Deathtrap Dungeon; Freedom is Slavery! (OOC; Closed)

Started by Mechanisto, March 20, 2010, 03:14:18 PM

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How do we want to do OOC comments?

let's use OOC brackets; it's more precise!
2 (25%)
Let's pick a color to use for all OOC text; it's less cumbersome!
5 (62.5%)
I have a better idea... see my post in the OOC thread.
1 (12.5%)

Total Members Voted: 7


Quote from: Mechanisto on March 30, 2010, 12:55:45 AM
It's big enough to drop a small house in. The shaft itself is about 30 yards in diameter, with a five-yard ledge spiraling along it's inside surface. This leaves about 20 yards of unobstructed shaft in the center.
Excellent, thank you. :)

...and you know, while I'm at it, did you ever get my PM about Xephelon's creature rating?



Welcome, otaku! Nice to see you finally drop in :) Although, I do note one small detail...

She caught up with the group, looking around at the other guests. A griffin, an angel, a giraffe zombie, and some sort of mythos.
Unless she's actually seen an exoshell before and thus knows there's a Mythos inside it, really Xephelon should look like some 8-limbed robot/magical construct... Not asking you to change it, just letting you know for the future.


Quote from: techmaster-glitch on March 30, 2010, 07:45:04 PM
Welcome, otaku! Nice to see you finally drop in :) Although, I do note one small detail...

She caught up with the group, looking around at the other guests. A griffin, an angel, a giraffe zombie, and some sort of mythos.
Unless she's actually seen an exoshell before and thus knows there's a Mythos inside it, really Xephelon should look like some 8-limbed robot/magical construct... Not asking you to change it, just letting you know for the future.

Okie-dokie, fixing now!


The story thus far...

The PCs and GM are currently exploring the Dungeon. Nathalzar may or may not be with the group and is up to something. Zyrais is an ossan, but doesn't look his age. Nothing of major consequence has occured so far. (Or so I think, anyway.)

And the OOC color is teal.


Quote from: Liatai on March 29, 2010, 11:21:40 PM
I'd appreciate some feedback on this, actually. I'm used to playing far more loquacious characters than Kittrick, who doesn't talk to anyone she doesn't trust (and she doesn't really trust anyone in the dungeon yet). I'm trying to include actions or details that people could potentially play off in every IC post I make, though; is it coming off that way, or does it just seem like a "look at me?"
There are, hypothetically, only two things that require a player to stop writing a post. 1) Asking another character a question (PC or NPC). 2) Attempting to do something. If a post ends without one of these two things, the players and GM are not required to respond. The situation doesn't make it necessary for them to do so. If the other characters don't have reason to respond, chances are pretty good it'd be out of character for them to do so.

So, I suppose there are a couple of options. Keep doing passive things, and you might eventually do something that gets someones attention. If your character came to do something, go and do it.

Feel free to go talk to Nethalzar. He's circulating and snacking at the moment.

Quote from: Drayco84 on March 30, 2010, 08:01:34 PM
Nothing of major consequence has occured so far. (Or so I think, anyway.)
Are you implying that the arrival of The Great Nethalzar is inconsequential?!  Outrage! >:O

In regards that to stuff that hasn't happened yet... I should note that I don't think anyone has actually been hired so far. :3

Except possibly Nethalzar. >:3

Quote from: Drayco84 on March 30, 2010, 08:01:34 PM
And the OOC color is teal.
That is to say, anything coloured teal in the IC topic is OOC.
This is my pencil. There are many like it, but this one is mine. My pencil is my best friend. It is my life. I must master it as I must master my life...


Quote from: Liatai on March 29, 2010, 11:21:40 PM

Quote from: Drayco84 on March 30, 2010, 08:01:34 PM
And the OOC color is teal.
That is to say, anything coloured teal in the IC topic is OOC.

Heh, sorry. I posted shortly after I came home from school, and my brain didn't really feel like thinking...


