Doing a favor for Azlan (RP Thread)

Started by Azlan, July 16, 2006, 08:02:03 PM

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The quick recap of the events to date in the RP:

A strange and unknown soul appeared at Lost Lake and claimed to have found Azlan's lost wedding ring.  The plain band turned out to be something else entirely.  The assembled adventurers determined that they needed some type of quest to go on, mainly to get them out of Alexsi's hair before they trashed her bar.  A few Lord of the Rings jokes aside, the assembled adventurers seriously began to consider what they could do for a quest.

In the city, an insidious theft had occurred at Matilda's shop.  Doing what any concerned shop owner would do after a theft of this magnitude, she posted a notice at the local guild of mercenaries... er, adventurers...

The post by Matilda was discovered and the party showed up at Matilda's shop, where they learned that the object stolen was a key to "unlocking the power of the heavens" or so she had said.  This key was in the form of a crystal.

Finding the quest to be acceptable, the party agreed and set out... but doesn't know where to begin.  They would need to consult an expert in such lore.   After some discussion, a concerned passerby... who just happens to be Puck, manages to impart information about the Sage Zalanos who resides in the mountains of Alluria.

Azlan took off immediately with the group in pursuit.  He was ambushed by rangers, who escape, while the party fights rat assassins in hand-to-hand combat.  The rats are soundly thrashed.

The group travels on and comes across a fort manned by bandits claiming to be government tax collectors.  After some banter, the guards and group clash, leading to victory, but not without some injury.

The adventurers hold up in the fort for awhile, acquire Dhale Casigeire, the wolverine rogue, and Myrianna Devouise, the raccoon paladin.  Taski also inhabits a fox guard (Aeren).  The group is forced to do battle with a weird monster and acquires a bit more ancient treasure (and discover a little about the ancient history of the area).  They learn some useful information about what is occurring in the hidden vale beyond the pass, discover the only safe area in the region and also that the only path to the sage lies through the Vale.  The group makes the decision to head into the valley and to the safety of Myri's Lord's castle.

The group eventually limps up the trail into the mountains, as opposed to continuing down the pass.  Along the road, at the top of said pass, they encounter a Werewolf Lord and his reluctant pack subordinate.  The lucky pup downs Gliynn and Poofy is mauled, but the party manages to defeat the werewolves.  The younger one survives and provides useful information about the ancient fortress he lairs in.  The group investigates the ancient elven fortress and attempt to loot it, but the ghosts prevent certain things from leaving, as the group is not worthy of them.  They acquire Zee Sunchaser, the elvenfurre wolf lycanthrope. 

Sometime in the night, a wraith-like assassin attacks the group and manages to 'kill' Taski, but not before being critically damaged.  It slinks off and uses a trick it learned from Taski (during their brief moments of connection) to inhabit the other fox scout's body.  The fox Taski was inhabiting is now and found to be quite alive, but remembers nothing of his ordeals or much of anything about himself.

The group encounters a masked canid of some sort who joins with him, he eventually parts company later on.  This mysterious stranger is named Bob... not unlike the infamous Tim of quasi-Arthurian satire.

Somewhere or somehow a friend of Manawolf joins the group, he is slain.

As a result of some items found, one character is lost and replaced with another NPC.  The arrogant feline, Elania Felpurr, decides to tag along with the group, if not to do no more then annoy them.

Somewhere or somehow another friend of Mana joins, this one survives to date.

They travel onward and encounter an oracle that attempts to relieve them of their money and succeeds in getting some of it.  She imparts some useful information, but most of it is typically cryptic (union rules and all).  The group moves on and comes across a ruin of a city in the highlands.  They also encounter Fresnor, who is recognized by Myri, he joins up with the group.  They spend the night at this city and several campaign significant events occur here. 

The two damaged significantly by the werewolves, who had failed their secret saves, undergo their first change and lose control of themselves due to the curse.  The masked wolf wanders off before this incident and finds a hole leading down into an old tomb.  Here he battles a skeleton and nearly loses, but succeeds in the end.

The group subdues the changed party members, Azlan is bitten by Gliynn, but due to the nature of Fae, it is unclear if he is infected.  The actions of the two afflicted characters cause them to lose some of their abilities temporarily (a blanket policy by the gods that relieve clerics of their spell access and the confidence of the healer is shaken).  Atonement must be made, but a temple must be found.

Bobreports the tomb and a small contingent of party members is dispatched to investigate the tomb.  Fresnor is killed by a brutal magical trap.  The chamber beyond the entrance tomb and trap contains an ancient undead king.  The king manages to critically injure Elania, a blow that should have easily killed one of her apparent frailty, but it becomes apparent that she is not what she appears to be.  The group trounces the evil king and recovers an unholy artifact.  They retain the artifact so that it may be destroyed later.

