Furrae Chronicles: Webs of Destiny (IC) [M] {2}

Started by Gareeku, July 21, 2006, 05:41:02 AM

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Observing Aisha's display of frustration, the oracle looked at the pantheress with the same calm expression.
"It is not simply a case of giving up, my dear. I think it would be best, prehaps, if you talked to Gareeku about it. I have already said more than I should by telling you of his condition."
Sipping the cup of tea that had been freshly poured for her, the phoenix said her thanks to the feline who had brought the cart in, before turning back to Aisha.

"It is something that I feel is required, Aisha. If you wish to find those who are lost you, your search would be better after rest." the oracle replied to the pantheress' words. What the phoenix had said so far could be suggested as something unusual for a phoenix oracle; phoenix oracles were vague at the best of times, but this one seemed less so than usual. It was almost as if she had taken an interest, prehaps even a liking, to the group currently before her.

Noticing Aisha's mannerisms, the phoenix frowned slightly.
"You wish to know about your brother, correct?" she asked, taking another sip of her tea before continuing. "I am afraid I cannot assist you in this matter, my dear. Finding out the truth about your brother is a voyage of discovery you must embark upon yourself."

Finishing her tea, the phoenix rose from her seat and looked at the group.
"I am afraid I must now take my leave. I have more people to see before this night is through. I will discuss things with you all in greater depth tomorrow. My attendant here is serve tea to any who wish for some. Farewell for now." the phoenix said, before bowing and leaving the room.

Outside the temple, leant against one of the balconies and looking over at the valley below was Gareeku, a solemn expression on his face as the gentle breeze blew through the black hair on his head.


Gareeku's words caused Gabi to worry even more, but she knew when not to keep pushing. A lot about him was a mystery to her. She'd heard more about him from rumors than from his own mouth, and didn't know how much she could believe, but it was clear he didn't want her to know more... nor anyone else, apparently. She felt sorry for him, but there was nothing she could do as long as he didn't want to be helped, or even understood. She knew some medicine as well as magical healing, but she didn't know how to heal souls.

"I'm sorry," she whispered to herself.

She held up a cup of tea and stared at it. She heard the Oracle's words to Aisha in the background of her own thoughts. She thought of her brother. If he wrote to her now, his letter would probably never reach her. Maybe he didn't write because she didn't know if she was still there... or maybe just because he didn't like writing. He'd never read or written more than was necessary. "That must be it," she told herself. But she couldn't help but worry. And why had she received a letter without any individual names on it? Everyone else seemed to know who they were looking for. Why didn't she? Why had he been left to worry about everyone... because it might be anyone? Was it a way of torturing her? "Maybe it was the opposite," she tried to console herself. "Maybe they couldn't get anyone close enough and that's why they put no names in the letter. It's just to make me worry. Because there are too many people I care about." Could she get a chance to ask the phoenix? Would she get an answer if she did?

The tea was smelling really good. Gabi took a little sip and waited to see what happened.
~~ Gabi a.k.a. Gliynn Starseed, APF ~~
Thanks to Silver for the yappities, and to everyone for being so great!
(12:28:12) llearch: Gabi is equal-opportunity friendly


Jakob wasn't sure about the tea.  He didn't really need any, and - perhaps because of all the charlatans he had had to deal with in his long life - he still had something of a distrust of Oracles in general.
After all, there were the bandits.  Who in their right mind would allow their only trade route to become closed by a band of ne'er-do-wells?  Even so, suspecting the tea of being poisoned or drugged was perhaps a little bit much.

He began to order his questions in his head.  Is Petter still alive?  The Oracles will probably cover him as part of the main lost group.  What else, what else...?  How can I regain the trust of my Alpha?  Can I be free of my past?  Should I be free of my past, or simple accept it?  Oh, and ask them about the bandits...

