The Line in the Stars (IC) [PG/14]

Started by Azlan, July 31, 2006, 04:36:21 PM

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Holding area

"Good that you two have introduced yourselves."
Aaron could not help but grin at Ixiah's joke.
"You must forgive me, I'm rather new at the bond service business.  All I know is that in the immediate term I need to get you some decent cloths and this bond cord business.  I'm sure I can deal with the cloths through the Supply Officer, but I'll need to find out more about the cord.  Still, we need to prepare for departure, preferably expediently."

Aaron leads his motley crew, a different sort of motley then before, out in search of Supply Officers, and anyone who could help out with bond cords.
The All Purpose Fox


Ship's halls in direction of Supply

Richard shrugged, a rather common gesture with him it would seem, "normally the bondcord is a woven cord with the color and highlights signifying the clan and unit that had captured me.  As I perform things worthy, you cut a strand of the cord, when all are cut you will release me of my bondservice... I may leave or stay if I wish to."

Ixiah giggled, "such a silly thing, but it is very powerful for psychological influence.  It works similar to what has been called 'Stockholm Syndrome' by the other dimensional humans.  A sense of familiarity and belonging eventually is drawn out of the prisoner and slowly he accepts the new life he is being indoctrinated into."

Richard growled a little, but backed down as Ixiah felt and appeared very much to be a young one, "you make it sound so cheap young Ixiah."

"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


Ship's halls in direction of Supply

"Now now Ixiah, please do not tease Richard.  And try not to refer to syndromes from alternate dimensions.  We have enough in ours."

Aaron figured he would let Ixiah say what he wished regarding the young Ixiah comment.  As they walked Aaron made out a list of stuff he would need.  Some cloths for Richard, Ixiah was nice in that he could create his own.  A bond cord, maybe the supplier would have that, but if worse came to worse Aaron would just make one himself.  Some basic survival stuff.  Food... now there was the problem.  He was under the impression that Loki's ship had some sort of provisioning device, but would rather not have to rely on that.  So he had to get provisions for himself, Richard, Lt. Nova, and Romulus and his men.  On short notice.  That part was gonna be fun.

He wondered to himself, how much would he get if he just asked, 'how much do you have?'
The All Purpose Fox

Prof B Hunnydew

(OOC Wow Azlan is Suddenly posting more than once a week!!  :mowcookie)

NOVA's Stateroom.

Nova stuffs a dress uniform, two regular uniforms and two coveralls into her clothing bag and laying that down on the bed beside her carry on.  She turns and looks down at the locket Loki has.  "Gee, Mother should not have pack that old thing with me.  Nana, Give one of these to anyone on her expediction, even my mother has one, but I was only six, so I never got one.  Nana gave me something else.  But these crystals are rare, the higher quality ones have been use by ship captains to promise payment on a debt of ship repairs on world that are other homeplanets in the past.  Why would Mother give me this, now?" says a frowning Nova as she takes the locket from Loki.

Nova remembers Her last night home, as packed for her transfer.
"Mother, why are you not upset about this?  They are sending me to the Fleet?"

"Well, You sign up to the ISF, what did you except?  That you wouldn't go to the front?  What you would be in research your whole career?  If I was you, I wouldn't be surprise that they are sending me to the front after breaking into the Admin's computer account." said her mother with a little disgust

"That was not it, I was following someone else in the same account....." started Nova 

Her mother interupted with her eyes rolling up.  "But the IT police find you and not them, yes I heard you before and there is no trace of anyone else, they say.  Little Star, you should be looking forward to this, you going towards those beloved aliens of yours."

  "Sigh Yea I know but I hate leaving unfinished business, here."sighed the Nova as she look at out the window to spaceport.

"Your Father and I are proud of you, dear, and we know you'll do the right thing, wherever you go.  And your Nana would be envious."said Mother and then left her alone in her room. 

"Oh Goddess, what next?" asked the catgirl to the nightsky.  she left her bags and spend the last few hours with her family.



Special Forces Area
Romulus started to walk to the door to wait for the others. He looked over his shoulder and gave Ben an funny look. He then shook his head.
"This is gonna be an interesting trip. Make sure you have all your gear. We won't be coming back to this ship for sometime"
Romulus walked to the door and kept an eye out for the Stewart.
"Let's go people faster"
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.


Supply Department

Ixiah waved his fist as his tail puffed up and stood straight out, "I am not a kid!  I am older than you can imagine."

