Furrae Chronicles: Webs of Destiny (IC) [M] {2}

Started by Gareeku, July 21, 2006, 05:41:02 AM

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Blaze glanced over at Ephrael. "Guess you're lucky you fell behind... this wasn't pretty."

He placed the two women he was still holding captive with his wings onto the ground, though he kept their wrists held firmly together.

"What should we do with these two?" he asked the others.

Paladin Sheppard

Keeping the longbow ready Eph walked over to Gabi.

"I'm ok did anyone get h-hurt?"


"Do not kill them," said a voice behind Blaze.  "there has been too much blood spilled already.  Besides, I want someone alive to remember this day."  Jakob strode into view, his trenchcoat flapping behind him as he walked, and a sombre expression upon his face.  He crouched in front of the captives, staring them in the eyes with a look of cold menace.

"I'm a big believer in second chances," he said.  "And if, as I hope, these two have learned their lesson, they will pose us no further danger."  Reaching into his voluminous attire, he pulled out a handful of coins, dropping a pile in front of each captive.

"Don't spend it all at once," he remarked.  "And be thankful that Johan Cross can be merciful." he looked around for Gareeku, and was thankful to see that everyone in their party appeared to have survived.  He took a step or two forwards, but then suddenly stopped and turned around.

"I almost forgot.  We shall be coming back when our business at the temple is concluded.  If I find you still here, I shall take your souls... the way I did to your leader, Jonathan.  I do not believe in third chances."

So saying, he strode towards Gareeku, leaving Blaze staring after him.

Jakob kept up his 'Johan Cross' act until he reached the white wolf, who sat near Gabi, eyeing him with a look of distaste.

Jakob came close to tears again, and his voice was unsteady as he spoke.  The tough-guy act had been bit of a strain on him, and it brought back bad memories... of earlier that day and of times long past.  His leader's distrust did not help.

"I've sent Jonathan on after his lover," he said.  "I offered him a new life in a new body, but he declined.  Still, at least they're together now."  he sniffed.

"Now, where is Arc, how many people has he killed, and who does this sword belong to?"

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Gabi, who was still next to Gareeku and had stood up upon Eph's arrival, was glad to hear what Jakob had done to Jonathan. She felt she knew him just well enough to know he'd been bluffing about eating his soul, but she'd also felt the need to know what had actually happened.

She replied to Ephrael's question: "yes, but fortunately nothing they can't recover from."

She then looked at the spot where she had left the stunned bandit. He was still lying there.
"He will probably wake up soon," she told Jakob. "Unless you feel like threatening him too, maybe we should leave before he regains consciousness. After all that's happened, a verbal threat may be redundant."
~~ Gabi a.k.a. Gliynn Starseed, APF ~~
Thanks to Silver for the yappities, and to everyone for being so great!
(12:28:12) llearch: Gabi is equal-opportunity friendly


Blaze unwrapped his wings from the wrists of the two women after giving a small inner sigh. RJ would have killed me anyway if she had heard I had killed unarmed people... After that day, we promised we wouldn't kill if it was avoidable....

He bent down to the women, scrabbling for the coins as quickly as they could. "You better make sure you stay well clear of this place. I suggest you go make new lives for yourselves."

He stood back up as they ran from the scene before turning to the others. "I have to agree- getting back on track might be the best choice at the moment. Also, Gabi... would you mind taking a look at this gash on my ear please? It's getting to be a bit of a pain."

Blaze glanced over the group for a brief second, feeling a touch of worry suddenly. This is not going to become a simple adventure anytime soon...

Aisha deCabre

"A mystery, huh?"  Aisha inquired, head lowered in thought while glancing around, mostly to watch for the possibility of any others hiding in wait.  The pantheress was still seated just a fair bit away from the others, listening in to their conversations and plans but not offering anything of her own yet.  After all, she had appeared to help...though nobody said her company wasn't wholly welcomed, nobody said that it was, either.  Yet, things are connected.  It seems many are looking into this same mystery.

She only then noticed when a squirrel (who curiously looked very similar to someone familiar in appearance) came with two remaining survivors.  In a way, the huntress was relieved.  It wasn't a total bloodbath, but it would be a hard one for the witnesses.  Right after, Jakob reappeared almost suddenly.  Her eyes kept on him curiously, the name "Johan Cross" still sending a small shiver in her bloodstream from the last adventure.  But Aisha wasn't one to jump at shadows...she knew that he was an ally.  She merely watched as he finished talking to the bandits and then walked over to where Gareeku and Gabi were.

