03/13/10 [DMFA#1094] - This looks even worse.

Started by Caswin, March 13, 2010, 02:05:01 AM

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I really hope this is all part of Mab's master plan and Abel didn't just hurt a fae's pet/friend/whatever.  That'd end great for you, Abel.  Real great.

It doesn't surprise me, though. Has Abel had to face his daddy issues since starting at Saia? He probably wouldn't have even heard the name, and it seems like he ascribes to the philosophy of ignoring your problems and allowing them to fester.
Quote from: Drathorin on March 13, 2010, 09:17:33 AMI'm glad everyone loves the new murdering Abel.
Because everyone in Lost Lake will suddenly know about Abel's past well enough to play up on his deepest-buried, most severe issues and will choose to do so even after what he did to the drake. Abel has a bit of a temper, but he doesn't get that unhinged that easily.  I don't support what he did- but Pip brought up severe emotional trauma and a whole host of negative and painful emotions which I highly doubt Abel has made any attempts to work through. Abel should have worked through them, that's his fault, but that doesn't make him a heartless murderer who will snap at the mildest thing.

How is this any different than Dan and Regina? I'll tell you: Abel managed to get a hit in, Dan didn't. That is the only difference- Dan had every intent to destroy her. Abel was only lashing out at someone who was purposefully causing him extreme mental pain at that moment. Did you call Dan a murderer for wanting to destroy Regina? Did you imply that he was going to go on a rampage, killing everyone at Lost Lake? More importantly: Did he? No. He did not.

Dan, as an adventurer, has probably killed more creatures than Abel ever will, simply because it's his job.  Even if we don't know that for sure, we do know that he's killed Dark Pegasus alone several times.  We've yet to see Abel do the same.  The worst he's done? "I'm not touching you." Merlitz attacked him from behind and without (real) cause and all Abel did was put him in a position where he couldn't attack any more and proceed to tease him. I don't think he so much as scratched Merlitz, just put some holes in his sleeves.

How is Abel the murderer?

Not only that- but we don't know what happened. For all we know he hit something decidedly not fatal on Pip and the drake stopped afterwards out of sheer shock that he was actually hurt.  When's the last time anyone managed to land a serious hit on Pip? Not only is he good at dodging- he's been traveling with a fae. People don't mess with fae.


Quote from: Ry on March 13, 2010, 09:45:27 AM
How is this any different than Dan and Regina? I'll tell you: Abel managed to get a hit in, Dan didn't. That is the only difference- Dan had every intent to destroy her.

Actually, there's another important difference - the meeting between Regina and Dan was an accident.  Pip deliberately brought this upon himself.

While I don't support what Abel is doing here, Pip has had it coming for a long, long time.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


]Hmm, not sure that is the case - there is some difference for killing someone for being an asshole (abel) or killing someone for being a threat (regina,DP)
Read what Fi says here it's true!
What i cannot create, i do not understand. - Richard P. Feynman
This is DMFA. Where major species don't understand clothing. So innuendo is overlooked for nuendo. .


Am I the only one who feels sorry for Pip and actullay doesn't wish him dead?

Jim Halisstrad

I seriously doubt it but if Pip's actually dead.... I will crap gold bricks.
Till then, we get to watch Abel either pass out, or empty his stomach.

I'm actually on the fence on this one.... If Amber does kill off a major character, she'll be one of the few web-comic artists that has some major Stones.  (one of the few, please don't fap all over your knowledge of obscure web-comics).

On the other hand... Pip is the ONLY villain in the comic that I actually like.


I don't wish him dead (then again, I have a soft spot for all things draconic), but I also have a hard time believing that he is dead. I have the nagging suspicion that the next page is going to be a full-page spread of Pip rising slowly from the floor, saying something along the lines of "How rude... you got blood on my suit scales. And just as I was about to tell you, too. Such a shame, really. Now how will you ever find out?"

Plus, people can cut off in the middle of a word because of shock, surprise, or sudden pain, too, not just death.


Quote from: Garsemor on March 13, 2010, 09:54:38 AM
Am I the only one who feels sorry for Pip and actullay doesn't wish him dead?

Frankly, I doubt he is dead.  But to answer your question, I don't particularly want him to die.  I felt the same way about Regina, Aniz, Abel (who was the target of most peoples' ire just after the bat incident) and even Devin (again, people disliked him when he first appeared).

But as was the case with Regina - and now Pip - I do feel that they are/were in need of a somewhat harsh life lesson.

'Course, Pip will now probably crawl away all "I'm telling Mab..."

