Deathtrap Dungeon; Freedom is Slavery! (OOC; Closed)

Started by Mechanisto, March 20, 2010, 03:14:18 PM

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How do we want to do OOC comments?

let's use OOC brackets; it's more precise!
2 (25%)
Let's pick a color to use for all OOC text; it's less cumbersome!
5 (62.5%)
I have a better idea... see my post in the OOC thread.
1 (12.5%)

Total Members Voted: 7


sorry my writing muse is dead at the moment. I just haven't be able to focus.
Update Status: Zombified

<Tezkat> Talking to yourself is a sign of impending mental collapse.
<SquirrelWizard> I talk to myself all the time, and I'm the sanest guy I know.

<TotalBiscuit> Upgrades! Upgrades! Upgrades! Its wacky-waving-inflatable-arm waving... nuclear missile... well, suppose that works...


i think when she finds out how Glup gets the brains this will happen
to quote the DnD4 monster manual:
A chuul devours nearly all of its captured prey except for te creature's brain. Brains are both distasteful and poisonous to chuuls , but they eat everything else, even going to the trouble of peeling away bits of skull
What i cannot create, i do not understand. - Richard P. Feynman
This is DMFA. Where major species don't understand clothing. So innuendo is overlooked for nuendo. .


I made a longer post to do with me being away all of tomorrow and then who knows when.
the idea is a bit taken from abel mentioning the desk lamp but it seemed fun, and explains why he was so curious about the lich and his books so i put it in - it came to me when i was thinking about how to power the thing, and in any case even if Glup sucks at magic, i guess that an aberration would have an easier job with certain darker acts
Also it makes plot sense for him to be away for hours which are days in terms of the game's actual rate
What i cannot create, i do not understand. - Richard P. Feynman
This is DMFA. Where major species don't understand clothing. So innuendo is overlooked for nuendo. .


to Danman:

  That post seemed very wonky until I saw your post here. Personally, I think a better way of writing this would've been to write Glup starting on the cell device, and wait until such time as the rest of the IC gets to the point where he would finish, then post that. The problem with the way it is now is that it seems you've gone and done a time-skip while leaving everyone else behind, which isn't exactly good RP etiquette (yes, I did learn that myself the hard way). Of course, there's also the the problem where if time is a major or the only limiting factor in something that a character can do (especially for mine), jumping right to the end has the effect of nullifying that limitation.

  Just giving you my advice for the future, though we'll also want to see if Mechanisto has anything to add, or if he wants to say to ignore me, which I suppose is possible...  (and I'm definitely not asking or telling you to alter your post, only the GM can do that if he feels it's warranted)


(o_O) Urge to smash smart guy's machine, rising... (Luckily Zyrais is more of a mage... He can vaporize that sucker from 50ft. away if he feels inclined!)

Regardless, make sure you mention/acknowledge that the Understand Languages spell wears off. Why? I dunno... I just don't like plot holes... (OMG! My cheesecake! I stuck it in a plot-hole!)


ad techmasterglitch:
Well when i have thought about this - there is no way i am posting tomorrow and so, and i guess my character is pretty much isolated from the others messing with the machine in the corner.
I thank for the advice since i do not have that much forum rp experience (the only other place where i float is, my country being Central Slavia if anyone cares) and to say never met this kind of time-issue before.
I kind of fast-forwarded time for myself as the problem is what to do when new folk ocme in otherwise - i will not be much able to reply...

ad Drayco84
Well you would have to be precise with the vaporisation, otherwise you will have a creature with a 10ft reach slicing you in half like the mentioned zombies :D In any case you have one shot  :mwaha

To say with this - it is made care of - For one Nadhiya has a translator amulet and for two i do not think you feel a spell wearing off except of the effects (ie if someone speaks common fast, he will be meeting some mr. Toujours again)
What i cannot create, i do not understand. - Richard P. Feynman
This is DMFA. Where major species don't understand clothing. So innuendo is overlooked for nuendo. .


Ooooh... Thanks for the heads up on the range of those pincers... Oh well, at least I won't be the one cleaning it up!

