Character Lounge

Started by Kio, July 10, 2006, 11:49:25 PM

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She looked at him, and then threw herself into his arms again, crying. At first, he wasn't sure why at all, and she didn't say anything. Then, thoughts streamed into his head, and he knew. She was sad because she was still a bit afraid and insecure, and because Stygian, who had made her, didn't seem to want her there. But she was also equally happy that they were treating her so well, even after what she had done. And she was torn between these emotions, knowing only that she liked being here and didn't want to go away. That last thought was accentuated somehow, as if going away meant more than being sent off. Much more.
   "Yeah..." she said, and sniffed, looking up at Gareeku with a smile. "I'd like that."


“Are you pond… er… thinking what I’m thinking?” I ask.

“Yes. But what if the hippo won’t fit in the tutu? Narf!” May jokes

“Then we shall dress him up as a scarecrow. Costume party!” I say.

“Those are so cliché. We need something new and exciting,” Veronica says.

“Aw… but I wanted to see what I would look like as an army guy,” I say.


"Ditto that," Boogey grinned as he put away the bag of candy, "This place is gloomier than the black, twisted soul of some emo kid on anti-anti-depressants." On this last part he clutched one hand to his chest and the back of the other to his forehead; the standard dramatic pose. He grinned at Sathariel and winked, hoping the act of silliness cheered her up. He tended to get depressed when those around him were down.

Aisha deCabre

Aisha smiled at Gareeku and raised her hand in agreement with his statement.  "Definitely.  It's supposed to be a party after all."  She laid a comforting hand on the girl's shoulder.  "Now you're gonna be okay, right?  You can join all of us."

One of her ears quirked back into the other room, where the music had stopped.  She looked around, wondering if everyone was migrating from the dance floor to the entertainment system.
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.


May and I chuckle a bit at Boogey’s pose. “I’d be making a joke right about now, but I don’t think it could top that,” I say, “Wait a sec. I feel a tendril reaching out for something.”

“That’s what you call those things? I just call them ‘wing limbs’,” May says.

“Well, I call them tendrils because…” I begin. I am interrupted by my tendril, which just placed a slice of cheese pizza on my head, crust-side-down. I smile. I grab the piece of pizza and raise it off my head before lowering it again, just as someone would lift their top hat. I then say to May, “Good evening to you, madame.”

May giggles. “You’re making it look like those wing li… um, tendrils have a mind of their own.”

“Sometimes I think the same thing. They work on a subconscious level, so it works the same way.”


The floor shook slightly, the feeling and sound of something very heavy and hard slamming into the floor traveling through the house. It was muffled when it reached you, but clearly noticeable.

   Sathariel looked confused for a moment, but then giggled a bit at the Boogeyman's jest. At Aisha's words though she looked a bit worried.
   "But... I don't have a... costume," she said, the last word sounding a bit testing, as if she had just remembered what a costume was. Then she blushed again. "And I don't know how to dance..."


"Costume? Do we look as though we're in costume?" He looked around, "Alright, don't answer that. We'll find you something. As for dancing, I'm sure someone can teach you. Not me though. I'm ultimate proof that geeks shouldn't dance."
Boogey assumed the shaking was Stygian, and that if Stygian was shaking the place up that much he probably wanted to be left alone. Best leave it be until he got it all out of his system.


“Knowing how to dance is an optional part of dancing. Even if you don’t know how to dance, it’s good fun just to dance anyway,” I say, “Anyway, while you guys are preparing the party, I’ll go see what that noise was. ‘Kay?”


E could not help but laugh even is his recovering state form he drink. " well i guess it is armor optional eh?"
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


I take off my lab coat and begin to fold it. In an amazing feat of clothing folding, wrapping, et cetera, I shape my lab coat into a turban and put it on.

“Clothing origami?” Valencia asks.

“Cool!” May says.

