The Line in the Stars (IC) [PG/14]

Started by Azlan, July 31, 2006, 04:36:21 PM

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Prof B Hunnydew

Nag Nag nag   I am fine, I just can't twist very far.  Beside I have this new ball to try out.." say Nova and Holds up, her new shield generating ball that she threaten Yuri with.  "I want to see what your ship has to say about this."

They went down the hanger where "mother" had landed..



Phalanx: Hospital section

Trey shrugged at Romulus's comment and sighed as the nurse put a small packet of pills down on his plate of food.

Romulus then found himself in the hall once again a number of medical types and the security for the rooms

Phalanx: vixen's room

The attending nurse tilted his head to the side and scratched his chin, "well, she did lose a lot of blood and the projectile penetrated pretty deep, but she may be able to speak with you.  She is probably pretty weak right now."

The nurse adjusted the settings on the injection mixtures being fed into her intravenously through the medical bed's equipment.

Within a few moments, she was blinking slowly a gazing about the room drearily, "w...where am I?  I feel s'tired."

Phalanx: Main Hanger bay

Loki headed towards to the exact spot where Mother had landed.  The young fox weaved a bit as he lead her through the bay and leaned on Nova for support, "sorry, got a bit dizzy for a second.  Come on, let's go."

Loki approached Mother's side, the hull opened, revealing a portal for them to enter.  The interior of the vessel was fairly plain, meant to be functional as opposed to stylish.  Comfortable seats were found in this area and a small corridor lead towards the bridge and another headed back towards the engineering section, that is providing the ship is conventionally laid out.  There was also a small corridor that lead into a main, central area.

The light was low and seemed to come from everywhere, but no source was obvious.  A pleasant, female voice greeted them as they entered, "welcome Loki and Nova, I have been waiting for you.  It would have been better had you remained in medical until fully healed, but the stubbornness of both of you is legendary.  Nova, please at least be sure that Loki takes it 'easy' and rests more, even if you have less regard for your own health, please be sure to remember his, for the kit is not as familiar with a flesh and blood body as you are."

A number of small blue lights blinked into existence along the walls leading forward, towards the bridge.

"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


Phalanx: Hospital section
Romulus stoud there for a second then shrugged.
"Guess I'll go see how my men are doing"
Romulus headed off to meet up with his squad.
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.

Prof B Hunnydew

"Kit ah " Nova turns and giggles at Loki " You don't get a break anywhere, Do ya Shorty?" as Lt Nova heads to the bridge.  "Come on you can rest in a pilot seat or a command chair"

"ah Mother? Is it? The power that be will not rest and they will find a way to take Loki and to get to you I sure.  The "visit" of Yuri has shown that medical unit is not as secure as it could be.   Beside we can rest here as well as there, right." commends the catgirl to the air and looking around.



Phalanx: vixen's room
"w...where am I?  I feel s'tired."

"Phalanx, ISF ship.  You lost a lot of blood so feeling tired is normal.  I'm here because I need some questions answered if you can pull yourself together enough."
As long as she doesn't pass out he figures he will continue.
"Mostly, there seemed to be a lot of organized pirates on that planet.  What were the lot of pirates doing there?"
The All Purpose Fox


Phalanx: Special Forces area

Romulus returns to his squad's area and finds everyone working their various duties with an odd amount of professional zeal, quite the opposite of the normal laid back attitude.  Romulus caught the eye of Ben, who was barking orders like a DI, was about to say something, but immediately snapped back into duty.   

"Sergeant First Class Darkcloud I presume?  So nice of you to join us."

Spinning around, Romulus finds he is staring level into a pair of ice-blue eyes of a female... red furred, white-masked and long, striped, bushy tailed... raccoon?  No, wait the species was a red panda.  She wore an army uniform with a special forces patch.  Her name tag read "Stewart" and her collar insignia was of a warrant officer.

OOC: warrant officer Stewart is your squad "officer", Major Shannon made mention of her back on page 9.

Phalanx: vixen's room

"y... you are the one that captured me... I am bonded to you.  Oh gods I was shot...!"  She felt the bandage wrapped around her middle and sighed, " saved me?  I thank you for doing that.  Had the others won, I would have been left on the field to bleed to death or succumb to exposure."

