feeling that she would try and kill him at a future date, especially if even half of what he saw in his disappearance is true.
The All Purpose Fox

Prof B Hunnydew

"oh Oh keep it up, Mr Brown Sir..... Keep acting like my brother, I will insult you better next time" Nova says under her breath.....but a thought makes her stop, and yell back to the grey fox.

"Hey you, Mr Brown.
You've been underground.
You went down the rabbit hole
Answer this little poll
When you take the tarts
From the Queen of Hearts
Will she be mad enough
take all our heads off?"

Nova continues at a quick pace down the hallway, looking for a stateroom or the Galley or both. 

Yet, her side starts hurting again and she is exhausted even after her little rest,  Nova makes it to the crew lounge by the entrance ramp.  She takes the nearest soft chair, [it could fit two of Loki's size], and flop down into it.  She then regrets falling into chair, as her side hurts her even more.  Beyond the pain in her face, she makes no sound, and then pain subsides.  She just sits, waits, and thinking of about four AI's.  Four new supercomputers with emotions/personality of a normal anthro with the ability to hack into the fleet network and destroy the entire fleet in milliseconds. if they want to. 

But Mother and her daughters wouldn't do that, would they?  Nova, you are letting that male's paranoid get to you   Would you feel better, if you meet these girls of Mother? 
the catgirl thinks to herself.   What will the Intell people do when they learn about Mother and her girls?



Loki looked longingly after Nova as left in a huff, he turned his worried gaze to Mother who sighed like one who lived what she was named for.

"Nova is... emotionally unstable, she is so much like you in ways Loki."

Loki did not listen to Mother's musings and instead jumped from his chair at the conn and followed the feline.  The green fox managed to catch up with Nova as she sat in the lounge seat.  He prentended to saunter up to Nova, but he lost composure and instead clung to her arm like a puppy.

"Nova seems upset.  Why are you upset?"  Loki did not mock, his tone was concerned.

Meanwhile, Nova waved off Alexis as she prepared to retrieve Loki, "let him be, he seems to like his catgirl, plus it is better if we talk without her and him here."

Ixiah innocently rocked back and forth on his heels, whistling innocently, "now what big secret are we hiding from your charge Mother?"

The vixen regarded the blue fox icily, "Nova's grandmother discovered Matron's crash site."

Ixiah whistled, "I see.  That's not very nice to Loki.  All those touched by Chaos, Xaoc in the old tongue, were to be sanctioned... so says the One."  The blue fox seems to repeat the last bit somewhat mechanically.

Mother waves him off, "enough about that, we need to prepare."  Her attention shifts to that of Major Brown, "you had best make your preparations and secure what you need.  I do not advise bringing along that... Kanzoria, his presence would be unpleasant."

OOC: It's Colonel Nexx, not Nexus... that is someone else entirely.
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


Romulus watched Nova leave and looked at Aaron and raised an eyebrow. He waited for Mother to finish talking to Ixiah then spoke to Aaron.
"I can't tell if she likes you or has had issues with guys in the past. Either way that girl needs to get laid"
Romulus looks at Mother.
"So ma'am what are we gonna do now?"
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.

Prof B Hunnydew

Nova looks at Loki and then looks to the control room....Sighing she turns again to Loki.  She motion him to sit in the chair with her.

"Okay, Loki,  I can't stay mad at you or with Mr Brown.  In spite of the fright from Mother, I am not mad at Mother, either.  It is that the guys don't seem understand or maybe the Major can't think about right now.  His atoms were digitally scramble and reassemble. 

It is one thing to see and hear about you or Mother's powers of moving and change matter with your thoughts alone.  It is quite another thing to see it, and realize you yourself are made of matter.  That these aliens can just digitize you, and rewrite your file or just delete it.  And you have Three more AI onboard, who I have not meet and don't know.  How will they re-act to me? And what about our enemies?  Don't they have AI's like Mother, but who are not very moral?"

The Catgirl face looks very sad and gloomy, "Loki, I need to promise me, something or safe guard something.  Can you promise me, my own freewill?  Can you know, if or when my freewill isn't mine?   Can you teach me to keep something of myself from anyone?  There are worst things than getting deleted"



Aaron just glares at Romulus for a bit
He was snapped back into reality by mother's suggestion.
"Indeed, I'll look into escorts and supplies for the lot of us.  And when I get back I want everything about this crash site.  Ixiah, that includes what you know.  Now come along with me, this shouldn't take long"

Aaron heads out to secure a squad, star fighters, ground solders, what ever he could.  Aaron also wanted to look into Richard.  Perhaps they were not the same pirates, but having Richard along would be helpful anyways.  He also wanted to hurry.  Mother was right about Kanzoria, and the less time they hung out with the fleet he less time Kanzoria had to attach himself to the mission.
The All Purpose Fox


Romulus looked at Aaron's glare and shrugged.
"Just saying"
He stoud and waiting for Aaron to finish talking.
"I gotta go and get my armor and rifle before we leave. I just hope I don't run into that new Warrant Officer that just showed up. I don't trust her and would rather not tell her what's going on. I have a feeling she may be working for the wrong side"
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.