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Anzimani carried her small cup of peach-flavored tea over to where Aisha stood. She spoke softly. "I'm sorry you had to find out this way. We would have told you, but it's not really our secret to tell. And Gareeku... well, now he's told a few other people, and... I don't know, you just don't want to keep repeating that kind of thing. It's not very easy to find the right time." She sighed. "I guess what I'm trying to say is... don't be too mad at him. And I'm sorry the rest of us couldn't tell you."

With all the pain and trouble the other members of the group were going through, Anzimani felt, in a strange way, guilty for having her health and family intact. She thought again of the others who had relatives missing, and felt guiltily glad that hers were safely away. She still wanted, if she got the chance, to ask the phoenix if they were alright. She needed the peace of mind.


"I'm sorry too," Gabi joined Anzimani's apology. "Keeping secrets is not something I enjoy, especially from my friends. But sometimes there's no choice... I'd trust you with any secrets of my own, though... if I had any new ones."
~~ Gabi a.k.a. Gliynn Starseed, APF ~~
Thanks to Silver for the yappities, and to everyone for being so great!
(12:28:12) llearch: Gabi is equal-opportunity friendly

Aisha deCabre

Aisha had been calming down a little, listening to the Oracle speak and saying nothing else in reply, only nodding in farewell as she watched her leave.  There was a sad smirk on her face at the mention of her brother, as it was the exact answer she expected from the Phoenix...she spoke along the lines as others had done, though this one didn't seem as inclined to draw away from the subject with riddles...there was a bit of appreciation on that point, but her own part of the voyage seemed to be one to cast aside for the time being.  I'll still keep looking, Ayan...

Standing up straight, the panther then cast a quick look around the others of the group, who seemed as forlorn or just pensive.  With a hum, she headed towards the tea tray and gratefully took a cup with a smile of thanks to the attendant who had brought it in.  Funny, you don't see too many out-of-species servants among the Oracles... she thought for a moment before moving back to lean on the desk and quietly sip at the tea.  She looked pensive herself, the whole situation with Gareeku still fresh in her mind.

Then she heard someone approach and looked past her cup to see Anzimani, and listened to her speak, a small smile appearing on her face as well when Gabi added her piece.  In the presence of her comrades, old and new, the panthress couldn't help but feel a little more at ease.  "It's okay," she admonished, holding a hand up.  "Understandable that your reasons might have been for the best," she smiled, and shrugged.  "Maybe I'd have done the same thing.  And I thank you for your own trust in me, Gabi."

While sipping the rest of the tea, Aisha still couldn't get the question out of her mind at what the wolf meant by "voluntary".  Searching for a likely answer, it only flashed back to the Oracle's advice.  "I think it would be best, perhaps, if you talked to Gareeku about it."  She looked up briefly, hesitant on confronting him, before just setting the empty cup on the desk and starting to walk out.  Maybe I will.
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.


When she entered the hallway again, Aisha noticed the crow walking up beside her and giving her one of those tilted-headed, black-eyed looks that only a creature like that can make, his hands folded behind his back.
   "Is everything allright, miss?" he said, sounding concerned. "It is not uncommon that someone may get agitated at the Oracles' response, but if you will excuse me for speaking directly... not that agitated." He seemed to be speaking about Gareeku. Carefully, he stepped around her and bowed his head humbly when speaking to her. "Forgive me if this is an intrusion, but is everything quite allright? Perhaps you would want me to show you where he went?"


Gabi smiled at Aisha's words. Then, as she saw her head towards the door, she asked her where she was going, but Aisha didn't seem to hear her.

Gabi hesitated for a moment. She was curious, but didn't want to appear to be spying on her friends, especially after the recent commotion. Still, what was left for anyone to do in that room? What were they all waiting for?

"Maybe we should all go," Gabi suggested, and walked slowly towards the door, allowing time for others to follow or reply.
~~ Gabi a.k.a. Gliynn Starseed, APF ~~
Thanks to Silver for the yappities, and to everyone for being so great!
(12:28:12) llearch: Gabi is equal-opportunity friendly


"Are you sure that's wise?" Jakob said.  "If he went out for air, it was because he needs some space.  It might be better to let him calm down first."