Mel Dragonkitty

Mel had wandered off early in the conversation. Every time she opened her mouth the girl started crying and she ended up in trouble. She headed for where she thought the kitchen was but quickly found herself lost. Stygian might have redecorated the rooms but the halls were monotonous. She slowed and just wandered, hunting for an outside door. She'd go rock hunting for a snack if she couldn't find the kitchen. "Do you know what your problem is," she asked herself, "aside from the fact that you're lost and talking to yourself? You can't tell anyone why you don't trust her, because you like these people and don't want them to stop trusting you. You can't say "I don't trust her because I do many of the same things and I'm a bit of a rogue who manipulates people daily." How about "I'm mad because she's stealing my best moves"." Mel chuckled to herself, "How about I am a tired idiot who really needed that nap that got interupted. Pardon me for being a grouch. That would probably be the best place to start."

She realized that she was hearing a loud thumping and glanced through an open door. It was Stygian and he was in a sort of a gym. Mel paused, debating for a second if she should ask him where the exit was but eventually decided he looked like someone who didn't want to be interupted and backed away to keep searching on her own.

My, I'll bet you monsters lead interesting lives. I said to my girlfriend just the other day: "Gee, I'll bet monsters are interesting," I said. The places you must go and the things you must see. My stars! And I'll bet you meet a lot of interesting people, too. I'm always interested in meeting interesting people.


“I thought you were gonna go army,” Valencia says.

“Yeah, but I do need to go check out that noise,” I say. I walk out the door. The pizza slice is still on my head.

“Um, Joat…” May begins.

“No, no. If he absolutely insists on having pizza on his head, why stop him?” Valencia says.

“You’re gonna love hearing about the reactions later, huh?”


After a while, I manage to find the gym. “Wow, this place has everything. I wish I had a gym in my house,” I say.


Karl: a dance, eh?

*Karl uses his own mana reserve to do some transformation magic to turn himselfs into a suave, ballroom dancer*

Karl: I should call Lilith in here...that cubi wife of mine loves to dance.
I'm a Skype User.
Skype Name: Karaius


Looking around, Gareeku found Mel was nowhere to be seen. Filled with worry, the wolf turned to the others.
"Excuse me, i'll be back in a bit. I need to go find if there's any costumes laying about here in the house. Plus it'll give me a chance to explore." He said to the others with a warm smile. "Now you have fun, you hear?" he continued as he looked at the girl, the warm smile still on his face. "I won't be long."

A short while later, the wolf was walking down corridor after corridor, when he suddenly spotted Mel, hearing her talk to herself.
"Mel..." he said, looking at her with a mix of great worry and what could only be described as guilt. "'re leaving...?"


Stygian dropped a bar hung with a huge load of weights down on a hard mat, the massive floor shaking under it. He relaxed his arms, and let his shoulders slump, standing with his back to Mel.
   "Why are you down here?" he said out loud, before she could back out. It seemed he had noticed her. He turned around and looked at her, straightening his tight black wrappings, the only thing he was wearing right then. Thankfully, she noticed, he also had ones covering all of his lower body from the waist down to his large, long-toed feet. He looked at her a bit boorishly as he walked round again, taking off the weights and starting to hang them in their places. "Did the company prove unagreeable?" he said. The shield around her mind was tight and untouched, and she wasn't upset, so he had to be guessing on his own.
   Then, he saw Joat and heard Gareeku.
   "Well. A commotion," he simply stated, and then proceeded to do some chin-ups on a standing rack.

Aisha deCabre

Meanwhile, Aisha had listened to everyone's ideas on how to liven things up.  She smirked at the thought of a costume party.  It would be a change from the more formal dance that was going on earlier.  A little more lively perhaps, and creative.  Perhaps someone could start a contest...of course it wouldn't be too fair as there are some who'd just shift-change their regular bodies into other shapes and things.

The panther looked down at her dress and had to snicker.  Well hopefully there are costumes in the house, else I'd bug poor Mel again.  I hope she's okay.

Meanwhile, she watched Sathariel and hoped at least that the party won't be interrupted again...the girl would try her best not to do it herself, but then, who knows what else could happen...
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.