Fresnor is mysteriously returned from the dead, though now he is white and has a special purpose.

The journey continues, but it is apparent that the wound dealt to Elania will lead to her death if she doesn't get medical attention or healing, and the two healers of the party are incapable of doing such.  Utilizing her staff, Azlan takes her, Myri and the fox scout to the city via a teleport.  The rest of the party must catch up.

The party encounters a group of wolverine special forces, that happen to be moral deserters... conscientious objectors.  After a few tense moments, the leader of the wolverines agrees to negotiate an alliance with the Duke of Vol Golduir.  He accompanies the group.

Later, the group is ambushed by wolverine hunters, but they manage to overcome them.  After a small encounter later the next day, the group finally runs across a patrol from Golduir and is escorted to the town.

They are made royal guests and are asked if they can lead a mission to rescue the Prince of the nation.  The nation is apparently a Fae nation, and some antics ensue.  The wraith assassin, now within the fox scout, works his way into the city, and manages to corner Eibbor and eliminate him.  It takes his form as a disguise and utilizes its unique powers to inflict slow injury on vital party members (which makes them appear to be poisoned) to get them out of the way.   The Duke somewhat leans towards males rather then females in his desire for companionship and delights in flirting with Azlan, which makes Az dreadfully uncomfortable.   The efforts of the assassin breaks up the dinner party, giving the wraith its chance to assassinate the Duke.  Not counting on the power of the Fae, and expecting to have another powerful Fae's assistance, it fails due to the fact that Azlan, Ixion and the Duke confront it, and Loki abandons it to its fate after a short discussion with Daimien.

Eibbor is eventually discovered and fixed up, the downed party members are eventually healed.  Either before this dinner or after it, Gliynn and Poofy travelled to the temple district and obtained the atonement for their deeds.  Still, they must come to terms with this affliction.

After a few meetings, a new party member or two joins, one of whom has a quest to complete.  An evil necromancer defeated his friends and he needed to get revenge on those that remained and to save his girl friend's soul.

To make a long story short... the group proceeds to the area, defeats some pirates, trounces the undead and frees the captured soul.  They then turn their attention to the necromancers tower and travel there to clean it out.

The party gets split into two groups due to magical illusions...
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


( you think it's too late for me to Join in? if not, what are the requirements?)

Much thanks to Keaton and Haz for my sig, and King Of Hearts for my avatar. ILU guys <3


(Being willing to journey into a world filled with random threats at every corner and accepting the possibility of ANYTHING happening to your character, I'd say.)
~~ Gabi a.k.a. Gliynn Starseed, APF ~~
Thanks to Silver for the yappities, and to everyone for being so great!
(12:28:12) llearch: Gabi is equal-opportunity friendly


"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"

James StarRunner

Outside of Steven's room
The door splintered as Malakin's kick sent it crashing open. James charged in yelling, sword drawn, and swung his sword wildly. He was rewarded with a satisfying thunk as his sword cut into... the wooden trunk at the foot of the bed. James looked around the room and grinned stupidly as he saw the door had already crushed the tiny winged figures. James glaced back at Poofy, Zee, and Malakin.

"Umm..." James smiled nervously. "Should we search the room?"

The rooms seemed identical. This one also had a bed, chest, and shelf with a journal on it. The journal however is locked.

Bob's floor of death
The stentch of undead still hung in the air. Anyone approaching the stairs to the floor above would notice a desk behind it with an open black book...


Lanyx glanced at the book but, remembering what happened to the last potentially valuable magic item that smacked of necromancy, avoided calling much attention to it.
"Well, a sarcophagus and wrappings. We got a mummy around somewhere." He thought for a second, "... Mummys are usually created as guards for crypts and such, and are a LOT more clever then your standard zombie. They're usually willingly transformed into undead; giving your life to defend your lord after both of you are dead was considered a great honor in the civilization that created them. I didn't think anyone today knew how to make 'em..." He moved a little further from the door, looking around suspiciously.


"Wow, that actually worked!" Malakin exclaims as he examines the remains of the smashed winged guards.. Then nods in answer to James's question and begins systematically searching the room, starting with the chest..
"The only limit to my freedom is the inevitable closure of the
universe, as inevitable as your own last breath. And yet,
there remains time to create, to create, and escape.

Escape will make me God.


Steven's room

Zee carefully steps over the destroyed dolls, not wanting to step on a sharp object and end up with a wounded paw.  When in the room he drops down to all fours and sniffs around the room like a feral.