Richard shrugged, "age in years does not matter when age in here..." the wolf pointed to his forehead, "and age here..."  Richard  pointed to his chest, the area over his heart, "is not old as well."

"I... um... grrrr, stupid logic."  Ixiah muttered.

Meanwhile, Aaron and motley group had made it to the logistics area.  An office front desk was present with a number of various persons moving about and processing paperwork and data.  A slightly tan colored female elk with dark hair approached the Major, she was a petty officer (enlisted).  She eyed the wolf who looked like he had just stepped out of bed, because he just did, and the blue fox who looked far to young to be a full-bird colonel (yes, Ixiah copied Nexx's uniform, Aaron has only just noticed that now).

She shook her head and straightened up a bit when she spoke to Aaron,  "What can we do for you Major?"

Nova's Quarters

Loki blinked as he watched the scene in Nova's mind, "so you were chasing someone else that hacked into an admin account on your network?  They must have been quite good."

The green fox paused, "wait, everyone got a crystal locket except you hmmm?  What did your nana give you?"

Special Forces Area

The group was nearly assembled when, not Warrant Officer Stewart rounded the corner in the hall, but a slightly familiar looking coyote.

"Mr. Darkcloud, you look almost like you are planning on going somewhere."  He said with a conspiratorial smile.

"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


Aaron was already enjoying the company of Richard.

"Hello, I'm Major Brown and as you may have guessed already, I need a few strange things.  First off, some civilian clothing for Richard here, it is a long story that is best not delved into deeply.  On a different, yet similar note, I need provisions for an extended outing, research and exploration with..."

Aaron counts in his head briefly, himself, Richard, Lt. Nova, Romulus, Romulus' squad wait, how large is his squad? Ah wing it.

"a special forces squad and 3 others."

The rather cute petty officer just sort of looks at him.

"I know this is short notice, and I apologize for that, but this operation is time sensitive, so the more supplies we can get quickly the better our chances are of getting to where we need to go on time."
The All Purpose Fox


Special Forces Area
Romulus looked at the coyote with a look more of annoyance than anything. He actually did salute though.
"I'm always planning on going somewhere. I hate being on ships. Spent too much time fighting and moveing on the group"
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.

Prof B Hunnydew

Nova's Stateroom

Loki's voice pulls Nova out of her memory and her feelings of homesickness, her first since leaving home.  as She trying to remembers her last net-surf/hacking session and answer Loki.

"How that old goat of admiral had access to some of the military most secret research into Enemy/master technologies. Is beyond me? He always have the easiest passwords to get around.   But I ran into someone sneaking in the research data base, and I followed them into the Admin account, and then lost them when the network guards grabbed me.  I had to use the admiral's account to get the office's ball tickets for myself and some friends, earlier, which may have been what save me from jail time.  No trace of anyone else was found, and no data was missing or copied.   ...."

When Loki asks her about her grandmother's gift to her,  Lt Nova stops talking / thinking out loud and then turns to him.

"Well,  I was only six, and these purple jewels are worth alot. And I don't like purple, anyway, but I got a neckless, too.  It is only quartz, but I love it. "  says the Catgirl, and pulls out from her shirt her neckless with the white quartz gem stone, but it was not glowing.  She holds it out in her paws to show it to Loki.  "I found this gem at the crash site along with many others like it.  But this one was special, it is flawless, with no markings like the others. It has a rainbow effect under the surface that you can see under the light.  Nana took one of her own lockets and had the engineer made this platinum chain and pendent to hold it for me.  It is strange that I lost countless toy rings and earrings, but I have never lost my neckless and I never take it off."



Supply Department

SK2* Lydia Alvarez nodded as Aaron rattled off his 'list' of necessary items.  Without a single hesitation, Alvarez slips the necessary forms right into Aaron's hand, "if you would be so kind sir, please place each request on a separate form.  Provisions can be handled as a bulk, we will need the size of the wolf... and please be sure to include your department for proper accounting."

Richard nods in appreciation, "masterful work slipping those forms into your hand while you were talking and gesturing."

Special Forces Area

The major nodded, "Of course, one must always be ready to leave, especially one with your history.  However, it would appear you are packing for action now.  Both squads are ready to go and you are unaware where your officer might be.  If you tally too long, she will be back."

Indeed he spoke the truth, both squads stood by patiently waiting for Romulus.

