The War Continues (D&D RP Thread)

Started by Manawolf, July 16, 2006, 07:14:35 PM

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"As long as you don't oppose the kingdom, the kingdom will not oppose you," Josh taps his sword on the shoulders of the drow.  He looks to his sword once more, then continues to tap the shoulders of the catfolk.

"From here on, you shall follow my orders.  Adhere to my words, and you shall live to see peace restored to this country."  He then turns to the goliath, "And what of you, Gathakanathi?  Will you follow us in this fight?"


The giant clenches his eyes tightly shut, collecting his thoughts after the conversation between Josh and the Drow. He turns to face him: "I am on the side of right...if your quest is righteous, then I will have no qualms of aligning myself with you..."

He stands  fully upright, broad shoulders filling out his large frame as he looks Josh directly in the eye "and I trust you will not try to decieve me."


"We are as we appear to be, noble monk," Josh sheaths his swords, "Soldiers trying to defend their town under siege.  Gather the bags from the dirt and the equipment we found."

Marethial picks up one of the bags the entombers were carrying.  Noshi also picks up a bags and digs inside it with his hand.  He appears to grab something and pulls it out.  It reveals itself to be the corpse dressed in soiled finery.

"I knew it, they were trying to steal bodies," Noshi proclaims.

Marethial opens her bag and pull out another body, and then another.

"They were using bags of holding, certainly a lot easier than hauling the bodies off over their shoulders."  Marethial says looking to the caretaker.

"Hold on, bring that light over here."

Marethial comes over and shines her sword over the body.

"I thought something was not right," Noshi says looking at the body, "all the jewelry is missing.  Someone's pilfered them."

"It couldn't have been the entombers, the gems would have just been a plus with the bodies for their necromancer master."

"Thieving rogues, no doubt."

"We shall look into the problem when the town walls aren't have boulders thrown at them," Josh picks up the two remaining bags, and empties out the remaining bodies, "For now, gravekeeper, you should seek safety, we're escorting refuges out of town-"

"No, I must lay these bodies back in their graves.  It is my duty as caretaker."

"Very well, I doubt the enemy should have any more interest in the dead," Josh turns back to his men and women, "Troops, we return to resupply ourselves at the Cathedral of Kord before helping the rest of the refuges at the final temple.  Mr. Chavez, bring the bag of equipment.  Marethial, carry the other two bags."


If there's any potions or oil in there hand them to me, and I'll idenify them for free.


"You could try, There are about 24 in the there," Marethial tells her.


Sasha snorted as she wiped her blades clean before sheathing them. She only half listened as new introductions were made, her main concern was on what Marethial and Noshi were discussing. The shifter walks over to the two and ponders a possibility as Amerlilis offers to identify some of the recovered goods. She looks up at her commander. "Sir, could it be possible that the necromancer that sent these abominations to collect more materials is working with the invaders? Or just taking advantage of the chaos?" Sasha furrowed her brow. "And with a necromancer about, old bodies may not be his, or her, only target of acquisition. With such a fight raging all over the city and its walls, we should spread word to watch over the newly dead."


I will check these 20, I may walk with you but I will have to concentrate.

OOC:Ok, For the next in game 20 minutes , I'm rolling 20 spellcraft checks, I need a roll of 11 or higher, I can walk and talk but not fight.
14 IDed
6 fails

1. 4 fail  2. 11 IDed  3. 11 IDed  4.6 fail 5. Natural 20 IDed 6. 15 IDed 7. 4 Fail 8.14 IDed  9. 15 IDed, 10. 10 Fail 11. 16 IDed
12. 14 IDed 13.18 ID 14. 15 ID 15. 2 fail, 16. 11 IDed 17. 11 IDed 18. 16 IDed 19 .2 fail 20. 20 IDed


Amerillis identifies 5 potions of cure light wounds, 5 of invisibility, 2 of jump, and 2 of shield of faith.

"The lizardfolk and orcs aren't known for their intelligence or knack for necromancy," Marethial speaks to Sasha, "They may have other allies though that are proficient in necromancy.  The undead that snuck in were particularily human looking, and did so very soon after the siege started, meaning whoever sent them knew that this siege was going to happen."

The group returns to the temple, and Josh sends two men back to the graveyard to be on watch.  The rest of the equipment is turned over to Gilman and Co.