Aisha gripped the confirmation that they were indeed taking the path to the temple of the Oracles.  There was a smile on her face.  How easily paths converge into one again.  The panther stood up at the suggestion that they leave before something else happens.  "I don't think that we should linger here any more than needed..."

Her bow to the others was polite.  "It seems we're all going the same way.  I don't suppose there'd be room for one more in this party?  It would at least be nice to keep up with old friends again," she cast a smile towards Gareeku, Gabi and Jakob, then one to those she had never seen before.  "And...make new ones.  Name's Aisha."
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.


Look around as he knocked another theif unconscious with the hilt of his sword, a sad expression appeared on Gareeku's face as he saw the bodies of those who had been slain. Saying a silent prayer for those who had fallen, Gareeku fastened his sheathed sword back to the side of his waist, before sitting down on the ground. Seeing Gabi walk over and check his wounds, Gareeku nodded his head at what she said.
"Yeah, I can still move it. I think it just went through the flesh." the wolf replied. "I only left the thing in there to stop the bleeding getting worse."

Looking up, Gareeku smiled to see Eph had arrived. In a way, he was thankful that she hadn't seen what had gone on in the battle. Hearing Aisha speak, Gareeku chuckled.
"It would be a pleasure, Aisha." the wolf replied warmly. It was then, however, that Jakob walked up to him, dressed in his new attire. Noticing the incubus' look of sadness, Gareeku could not help but feel a twinge of guilt.
"Good. At least they're together now." the wolf replied calmly, not choosing to say anything more.


Anzimani took a deep breath to clear her head, then sat up slowly to respond to Jay. No, it was Jakob, if what she'd heard was correct. Or was it Johan? Well, whoever he was, he was holding her sword.

She stood up, steadier now, and strode across the path to pull her dagger from the tree. Bending down, she cleaned it on the roadside grass. She slipped it back up her sleeve and padded toward the wolf. Eyes wary, she halted. She didn't know anything about him, but so far he had only assisted the group. She had no reason for distrust; she would keep quiet and learn by listening.

"The sword's mine." She noticed the blade was glimmering a slightly brighter green, as if joyful in the dried blood it wore. She told herself that it was due to the contrast of red on green, but she knew it was more than that.

I'll bet that's the only joy the old crone gets anymore, she thought bitterly. And I'm glad.


"I presume Arc has left us again," said Jakob, turning to face Ephrael, Blaze and Anzimani, and handing the latter her sword.
"I guess I owe you three an apology for my deception.  My name is not Jay but Jakob Pettersohn.  A century or so ago I was known as Johan Cross, and under that name I did many things which I now regret...  things which made me come to detest violence." he looked again at the carnage and a small tear came to his eye.

"It would also seem," he continued, blinking rapidly to clear it away, "that someone has hired Arc to kill me for my ancient crimes.  That was the sole reason for my disguise, but sadly my cover is blown.  Even if I assume another form, he'll guess it's me, or worse, he may shoot Ephrael or Aisha thinking them to be my disguise.

"In case you're wondering about the coat, I feel that it may be to our advantage if we try to make use of my infamy.  I have little doubt that the two we turned loose will soon be telling tales of how Johan Cross was at the Devil's Path, killing many men.  Much as I find the notion shameful, if I can use such rumours to prevent even one more death, it will be worth it.

"Whatever you may have heard of me, we are in this together and I hope you can judge me by my deeds now rather than deeds long past."

He paused and then looked at Anzimani, feeling her mixed emotions.  "Tonight was the first time you killed, wasn't it?" he said gently.  "Don't be afraid to cry about it if it will help.  Remember... guilt is precious, so treasure it.  For if we lose our guilt at killing, what else is there to stop us becoming monsters?"

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Listening to Jakob explain his true identity to the others, Gareeku could not help but smirk slightly.
For somone who wishes to rid himself of his past, he sure seems to be talking about it a whole lot... the wolf thought to himself as Gabi healed his leg. Thanking her with a warm smile, Gareeku rose to his feet.
"I think we should bury the dead. They deserve some dignity despite their choice of lifestyle." the wolf said calmly, looking down upon the dead with an almost emotionless expression on his face.


Gabi reflected on Jakob's words. "Nothing," she concluded. She nodded sadly and finished tending to Gareeku's leg, subsequently proceeding to check Blaze's ear. She decided she would help bury the dead only after she was done taking care of the living. They needed her more right now.
~~ Gabi a.k.a. Gliynn Starseed, APF ~~
Thanks to Silver for the yappities, and to everyone for being so great!
(12:28:12) llearch: Gabi is equal-opportunity friendly


Anzimani inclined her head a little, taking her sword. "I understand now; it was necessary." She did not yet sheath the weapon. The blood would take a little scrubbing to get off.