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


"Oh, I wasn't talking about going after Gareeku," Gabi explained. "Just leaving this room. What else is left for us to do here?"

"That, and I wonder where Aisha's going," she added in her thoughts. "Unless you know already?"
~~ Gabi a.k.a. Gliynn Starseed, APF ~~
Thanks to Silver for the yappities, and to everyone for being so great!
(12:28:12) llearch: Gabi is equal-opportunity friendly

Aisha deCabre

Aisha hadn't been a few steps out the door when she heard Jakob speaking, after Gabi had called after...she paused for a moment then, as if to go back and answer them, but somehow she thought they'd figure out where she was going anyway...even though she considered Jakob's words...if she knew Gareeku, he always did like to think alone.  But the others would be coming out too soon enough, for they couldn't stay in that room all night...and the panther wanted one answer at least.  She started to walk again, until the crow had come up to her.

"I'm fine," she replied to the ebon-colored avian as if in passing, but stopped in her tracks when he came in front of her and offered to show where Gareeku went.  Her gaze briefly wandered over the interior of the temple, which was quite large, though probably not large enough to get lost in.  Still, sometimes when one doesn't think too clearly, too wrapped in concern for a friend, they can get lost in a box.

She glanced around the empty corridor, then back to the crow, and nodded.  "Actually, if you wouldn't mind, please do show me," she said in a low tone, but one of finality.
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.

James StarRunner

Since James set foot in the temple one question came to the forefront of his mind and he could not push it aside. Wordlessly, he had followed everyone in and back outside the temple. James bit his lip as all his companions spoke. He had a sneaky feeling that Gareeku had been holding something back and now that realization was brought to light. He wanted to talk to Gareeku about it, but James knew better than to pry at this point.

The talking around him became a buzz. The question that haunted James his entire life burned within him and now it was all he could think about. James was no longer aware of what was being said. Could he handle the truth about his past? James broke out in a cold sweat. He was biting his lip so hard it started to bleed.

"I-I'll be right back..." said James as he walked back to see the oracle.

After a few moments a loud voice rang from the temple. "Where are my mom and dad!?" James' voice echoed all around.

A short while later, a shaken James walked out of the temple. He dropped down to all fours. Sweat covered his face. He could hardly hold himself up, he was trembling so bad. Hot tears ran down his blue face.


At Aisha's words, the crow made a small nod and downed his eyes, stepping to the side.
   "Right this way then, miss," he said, and began walking just in front of the panthress. For the most part he was silent, but when they had walked for a minute, he glanced back at her for a second.
   "So you're searching for some lost people?" he said. "I am sorry, but I couldn't help but find out." He averted his eyes, looking forward again. "Is it going well? I mean, how long have you been traveling?"

Mel Dragonkitty

It was almost startling when the bland attendant spoke, as if a houseplant had suddenly began dancing. "If the honorable sirs and ladies are finished with your refreshments I will show you to your rooms. You will wish to rest until dinner." She bowed and waited for a response as if she had forever to wait for their answer.
My, I'll bet you monsters lead interesting lives. I said to my girlfriend just the other day: "Gee, I'll bet monsters are interesting," I said. The places you must go and the things you must see. My stars! And I'll bet you meet a lot of interesting people, too. I'm always interested in meeting interesting people.

Aisha deCabre

Aisha's eyebrow quirked at the crow's question for a moment as they walked, thinking that even out of curiosity it was something a little forward to ask, coming from someone who seemed to work in the Phoenix Oracle temple.  Nevertheless, the panther saw no other reason in keeping it to herself, if there was one who didn't know what they knew.

"I couldn't say exactly how long my friends have been traveling," she answered calmly, turning her gaze back ahead and listening to their quiet footfalls echoing across and to all sides of them.  "I joined them while they were passing through your friendly trade route through bandit country," she smirked.  "But from what I gathered, everyone is looking for someone close to them who has been kidnapped...they have all recieved letters."  Her ears folded back to her skull.  "I joined mostly to come with them to the temple, but having nowhere to go and no-one to...immediately find, I might as well come of aid.  I owe them as much."