"It'll take a moment," Gilman says handing the bag over to the desmodu, "though it shouldn't take as long since your sorceress seems to be checking over some  of the potions."


I'm not sure what these are, *hands the 6 un-ID to the merchants* but these 5 are weak curetive potions, these 5 confer invisbilty, these 2 increase ones jumping proress, and these 2 prodoce a effect that my brother calls a "shield of faith"

OOC: For everyone but Mana, Amarillis has two siblings, her younger brother is a cleric of Corellon Larethian (lvl 7), and her younger sister is still a child of 30.


"Well, I've finished going over your latest haul.  Let's see: Mithral shirt +2 (5100 GP), Masterwork Short sword (310 GP), Shock rapier +1 (glows blue) (8320 GP), Gloves of Dex +2 (4000 GP), Quiver of Ehlonna (1800 GP), 60 arrows (3 GP), Masterwork Shortbow (330 GP), Heward's handy haversack (2000 GP), 4 bags of holding type 2 (20000 GP), With 10 potions of cure light wounds (500 GP), 10 potions of invisbilty (3000 GP), 6 potions of Jump (300 GP), 6 Potions of Shield of Faith (+4) (3600 GP), 4 Necklaces of Fireballs Type 1 (6600 GP), Potion of Aid (300 GP), wand of cure light wounds (750 GP), 6 +1 chain shirts (7500 GP), 4 +1 studded leather (4700 GP), 10 Masterwork Greataxes (3200 GP), 34 javelins (34 GP), 3 spears (6 GP), Masterwork Spear (302 GP), Banded Mail (250 GP), 6 Cloaks of Resistance +1 (6000 GP), tent (10 GP), bedroll (1 SP), winter blanket (5 SP), 8 waterskins (8 GP), 10ft pole (2 SP), 300ft hemp rope (6 GP), masterwork thieves tools (100 GP), climber's kit (80 GP), 4 disguise kits (200 GP), 20 days of trail rations (10 GP), 20 days of feed (1 GP), 19pp, 8 gp, and 1 sp.  After identification expenses that comes out to a grand total of...74818 GP 9 SP.  Split among the 11 of you, that comes out to 6801 GP, 7 SP.

"11?" Josh mulls over, "But where did..."  Josh looks back and sees some of his people missing.

"Oh, you didn't know, they said they were headed off to the last temple, to get the last of the refuges out.  Night has fallen, and they wanted to do it before losing anymore daylight."

"We won't need them for what I have planned in any case," Marethial says stepping towards Simon, "Are those disks I ordered ready?"

"Indeed they are, madam.  That'll be 3600 GP for the 4 disks, like we agreed."

"What did order, Mary?" Josh asks.  Marethial whispers in his ear.  Josh raises the crest of his brow, "It'll be risky, but it's a brilliant way to cut off the enemy's efforts.  Simon, take the 3600 from my account."

Simon taps his fingers upon his tablet some more, then gestures to Rawk.  Rawk hands over the 4 discs, which marethial stows away in her pack.

"If anyone would like to keep any of the equipment we recently came across, say so now.  We'll be leaving shortly."


Ah, before you go, I would like to order a thought bottle, I should have enough, with the treasure gained next time.

Reese Tora

Marosharr looks over the displayed equipment is evident distain, until his gaze chances to fall on the pair of leather gloves.  He picks up the gloves of dexterity and checks thier fit.  "Merchant, I would have these gloves."  The catfolk dons the gloves, and retrieves his remaining share of gold, putting it in his haversack.
Quote from: Manawolf on November 12, 2006, 04:33:23 PM
"Well, that's 4000 GP off your earnings, so it should be alright.  Your earnings are now down to 2801 GP, 7 SP.  Oh, and we are keepings accounts with valued customers, simply write down your name and money you are depositing, and we'll keep it safe for you.  With the amount of gold you've earned it may be preferable to lugging around several hundred lbs in coins."  Simon suggested holding out his tablet and a quill.
Marosharr realizes that the ammount of gold is much heavier than he had thought  it would be.  He grunts and leaves the gold, and the feline characters of his signature, with Simon.
<-Reese yaps by Silverfox and Animation by Tiger_T->
correlation =/= causation


"Well, that's 4000 GP off your earnings, so it should be alright.  Your earnings are now down to 2801 GP, 7 SP.  Oh, and we are keepings accounts with valued customers, simply write down your name and money you are depositing, and we'll keep it safe for you.  With the amount of gold you've earned it may be preferable to lugging around several hundred lbs in coins."  Simon suggested holding out his tablet and a quill.