"I will not cry. But I will keep your words in mind; they are wise ones." True to her word, Anzimani's eyes were dry. But she let the tears harden inside her, like so many little stones.

Carrying her sword to the edge of the path, she sat down in the grass and took a ragged cloth out of her pack. Bending over the weapon, she began to clean it.

I'll have to name it soon, she thought remorsefully. In her village, a weapon was not named until it was used in battle. That small connection to her home brought a little smile to her face. I'll have to make it a good one.

Paladin Sheppard

As the pantheress introduced herself, Ephrael managed not to duck behind Gabi and waved at Aisha. "H-Hello I-I'm Ephrael".

Seeing that se wasn't going to need her bow anytime soon Eph returned arrow back into its quiver.


"Well met, Aisha," said Jakob.  He hadn't actually had much chance to talk to her since her arrival. 

"I trust you are keeping well?  It's just a pity that we had to meet under such circumstances..." he continued, gazing mournfully at the piles of dead.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E

Aisha deCabre

While listening to Jakob's explanation, Aisha had nodded in understanding, agreeing to what words of encouragement the others had given him.  She guessed that for what he had gone through in his life, such things were to be expected...however, her eyes did widen a bit when he mentioned an assassin out to kill him.

Someone's hunting the party?  The panther narrowed her eyes.  Hm.  Wise to keep a watch, then.

Despite the notion, the pantheress nodded back to Jakob, with a polite bow to Ephrael.  "Well met to you as well, all of you.  Heh, I'm keeping well enough, yes, though almost everywhere I passed there was a slight uproar about reports of kidnapping.  There are a bunch of hunters and adventurers out and about.  Me..." her gaze was cast aside, thoughtful.  "I've no need to worry about someone I know having been kidnapped.  I was on my way to the Oracles on my own..." then, her eyes rose again, a grin on her face.  "But, I'm glad to be accepted to join in."

While casting a glance at Gareeku, she heard his suggestion of burying the dead and agreed without a second thought.  "Better them than us...they instigated the fight, they threatened...but it would be noble to lay them to rest."

Though only one thing I wonder is just who would bring a shovel on a quest...
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.


"Okay," said Jakob, his voice trailing as he contemplated the dead, trying unsuccessfully to ignore the fact that they were once people, regardless of the mistakes they had made in life.  If someone had pulled a stunt like this in Ha'Khun all those decades ago, his rage would have been boundless and he would most likely have killed the perpetrator in person.  No, try not to think about that...

"Okay.  I guess we can do this by hand or by magic.  If need be I can probably return to the Academy and pilfer some equipment from the turfing class.  Magic would be quicker and easier, although it seems somehow less... personal."

Struck by an idea, he turned to Gareeku.

"Do you think we could get Li to scoop the graves out by teleportation?  We'll have to shovel the earth back on by hand, but it would save time.
In fact, I would say that would be the best compromise, since it would be wise to make the temple before dark.  We never really found out of there are other bandit groups as well."

As he spoke, he began to look around, scouring the area for potential headstones.  Exactly what he was going to carve on them he wasn't sure, since he only knew Jonathan's name.  Actually, I should bury him next to Leona, he thought.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


As Jakob spoke, Gareeku did not turn to him, choosing instead to continue looking at the bodies laying on the ground.
"Magic would indeed be less personal." The wolf replied flatly. "And I suppose Li -could- do that..."
Li...come here, I need your assistance... Gareeku called out to the warp-aci in his mind. A couple of seconds later, Li appeared on his shoulder.
"Li, would you please teleport some of the earth out for us? We need to create some graves." the wolf asked with a slight smile. looking at the corpses, Li flinched somewhat, before nodding her head and getting to work.

A short while later, a series of graves had been created a little way off from the side of the path. Thanking Li, Gareeku then carefully picked up one of the bodies in his arms and walkover to one of the graves. Setting the body on the ground, Gareeku then turned to Li, who then teleported the body into the grave.


Jakob took hold of Jonathan's corpse, and vanished.  He returned some minutes later, his hands covered in earth, and began to help the others as they scooped the earth upon the dead.

"It's a funny thing..." he said distantly, "more people have died this day in a single battle than I have killed myself in three hundred years of my reign, and I am called a tyrant.  Yet a band of warriors can do far worse and be hailed as heroes."