I wonder if it handles wifi, too... (Well, it is the same kind of signal, just a different frequency...)


Quote from: Drayco84 on March 26, 2010, 09:40:17 PM
Ooooh... Thanks for the heads up on the range of those pincers... Oh well, at least I won't be the one cleaning it up!

I wonder if it handles wifi, too... (Well, it is the same kind of signal, just a different frequency...)

Well you can find it in any DnD internet page - i am using the conversion of 5ft per square.
One could also say it to be 14.4 feet since dnd makes no distinction between sqrt(2) and 1 - besides the size and reach are in the character sheet, much like Ashen Star did for the dragon.

The device, as was mentioned subtly is based on a powered down death ray from his  book :D
It handles wifi - it is built for the blackberries of the dungeon staff ,and in fact it steals the wifi of some being in the overworld :D
What i cannot create, i do not understand. - Richard P. Feynman
This is DMFA. Where major species don't understand clothing. So innuendo is overlooked for nuendo. .


Well...techmaster-glitch and danman:

   It's a minor point this time, but in the future it's best to say your character is attempting or starting something... this gives others a chance to respond. In this case, for example, my response would be that the device will properly establish a local cell network in the dungeon, but doesn't seem to be reaching any satellites; possibly due to deep-core mineral deposits above the dungeon. The only other way to reach the network would be through the hardline Nadhiya mentioned, which is somehow dependant on the portal chamber.

Also... you guys post way more than Me. I need to start posting more often.


Quote from: Mechanisto on March 26, 2010, 11:23:11 PM
It's a minor point this time, but in the future it's best to say your character is attempting or starting something... this gives others a chance to respond.
That is one of the things I was referring to, yes... :3



Oh, we have a hardline?? I will edit the post... i have forgotten that there are other means to connect it.
I left the machine as it is,, it is funnier as a semi-failed plan. Besides this better explains need of amplifiers
Luckily tomorrow we are going by car a long way so i will sleep it off there
What i cannot create, i do not understand. - Richard P. Feynman
This is DMFA. Where major species don't understand clothing. So innuendo is overlooked for nuendo. .


Sorry to say, but I cant keep up with the RP. Real Life issues have cropped up that make it hard for me to keep up with where everybody is and make a coherant rp post. I dont want to bog it down as people wait for my characters, and as such I've removed them.

Sorry for the interruption.
Update Status: Zombified

<Tezkat> Talking to yourself is a sign of impending mental collapse.
<SquirrelWizard> I talk to myself all the time, and I'm the sanest guy I know.

<TotalBiscuit> Upgrades! Upgrades! Upgrades! Its wacky-waving-inflatable-arm waving... nuclear missile... well, suppose that works...


Well... Crap... I really don't know what to say... I hope RL stops beating the tar outta 'ya soon.

Though, to be honest, even Ashen hasn't posted in the IC yet...


Yeah, even though I already said it to you, it's a shame you won't be in the RP, squirrel...

As for Ashen, as she's said over in the OSaS thread, she's got a spinal infection of some sort that had her in the hospital for a few days. She'll be returning when she can.



Dammit, I really suck at condolances...


You shall be missed, but I'm sure we all understand. Your characters, of course, may return to active duty if and when you desire.

Meantime, the best of all possible wishes to the both of you.


 :< *hugs* :hug

Take care of yourselves, both of you.


That makes me wonder, though... Should we put a halt on the RP until everyone can join in, or should we keep this train wreck a-rollin'?

Personally, I'd rather start to get some of the setting-up out of the way as I have a habit of forgetting about things left on the back burners. But, that's just my opinion, and this is my first RP, so I don't know the preferred way of doing things...


I can't speak for anyone else, but personally, I'm all for moving forward with the RP. We're missing three players out of nine (if we include Mechanisto as a player) at the moment, by my count (actually, four out of nine, now that I look at the roster. Has anyone heard from otaku999?); and even though Nalthazar is currently off somewhere else, I think that as long as we have at least two people active, we can keep a dialogue going (or exploration happening) and get the plot moving somewhere.