About time to let the leader of our little band know that too, she added silently, thinking back to Gareeku, still perplexed about what sort of condition he had...and still wishing to find out.
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.


"Searching..." the crow said, and hummed. "I am still somewhat confused as to why... Not that saving friends is not a noble goal. But you must know who kidnapped them first, the way I see it... You don't have an idea, do you?" he continued, and rubbed his chin. Then, he noticed the feline's expression, and made a bit of an apologizing face.
   "I am sorry, miss. I know very little of adventuring. I wanted to become a traveler when I was younger, but... It seems my lot was different." He smiled shortly, and then looked forward again, straightening his face. Then, they rounded a final corner into a corridor leading outside.
   "Ah, here we are..." the crow said, and walked on, leading her out onto the balcony.


{OOC: Pal asked me to take over Eph for a little while.}

Blaze had stayed rather quiet for the time they had entered the temple.

Oracles... he thought to himself. Not always the most reliable source of information, but even amongst the riddles and cryptics the answer becomes apparent.

He stared at the ground, wondering if there was a question the phoenix could answer for him. He shook his head after a second.

Sometimes it's not best to know the truth. I'd rather live feeling free than feeling paranoid and always wondering if there's someone behind my back waiting to kill me.

Blaze felt waves of sorrow suddenly as a finger tapped him on the back. He looked down, seeing Eph pointing over at James.

"Um, could you come help me?" she asked.

Blaze nodded. "Sure." The two walked over to where James was on the ground.

Eph leant down and put a hand on the blue squirrel's shoulder. "James?" she asked. "Are you okay?"


"Sorrow," said Jakob sadly as he joined Blaze and Ephrael by James.  "Not an emotion I'm good with.  I would guess he learned something unfortunate from the Oracle." he knelt down and tried to comfort the squirrel.
"Come on, come on, it'll be okay..."

He turned to face the feline, who stood strangely impassive amidst James' breakdown.
"We should take James to his room," he said.  "Can you show us there?"

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E

Mel Dragonkitty

From the front pocket of her neatly starched apron the feline attendant pulled a selection of equally neatly ironed and starched handkerchiefs. The size of the pile told that the feline either had a severe allergy problem or that this was a regular part of her duties. Her face remained blandly servile but her eyes seemed to hold a touch of resignation, perhaps even disgust towards the Oracle for leaving her to deal with things. She handed James one of the large white squares. "If sir would like to come with me I will show you to where you can rest and wash up." She paused before adding, "May I be so bold as to remind the party that the Oracle speaks in riddles and it is folly to take her responses at face value."
My, I'll bet you monsters lead interesting lives. I said to my girlfriend just the other day: "Gee, I'll bet monsters are interesting," I said. The places you must go and the things you must see. My stars! And I'll bet you meet a lot of interesting people, too. I'm always interested in meeting interesting people.


The feline's words caused Gabi to suddenly pay attention to her. Her presence alone proved that the rumors she had heard were true. There were non-phoenixes working at the temples, and by the look of things she had been there for a long time. Gabi wondered if talking to her would be of any help.

"That's a well-known fact," Gabi agreed. "We were prepared for riddles and obscure metaphors when we set foot on the road to come here, but there are always things it hurts to hear, metaphors or not. But you must have realized that by now, right? I see you're well prepared," she said, gesturing at the pile of handkerchiefs.

[Edited in response to llearch's and Tapewolf's comments.]
~~ Gabi a.k.a. Gliynn Starseed, APF ~~
Thanks to Silver for the yappities, and to everyone for being so great!
(12:28:12) llearch: Gabi is equal-opportunity friendly

James StarRunner

"M-mom... dad..." James muttered as his tears stained the ground. The comfort from Blaze and Eph helped, but the words the oracle said cut him more deeply then any blade had. James shrugged away from the square that was offered. He couldn't eat now if he wanted to. He was already starting to feel nauseous.