“Cubi, huh? Think she could teach Joat how not to pulled around by his ‘tendrils’?” Valencia says to Karl.

“You mean he can’t fully control his powers?” May asks.

“He’s been a cubi for less than an hour. Chances are, no.”

“Wait. What?”

“When you’re a mad scientist, your DNA is bound to change someday.”

“Oh, I get it now.”

Mel Dragonkitty

"I was just looking for an exit and got lost. I need my minerals and decided to go rock hunting. And I figured that the girl could use a break from my big bad self. Every time I look at her she starts crying." Mel winced inside, when had she become such a bitch? Maybe she really did have a mineral imbalance.
My, I'll bet you monsters lead interesting lives. I said to my girlfriend just the other day: "Gee, I'll bet monsters are interesting," I said. The places you must go and the things you must see. My stars! And I'll bet you meet a lot of interesting people, too. I'm always interested in meeting interesting people.


E stood and shook his head. his body was almost  clear having thrown off the influence of Stygian's drink. still it was nice while it had lasted. e looked at his arm and tried to open a map. it was then that he realizes he was still organic. then a contracted push he purges the last of the drinks effects then touches his belt becoming  robotic again. " i think i'll wonder around for a bit." he says with no real reason
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


I overhear Mel’s words. “She’s a bit fragile at the moment. I have a suggestion. Maybe you can write her a letter saying that you do not mean to scare her or anything. Letters tend to work where face-to-face conversation fails. I know from personal experience. And as a bonus, she’s in the same house, so you don’t have to use any postage stamps.”

Mel Dragonkitty

Mel started off in the direction she had been heading before. Stygian looked like he wanted some peace and quiet. She understood, with so many rooms in this house why did everyone always end up in the same place?  Then she heard Joat and turned back to answer."But she scares me. Do you understand that when I was screaming at her during the fight that wasn't me, it was her? She had gotten control of my emotions and was trying to get control of my mind to force me to kill Boogey. I was able to turn it back onto her. If she was a little stronger or a little more experienced fighter she would have managed. I was her weapon. What if she's fooling you with an innocent act? I don't want to go on a rampage and kill anyone. Do you want to have to kill me to protect yourself knowing I'm not the one in my head? It would break my heart if it was the other way around."

Mel realized she was shouting and walking very fast at the same time, but at least she finally found the exit. She walked straight ahead until she literally ran into a brick wall. She leaned against it. "Okay, this is progress, I guess. I'm still talking to myself but at least I've realized I'm angry to hide my fear. How do I get past it and get moving again?" She sat and leaned against the wall to stare at the moon and think. 

My, I'll bet you monsters lead interesting lives. I said to my girlfriend just the other day: "Gee, I'll bet monsters are interesting," I said. The places you must go and the things you must see. My stars! And I'll bet you meet a lot of interesting people, too. I'm always interested in meeting interesting people.


Listening to the others speak, Gareeku kept quiet. When Mel left, a few moments of silence was observed, before the wolf suddenly punched the wall behind him.
"Damn it!!" He yelled out, his frustration and anger getting the better of him as he continued to punch the wall. "Damn it, Damn it, DAMN IT!!!"
Opening his eyes, he found he had created two little craters in the brickwork. Looking at his hands, he noticed they were now covered in blood. His blood, though the pain was subconsiously being blocked out by his emotions. Sitting down on a bench and hanging his head, Gareeku sighed and closed his eyes. If there was one thing he hated, it was falling out with those he cared about.
"It's all my fault..." the wolf murmured. "I've managed to create and destroy a friendship in one day. Must be a record."

Aisha deCabre

Aisha hung out near the television, watching everyone mingle.  Despite the fact that at a few intervals she would feel a hint of a heavy rumble throughout the walls, things were at least peaceful in the room.  With Stygian having been out of sight for a while, she had to surmise that it was probably him doing that.  At one point her head turned to the wall and leaned on it, her ear pressed against the rough-textured masonry.