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Hearing what Jakob said as he walked past him with another body in his arms, Gareeku stopped and looked the wolf incubus in the eye.
"You think we enjoy doing what we do? I for one, do not. People die in this world, Jakob. Get used to it." the wolf replied; his voice calm, yet his look deadly serious. "You of all people should know. Warriors are labelled as heroes because many of them defend either themselves or those who are harmed. Besides, we don't choose to mess with people's minds and cause them to commit suicide."

Saying nothing more, the wolf continued walking on, Li following close behind as she prepared to teleport the body into another grave.


That's good coming from the soul-eater, thought Jakob, but he said nothing.

Gareeku was evidently in a foul mood, and provoking him could well result in a fight that would destroy their mission.  But why was he so angry?  Jakob wasn't sure.

Perhaps it was because despite his manner, he was deeply upset at what they had done.  Or perhaps it was because of what Jakob had done.

And if so, he has every reason to be, Jakob thought.  Because for a brief moment today he actually saw Johan Cross.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Sheathing her now clean weapon, Anzimani hesitated for a moment. She really didn't want to do this, but she knew she had to.

What doesn't kill me makes me stronger, she told herself as she carefully picked up the limp body of the fox. But right now all I want to do is forget this ever happened.

She carried the body to an empty grave and returned for the body of the feline, likewise lowering the corpse into a neighboring pit. She stood over the pair for a moment, muttering a short version of the funeral rights in the old, softly rolling language of the desert. It felt like the only thing she could do in return for the lives she had taken. It wasn't much, but it felt right.


Blaze gazed down at the corpse he had just laid down into one of the holes. Gently, he placed a sword on the body's chest that he had found clenched in its hand before. There was a look of reminiscence in his expression as he caught Gareeku's words.

"Death is never something you should ever really get used to, because every life is precious. It doesn't matter what kind of person they were, they still had a right to live- we shouldn't judge. And a warrior... That's just a word, isn't it? People kill all the time, yet not all of them are called that. Murderers, warriors, heroes... sometimes it's a hard thing to define..." He stood up and glanced at the other graves, a sad smile on his face.

"At least, that's what RJ told me once... and we've seen our fare share of death too. It's not always easy to forget what you've done."


The atmosphere was getting too gloomy. Gabi left Blaze's side and sat down for a moment. She felt the need for a break. But she realized the work wasn't over, so she stood up again. There were the graves... There might be someone else with wounds she hadn't noticed... and there was this awful gloom all around. She could almost feel it in her fur. She had to do something.

"Our journey's had anything but an auspicious beginning," she said. "Unlike epic stories where everything seems to start out well. But I for one am glad this is not a story. Real life is a lot more flexible. If something starts out in a bad way, there's often a way to change it so that it ends well. I have seen horrible things in the past too. I'm lucky in that I've never had to choose between my life or someone else's, but if I go on like this I know that someday I may have to. And if I make it I'll feel awful, I know. But... but I'd know I had no other choice. The path we're taking leads us to views we'd rather not see and actions we'd much rather not take. I guess that's why not everyone goes out to try and make things right whenever something bad happens. It takes courage... not so much to fight as to live with the result of the fight, whether you lose or win. But, at least in my case, I go on because I'd rather have this than the alternative. I think of those we're trying to rescue... and others we may help along the way... There are lots of awful things happening in the world, but isn't that why we're here? To try to make things better?"

When she finished speaking she felt she had probably sounded corny... even childish. Almost everyone here was older and more experienced than she was. She wasn't saying anything new. But somethimes things like these need to be said again, she thought. Sometimes we need a reminder, to help us keep going. I know I do.

With that, she risked a direct look at the whole group and, before anyone could give an answer to her little monologue, asked if anyone else needed help.
~~ Gabi a.k.a. Gliynn Starseed, APF ~~
Thanks to Silver for the yappities, and to everyone for being so great!
(12:28:12) llearch: Gabi is equal-opportunity friendly


Jakob gently lifted the body, carrying the bandit away from the graves and propping him up by a tree.  He was one of the few survivors, and Jakob had no intention of seeing the living buried among the dead by mistake.
Checking the stunned Being's mind, he made a few minor alterations to ensure that he did not suddenly reawaken while the party was still around.

Turning back to the grim work of burial, a piece of music came unbidden to his mind.  Although Jakob did not have much in the way of a singing voice, he found himself muttering the words with a bitterness that exceeded even the original recording.

"Clear the battlefield and let me see
All the profit from your victory
You talk of freedom - starving children fall
Are you deaf when you hear the season's call?