... although I don't think we'll be able to go anywhere until we get a reply from Nadhiya, or perhaps a kobold/NPC wandering by if Nadhiya has her hands full. :animesweat *pokes the GM good-naturedly*


I've been gone long enough for people to consider me missing?

Ouch. I definitely need to post more often. I'll be out for today, but will post as soon as I get this afternoon/evening.


Heh, I hope Xephelon's comments don't start the IC spiralling into a political tangent before we've even gotten to the Committee... xD



Must avoid philosophical debate... Must avoid philosophical debate... Must avoid philosophical debate... Must avoid philosophical debate... Must avoid philosophical debate... Must avoid philosophical debate... Must avoid philosophical debate... Must avoid philosophical debate... Must avoid philosophical debate... Must avoid philosophical debate... Must avoid philosophical debate... Must avoid philosophical debate... AW, FUGGIT!




should I rethink my next twenty-eight chapters worth of plot material where the players all have emotionally charged philosophical debates?  >:3


Probably, Mechanisto... Probably...


Oh, wait... We're both geeks and will probably oversleep...


On second thought, that gives me about half an hour to get ready...

Aw, screw it. I'm just gonna drive by your house and open fire with a Vulcan EBF-25. Pic below to clear up any confusion...

Lesee... You live in... (O_O) California?! Aw crap! My car won't make it that far! (Stupid Ford!) Eh, heck with it...


Mecanisto; exactly how wide is the shaft we're at?

And drayco: ahahahaha xD


FYI, I'm still reading. Nethalzar a bit aloof to stick around and chat.

As a note, can we have fewer "Why are people ignoring me?" comments IC? I mean, it's perfectly reasonable to point out here in the OOC that your IC post needs a reply.

Plus, for those new to RPing, stop and ask yourself if your post actually calls for a response from the other players or GM.

Quote from: Mechanisto on March 29, 2010, 06:54:58 PM

should I rethink my next twenty-eight chapters worth of plot material where the players all have emotionally charged philosophical debates?  >:3
Bring it on, legs. Just try and bring up existentialism or metaphysics, I'll have you asking if you had ever done so to begin with.
This is my pencil. There are many like it, but this one is mine. My pencil is my best friend. It is my life. I must master it as I must master my life...


In regards, yes; people don't have to say "why I be ignored" quite so often.

However, if you as a player are waiting for an answer to your character's question, you are perfectly allowed to ask the GM "what gives" in OOC font.

Don't be afraid to poke me with OOC reminders!


How about this; "You didn't answer my OOC question, the post right before whitefox, the one you just responded to" :U

EDIT: Got a post mostly written now, but it can't be finished until I have the answer to that question, so I know how to react...


Quote from: WhiteFox on March 29, 2010, 10:10:08 PM
As a note, can we have fewer "Why are people ignoring me?" comments IC? I mean, it's perfectly reasonable to point out here in the OOC that your IC post needs a reply.

Plus, for those new to RPing, stop and ask yourself if your post actually calls for a response from the other players or GM.

I'd appreciate some feedback on this, actually. I'm used to playing far more loquacious characters than Kittrick, who doesn't talk to anyone she doesn't trust (and she doesn't really trust anyone in the dungeon yet). I'm trying to include actions or details that people could potentially play off in every IC post I make, though; is it coming off that way, or does it just seem like a "look at me?"

Although, speaking of actions, I should just say here, once, that you guys and your characters are free to do whatever you like to the jaybird at any time. Poke her, shove her, use her as comic relief, heck, even tickle her if it's IC. She doesn't like being poked, but honestly, I love putting my characters into wacky situations and making them deal with it. :P So, yeah.

... Okay, that was a bit of a "look at me." :animesweat Sorry.


Quote from: techmaster-glitch on March 29, 2010, 10:23:53 PM
How about this; "You didn't answer my OOC question, the post right before whitefox, the one you just responded to" :U

Exactly. :)

It's big enough to drop a small house in. The shaft itself is about 30 yards in diameter, with a five-yard ledge spiraling along it's inside surface. This leaves about 20 yards of unobstructed shaft in the center.

Also, Kittrick (and any other winged creatures) will immediately detect an updraft in the shaft; a breeze, but not too strong.