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Quote from: Tapewolf on March 13, 2010, 10:04:40 AM
Quote from: Garsemor on March 13, 2010, 09:54:38 AM
Am I the only one who feels sorry for Pip and actullay doesn't wish him dead?

Frankly, I doubt he is dead.  But to answer your question, I don't particularly want him to die.  I felt the same way about Regina(#1), Aniz, Abel (who was the target of most peoples' ire just after the bat incident), Regina(#2) and even Devin (again, people disliked him when he first appeared).

But as was the case with Regina - and now Pip - I do feel that they are/were in need of a somewhat harsh life lesson.

'Course, Pip will now probably crawl away all "I'm telling Mab..."
(brackets in bold added by me)
I like it how you so strongly dislike Regina that you mention her twice.
Hmm what bat incident do you mean? As far as i remember ,so far the only thing he did was pinning down merlitz and giving several cohabitants mental disorders ??

I don't know - besides Aniz, i have not that much of a wishing of death to any of them. Sure it will come naturally with them getting enough enemies, and sure i will be laughing at the process, but they are kind of sympathic characters as is.
What i cannot create, i do not understand. - Richard P. Feynman
This is DMFA. Where major species don't understand clothing. So innuendo is overlooked for nuendo. .


Quote from: danman on March 13, 2010, 10:09:16 AM
I like it how you so strongly dislike Regina that you mention her twice.
That's called bad editing.

QuoteHmm what bat incident do you mean? As far as i remember ,so far the only thing he did was pinning down merlitz and giving several cohabitants mental disorders ??


J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Quote from: Tapewolf on March 13, 2010, 10:12:16 AM
Quote from: danman on March 13, 2010, 10:09:16 AM
I like it how you so strongly dislike Regina that you mention her twice.
That's called bad editing.

QuoteHmm what bat incident do you mean? As far as i remember ,so far the only thing he did was pinning down merlitz and giving several cohabitants mental disorders ??


Oh, you meant the baseball bat ??
And somebody actually wished him dead for that ?!
Like if Alexsi did never think of using the hammer on him (it is pretty strongly suggested in the comic)
What i cannot create, i do not understand. - Richard P. Feynman
This is DMFA. Where major species don't understand clothing. So innuendo is overlooked for nuendo. .


I need to create a Pip Fanclub...
like, now

Also, I'm probably going to be hated for this post XD


Quote from: Sind on March 13, 2010, 10:17:06 AM
I need to create a Pip Fanclub...
like, now

Also, I'm probably going to be hated for this post XD
It is funny that these words are said with someone having Fi for an icon
What i cannot create, i do not understand. - Richard P. Feynman
This is DMFA. Where major species don't understand clothing. So innuendo is overlooked for nuendo. .


Oh jeez, this looks very bad. Has anyone else noticed that Abel's Story and the main comic seem to be intersecting more and more now. I'm still waiting for him to see Kira again.
I'm back, and tired.


Quote from: Garsemor on March 13, 2010, 09:54:38 AM
Am I the only one who feels sorry for Pip and actullay doesn't wish him dead?
I honestly don't think he's dead, and I don't wish him dead, either. I'd be pretty put off if he died unless Amber handles it really well.  (I'm sure she can, but you can also FUBAR the heck out of something like this)  
I just don't like the idea of Abel being called a murderer when other characters have done worse, and we don't even have proof that anyone's dead or seriously wounded.

I'm not even convinced Pip's been hit. The only reason I think he might is because he stopped talking- but for all we know Abel smashed a bottle of tomato juice or something like that and his phobia is coming into play now.  If paint can work up his fear of blood (which can stop him in his tracks)- so can tomato juice/sauce/whatever.


Quote from: danman on March 13, 2010, 10:15:06 AM
Oh, you meant the baseball bat ??
And somebody actually wished him dead for that ?!

I don't think they wanted him dead, but he wasn't exactly flavour of the month, or indeed the months that followed.  As I recall it - and I'd have to check the Nice archives to be sure - it took a long time to work out that Abel was actually putting himself out to keep Dan reasonably happy.  It wasn't until about strip 529 that people even started to wonder about it as I remember.  After all, he beat Dan up, threatened him, destroyed his robe and dragged him away to be tortured by a sadistic doctor...

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Quote from: Garsemor on March 13, 2010, 09:54:38 AM
Am I the only one who feels sorry for Pip and actullay doesn't wish him dead?

You seem to be part of a minority on that one. I myself wish the little bastard dead, Dead, DEEEEAAAAADDD!!!!1!!!one!!!!!.