Were you there to watch the earth be scorched?
Did you stand beside the spectral torch?
Know the leaves of sorrow turn their face
Scattered on the ashes of disgrace."

Jakob found that he was crying again and had to stop for a few minutes.  When he was able to carry on again, a sudden realisation occurred to him.

How could I possibly have forgotten?  Of course Gareeku's going to be in a strange mood.  Here we are burying the dead, when he knows that it won't be too long before he joins them himself.  Perhaps that's why he was so eager to fight... because he has nothing to lose.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E

Aisha deCabre

Aisha was caught by surprise after a second when Li appeared, as she was still caught up in her thoughts of just how to dig the graves.  Magic-users...she seemed to smile in slight amusement when they gave the solution.  She wasn't one herself, so it was always truly interesting to see it.  Even more, it made her reminisce about the earlier adventure, both the high points and the low.

The pantheress watched as the graves were made, and then searched around for those in particular that she herself killed.  Her face had a solemn expression, a neutral look in her eyes that hinted to the fact that, like many of the others, she had seen more than enough death to have gotten marginally used to it...but her mind was rushing with short blessings, taking each one to their final resting spots.  Forgive me.  I only had to protect my friends.  And forgive us all for that.  No blame to be placed.

Meanwhile, the others were giving their own little soliloquies.  Being a silent one usually, Aisha had nothing to add...but she listened.  She hadn't been there when this adventure started, but with the somber tension hanging around the corpses and the undertakers...and Gareeku in particular seemed a little distraught...and Jakob she heard crying.

But one ear was kept to the wind, and to the ominous quiet surrounding the tones of the path.  When it finally got a too quiet, a little too somber, Aisha looked up from her work.  "Okay, what did I miss, anyway?" she said, going for a casual tone while trying her hardest not to be insensitive.  "One couldn't cut this morbidity floating around if they tried."
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.


Gabi half-smiled at Aisha's comment.

"I think it will be best for all of us to leave here as soon as possible," she suggested.
~~ Gabi a.k.a. Gliynn Starseed, APF ~~
Thanks to Silver for the yappities, and to everyone for being so great!
(12:28:12) llearch: Gabi is equal-opportunity friendly

Paladin Sheppard

"Yea, really fast. This palce has always creeped me out..." Ephrael said, not quite cowering behind Gabi.


Once the burials had been taken care of, Gareeku began the task of gathering large rocks, unsheathing his blade and carving into the stones befoe Li teleported them to the heads of the graves. Once that had been done, the wolf walked back onto the path.

"Nice song. Prehaps you will sing that for me, as well." Gareeku commented as he finished listening to Jakob's song, before turning and walking away. "The temple awaits."


"What did you miss?" said Jakob vacantly, trying to collect his thoughts.  He turned to Aisha.
"My father has been kidnapped, as have Gareeku's uncle and mother.  Most of us have had someone close disappear, and we each received a letter instructing us to meet at a tavern.  It turns out the letters were enchanted, and when brought together they formed a map.  It also gave us a cryptic message... uh, 'You must first journey to a land where many a winged creature dwell. Not a town, nor a village.'

"We took it to mean a Phoenix temple.  I'm not convinced, since it says 'land' and not 'place', but I guess if it isn't, we can just ask the Oracles.  I hope we can make it work out, because otherwise, all these poor people will have died over a mistake.".

He sighed, and resumed speaking.  "The other main thing is that someone appears to have called a hit on 'Johan Cross', but I've already mentioned that.  It's probably one of the Creatures I threw out of Macura Province or Port Okra.  Anyway, this bounty has attracted one Arcalane Celso.  We managed to talk him out of it at swordpoint back in the tavern, but I'm not convinced he'll keep his word."

"Frankly, I'm not sure what to do.  I guess I have three choices: return to SAIA and hide until after he's dead, which probably means no more nature films, or try and convince him to give up the bounty.  I have half a mind to do a documentary about the Johan Cross affair, you know... set the record straight.  On the other hand, there are advantages to keeping the old myth alive - casual enemies are less likely to attack the Devil himself.

"But Petter has to come first."

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Gabi thought for a moment before respinding to Jakob's words.

"If you hide now, won't they keep looking for you?," she questioned him. "Won't others come after he's gone? Won't you be just prolonging the way things have been all this time? Is that what you really want? I had the feeling you were doing something good... something different. Not to mention you'd never see most of us again."
~~ Gabi a.k.a. Gliynn Starseed, APF ~~
Thanks to Silver for the yappities, and to everyone for being so great!
(12:28:12) llearch: Gabi is equal-opportunity friendly