"So why don't we head to where you are going, I just happen to be going in the same direction."

Nova's Quarters

Loki's eyes sparkled as he examined the 'quartz' locket of Nova's.  It seemed somewhat familiar to him.  With the lightest of touches, the small fox felt the stone's chill. 

Something inside stirred and he stepped a foot back, "something is alive in there... w... here did you find that?  It almost looks like and ancient data crystal."

"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


Supply Department

Aaron was taken a bit when the forums slipped into his hands.  He gets the feeling that he will get along with these people well.  He go through and finds one for Richard's cloths, "Here, fill in your size."

Aaron then went about filling out forms,
Requester: Major Aaron Brown
Item: Provisions
Department: R&D
Purpose: Extended research outing (though Aaron desperately wanted to write something like 'for eating' or 'to be kept around and admired in the good times, and mocked in the bad times.'  though he gets the feeling that the people here would not be quite as amenable to being messed with as the people at the labs.)

All the forms were filled out in a similar fashion.

After Richard fills out the form and hands it back to Aaron he signs off on it and hands all the paperwork back.

The All Purpose Fox


Special Forces Area
Romulus nodded to the major. Then looked at the men.
"Alright men fall in"
Romulus then looked to the major.
"We are gonna be rushing. Gotta keep my men prepared"
Romulus started running towards the hanger bay with his men. As he ran Romulus could only think one thing. 'Mom if you have some type of cloaking device now would be the time to us it'
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.

Prof B Hunnydew

Loki's re-action to touching her crystal puts fear in Nova.  She takes back her necklace quickly and covering it within closed her hand. 

"Loki, What, This is important, is It? A memory crystal?   I don't know where I found....  Oh Okay, I Love puzzles.   When I was six, I found the greatest puzzle, I have ever found at the crash site. There are hundreds of these crystal things.  I used to play with them.  All of they had some marks or flaws in them, expect this one, like I said before. I put them in stacks just right, so they would glow like that crystal structure formation, I found one day.  Well, things started to happen as I put my pieces into this crystal column thing, the memory core, I would learn later.    I thought if I could only find where this one went, that I could help my fairy friend Lord Xaoc and lady Gaea with their friend Matron."  Says the catgirl.... After awhile, she stops guarding her locket and starts playing with her necklace around her neck with her fingers on the crystal. 
"You know this is the first time, since I was seven, I have remembered Matron's name, and much less what she looks like."  Loki see the crystal glows little, every time, Nova says Matron's name.  "I had more fun with my fairy fox friends, which may explain why I like you, so much." 



Supply Department

Alvarez flipped through the forms and gave Richard an upraised eyebrow, "purpose, for wearing."

Richard shrugged, "that is what they are for yes?"

She just smirked and finished examining the forms, "the delivery destination is main shuttle hanger, area 1?  Normally we designate a shuttle or other craft for delivery." 

Alvarez noted the Major's hesitant and reserved reaction, "alright sir, I understand, hush-hush and all that.  We will have the delivery made."

The clothes requisition form was handed off to a lower ranking storekeeper, who located a duffel of assorted general clothes and basic toiletries.  He handed those off to Richard who immediately opened it to examine its contents.  Extracting a jumpsuit, he dexterously slipped into it right in the hallway.  Satisfied with the fit, he then deposited his left foot on the counter top, "perhaps some type of foot coverings may be needed?"

The other petty officer had already secured the item before Richard had time to blink.  For good measure, Alvarez produced the requisite storekeeper feather and lightly applied it to the wolf's foot pad.

Richard twitched and collapsed to the ground in what resembled a violent seizure, just with more laughter.  Before he could recover, an appropriate sized pair of boots was dropped into his lap.

"super tough against the cold, but vulnerable to tickling."  stated Ixiah, mimicking Richard's shrug.

"quiet fox, sensitive foot pads are necessary when navigating ice."  Richard growled.

Ixiah nodded, "uh huh."

***Aaron's message device displayed a new message pop up.

Request has been granted.  I will be detailing the Special Forces team you have already worked with to your team as well as the fighters that assisted with your base assault.

I will expect regular reports and anything you find must be carefully handled.  Please use the utmost discretion with any first encounter situations.

Avoid undue conflict with any pirate forces unless absolutely unavoidable.  You are in command of the operation and Romulus will be your combat liaison.  In any and all small unit engagements, hostile away situations, or the like, he will have superceding authority over all other personnel except yourself, but you would do well to to take his advise.