She seems to have completely missed the question.

Phalanx: Mother

Quote"Kit ah " Nova turns and giggles at Loki " You don't get a break anywhere, Do ya Shorty?" as Lt Nova heads to the bridge.  "Come on you can rest in a pilot seat or a command chair"

Loki blushed, crossed his arms and huffed as his only response to Nova's comment.  As they arrived in the command center, Loki took a seat in the central command chair, he did look a bit pale for some reason.

The bridge itself is simple, though all the panels appear to be blank, black panels made of acrylic or plastic.  There are no visible sensors, buttons, levers, dials or any type of instrumentation.  The very front wall appears to be a screen.

"you may rest here Lieutenant Nova, just as long as you do not bring harm to Loki."

OOC: the command area is very much like that of a cross between a Next Generation Star Trek Federation ship and the "Puddle Jumper" from Stargate SG-1.

"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


Phalanx: Special Forces area
Romulus turned around and looked at Stewart.
"Hello warranty officer. I was off visiting some new friends who where injured during our little trip planet side. What brings you here?"
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.

Prof B Hunnydew

"Hey, Loki  Are you doing okay?" asks Nova as she takes the left chair (navigation station) facing the front screen.  But she is looking at the little fox at the console in front of her a little worried

"Come 'n Loki, you have to lighten up, I'm only teasing you.  But Mother is serious and looking at you right now, she may be right." remarks the catgirl.



"Yes, well I just have a hard time letting folk die.  I'm more into the R&D end of the the field myself."

Aaron couldn't help but think that he could rise a pirate army at the rate things are going.  That would be fun, going around, being all priaty and mad sciencey with his crew of loyal pirates.  That was not his main concern though.

"On to other subjects, such as why you were on that planet in the first place?  My understanding was that there was a major space force and you were on the planet doing what exactly?"

At worst he figured that he would just get random jumbled answers.  He did intend to make it to the Revelation soon, unless things get really interesting in the next sentence uttered by her.
The All Purpose Fox


Phalanx: Special Forces area

"what brings me here you ask?  I have been assigned as your, rather loosely disciplined, unit's officer.  Major Shannon has had me in command of security aboard the station while we processed pirates and returned operation to the militia forces.  Now that my pass-down to their station security chief is complete, I'm here to assume command."

The red panda smiled, "don't be so glum Darkcloud, you can't get away with no officer forever."  She gestured around the room, "I've introduced myself to the unit already, so how about you get the troops together and get some drill time in SFC.  Double-time."   

Phalanx: vixen's room

The vixen took a deep breath as she thought about the question and winced, she placed her hand over where the wound was under the bandage, "ooooh that hurts... um, what was the question again... oh, why were we there.  I guess we were hiding.  Some were spies operating a listening post to report back to the Pirate Lords on your fleet's activity.  I assume they were going to re-occupy this world after your fleet departs."

Phalanx: Mother

Loki nodded to Nova's question, "I'm alright, just tired... I think Mother is using a mental suggestion to make me sleepy... I've been suppressing this shell's pain and using mental suggestion to make the doctors and nurses think I was fully recovered, but I'm not so very... <yawn>... and Mother is cross with me."

"Indeed kit, you are such a child sometimes, now rest and I will see about doing what I can to repair the damage you have caused yourself with this deception."  The computer did indeed sound much like an angry mother.

Loki's eyes were barely opened when he looked to Nova and smiled, "have... a... look around... the ship... she's amazing..."

The small fox closed his eyes and was asleep.
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


Phalanx: Special Forces area
Romulus sighed and looked around.
"Alright guys lets get moving"
Romulus walked next to Ben.
"I'm guessing you had no intention of telling me about this?"
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.

Prof B Hunnydew

Nova sighs and shakes her head.  Turning to the console in front of her,  Nova tapping the surface three times, and the panel flashes from Helm/navigation controls, Starcharts, and the general main menu for the computer control.   