It was only then that she felt a few more barely distinguishable vibrations, nothing like Stygian's but more of a softer, muffled kind, like something was hitting the walls repeatedly.

What the...?  Is something going on?  She stood away from the wall and glanced around, looking to investigate...then stopped herself and looked briefly over to where the angel girl was hanging out.  Hm...I dunno if I want to leave this chica alone, though.
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.


e hears Mel's concerns thorough the shadows of her fear and the volume of her shouting. he could only wonder that she had such power to influence such and wise dragon. when he called for Eliander during the fight he's wanted the complete version not the splintered soul of the child that had come to him but still he was able to help a littler. emotional manipulation was useless again Eliander in either forum or so they believe..  so is it time fore me to awaken? "what who?" it's me esure spell... did you forget me? it's been 200,010 years since you brought me into being you know but I've always done my duty "i'm sorry. i'm young you see. only 30 years in the flesh and i only recall a few lives" and i'm not one of them? "no your not"  i am the spell known to you as the dragon watcher. you made me from your personality to seek out an protect your dragon incarnation and his kin. But when off duty i was free to explore and watch over other dragons that i found.   " I see but why awaken now?" Eliander is back and he need time to grow up as himself not as that merges entity that he became but as himself Eliander the enlighten as he was suppose to be. Also you are worried I sense over another dragon... an ice dragon I believe?    "yes but she's grown and it would be wrong to spy on her . Not to mention that she could dispel you." You remember quite quickly it seems. Very well I shall retire until called. I bid thee well E sighed. yet another was coming to haunt him and this one was not here a past life but a spell cast in a past life. "what next he ask and the walks into a wall so distracts by his internal  dealings.
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


There was a muffled thud as Stygian laid off the weights he had been using for the chin ups. A few seconds later, Gareeku felt a large hand on his shoulder. Stygian had silently moved up to him, and was looking at him, attempting to get eye contact.
   "You really shouldn't do that unless you're regenerative, you know," he said, looking at Gareeku's hands. He turned on his heel, and swiftly went back into the gym. Seconds later he came back holding a little metal box that looked like it was supposed to hang on a wall. He sat down on the bench, and opened it, taking out alcohol, cotton wool and gauss.
   "Let me have a look. You won't want to do it yourself with those," he said, and without waiting began examining the wolf's hands, painfully straightening the fingers.
   "Well, you've only busted two knuckles, to your fortune, but you're bleeding like Hell's bitch..." He continued by cleaning the wounds with the alcohol, then putting on some sort of ointment and ripping the gauss, wrapping Gareeku's fingers tight. "You know... where I come from there's a saying... 'a friend who thinks exactly like you is not a friend; he is a shadow'"


“Well, if we’re gonna party, we should include Sylver on the fun,” Valencia says.

“Who’s Sylver?” May asks.

Valencia, ignoring May’s question, walks over to Sylver and shakes him slightly. He does not wake up. She shakes him harder. He does not wake. She shakes him as hard as she can. No response. He just keeps sleeping peacefully.

“Geez talk about living death,” Veronica says.

“Kinda reminds me of Calica Exhaustion,” May says.

“Calico exhaustion?”

“Calica. Calica exhaustion comes from casting too much Calica magic. It leaves the Calica mage vulnerable because it leaves them completely unable to wake until their energy is restored.”

Right then, Sylver wakes up and stretches.

“Maybe he is a Calica mage,” May thinks aloud.

“Would that explain his soul flying out of his body to attack?” Valencia asks rhetorically.

May pauses for a moment. “Yep. Sounds like Calica to me.”

Mel Dragonkitty

Mel let the silence seep into her and relaxed. This was the first time she'd heard silence since she had arrived at this house and it felt good. Too many things to think about at once and no time to think about them. It was probably because of the lifespan difference but these people did everything so quickly that Mel felt almost dizzy from it. No wonder their lives were so short, they used them up in a single burst.