Special Forces Area

Major Kanzoria grinned and kept pace easily with Romulus's and Ben's units.  If Mother was psychic, she was not listening for Romulus's mental projections and hence was not cloaked.  That and she was expecting a food delivery for the teams she was going to be embarking.

Kanzoria stopped a distance away and scratched at his chin, he felt rather chilled for some reason.

"So this is what I had noticed earlier.  It also does not appear to like me."  he said matter-of-factly.

***Romulus is CC'd on the message above.

Revelation - Captain's quarters

Captain Summers looked over the request submitted by Major Brown.  Such an operation would be outrageous and far too risky normally, and would have been flatly denied if Nova had submitted it.  However, necessity and the nature of the enemy made such leads, even if slim, imperative that they be followed up.

Morgan placed a call to the current CO of the Crusading Scales.

Crusading Scales - staging area

The comm at Nazareth's desk in the squadron's office area began blinking red, signifying an important call.

Nova's quarters

"Xaos and Gaea... and Matron.  They are considered great criminals by my people.  They were said to be cruel, evil beings who sought to gain control of all our race through the Masters.  I don't know what to think about this... I should 'cleanse' you for being touched by them, as I have been ordered by our leaders.  I don't want to end your life though... but... our people are being influenced by the masters, perhaps it is a ploy."

Loki sat on the bed, rocking back and forth, troubled by thoughts that conflicted with his feelings, "I don't know... what to do... now my tummy hurts."  Loki sniffled and sighed.  "yes it is a type of memory crystal, but more likely, Matron allowed you to find either a piece of herself, or a child AI.  I say this because I sense life within that crystal."

"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


Zeta-Group Staging Area

   The red light blinked and a tone sounded on Nazareth's desk, indicating a priority call. After giving himself a good workout in the Weight Room, the repairs for the Group's Sabers were near completion. Nazareth had called the Zetas together for the scheduled flight control override training, in lieu of the fiasco in the pirate base strike run. After that the group returned to their staging area to wrap things up. When Nazareth heard the tone, he hustled over to his desk, checking the comm-panel.
   It was a call from the Captain.
   Sucking in a surprised breath, Nazareth flipped the comm switch. "Zeta-Group Commander Nazareth Duke reporting, sir."


Hanger area
Romulus looked at the major after he spoke.
"That makes two of us"
Romulus stopped and though for a second then looked at the major.
"You're one of those creatures we're going to fight against aren't you"
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.


Supply Department

Aaron was entirely too amused by the spectacle.  The whole encounter taught Aaron several things,
1. He under estimated the supplies crew.
2. The supplies department keeps feathers on hand.  Why they do this is unknown to Aaron.  Yet, it is comforting to know.
3. Richard has an impressive laugh.
4. Richard is infecting Ixiah.

Aaron was glad that he did not have to explain that the supplies would be put aboard a strange alien ship.  Going out that way.  Looking for a lost ship. 

After Aaron flipped through the message he just got he could not help but ponder the meaning of discretion in regards to first encounters.  He knows what the Captain meant, but throw in the fact that the two squads that helped in his impromptu base assault were with him... he could not help but feel that a first encounter would would quickly become indistinguishable from carpet bombing.

***Aaron sent a reply to the Captain,
Understood.  Shall send weekly status reports.  More if something interesting arises.

Aaron turns to Alvarez, "Thank you, the supplies shall be put to good use."

He then turns to head back to the hanger bay, sending the Lieutenant a message

Leaving soon, meet in the shuttle bay.

Aaron was starting to feel better about the Lieutenant's ability to not get herself killed, and subsequently him thrown out of an air lock.  So far the things are going well!
"Things are starting to look up!  Our ridiculous mission was approved, we have heavily armed escorts and supplies.  I'm having a hard time seeing how things can go wrong at this point!"
The All Purpose Fox


Zeta-Group Staging Area

"Ah Duke, good.  We are mounting a rather unorthodox mission to relatively uncharted space and I am going to need your squadron to assist.  I assume your fighter training and experience has at some point incorporated Leopard or Panther CVs*.  The alien vessel known simply as Mother, is capable of hot racking four fighters for combat support.  Mother herself is barely larger then a heavy assault dropship."