Nova stops and studies the icons and symbols, and chooses the ones, which she remembers for her mother's ancient language studies to belong to engineering. and then a symbol for the warp engines.  The main screen displays the core's deflector fields scan.  Lt Nova watches the waveforms on the main screen and the readings on the console. 

She frowns at the readings," Why is there an error of .216 in the third Harmonic of the graviton field?  No wait That is not right...  Hey, this is the Phalanx main core scans... Mother how can I help you, if you are going to throw my own ship's scan back at me?  Don't you pull a Loki, your lady ship, If you need help with anything tell me now. "



Phalanx: Special Forces area

Ben gave Romulus a nervous grin, "I wanted to, but she was on to me fast, hasn't let me out of her sight since she got here.  I think she wanted you to be unaware and surprised."


The screen blinked to life briefly and multiple panels lit up all around the bridge area.  Without warning, Nova found that she had someone standing just behind her chair. 

An orange furred vixen, slightly taller then Nova herself when standing, gave a nod to the cat girl as she swiveled the chair.  This previously unseen fox ran a hand through her light blue hair as she gestured around her taking in the whole ship, "lieutenant Nova, I do not require assistance, I am in excellent condition and operating at peak efficiency.  I am well versed in ship maintenance and Loki himself is a masterful engineer."

She ran a finger just under Nova's chin, "it is sweet of you to ask, but this technology is a bit beyond your understanding.  With time, you could come to grasp the knowledge, but at this moment you would only hurt yourself or me in the process."

Note: this orange vixen feels very real.
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


Phalanx: vixen's room

Aaron was increasingly getting the idea that everyone who had something interesting to say has been spirited away.  "The expedition seemed rather well armed for doing just that.  I'm thinking that there was something else going on under everyone's noses.  No matter,  you seem to be in okay shape right now, don't be afraid to call for me if you think of anything else"

Barring any sort of interesting reply Aaron figures that he needs to report in on the Revelation and see what his next assignment of doom will be.
The All Purpose Fox


Phalanx: Special Forces area
Romulus shrugged at Ben's comment. "Why am I getting the feeling she was sent here by a certain coyote"
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.

Prof B Hunnydew

The startled Cat girl jumps out of her seat, and backs up a step to stand wide eyed and wary at the orange fox girl beside the control console.

"Woah... hey sorry, you are ah ?  I was ah... Loki said...I was not sure that anyone else was onboard.  Okay okay, So, you are  are 'Mother' and you are a being or a hologram?  I am not use to AI machine just appearing out of the woodwork, as it was . Pleased to meet you.  I think.  I am not sure if my great-uncle was right in saying "that the more advance the machine, the more it needs a really engineer to keep it purring." Say Nova in quick and stumbling way. 
           Stopping with a heavy sigh,  "Hi, I'm Lt Nova Hunnydew.  Welcome onboard the Phalanx.  May I help to make your stay a pleasant one", the catgirl says as she bows with her hand out in greeting to female fox.  "Well, I have many questions, but I will let you ask first, before you need to answer any of mine.  Please, don't mind me ..." 



Phalanx: Special Forces area

Ben gave him a quick glance, "that coyote does have special authority over spec forces like us, it would not surprise me if he is putting an ace in his pocket for later."

The two squads of the unit assembled and began drills, warrant officer Stewart smiled as the teams went at it with their all.   

Phalanx: vixen's room

"I... I will, but please promise me I can be of use to you as a bondswoman.  I do not wish to be funneled off to some space prison or spaced out an airlock for piracy.  I think it is fate that dropped me into your arms... I think I am meant to go with you, help you do what it is that you intend to do."   

Phalanx: Mother

The vixen smiled as Nova bounced up and down on the emotional scale in reaction to her sudden appearance, "my my, but you mew on and on like a small kitten.  You must have some very interesting and inspired thought processes to shoot so chaotically between different topics.  I am indeed an energy projection of this ship."

The vixen touched her very real finger to the tip of Nova's little nose in a rather odd way of silencing the cat girl's chattering, "be still, young kitten, I may answer your questions, but only if you have interesting barter yourself.  I already know all about your people and technology.  The Phalanx's AI is rather crude and primitive, but charming in a blunt sort of way.  Now I suggest you sit down and rest yourself.  You should not be leaping out of chairs with your injuries."