Or y'know, really freaking hurt.... ;>.>
Once upon a time I actually posted here.


Quote from: Garsemor on March 13, 2010, 09:54:38 AM
Am I the only one who feels sorry for Pip and actullay doesn't wish him dead?

You might be, but that's because you don't have brain damage.
Help! I'm gay!


Wow, you guys sure get worked up easy.

First off, I think Pip was trying to tell Abel something.  Sure, he's being a bit of a jerk but then, Abel is a jerk.. to everyone.  Constantly.  He too often has a reason.  Most folks very quickly seem to have lost sight of this in their cries for the blood/punishment of Pip.   Some of you are going so far as to make claims about Pip's behavior should he survive, with nothing to really base it on, working only to attempt to 'demonize' him so that you can feel better about protecting your little 'cubi wubby who does the exact same thing that Pip just did, except all the time.  Beyond that, your little wubby there just attacked something much smaller than him and that had made no initial attempt to even fight back after his first attack and subsequent attacks.  Abel simply plugged his ears and started lashing out wildly at something that was saying 'mean things he didn't want to hear'.  Very worth defending.


Well, you *might* get your wish for Pip's death.  If so, I kind of doubt he'll be dead for long.  He *is* kinda a major character.  

...Frankly, I'm astonished Abel was so easily baited.  You'd think he'd have gotten poked at least once or twice about the matter whilst at SAIA.  I guess one could argue that he's already lost his temper because of Wildy, though.  

Abel might be decent at being a Cubi, but as far as life goes?  He's got a LOT to learn.  

Point of note: injuries don't have to be fatal to make someone stop talking.  I could go into explaining pain tolerances and pain thresholds... But in short, if the injury takes you by surprise, chances are you'll be distracted enough to stop talking, if only for a bit.  

I'm actually expecting a situation closer to this.  Abel may just have angered Pip enough for him to not bother finishing his sentence.  


I'm sure the fact Abel is used to fighting cubi doesn't help here... He's probably used to, every time his anger gets riled, fighting an opponent who's on roughly even ground ability wise. Even Dan could do the same thing Abel's doing- and he hasn't trained at all. So that might explain the overreaction... Not that explaining makes it okay, but yeah.

I predict Abel having a major breakdown after this, no matter what happens to Pip. Hopefully he'll actually face his issues for it.  And, again, I don't think Pip is seriously getting hurt. Certainly not enough to die. I'm pretty sure that he can take care of himself.
Quote from: Arcblade on March 13, 2010, 11:11:06 AM...Frankly, I'm astonished Abel was so easily baited.  You'd think he'd have gotten poked at least once or twice about the matter whilst at SAIA.

The only people we know know about Aniz are Destania (hates him as much as Abel does) and Fa'lina who's semi-omnipotent enough to choose whether or not to try and make him face his issues and sympathetic enough to decide not to.  Abel was probably poked regarding his clan enough to get over any issues he has there- which is probably why he doesn't seem to care about people seeing the symbol- but I doubt he was poked enough to get over his daddy issues if he has that kind of reaction to his last name.

Abel needs some serious therapy.

QuoteI'm actually expecting a situation closer to this.  Abel may just have angered Pip enough for him to not bother finishing his sentence.  
The difference is that Dan wanted to hear what Biggs was going to say. Abel doesn't want to hear this. He doesn't want to hear his father's name, he doesn't want to hear his name, he doesn't want to face anything involving this. I really doubt Abel cares what Pip was going to say- even if it was something vitally important. If Pip tries to continue telling him, there's no guarantee he'll listen. :/


"A witty saying proves nothing."
--François-Marie Arouet, "Le dîner du comte de Boulainvilliers"


Somehow I still doubt that Abel is actually fighting Pip here. We all should know that Cubi are shapeshifters by now, and possibly Abel knows that even better.
On the other hand, we can only speculate if drakes can really talk. Maybe Abel knows for sure that they can not, which would immediately lead him to the assumption that he is not facing Pip.

I do not know if Cubi can shift into smaller-sized beings, but first I suspected Aniz in disguise, which would explain Abels violent reaction. Unless he is holding old grudges we know nothing of, I think Abel is still far too sane to suddenly snap and mess up Pip.

A hint is possibly Abel asking "Who are you". He would know Pip well enough not to ask him such a question, I daresay. However, this would count as an argument against Pip being actually Aniz, because apparently Abel is convinced that Pip is not himself here, but not convinced that he is his father... well, probably the classic Star Wars moment has been used too often anyway.