Morgan paused briefly before continuing, "please report to the Phalanx's main shuttle hanger, area 1 with your team.  You will be under the command of Major Aaron Brown.  Confer with the Major and Mother with the securing and loading of your fighters and the methods of launch and recovery.  I have been assured that sufficient accommodation can be made for your class of fighter.  That is all Duke, good luck.  Summers out." 

*Carrier Vehicle.  This is a assault vessel within the same classification as mecha dropships and is considered a Medium vessel.  It is a support vessel for mecha operations, providing fighter and/or bomber support.  It is a very compact vessel with launch areas barely larger then the fighter they contain and fighters are strictly VTOL, no catapult or arresting systems are available.

Hanger area

Kanzoria was taken aback by Romulus's blunt question and for the second time in his life he was surprised.  After a few moments of shock he began to laugh, not one of menace or malice, but simple hilarity.

"Oh whatever would make you say that?  No, no, I am not one of the enemy, I am not sure whether to be flattered or offended, but for your sake I think I will be flattered."

The major would have continued, but a higher pitched voice piped up from behind them, "oh no, he is not one of the masters, though he might be as hateful as they seem.  No, his mother was Selene... and she was one of my..."

Kanzoria spun on his heels and his glare alone silenced Ixiah, "do not mention her name, she is not my mother, not at all."

Major Brown and Richard, the arctic wolf and once time pirate, entered the area as well.  Richard looked at everyone assembled and shrugged, "you have interesting friends and aquaintences.  I used to pray to the gods and goddesses to please never afflict me with interesting people.  Somewhere they laugh at my misfortune."

"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


Hanger area

Aaron nods sagely.  He also knew exactly why he brought Richard along.  These past 15 minutes were more the enough justification.
"Perhaps I was simply brought into this universe to to afflict you Richard.  That would explain great swaths of my life up to, and including, now.  This must be what it feels like having a destiny."
The All Purpose Fox

Prof B Hunnydew

Nova looks at her crystal for a moment, and thinking about her childhood friends.  Xaos and Gaea... and Matron.  What have you done to me?  Anything? wonders the girl cat.  She remembers their kindness and whimsy things they did with an alien six year ago cat.  They never forced anything on her, gave her advice even when she didn't want it or weren't angry with her.  She also remembered the great sadness then talked about their family and people.   At what might be happening to them, because of their curiosity and foolishness.

Nova heels and sits on the floor to looking up at Loki.

"If you want or if you can,....  Loki, you said that you can tell if I was acting of my own Freewill.  Well, this is time to see if that is so.  Can you put up your defense and probe me?  or Are you afraid of me or what trap may lie within me?  Please try me." says Nova with one hand on his knee with a little tears in her eyes. 

Nova was putting her trust in the little fox, even though he kill her with a thought, if he was angry or scare enough.  She did not want his fear, but she still held trust to her childhood friend, too.



Hanger area
Romulus raised an eye at how bad Kanzoria reacted to Ixiah speaking.
"So you're half being half his race *gestures to Ixiah*. Or are you one of his race but don't want to admit it?"
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.


Zeta-Group Staging Area

   As the comm went dead, Nazareth blinked. Then again. And again. Then his mind started racing. I knew this fleet was transporting a few alien ambassadors, but an actual alien ship? Then rumors floating around the flight bays were true, then. Nazareth then suddenly became animated, rushing to the room the rest of the Crusading Scales were in. It might have been his squad that was called in for this mission, but if it involed the alien ship, it had to be huge.
   "Zeta-Group! Front and center, double-time!" Nazareth boomed to his bewildered squad, who were wrapping things up in the area. However, the immediately dropped what they were doing and formed in a line.
   "Um, are the Sscales going on another Crusade already, Naz?" Satch questioned quizzically, his tongue flicking in and out in surprise.
   Nazareth glared at him. "We are still on-duty, Zeta-Five. Maintain formal address." Nazareth looked over the rest of the group. "We have a new assignment, directly from the Captain himself."
   While Burns' brow only furrowed, the other Zetas displayed a few expressions of shock, though they said nothing. "We will be under command of the leader of the ground squad that we covered in out last sortie. We will also be flying with a ship of alien origin."
   Eyebrows were raised at the coincidence of being with the same infantry team the covered last time they flew, but at mention of the alien ship, there was more shock and awe. And several dropped jaws.
   "You mean, the rumors we-" Norton started.
   "Yes, the rumors we heard were true. It seems that the Phalanx is packing some foriegn hardware. I don't know what our mission is, but right now, we are to report to the main shuttle hanger, Bay One pronto!" There was a pause. "Move it, Scales!"
   The squad instantly sprung into action, jogging out into the corridor. With Nazareth at the lead and making a call on his wristcomm to begin trasferring their fighters, plus fuel, ammunition, and equipment, they headed to Main Hangar Bay One.