Mother smiled softly, "but to be fair, I will let you ask your questions.  If I think you are ready to know the information I may share it with you."

"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"

Prof B Hunnydew

[ That is not fair, How can we help Capt Summers, rescue that poor Technicolor fox with information we do already have?] thinks a depressed little catgirl.  Nova returns to the console and its seat.  She bring up the starcharts again on the main screen showing first the whole galaxy.

"Okay Okay, Can we go back to the star-charts of the pirate's space and the star systems head of the fleet?  If we can have a little information of the road ahead... The captain can try to spring your friend out..the secret service's hands.
     I also need the space to the galatic west of here.  My mother found a starship crash site near these coordinates.  Loki thinks that if the bodies are still there, we must going there to set his race members free." says Lt Nova.   

"Or Maybe you can tell us where Ixiah is? So we can rescue him..."  adds the Nova.



Phalanx: Special Forces area
Romulus growled a bit as he looked over at Stewart. Then to Ben.
"I don't like the smell of this. I bet that damn coyote put her here to keep tabs on us. Get us to do his bidding. I guess we're gonna be walking around with her hand in our pockets all the time now. I bet he was ticked when he found out we jumped ship so he couldn't get another pin cushion"
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.


Phalanx: vixen's room

"Don't worry, I'll take care of all of that."

Aaron made a note that he still had to actually deal with that.  He would need to do that after the briefing on the Revelation.

((PS: Would it be permissible to just hand wave the whole, "Registering the bondsmen" subject to, 'Then Aaron did it and everything was done?  I kind of want to compress things.))

After thinking a bit he says, "That was all I needed.  I will make sure to find a use for you.  Now I must depart to report in to my superiors."
The All Purpose Fox


Phalanx: Special Forces area

Ben nodded, "maybe we can turn her over to our side.  At the very least, we still have the Colonel."

The drills went otherwise normally.  Stewart watched with a critical eye, interrupting drills to straighten posture or correct a soldier's movements, but otherwise she had little input.

When at last she seemed satisfied, she called a halt to the activity, "alright everyone hit the showers and then you are off for the rest of the evening.  Be sure to cherish this downtime, the fleet will be moving out soon."

Everyone put up their gear and headed for the showers.  After which, they settled into whatever routines they had or were trying to develop.

Phalanx: Infirmary

Major Brown bid a farewell to the wounded vixen and departed her room and the infirmary itself.  Shooting off a quick email with the required forms to billeting, he registered his bondspersons as well as sent a request for release for Richard.

He had successfully finished all paperwork as his shuttle landed aboard the Revelation.  The major was met by Colonel Nexx, who took him to their scheduled rendezvous with Captain Summers.  The Captain was in his office, patiently awaiting their arrival.

"Colonel Nexx, Major Brown.  Let me be frank with the both of you, I expect a fight from Major Kanzoria."  The Captain silently wished for a cigarette, but alas, such vices were not allowed aboard military vessels.  "not physical, but political and psychological... there is an agenda here, but we are not sure if it is ISIS's or the major's."   

Phalanx: Mother

The orange vixen pressed her index finger to lips, "shhhhh, little kitten, your racing mind is feverish with thoughts.  It bounds this way and that.  The space ahead has an anomaly, a space equivalent of a Sargasso, but it is a trap.  What you must seek is on the surface.  Here you will find a dangerous one like Loki and Ix, also much knowledge that you need.  As for that crash site, if it is truly Xaos and Gaea that are there, then it is a mixed blessing at best.  The mummified corpses seem to signify that they were trapped when the ship crashed.  They were cut off from the flow of our race and were forced to live off of each other's energy for millions of years.  They appeared to disappear in that recording in your mind, but that is probably what they wanted to have your relation see.  I can take us there, but it will need to be more then the three of us.  As for Ixiah, he will soon be saved.  You should sleep now kitten, you feel very tired don't you?"

Indeed Nova did feel dreadfully tired... how did that happen?