Psychedelic Mushroom

Okay! I have my theories!

#1 Abel squished Pip's tail or wing.  :U

#2 Pip may have bitten Abel? Doubt it but I wouldn't be surprized. Pip is known for biting things.  :)

#3 Abel really did squish Pip and it will not end well.  'A'


Quote from: Drathorin on March 13, 2010, 11:05:58 AM
Quote from: Garsemor on March 13, 2010, 09:54:38 AM
Am I the only one who feels sorry for Pip and actullay doesn't wish him dead?

You might be, but that's because you don't have brain damage.

Wow, that was ******* uncalled for.

EDIT: Fixed. Sorry, Tape.


Quote from: Keaton the Black Jackal on March 13, 2010, 11:33:28 AM
Wow, that was ****** uncalled for.

While I certainly agree with the sentiment, that probably breaks the forum rating.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Quote from: Keaton the Black Jackal on March 13, 2010, 11:33:28 AM
Wow, that was ******uncalled for.

Because saying it with swear words is acceptable too.  Gives it more meaning and impact.

I'm very disappointed in you, my friend.


Quote from: Keaton the Black Jackal on March 13, 2010, 11:33:28 AM
Wow, that was f___ing uncalled for.

"**** uncalled for" is generally known as rape ...

[Censored by the brain police -TW]
What i cannot create, i do not understand. - Richard P. Feynman
This is DMFA. Where major species don't understand clothing. So innuendo is overlooked for nuendo. .

Roach Lord

Heres hoping Mab isn't the revenge type. *Downs shot of unknown liquid*

Blegh. Well, I'm pretty Abel is going to faint now.


Quote from: nicoreon the tyrannical on March 13, 2010, 04:35:59 AM
unfortunately only one thing comes to mind upon sing this comic,

Do we really want to hear you sing?

Quote from: Ry on March 13, 2010, 09:45:27 AMHow is this any different than Dan and Regina? I'll tell you: Abel managed to get a hit in, Dan didn't. That is the only difference-

Yes he did... after the chase.

Quote from: Tapewolf on March 13, 2010, 10:04:40 AM
Quote from: Garsemor on March 13, 2010, 09:54:38 AM
Am I the only one who feels sorry for Pip and actullay doesn't wish him dead?

Frankly, I doubt he is dead.  But to answer your question, I don't particularly want him to die.  I felt the same way about Regina, Aniz, Abel (who was the target of most peoples' ire just after the bat incident) and even Devin (again, people disliked him when he first appeared).

There are characters people love to hate. They would be sorely missed if permanently killed off.

Quote from: JackTheCubiWolf on March 13, 2010, 10:18:22 AMI'm still waiting for him to see Kira again.

I doubt he's ever met Kira. Or has he been on Deep Space 9? :mowhappy

Quote from: Arcblade on March 13, 2010, 11:11:06 AM
Point of note: injuries don't have to be fatal to make someone stop talking.  I could go into explaining pain tolerances and pain thresholds... But in short, if the injury takes you by surprise, chances are you'll be distracted enough to stop talking, if only for a bit. 

It doesn't even have to take injury, mere surprise can be enough to stop talking.

Quote from: Ellian on March 13, 2010, 11:30:16 AMA hint is possibly Abel asking "Who are you". He would know Pip well enough not to ask him such a question, I daresay. However, this would count as an argument against Pip being actually Aniz, because apparently Abel is convinced that Pip is not himself here, but not convinced that he is his father... well, probably the classic Star Wars moment has been used too often anyway.

Abel could be asking because he suspects someone is temporarily impersonating Pip, or that Pip is vastly more than he normally seems.
"Cogito, ergo es. I think, therefore you is." Ray D. Tutto (King of the Moon) to Baron Munschaussen


*looks at topic title*

I'm confused by the strip numbers now.
Quote from: Arcblade on March 13, 2010, 11:11:06 AM
Well, you *might* get your wish for Pip's death.  If so, I kind of doubt he'll be dead for long.  He *is* kinda a major character.
This is more or less what I was thinking.  However, especially after #1035 blindsided my whole perception of the comic, these are the directions I'm seeing:

1. Pip isn't that badly injured, and things are returned to more or less status quo. (Pip either finishing his thought or letting it hang there and teasing us with backstory optional.)
2. Pip's had it.  This is where things start coming loose and tumbling into a chaotic, world-changing snowball of storm and war and gazebos 'cross the land.

Of course, this is Amber we're talking about, so...
Quote from: DamarisThis is the most freaking civil "flame war" I have ever seen in my life.
Yap yap.