Hanger area

The coyote dipped his head down a bit, his head fur was sufficient to cast a shadow over his eyes, hiding anything that might be revealed there.  After a moment, he took a deep breath and smiled, "perhaps I am, perhaps I'm not.  Selene ran away the first chance she got, she was our monitor, like Ixiah and Rheya.  That is partially how we knew to look for them.  That isn't really important, if I am like Ixiah, that would up the ante don't you think?"

Kanzoria smiled, a somewhat sinister expression.

Ixiah made a slight whine and frowned a bit, he missed Selene.

Richard sighed, "destiny is overrated, it always ends badly for the one 'blessed' with such auspicious circumstances.  Perhaps you might shoot me and I'll go join your girlfriend in the infirmary, destiny might leave me be if I am in bed."

At this moment, the Scales arrive on scene.  May you live in interesting times.

Nova's quarters

"I have been in your mind Nova, but many things could be there.  I did not go galavanting around, but I did enter without permission a few times... nothing happened.  Alright I shall look..."

Loki reached out as he had done a few times before.  The fox found himself in a hall of doors once again.  This time he passed them by, walking down the hall, traveling paths not used in many years.  Her mindscape made the area dimly lit and cobwebby.  A strong sense came from a dark door near the end of the hall.  He approached it and passed through it.

Loki found himself in the deck area of Matron.  It was dull and details were washed out, signifying an old memory indeed.  A cute little kitten danced about with her imaginary friends, playing and generally having fun.  However, subtly, it appeared that the games had structure and purpose.  The ghostly foxes used language, taught her to arrange puzzles that were complex mathematical models, and many other things.

A cerulean vixen watched Xaos and Ghea play with a young Nova, it then turned to regard Loki, "what do you hope to find here young prince?"

Loki paled, "ummmmm..."

"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


Hanger area

"Once again Richard, you are full of wisdom.  However, I regret to inform you that destiny seems to have a way to decide that it shall take up residence in your bed if you choose not to leave it.  Destiny seems to be a mater of when and where you are, rather then who you are.  Even if you are in a super position of being Arcadian slash half Arcadian slash not at all Arcadian.  Though that part must not help in the least."

Aaron spent a moment looking over his past, growing up, then going to school, then a lot of university.  A whole lot of university.  He could have been Dr. Brown, except he had a military rank of Major instead.  Speaking of which, then he joined the military, doing research and development.  Well, mostly research.  Others did the development part.  For some reason, people liked him and kept putting him in charge of things.  Maybe they hated him and that was why?  Either way, this was when Aaron's nasty tendency to say 'yes' bites him.  Now he is off on another research expedition,  with an honest to god alien, his ship, another alien, the admiral's daughter (Where is she anyways? Typical.), a reasonably ordinary team of special forces and fighter pilots, and possibly an entirely unusual intelligence officer, if he is unlucky.  Hopefully this does not shape up like that one expedition he was part of where...

That was when it clicked.  The others around him could almost hear it clicking too.  It was a mighty click.
"Wait Richard, what do you mean, 'my girlfriend?'  I get the feeling we will need to have a long discussion about many things."
The All Purpose Fox


Hanger area
Romulus looked directly at Kanzoria during his little look.
"If you are indeed, it makes no sense that you hate them. Or you just wish to rule over them. Either way it would explain why you came on this little space outting"
Romulus then looked at Ben and their squads.
"Alright men take a rest for a bit"
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.

Prof B Hunnydew

In windmills of my mind.

"Oh A prince, Where? Marton" asks the kitten as she looks up at Loki.  "Have you come to play with us?  Prince Loki.  Please"

"Yes, Marton, Can Loki play with us?" asks the adult Nova from behind Loki.   The kitten had return to playing as Nova's memory.  As the adult cat look at Marton, "So, the sleeper has awaken....  Don't be mad Marton, I asked him in here...  Although, he has come uninvited before, he seems a good one to trust, if he is a bit rash, and reckless at time."