The vixen's motherly humming certainly did not help Nova stay awake, it was so very soothing.
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


Romulus wondered around the ships deck with no where in particular place in mind. He was thinking as he walked.
*I don't like the feel of this. She just shows up pretty much out of no where and is order my men around. I think she said Ben knew about her but had her checking on something. I wonder why he never told me. Something doesn't feel right about this at all. Ben did say he wanted join ISIS and work under Kanzoria* Romulus shook his head to clear that thought and continued to walk. When he looked around he realize he had wondered but the hangar *I wonder how Loki is doing. That damn doctor just about got them both killed* Romulus found a bench to sit on so he could collect his thoughts,
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.


Revelation: Captain's office

Aaron was familiar with Major Kanzoria, mostly as, 'one of those ISIS guys who seems to always nose in business that they have no right to be.'  Over half of that description Aaron invented for the Major based on prior experience with the ISIS. 

He also really did not want to play politics.  He rather dislikes that.  Getting by in the lab was simple, because people made sense and arguments were based on real things.  Alas, he long ago gave up on the concept of getting what he wanted and instead settled for what he had.

"Well Sir, would there be any difference in our plan if this is just the Major acting alone versus towing the party line?"  He opted to hold his tongue in suggesting that the ISIS was mostly made of the pathological sort where the groups agenda was the one person's agenda.
The All Purpose Fox


Revelation: Captain's office

"It does not affect the plan, but it is a consideration to keep in mind.  If we face only Kanzoria and his people, then in the end, he can be handled by fleet ISIS.  If it is the whole, then we can be politically outmaneuvered by a much larger force.  We could be made into traitors and executed before we could blink.  However, my gut is telling me that this is some personal game of the Major's."

Morgan silently hoped it was his gut telling him that and not some nicotine deprived sense seeking revenge due to being deprived of its ambrosia.   

Nexx nodded, "I'm inclined to agree, but that one is a wily coyote, be prepared for anything."

"Agreed.   Colonel, major, let's move and secure the kid from Kanzoria.  Then let us get some serious intelligence together with the pair of foxes and that unusual, alien ship's AI."  The Captain toggled the comm, "Major Atkinson, it is time to move, meet us half way to Kanzoria's quarters."

The Chief Security Officer's voice responded back, "aye sir, on my way."

Captain Summers and Colonel Nexx exited the office with Major Brown in tow, this threatened to be a very interesting encounter.

Phalanx: Hanger bay

Romulus had planted himself in a rather quiet section of the bay, normally this area would be very busy, but the unique ship that was berthed here gave much of the hanger crew pause.  Security normally would have stopped someone approaching an area that was restricted, but like Loki and Nova's approach, something made them not see this particular person.

It took him a few moments to notice he sat in the shadow of an alien ship.
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


Phalanx: Hanger bay
Romulus sat there for a second then looked around trying to figure out where all the hanger personal was. Then he noticed the ship.
"Well hello there haven't seen you around before. You must be Mother Loki was talking about"
Romulus walked near the alien ship.
"You wouldn't happen to know how Loki is doing would ya? Haven't really seen him since the good doctor just about got them killed trying to protect him"
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.


Phalanx: Hanger bay

"You must be very unusual to be talking to a starship.  Even the most advanced computer-based AIs aren't capable of holding a meaningful, spontaneous conversation."  Came a reply from behind Romulus.

Spinning about, he came face to face with a very orange vixen in a technical officer's uniform.

"one would also assume that strange alien vessels could potentially be very dangerous, Mr. Darkcloud."

"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


Phalanx: Hanger bay
Romulus just shrugged.
"If it's has anything to do with Loki I wouldn't be too surprised if it does talk. If this alien ship was dangerous I think she would have attacked by now or done something. I just hope the good Major doesn't find out about this ship. I'm starting to think he knows seeing a Warranty Officer shows up at my squad's door ordering us around. She showed up right after we got back" Romulus shook his head and looked at the vixen. "So ma'am what is your name?"
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.