Ah, much more conventent, here is  15600 gp and 20pp, signs with her crest at the end of her first name (instead of sur).


Sasha looked over the piled gains. She found no interest in any of the weapons or armor gathered, nor any of the potions or other nicknacks. The haver sack though, she had seen one before. "Sir merchant." She addressed Gilman. I will take this from my share, if you please." Sasha pulls the Heward's Handy Haversack from the pile. Moving her few possessions from her old pack to the new one the shifter leaves the pack with the pile and shoulders the haversack. She turns to face Josh. "Ready when you are, sir"


"Very well, that brings your latest earnings down to 4801 GP, 7 SP with the Haversack."  Simon says not even needing to use his tablet.

"We'll all need to be moving light for this next mission," Marethial tells the group, "I suggest making an account with Simon to hold onto our gold for now.  If you haven't noticed, 10000 coins do weigh 200 lbs."


Sasha regarded her command for a brief moment before nodding. "Yes, sir." The shifter had not truly thought about her share of the spoils beyond her immediate needs. She turned to the master merchant. "If possible, I would like to utilize your accounting option."


"Simply sign your name on the tablet and tells us how much you are depositing, along with actually giving us the gold afterward.  We shall hold it for you until you wish to withdraw, though you may continue to make purchases from our store without the need to withdraw."  Simon holds out the tablet and ink quill again.


Malakin steps forward and begins shuffleing through the equipment, finding nothing worth while at the moment, he turns to Marethial and asks "And what exactly is involved in this next mission?"
"The only limit to my freedom is the inevitable closure of the
universe, as inevitable as your own last breath. And yet,
there remains time to create, to create, and escape.

Escape will make me God.


Marethial steps forward and whispers in Malakin's ear.


If I may suggest, It is quite dark and we have been fighting for over a day without rest, while the Drow maybe happy in the dark, I need my trance, Since the good merchents have my wagon with them, may I suggest we move over to that building and make camp for the night? I have a large pot, some firewood and some elven trail rations and sausage. I also have a half barrel on supports, a bucket and alot of soap. And I need to change.


"No, we'll require the cover of nightfall for this mission to be a success, and it must be completed as soon as possible.  Night had fallen only an hour ago, and we'll be able to rest much more easily after we've tied up this loose end."

Reese Tora

Marosharr stands to attention and focuses his attention on Josh, ready to hear what this next mission is.

"hWhat iss the battle plan?"
<-Reese yaps by Silverfox and Animation by Tiger_T->
correlation =/= causation


Marethial steps towards Marosharr and whispers in his ear.

Reese Tora

The catfolk nods as she confers her plan to him, then a slightly puzzled look crosses his muzzle.  He whispers back a question to her.

A brief whispered conversation ensues.  After the brief conversation, Marosharr turns away with a somewhat worried, yet resolute, look on his face, and begins making his gear ready.

{retcon: }
<-Reese yaps by Silverfox and Animation by Tiger_T->
correlation =/= causation


Very well, but while I am not familer with the vision capabilties of dragonborn, catfolk and whatever the ninja is. I and the humans cannot see in the dark, I can see better than the humans, and my vision is becoming limited. That puts us in a weakened state, as well is we find more undead they will be much more powerful.  As well, we will soon tire weakening us even more.

Reese Tora

The dark catfolk speaks up.  "I cannot sspeak for the others, but ghive me but a little light to ssee by and I can do my duty well enough."  He reaches into his sack and pulls forth a lantern.  "An' we need go into darkened passagess, a good sscout is not chaught unprrepaired."
<-Reese yaps by Silverfox and Animation by Tiger_T->
correlation =/= causation


Ah, so a lantern will not be a hinderance, still since rest will become a problem for the non-elven members soon I suggest that we keep out a eye for those who are becoming tired.


Looking over the spoils gained and grabed the Shock Rapier +1 and replaced it with his Rapier. He then turned to Simon and says," reduce the Cost of the new rapier from my account and ad the cost of my old one buy selling it please." Afterwords he joins the others and asks, "So... what is the next course of action?"

((Yes I am a sad sad person...I would say sad sad little man but I am over 6' and aparently still growing?))


Once again, Marethial whispers in the drow's ear.