Quote from: WhiteFox on March 30, 2010, 08:33:14 PM
There are, hypothetically, only two things that require a player to stop writing a post. 1) Asking another character a question (PC or NPC). 2) Attempting to do something. If a post ends without one of these two things, the players and GM are not required to respond. The situation doesn't make it necessary for them to do so. If the other characters don't have reason to respond, chances are pretty good it'd be out of character for them to do so.

So, I suppose there are a couple of options. Keep doing passive things, and you might eventually do something that gets someones attention. If your character came to do something, go and do it.

Those seem like good rules of thumb to follow; I'll have to keep those in mind when I'm writing future posts. Thank you! :smile Seems I need to do some more thinking on Kitt's motivations and goals aside from "get a job" and "people-watch."

I would send her to talk with Nelthazar, but I don't think they're in the same room. :animesweat I might try to make her talk to Thessaly and/or Katya later, though. After I get some sleep. Yay, sleep.


Sooo... Are most of us waiting for the GM to move on? He hasn't logged in for over a day again...

Logically, I'm guessing that he has appointments or something on Weds. and Thurs. Either that, or RL slaps the crap outta him on those days...

EDIT: Ugh, too tired to post something constructive or creative... Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz...


Yeah, I was kinda waiting on the GM too, mainly because I couldn't think of anything really meaningful to say or do. I would've put something up last night anyway, but I was much too tired then.


This is my pencil. There are many like it, but this one is mine. My pencil is my best friend. It is my life. I must master it as I must master my life...


WhiteFox! What the frig is WRONG with you?! You don't poke GMs!

Here, use this Nerf Vulcan. It's a little harder to ignore a barrage of foam projectiles.



Just a moment.

[EDIT] My work is done.
This is my pencil. There are many like it, but this one is mine. My pencil is my best friend. It is my life. I must master it as I must master my life...


Quote from: Drayco84 on April 01, 2010, 09:12:09 PM
WhiteFox! What the frig is WRONG with you?! You don't poke GMs!

Here, use this Nerf Vulcan. It's a little harder to ignore a barrage of foam projectiles.

I just want you to know that someone came into my room just now and shot a Nerf(TM) foam dart at my head from the doorway.

It was an excellent shot.

That is all.


Quote from: Mechanisto on April 01, 2010, 09:27:18 PM
I just want you to know that someone came into my room just now and shot a Nerf(TM) foam dart at my head from the doorway.

It was an excellent shot.

That is all.



This is my pencil. There are many like it, but this one is mine. My pencil is my best friend. It is my life. I must master it as I must master my life...


At the risk of overwriting  WhiteFox's awesome picture, A: I need to post a picture of my collection sometime. (Seriously, I have too many frickin' foam-flinging weapons... Why did I ever buy that many?!) and B: Is it just me, or has everyone gotten a case of writer's block. (And yes, I'm aware that we're missing a couple players. One of them due to a disturbingly-scary surgery. I see Danman posting every once and a while as well.)

Sooooooo... *Shoots topic with a titan missile.*

EDIT: Oh yeah... And a map/layout/floorplan/whatever could be helpful down the road.


I just got in a relatively recent post... waiting on everyone else to move things along.

But wait a sec, if you're referring to Ashen about the "disturbingly-scary surgery", are you saying you actually have had some kind of contact with her?


POST FACT-CHECKING: You had mentioned it before, on page 6. But other than that, no. I don't know anyone on this forum IRL. At least, as far as i know, anyway.

To me, any time somebody is coming after your spine, brain, or another vital organ with a sharp/pointy tool, it's disturbingly-scary. Oh hell, anytime somebody is coming after me with a needle in general it's scary... (Allergy shots were fun, BTW. Oh, and they didn't work.)

EDIT: I guess it's just the fact that I'm excessively paranoid and a pessimist. Hell, I was sweating when they removed my wisdom teeth for crying out loud! Oh, and what Christmas present do you give a kid that they'll remember forever? Circumcision... Thankfully, that was just a crap-ton of pain...

EDIT #?: I'm done editing...