In the lounge area, Loki sat with Nova, he pondered her questions, "Mother did not digitize Aaron, she performed a full form astral dream walk... it's a type of psychic projection and a dream walk.  Mother is a silicon-organic lifeform that is engineered and shaped... by our technology... into a form like we are inside of now."

The green fox hesitated before continuing, more out of uncertainity then anything else, "the enemy, the masters, do not use AI controlled ships like my people do.  They are much more advanced then my people's technology, but they are not as strong psychics.  They have a song... a harmonic frequency that gives them tremendous influence over a beings mind.  As strong psychics, my people overcame the song the first time, fought them back and sealed the dimensional gate.  One of the aliens remained in this universe, and subtly worked its way into the top eschelons of my people's leadership.  Now the gate is opened, and the enemy once again plays its song across our galaxy.  I do not know much about them, ask Ixiah."

Nova's sad and gloomy mood affected Loki, his emotional state reflected hers, "you have freewill in as much as I can grant it to you.  If we encounter the enemy and we cannot escape or defeat them, then I cannot guarantee you this.  Since you are... mine... so to speak, I will know if you are acting under someone else's control.  I can also teach you to psychically shield something and lock it away in your deepest subconscious.  But you will have to cheer up first..."

Mother gave Aaron a look that could freeze blood, "you may wish to preface that request with a please Aaron.  I will inform you of what I know about this crash site at my leisure.  If Loki decides that you should have command authority here then we will discuss that further.  Until then, you are a guest, please act like a well mannered one  if you please."

Aaron headed out of the control area with Ixiah in tow.  He walked down the hall and into the lounge area.  Aaron managed to catch Loki say,  "But you will have to cheer up first..."

Aaron had a tall agenda he wished to look into, the question was what would he do first?

Meanwhile, Alexis eyed Romulus, "shouldn't you be off to your men?  Don't worry so much about your platoon officer, your Major Brown outranks her so you should have him deal with her or Colonel Nexx."

"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"

Prof B Hunnydew

Nova was listening and thinking about all Loki said..    On the words "teaching psychic shielding", she is so over joyed that she hugs Loki and jumps up with his face buried in her chest. That Loki's word " but you have to cheer up first.." is barley hear at all.

Upon seeing the Major and Ixiah, the catgirl stops dancing and hugging Loki, so suddenly, that he falls into the chair they were just in.   Looking at the Major, Lt Nova salutes and apologizes " I am sorry Major, sir, I didn't mean to call you those things.  Please, forgive my remarks, I was afraid by what happen to you in the control room.  If you need a report on what we know of the crash site. I will research what we have on file and give it to you.  Mother and myself will have to work out the coordinates."

She then remembers Loki and goes down to Loki to see if he is Ok.


"I am sorry Mother, I did not mean any disrespect.  My intention was not to demand."
Aaron will have to choose his wording more carefully!  The look was also a good motivator.

Aaron then passes by Nova on his way out, who seems very apologetic.
"It is good to see you in a better mood now.  A file on the crash site would be very nice, thank you Lt. Nova.  Be sure to secure anything else you will need.  I'm off to see about the other things we will need."

Aaron sent a message off to Captain Summers asking for a fighter escort, being more careful to wordmence his request, while maintaing the urgency of swiftness.  After sending the message he goes to pickup Richard, hoping that he will get a reply before he is done.  He wants to be sure to escort and introduce Richard, so that no one thinks he is anywhere he should not be.
The All Purpose Fox


Romulus nods to Alexis after she finished speaking.
"Good idea, might aswell go see how she is treating my boys"
Romulus started to leave then turned back to Mother and Alexis.
"See you two later"
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.


The collapse back into the chair had deposited Loki at the edge of the seat roughly.  He had kept quiet while Nova spoke to Aaron, but after the major and Ixiah had left he piped up, "too much cheer... a little less please."  The small fox held the area of his injured midsection and frowned at Nova.

Loki slid off the chair and onto his feet, he rubbed his injured shoulder and swung his arm about to make sure it still worked.

"Let's go get what you might need Nova, before Mother decides we need more 'naptime'."

Meanwhile, Aaron's message was sent, but it might be a little while before the Captain could respond.  The fox moved through the ship, making his way to the holding area.  He arrived at the brig and the duty person nodded to him and gave a brief salute.

"What can I do for you Major?"

Alexis waved and smiled, "bye bye Romy."

Romulus headed back to his ready area, when he arrived, Ben was there, but luckily it did not seem that Warrant Officer Stewart was present.

"What's up Rom?  Stewart's out for the night at the Officer's club I think.  She said something about having special plans for us come morning."

"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"

Prof B Hunnydew

Nova kneels in front of the Loki with love, worry, and embarrassment on her face.