Revelation: Captain's office

Aaron follows behind the Captain and the Colonel.  Aaron was quickly disliking where this whole affair was going.  The ISIS, while not something he has dealt with regularly, has a legendary reputation.  Probably in no small part due to their own designs to become infamous but that was beside the point.  Still, there was something in the back of his mind that was enjoying being a monkey wrench in the greater scheme of things.
The All Purpose Fox

Prof B Hunnydew

"OH damn Foxes... How is she doing this." thinks a sleepy Nova.... and falls into a dream/memory...

"shhhh Sara, The kit is fine.  Nova doesn't seem to be hurt, just tried.", the 6 year old Nova, who was half asleep overhears her granny. 

"Fine? Fine?  Mother!  Nova should have been able to open that door.   Fet had refuel  some aux fuel-cells and restored power to the computer core..  BUT he couldn't open that door in the last three weeks!  Yet, my little kitten waves a little crystal and the door opens and walks in.?" shouts Nova's mother.  The little kitten was puzzled the foxes that help her with her game with the pretty tiles/buttons.  They said the mean bugs had gotten out and would be coming for get them all.

" stop stop must stop the big bugs..." whispers the kitten 

"shhh Granny is here" whispers her Granny.." Yes, shhh Nova, we are here, and you will be safe" added her mother's voice and touch

Sleep pulls Nova down further.....Her kitten eyes on her magic crystal and when Xaos' smiling face appears and fades as sleep takes..
..."What the?"as sleep takes her completely again... 


Phalanx: Hanger bay

OOC: that's warrant officer, not warranty... she does not provide any guarantee that any goods or services sold are as factually stated or legally implied by the seller, nor does she provide for any specific repairs or replacements in the event the item or service fails to meet the warranty.

"So ma'am what is your name?"

The vixen paused for a moment as if considering the question, "I am Alexis.  As for this Major, I think he hates his mother for lying to him for all those years and then leaving when her secret was discovered."

The vixen gestured behind Romulus towards the alien ship, strangely there was an open portal and ramp.

"Loki is inside.  You shouldn't be too hard on Nova, she means well, plus she out ranks you."  Alexis said with a smile.

Revelation: Captain's office

Near the quarters that were provided to Major Kanzoria, the trio were met by Major Atkinson, a security detachment followed behind him.  After a short time, they arrived at the door to the quarters.

Colonel Nexx unceremoniously walked past the guards and opened the door, everyone entered the room as the ISIS guards were reluctantly stood down to the security team.

Inside they found Ixiah happily waiting and Major Kanzoria was just hanging up a lab coat.  He did not seem surprised to see them storm in.

Colonel Nexx nodded to the Captain and turned to Major Kanzoria, "major, new developments have changed the nature of this conflict and we are forced to re-evaluate Ixiah's role as strictly an intelligence source.  He has revealed all the information he can in this capacity, and now he is needed as a resource in technology research, xenobiology and as an ambassador to his own people.  We will need their assistance against this foe."

The Captain stepped up at this time and gestured towards Aaron, "Major Brown is with Fleet Research and Development and he has authority which supersedes ISIS in this area."

Major Kanzoria did not seem surprised, "I had a feeling that special transfer of yours was of R&D personnel."

Colonel Nexx, "your services will no longer be needed, as an Alpha level command officer, I can assume stewardship of your ward as a liaison with Fleet R&D."

The major nodded, "very true, but Major Brown is not a diplomatic officer and neither is Captain Summers."

The colonel began a reply, "I can act as..."

Major Kanzoria interrupted with a wave of the hand and a smile, "ISF procedure forbids it, as the guardian of the alien, you would be considered 'too close' to the source and possibly influenced.  A separate third party would be needed, and seeing as you have removed Ixiah from my care, I can no longer be considered 'too close' and can assume the status as diplomatic attache."

The Captain held up his hand, "conceded, however, as diplomatic envoy, you are not operating under ISIS capacity, so your staff will withdraw, as they are no longer needed."

To this the coyote did raise an eyebrow, "true, but I will need my assistant Lt. Kudo."

"As you wish."

Phalanx: Mother

The orange vixen known as Mother stared quizzically at Nova, "strange, I could have sworn I saw something within her mind..."

"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"