Hmm, just few days more and i shall update too - i think monday we are returning

As far as surgery ,i had appendix taken, tonsils, ingrown toenail, and as a bonus they pumped out my sinuses once....
all of that within first 15 years of my existance :D
But i agree - spinal infection is scary stuff, and so i hope Ashen star is well and will come back to the forum soon!
What i cannot create, i do not understand. - Richard P. Feynman
This is DMFA. Where major species don't understand clothing. So innuendo is overlooked for nuendo. .


Quote from: Drayco84 on April 08, 2010, 01:19:37 AMOh hell, anytime somebody is coming after me with a needle in general it's scary... (Allergy shots were fun, BTW. Oh, and they didn't work.)

Next time, ask your school for flu prevention shots. :)
Though in all seriousness, isn't a flu inoculation supposed to give you a mild case of the flu so your body adapts?

Quote from: Drayco84 on April 08, 2010, 01:19:37 AM
EDIT: I guess it's just the fact that I'm excessively paranoid and a pessimist. Hell, I was sweating when they removed my wisdom teeth for crying out loud!

In the states, I hear they give you local anesthetic. I cannot imagine that. Here in Canada, they knock you F'ing out. My Wisdom Teeth operation was actually less painful than the needle that knocked me out.

Ached like all-get-out for a month after, though... and I was babbling idiot on the drive back.

Regardless, people won't be kicked out for not posting in awhile. If any of the active players notices another player is lagging behind, let everyone know here in the OOC. Nobody's going to get kicked out for lagging, especially when there are so many possible good reasons for such.

Get well soon, people... get well soon!  :<


Quote from: Mechanisto on April 08, 2010, 04:36:10 PM
Next time, ask your school for flu prevention shots. :)
Though in all seriousness, isn't a flu inoculation supposed to give you a mild case of the flu so your body adapts?
Yup. That's what a flu shot is supposed to do. It's an injection of a weakened virus so your body gets "target practice". But, there's a few problems with it... One, it's an "educated" guess of what the year's flu virus is going to be. Normally, this isn't a problem, though.

Two, probably more important, is that in the States, they continually have vaccine shortages until well after the flu season is underway. For example, by the time they had released the vaccine for Swine Flu/H1N1, I'd already had it. (Supposedly, I got the mild form. In other words, standard flu stuff.) Plus, they're usually given out in public places. Seriously, it's bad enough that I'm getting jabbed with a needle, why does it have to be in a wide open space too? And no, most real, private clinics aren't allowed to distribute them. (At least, not in my area...)

Three, they may not even work! One of my neighbors' has a daughter that had a chicken pox vaccine, and still got chicken pox! So... Yeah...

As for me, most of my immunity to disease has been gotten the hard way... Surviving the epidemics!

Quote from: Mechanisto on April 08, 2010, 04:36:10 PM
In the states, I hear they give you local anesthetic. I cannot imagine that. Here in Canada, they knock you F'ing out. My Wisdom Teeth operation was actually less painful than the needle that knocked me out.

Ached like all-get-out for a month after, though... and I was babbling idiot on the drive back.
Thankfully, they also knocked me unconscious before they tried anything. (Nitrous oxide 4TW! ;P) Afterwards... Well, I don't remember much of those days other than pain, and my bunny suddenly getting puffy cheeks like I had...


Jeez, you guys are making me feel nervous. I still have my wisdom teeth, and I hope they never need to get pulled...  :dface

Get well soon, everybody.  :hug I'll admit, I haven't been posting because of some massive writer's block on my part, but I'll see if I can't get a post up tonight.

Quote from: Drayco84 on April 09, 2010, 12:08:10 AM
Two, probably more important, is that in the States, they continually have vaccine shortages until well after the flu season is underway. For example, by the time they had released the vaccine for Swine Flu/H1N1, I'd already had it. (Supposedly, I got the mild form. In other words, standard flu stuff.) Plus, they're usually given out in public places. Seriously, it's bad enough that I'm getting jabbed with a needle, why does it have to be in a wide open space too? And no, most real, private clinics aren't allowed to distribute them. (At least, not in my area...)

Three, they may not even work! One of my neighbors' has a daughter that had a chicken pox vaccine, and still got chicken pox! So... Yeah...