"Oh Sorry, Loki...I'm   ah  I can carry you if you hurt...  " says Nova but she feels the same pain in her side as she hug the little fox.  "Ow ah Well, maybe we can just walk slowly, then."

The catgirl holds Loki's hand as they walk across the hanger and torbolift to the junior office stateroom deck, and Nova's own room.  It was clean, bare and un-lived in, and her small bag of personal things unopened on the made bed. 

"Gosh, I never slept here, even." says Nova as she shoulders her bag.  She looks in the small closet for her uniforms... "mmmm, Do I need many of these?, Loki" she asks.  Loki can see 4-5 working uniforms, and two dress uniforms.



Holding Area

"Yes, I'm here to see about an arctic wolf named Richard.  He was here after the last kerfluffal on the planet and I would like to retrieve him."
The All Purpose Fox


Romulus looked at Ben then around at the others.
"Went for a walk. I don't trust that Stewart one bit"
Romulus walks over to his gear and begins to pack his armor and rifle. He spoke to Ben as he pack.
"So Ben when where you gonna tell me about the Stewart? She said you knew about her"
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.


Phalanx - Nova's quarters

Loki did not have much input into Nova's selection of attire, but he did have an interest in a small charm that had tumbled from her bag.  The item was an old, forgotten locket given to her by her Great Grandmother. 

He examined the purplish crystal, "these are gravitic crystals.  High density, compressed carbon with manganese inclusions.  Crystals like this are normally found in the wreckage of ships with advanced gravitic reactor systems or quantum singularity drives."

Holding area

The lizard flicked his tongue for a brief second while he seemed to consider something.  He checked his computer and typed a few words out and nodded.  "yes, I see here that you had filed a release request a bit earlier."

The lizard motioned for Aaron to follow as he entered the secure area for the holding area.  Aaron was lead to the first cell in the block.  Opening the door, Aaron found a familiar arctic wolf snoozing on the provided bed.  The sight was quite comical with Richard sprawled out over the bed, nearly hanging half off it with his t-shirt bunched completely up around his chest.  It appeared to be trying to escape over his head.

The lizard cleared his throat, which generated no reponse from the slumbering wolf.

Special Forces Area

"I'm not exactly sure why she would say that."  Ben stated, "I don't know her personally.  Anyways, do you need my team to come with you or shall we sit this one out?"


"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


Special Forces Area
Romulus looked up at Ben while he was packing and shook his head. He then took a deep sigh.
"Tell everyone to get packing. We'll be getting the order soon anyway. I want you guys to be packed and meet me in the hanger bay in 10 minutes. I hope everyone will be gone before that Stewart comes back. I don't like someone just showing up and giveing everyone orders. She gives me a weird feeling"
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.


Holding Area
"Ahem, hello Richard."
Once Richard responds Aaron continues.
"It's time to head out."
The All Purpose Fox


Special Forces Area

Ben nods and gives a sharp whistle to grab everyone's attention, "alright listen up lads!  I want everyone suited up and packed in twenty minutes.  When you are ready, fall-in in front of Darkcloud.  Double-time now!"

The two groups were definitely confused, but responded quickly to orders.  Ben himself went to gather his own gear and was still first out and ready to go by the time the rest of the squads began assembling.

Ben winked to Romulus and grinned, "I had a feeling we would be going somewheres, so I was already packed."

Holding Area

Aaron's voice stirred something within Richard, enough that he yawned wide and stretched from his hands all the way down to his toes.  He then lazily laid there for a moment, scratching the fur on his belly and gazing around in a slight haze.  It took a moment for him to notice that he had company and he immediately stood up and straightened his t-shirt.

"Oh, major.  I did not expect to see you again for some time.  I expected to spend a little time in the hoosegow before being tried and sent into slave labor or somesuch.  It is good to see that my bondservice will begin.  So when do I receive my bondcord?"

Richard looked a lot different cleaned up and groomed.  It is now evident that Richard is a white wolf with grey accents.  He has pale blue eyes, steel grey headfur and black pads.  The fact that he stood before Aaron in nothing more then shorts and a t-shirt also made it feel as if Aaron had just burst into his old college dorm.  Richard was rather small for a wolf.

Aaron seemed to be more interested in business and responded merely with, "It's time to head out."

Richard nodded and padded after the major.  The wolf gave a slight start as a blue fox fell in next to him, Ixiah smiled back at him.

Richard scratched his chin, "I am sure you are aware of this, but you are blue."

"Indeed, and you are white.  Isn't the floor cold?"  Ixiah asked.

Richard looked down and wiggled a clawed tow, "eh?  No, I am arctic wolf, we can stride bare pawed across ice without a problem."

"ICE-E..."  Ixiah replied.

"Icee?  Oh I see, I see... that was very bad blue fox."  Richard said shaking his head.

"I know, I am called Ixiah." 

Richard nodded, "Richard Kashin."

"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"