Bob's floor of death

Myri procedes towards the stairs and notices the black book, she glances at Lanyx and fowns, but is more concerned with the trappings of undeath then a book for the moment.

Azlan proceeds cautiously as well.

Dhale "stands" behind Daimien.  Yes, stands thats it... he's got Daimien's back... way back.
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


Bob's floor of death

Daimien follows Azlan with his axe drawn. He then looks over his shoulder at Dhale and smiles.

"Alright then come on. Don't want you here by yourself"
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.

James StarRunner

Steven's room

Inside the chest are the usuall guild's robes and carefully concealed inside the robes is a pair of black pants with a blue flame pattern and a matching vest. Tucked under the bed is a mat with 4 arrows on it.

Zee can smell a faint trace of sweat as if someone was exercising vigorously in the room.

"I wonder what this guy was like..." mused James as he picked up the journal. He tried to open it, but the lock prevented him from doing so. "Hmm... suspicious... I wonder if this guy helped Bob in any way... Hey, who has the key we found earlier?"

Bob's floor of death

Smells as bad and putrid as ever.

James StarRunner

Quote from: James StarRunner on August 29, 2006, 04:49:52 PM
Steven's room

Inside the chest are the usuall guild's robes and carefully concealed inside the robes is a pair of black pants with a blue flame pattern and a matching vest. Tucked under the bed is a mat with 4 arrows on it (not the kind you put in a bow).

Zee can smell a faint trace of sweat as if someone was exercising vigorously in the room.

"I wonder what this guy was like..." mused James as he picked up the journal. He tried to open it, but the lock prevented him from doing so. "Hmm... suspicious... I wonder if this guy helped Bob in any way... Hey, who has the key we found earlier?"

Bob's floor of death

Smells as bad and putrid as ever.


Lanyx moved a bit futher into the room, closer to the book. He didn't read it, because there's a mummy unaccounted for that for the moment warrents being alert. A thought occured to him.
"Hey Myri, you know all sorts of divine magic, right? Anything that involves detecting unsavory indaviduals of the groaning and rotting variety?"


"It doesn't take holy magic to detect something rotten," Gliynn commented. "I think we'd be able to smell them."

She sniffed the air just in case.
~~ Gabi a.k.a. Gliynn Starseed, APF ~~
Thanks to Silver for the yappities, and to everyone for being so great!
(12:28:12) llearch: Gabi is equal-opportunity friendly


*Malakin dismisses the clothes and lays out the mat*
*malakin smooths out the mat with a foot and stands in the middle looking down at it..*
"The only limit to my freedom is the inevitable closure of the
universe, as inevitable as your own last breath. And yet,
there remains time to create, to create, and escape.

Escape will make me God.


Steven's room

"Whom ever was here exercised frequently, I smell sweat."

Bob's floor of death

Dhale sweatdropped and laughed nervously, "yeah yeah, don't want to be left behind."

Myri looked about the room and nodded to Lanyx, "Indeed there is magics and there is a sense I possess as a holy warrior."

Myri utilizes her detect evil and looks about for any traces of such.

(OCC: If I need any rolls made, I will need to wait till I get home.  Character info is not with me and my place of work blocks Yahoo.)
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"

James StarRunner

Steven's room

"Ya, we found that gold and silver key in one of the other rooms, I just wanted to try it out on the journal here." said James. When they did try the key though they found that it was the wrong one. "Oh well, it was worth a try... Can any of you pick the lock?"

Bob's floor of death

Myri feels the presence of numerous evil entities on this floor. All are hid in trunks, coffins, even the closet.


OOC: humm poofy has dissapeared it seems.. was waiting to see if he did anything..

"I could try but since i have no idea about lockpicking in general it would be a bad idea.. How about forcing the lock?"
Malakin steps off the mat and stands next to james examining the diary..
"The only limit to my freedom is the inevitable closure of the
universe, as inevitable as your own last breath. And yet,
there remains time to create, to create, and escape.

Escape will make me God.


Gliynn grimaces with disgust. "I shouldn't have done that," she scolds herself. Then she turns to Myri.

"Can you sense anything?," she asks her.
~~ Gabi a.k.a. Gliynn Starseed, APF ~~
Thanks to Silver for the yappities, and to everyone for being so great!
(12:28:12) llearch: Gabi is equal-opportunity friendly


In another dimension, a college student checked the forum for the first time in quite a while.

Poofy had momentarily spaced out for reasons unknown. Shaking his head to clear the mental cobwebs, Poofy also stepped through the doorway into the room.

"You sure busting the lock open is a good idea? Considering what else has happened recently, it might not be the safest route..."