"So, Is it you in this crystal? And what are you doing here, by the way.?"  asks Nova...

The scene changes to the last hour before the Hunnydew's ship take-off.  Nova becomes her kitten self again. 

The kitten was surrounded by the adults busy rushing to packing up the equipment and artifacts from the crash site.  She ran into the old control room to see her fairy friends one last time.
"Xaos, Gaea... Matron, we are leaving, Oh why can't you come with me?" cried little Nova.
"Now Kit, we have been over this... We can't leave Matron.  Here, remember you have your crystal.  It will help you to remember us.  Matron made her just for you." said Lady Gaea.
"Her?" asks the kitten
"Yes, you will see?  Her name is Mara, and she will help you against the bugs and their workers?" said Matron.  She was looking better than when Nova first saw her.
"Be brave little star, you have made us proud already" say Lord Xaos.
"Nova! Where are you?" yells Nana from far away.
Lady Gaea hugged the little girl and said "Yes, Nova, we love you, and be safe"
"Nova!" Nana's yell came closer
Nova hugged her friends tearfully goodbye, and then she ran to her Nana with her crystal held tight in her hand.

The memory ended... With Loki, the adult Nova, and a new fox-cat half kitten of about eight years in a bright white empty room.  The little cub has the ears of a cat but the nose of a fox with black ears, hands and paws, but bright blue coat and orange hair.

"hehe, Hello big sister!  Hello Prince Loki !  Will you marry me?" Said the Fox-kitten. 
"Mara?"  says Nova in shock.


Hanger Area

   After speaking with the security officer in charge of the hanger that was closed off except to authorized personnel and transfers (as it apparently housed the alien ship), Zeta-Group was determined to have the requisite authorization, courtesy a memo from Captain Summers. The Crusading Scales strode into the hanger bay, and were greeted by the sight of the visually-imposing Mother.
   The alien craft was every bit as strange as they expected, though this didn't stop any of them from expressing some amazement (Burns and Nazareth included) at what they were beholding. It was like something out of the imagination. The mottled green shined under the lights of the hanger bays, accentuating its shape that bore similarities to a fighter. It seemed to be a solid, molded piece of material; no engines nor weapons nor windshields nor hatches were visible. There was a small congregation of people near the ship.
   After letting the Zetas spend a moment to appreciate the view, Nazareth then got them walking towards the group. The pilots assembled in front of them. Nazareth identified Aaron, Romulus, and Kanzoria by their tags. There was also another wolf, dressed in civvie clothes and standing next to Aaron. And then there was a vibrant-blue fox, wearing a military uniform as well. His tag read Ixiah, and he also wore a circlet with a purple gem set into it. Nazareth raised an eyebrow, but otherwise assumed that this was probably one of the aliens. He also had a collar around his neck. A critical eye lingered on that detail for a moment, before Nazareth turned to Aaron. Nazareth saluted him, the other Zetas followed suit.
   "Major Aaron Brown? Chief Warrant Officer Level Four Nazareth Duke, commander of the Zeta flight group, reporting as per orders from Captain Summers."
   Nazareth's deep, booming voice, somewhat familiar to Aaron and Romulus, nevertheless might have the effect of shaking up the group a little. He and all the Zetas kept their salute.


Hanger Area

Aaron was taken for a bit of a surprise.  He shouldn't be by this point but he was anyways.
"Ah, very good.  Do you have your supplies and all that good stuff already?  If so the all we need is one last person.  And of course she isn't here."
"Well, as you were.  We'll leave once the last of our jolly group is rounded up."

Aaron sends Lt. Nova another message
If you are not here in 5 minutes I'm coming to get you.
The All Purpose Fox


Hanger Area

   Nazareth released his salute, with the other Zetas mimicking exactly. "Our fighters, and requisite supplies for each, are being transferred to this hanger as we speak." Nazareth paused for a moment. "However, I know little of the current situation here. I do not even know our specific mission or mission parameters. Could you possibly elaborate?"


Hanger Area

"A scientific expedition, following up on a clue.  A journey into an area known to have pirates, which is where your expertise comes into use."

Aaron then started mentally projecting towards Naz: Don't ask questions, don't ask questions, don't ask questions.

Aaron never thought of himself as psychic, and until recently would probably doubt that such things were even feasible.  But this little quirk of his makes him feel better.  And when things go right it makes him feel like he had a hand in the outcome.
The All Purpose Fox