There seemed little riddle about what the oracle said though. "My parents d-don't want... to see me." James sniffed. "The oracle said, 'They don't want to be found'..." Had the oracle said his parents were dead the news would have been easier to take. The possibility of not having his parents love though disturbed him greatly. Doubts filled his mind. Maybe they're evil and are ashamed of me... Maybe they didn't want me from the beginning... Maybe that's why they abandoned me and left me to live in an orphanage. Why...?

The offer of a room from the feline attendant sounded good though. He found his strength gone however and couldn't get up. "A little help p-please... I think I need to lay down awhile..."

Aisha deCabre

"S'alright," Aisha answered the crow.  Her voice sounded a little distracted then, but as there was nothing more than the path to concentrate on it was quite easy to listen.  "Though I believe that's why we took the trouble coming to the Phoenix Oracles, to find the ones responsible...I can think of only few enemies we could have."  She shrugged, head dipping slightly while thinking of the previous meeting and the results that had been given.  "I guess I can't say yet that the visit was for nothing."

She remembered that the Oracle had told them she would go over it better in detail when the next day came.  How better?  She thought with a quiet hum, before having stopped in her tracks as the guide directed her to the balcony.  Outside it was peaceful, the view over the whole of the land impressive and somewhat ethereal from the temple view, despite the dark look that the trail seemed to have as it wound back away into the horizon.

Aisha was looking from the shadows of the entryway, spotting Gareeku with a heavily solemn and pensive look about him.  The panthress paused, and then briefly nodded her thanks to the ebon bird, sighing lightly.

"Hey, you mind if I bother you for a moment?" Aisha said with a light chuckle, walking up to the wolf.  Though there was a quiet humorous tone, she suspected that the statement was more than halfway right.
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.


"Just think about it, James," Gabi turned to the squirrel, unable to ignore his suffering. "Phoenix Oracles are known for not saying anything directly, so that can't be exactly what it sounded like. Maybe she meant that they're hiding from someone else, or something along those lines."
~~ Gabi a.k.a. Gliynn Starseed, APF ~~
Thanks to Silver for the yappities, and to everyone for being so great!
(12:28:12) llearch: Gabi is equal-opportunity friendly


Gareeku was lost in his thoughts to the point that he didn't notice Aisha's presence until he heard her voice. Glancing towards her, the wolf smiled slightly, before looking back out at the scenery before them.
"Not at all." Gareeku replied. In a way he was grateful that someone had come to see him. "I...I'm sorry for my little outburst earlier..."

Mel Dragonkitty

The attendant looked at the pile of handkerchiefs in her hand at Gabi's comment. "People don't make this journey for unimportant questions. And some phoenix are less clever in wording their prophecies than others." She put the cloths back in her pocket and started out the door, gesturing for the group to follow. "The best advice I can offer after doing this for a while is that you did not receive a straight answer."

She led them down a few corridors and around a few corners to a short hallway. "The rooms in this hall are for your use. There is a small meditation garden at the end. Someone will be back at dinner time." She turned to leave them alone.
My, I'll bet you monsters lead interesting lives. I said to my girlfriend just the other day: "Gee, I'll bet monsters are interesting," I said. The places you must go and the things you must see. My stars! And I'll bet you meet a lot of interesting people, too. I'm always interested in meeting interesting people.

Aisha deCabre

With a smile at his reply, Aisha came to stand next to him, leaning on the railing of the balcony and looking outward to the land.  "Oh, it was understandable," she smirked, "the Oracle must have gotten her fair share of worse, however long she's lived.  I think a few of us felt the same."

There was a moment's pause as the panther's head tilted downward so that she viewed the drop, feeling a little vertigo from being reminded of just how high up on the mountain they were.  The breeze was comforting though, and the quiet almost encompassing...she didn't wonder why this was a good spot to think.  Aisha was doing just that, wondering exactly how one was expected to start a conversation about death in such serenity.  