To be fair to the scientists making them, though, making a viable vaccine is really hard. You've got to isolate the infectious agent, which can be a quest in and of itself; find a way of replicating said virus on a large scale (fortunately, chicken eggs work well for a lot of them); find a way to make the virus inert; make sure that whatever process you're using to make the virus inert doesn't denature any of the proteins that your body uses to detect the virus in the first place, which would make any immunity gained from it useless; find a solvent that keeps the inert virus in one piece for transport and doesn't harm people... and if anything goes slightly wrong with one batch of vaccine, you need to throw out the whole batch and start the culturing process over again. And that's not including safety testing, which can take years in some cases.

Plus, since everyone's immune system is slightly different, what works for 99% of people still won't do anything for that other 1%. No vaccine can be 100% effective 100% of the time on 100% of people, sadly. So, I give the scientists major props for being able to get the amount of viable vaccine they produce distributed every year. But then again, I'm biased. (<-- medical nerd :P)

As for the H1N1 vaccine, though... yeah, I hear you on the private clinic thing. In my area, though, they can distribute it, but they're stingy with it because they're saving their supply for a high-risk population. I know when I went to go get mine, they told an older relative of mine that they didn't have any, but they offered it to me five minutes later because I was in a high-risk group. Go figure. :/


I got on the H1N1 shortlist cuz I'm diabetic. It worked.

I haven't had my wisdom teeth out, but I did get a root canal in grade 9. I have a piece of gold in my skull now, so that worked.

And now, if you'll excuse me, I have to... go to work.
This is my pencil. There are many like it, but this one is mine. My pencil is my best friend. It is my life. I must master it as I must master my life...


Hmm, i HAD H1N1 and was quarantined for a week /not exactly sure since in UK where i study they do not proper tests, but some relatives back in slovakia had the same symptoms (evil fever for several days and tiredness for a week+ other stuff and they had it from blood tests)/
The worst effect was that i missed some mechanics classes and learned about NationStates ...

What i cannot create, i do not understand. - Richard P. Feynman
This is DMFA. Where major species don't understand clothing. So innuendo is overlooked for nuendo. .


Oh dear, as Danman just posted, I notice that we seemed to have slowed down quite a bit... :dface


And posted. Terribly sorry for the delays... I will be attending the RP much more regularly from now on. Promise.


I'm wondering if I should reveal where I'm going with this right now, or save it for later... >:3

   And gawd, I'm starting to imagine a Star Trek-like situation where everyone's sitting around a command table, and Nadihya says "Options?". Katya says something about torturing something, Xephelon comes up with a magic item, Glup concieves a solution that involves brains, Kittrick suggests something about flying or delivering mail, Zyrais says they should spy on someone, and Nalthazar insists they make something undead. And they do this for every situation, no matter what xD


No fair; you've been reading my notes!

Regarding secret plans:

I will assume the players here are intelligent enough not to meta-game narrative plot information; if someone posts their character secretly plotting something, I'll assume the other characters will be mature enough not to become omniscient about it. If you have methods that might allow you to find out, of course, you can attempt to do so... but post the attempt, and allow the GM to resolve the outcome. The official spymaster, for example, might find out all kinds of things... but certain characters may still be able to keep secrets from even him. If characters become omniscient (or just happen to "stumble upon" a secret plot underway out of sheer luck), it removes a lot of the drama and political tension... everyone will feel like there's no point to plotting and planning, because they'll be found out instantly.

I don't think this will really be a serious problem, but I'll put this in extra-special GM orange, just to be clear:

If a character posts narrative or monologue about secret plotting, separate what you know from what your character knows, and role-play them accordingly. If someone plots against your character, don't be afraid to have your character be fooled once in awhile in the interests of good role-playing.

If a character wishes to do truly secret plot stuffs, or do something without the knowledge of the other players, send the GM (me) a private message with all the details. This doesn't guarantee it's secrecy (someone else might have already sent me a secret PM about sticking a microphone in just the right place to overhear you), but it keeps things fair and consistent.