Bob's floor of death

Myri looks a bit worried as she looks around, "yes Gliynn, in many places here... trunks, coffins... and the closet."

Azlan narrowed his eyes, "this Bob had skeletons in his closet..."

Myri grimaced, "much worse then that, skeletons do not generally read as evil, they are mindless automatons."

Steven's room

The small wolf looks at the lock, "I cannot pick locks, nor do I have a spell to open them..."
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


Bob's floor of death
Daimien looks around then looks at the others.
"So you guys want me to go first then?"
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.


Bob's floor of death
"But Myri!" Lanyx exclaimed, "I thought all necromancy was evil; why wouldn't skeletons qualify? Kidding, kidding, this ain't the time for arguing anyway." Lanyx edged away from any nearby closets or trunks. "So... we gonna clear them out, or hope that they stay where they're hiding?"


"I don't think we should be picking fights," Gliynn answered. "We may not be able to avoid them, and we must be ready to fight if and when we have to, but we should try to find the rest of the group."
~~ Gabi a.k.a. Gliynn Starseed, APF ~~
Thanks to Silver for the yappities, and to everyone for being so great!
(12:28:12) llearch: Gabi is equal-opportunity friendly


"Humph, its just a lock.." malakin mumbles, knowing that Poofy was right, If the guy had flying killer guard things protecting his room, what could he have done to protect his journal?
He collects the cloths he found and searchs through them for a key, or anything else he can find..
"The keys got to be around here somewhere.."
"The only limit to my freedom is the inevitable closure of the
universe, as inevitable as your own last breath. And yet,
there remains time to create, to create, and escape.

Escape will make me God.


Bob's floor of death

Myri narrowed her eyes at Lanyx, "all necromancy is evil, not all of its creations register as evil though.  The mindless undead are of this type.  Anyways, we should find our comrades, Gliynn is in charge here so how should we proceed?"

Steven's room

Zee sniffs the lock and pulls on it, testing how strong it is.
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


She is far too fun to make angry... Lanyx thought to himself as he turned to Gliynn. "Very well. What's yer orders, oh fearless leader?"

James StarRunner

Steven's room

There doesn't seem to be a key that Malakin can find. As Zee tests the lock, he tears through a bit of the cover.

"Hmm... looks like we may have saved some trouble of finding a way to unlock this..." James remarked. Taking the book, James carefully cut down the spine of the cover and tossed the covering away, lock and all.

Flipping through the pages, it was obvious that Steven (which the book said it belonged to) was a graffiti style artist. Thoughout the book it said how mental Bob was and how scatterbrained the purple haired lynx leader was. Near the end of the book was a sketch of a series of arrows pointing in various directions with a note underneath that said, 'The Iron Man song'. James unceremoniously ripped out the page of arrows and another page which had a drawing of a lion clad in armor and stashed them in his vest for safe keeping.

"Still nothing significant about Bob, but at least Steven is a good artist! I bet if the arrows on the paper are like the ones on the pad... To bad he didn't seem to have any music on him, otherwise I would have tried it out... Well, next room?"

Bob's Floor of Death

It still stinks like something crawled up your nose and died. It feels like a prolonged stay on this floor will make you sick.


"I think we should try to continue upstairs," Gliynn suggested. "The others don't seem to be here, and I don't know how much longer I'll be able to stand this smell. Just get ready in case the undead or anyone else attacks us."

She holds the hilt of her sword as she says this.
~~ Gabi a.k.a. Gliynn Starseed, APF ~~
Thanks to Silver for the yappities, and to everyone for being so great!
(12:28:12) llearch: Gabi is equal-opportunity friendly


Well, here goes something... "Before we do, we may wanna check out that book," Lanyx volunteered, keeping a close eye on Myri as he said it. "It could very well be his record book or spell book, either of which could give us an idea of what sorts of experiments he was conducting and, ergo, a better idea of what we're up against." Besides, knowledge is like a good meal; if there's leftovers it's better it goes to someone rather than simply be thrown away as rotten... He moved slightly closer to the book, as in between it and Myri. That one's got an itchey trigger-finger when it comes to the holy smiting...


"Hey I have no problem either way. If we go upstairs you guys want me to go first" Daimien spins his greataxe in his hands while he talks. "I'm getting a little bored of this place and if something does attack it will hopefully come after me. Giving you guys a chance to be prepared. Oh and Lanyx I gotta suggest not looking at that book in front of her. She's already made it clear she thinks that thing is evil. Trust me if she thinks you're evil, things will become very hard. I'm convinced she still thinks I'm evil as they come cause of my heritage and is just putting up with me cause everyone else is" Daimien looks quickly at Myri and then at Gliynn. "So if we go up want me to go up first?"
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.