Here goes nothing...She took a deep breath, the mountain air bringing a good scent, before turning her head toward the wolf.  "Also...I can understand why you might not want one to know about your sickness, even a friend," she said in a calm voice that searched for understanding.  "...But, if you can tell me...why can't it be helped...or that you don't want it to be?"  Her head tilted, still disbelieving of that aspect.
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.


Still looking out over the landscape before them, Gareeku sighed quietly as Aisha asked of his condition. It was wasn't a sigh of annoyance, that much was clear; it was one that signified he knew the question would arise sooner or later.

"My...'condition' is, as I said earlier, voluntary." the wolf replied quietly in explanation. "It's to do with my little transformation..."
Pausing for a second, Gareeku glanced at Aisha, before turning to resume his gaze over the landscape below.
"After our last little adventure had ended, I began searching; searching for something, or someone, who could help me deal with my uncontrollable transformation." the wolf continued, a somber expression on his face. "Eventually I found such a person...we tried to find if there was any way I could gain some control of myself while in the transformation but, simply put, we failed. Finally we agreed on sealing a part of my soul away, which would stop the transformation for occuring...the only downside was that my lifespan would be shortened, to make an understatement."

Pausing again for a few moments, Gareeku let his words sink in before continuing.
"I probably only have a few weeks left; the reason why I am determined to find those who have been taken, including my mother and uncle. I want to ensure that they are safe before my time runs out." the wolf explained, a somewhat sad expression on his face as he spoke.


The crow had stayed still throughout all of Aisha's and Gareeku's exchange, but in the corner of their eyes they could both just notice as he silently placed himself against the balcony railing just a bit off, and looked intensively at them with dark eyes, a frown on his face. He had moved much more carefully than before, so silently that it hadn't been possible to hear him at all, despite his shoes.

Aisha deCabre

Aisha was solemn and quiet as she listened to Gareeku's explanation, though with each word it filled her with a little more sadness for him.  She indeed remembered his transformation...the ferocity and power...and the way it troubled him so.  Though, the panther once thought that he wasn't one to accept giving up a part of his soul and his life...his hope and everything he had...just to fend off the chance that anyone would get hurt.

In a way, the idea sort of angered her...she wondered if her vowing aloud on the bandit's path that no friends would fall dead on her watch had any impact.  She tried not to let the anger show while averting her gaze as Gareeku finished speaking.  But then she had to think of how truly selfless the gesture was...whatever she didn't expect of the wolf, that trait was something that she did expect.  She barely noticed that the crow had been watching them.  Aisha was too preoccupied thinking of a reply to all of this to give the avian any notice.

After a long pause, letting the words and the fact of it sink in, Aisha drew a deep breath and let a hand fall on his shoulder.  "Too many friends of mine have been lost for me to really agree with what you did."  She opened her eyes and gave him a solemn look, though slightly shaken, as if she was comparing this to a memory best forgotten.  "A part of your soul...honestly, you're too noble...so much for so little."

She shook her head briefly, before giving him a serious look.  "I guess it would be hard to talk you out of it, Gareeku.  So I won't try, if in the long run that's what you have truly decided...tempting as it is for me to argue," she chuckled briefly, a dark attempt at humor, before becoming serious and standing straight.  "I will be as much help as I can with this quest then, I swear now, as a friend.  As I wanted to say...I owe everyone a great deal, and moreover, you."

There was a pause as Aisha let her own words sink in, before removing her hand from his shoulder, turning to glance curiously at the crow, and then back to the wolf, while leaning on the balcony again.  "...I don't suppose you want to let the others know of those details yet..."
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.


"Wait!," Gabi called out to the attendant as she turned to leave. "Can I ask you something else before you leave?"

It was a long shot, but she had to try. It was, after all, what she had come for.
~~ Gabi a.k.a. Gliynn Starseed, APF ~~
Thanks to Silver for the yappities, and to everyone for being so great!
(12:28:12) llearch: Gabi is equal-opportunity friendly