She settled her wings more comfortably against the rough brick and admonished herself to stop avoiding the topics she was supposed to be thinking about. She'd been in two fights and survived. She hadn't won, wouldn't have won without outside interference, but she had survived and without collapsing into a whimpering puddle. Pretty good for a cowardly beginner. Then there was the girl. She was too close a look at the dark side of the mirror for comfort. Before Mel could face that thought what Joat said popped into her mind. The girl was scared of HER? No one was scared of her, the itty bitty scaredy dragon. That sent her into a fit of giggles. The last time she had tried to frighten someone they had patted her on the head and told her she was adorable. She laughed until tears ran down her face at the sheer absurdity of the day. When she was done she felt better. All she had needed was a little time and quiet to process all her new experiences. That and realizing that a rock that actually would satisfy her nutritional needs was only a few feet below her. Didn't these people eat anything but pizza?
My, I'll bet you monsters lead interesting lives. I said to my girlfriend just the other day: "Gee, I'll bet monsters are interesting," I said. The places you must go and the things you must see. My stars! And I'll bet you meet a lot of interesting people, too. I'm always interested in meeting interesting people.


Hearing Stygian's words, Gareeku forced a weak smile, Grunting and wincing a bit as the alcohol created a stinging feeling.
"Thank you...I guess you're right..." he said to Stygian, letting out a soft sigh. "I...I need to be alone..."
Getting up, the wolf then walked away. Where he was headed he did not know, but he felt he needed some quiet time. Eventually he found himself outside. Whether he was near Mel he did not know. Sitting down on a garden bench, he gazed at the ground before him, before lifting his head to look at the sparkling stars above. Such a beautiful was the little things like this that made one feel more at peace with themselves. However, Gareeku's mind was far from at peace.

He thought about the day that had just passed; on many occasions he had narrowly escaped death, even to the point when he was virtually torn from the path to the afterlife and back into the mortal realm. Then he thought of Aisha; he had always been close friends with the panthress, but now there was something much more. However, the sad expression on his face told of another feeling within him; the feeling of fear and shame. There was no escaping what he was; there was, deep within him, a monster; a beast that could be unleashed at any time. He had the capacity to hurt his hurt his hurt those he cared for and loved...

A tear trickled down his face...Aisha...he wouldn't know what he would do if he harmed her, or any others he cared for. Finally, Gareeku couldn't control it any more, breaking down and weeping softly to himself.
"Damn it..." he muttered inbetween sobs, the tears now flowing freely down his face.


Stygian looked at Gareeku's back, feeling like he knew and wanted to say more to the wolf but like he just couldn't say it. And then there was the fact that no one knew the house as it was now. But he stood still, and then looked at his own hand, slightly clenched. He considered something for a moment, but quickly pushed it out of his mind. Gareeku would not feel better from his company.
   "Es war nicht..." he said silently. Realizing that he was no longer angry in the least, and that he felt the wolf's pain even with his mind shut, he made a short, bitter laugh. He stood for a moment, allowing himself to feel at least some of the surroundings with his mind again. Then, the pile with his clothes back in the gym melted, breaking up into the dark tendrils they were really made of, and crawled out to re-form on his body. He set off outside to find someone else who seemed to be composing herself...

   There was no warning before the voice came from above Mel.
   "What's so amusing, dear?" she heard Stygian say. He was sitting on his haunches above her, his large bare feet somehow clinging to the smooth brick wall so that he was sticking out of it like some weird gargoyle, a cigarette burning slowly in his mouth.

Mel Dragonkitty

Mel tilted her head back to look at Stygian and started laughing again. "It just struck me how absurd this day has been and how ridiculous I am. Can't think of anything funnier. I've been slinking around being all "I'm tiny and weak and scared" and then Joat casually drops that I'm the monster in someone else's closet."

She twisted around so she was facing him. "A change of perspective is a good thing once in a while. But it's kind of a shock to find out someone thinks you're scary when your self image is that of a fragile doll that everyone keeps on the shelf so she won't get broken." Mel flopped backwards onto the grass. "I'm not that fragile, I evidently can appear ferocious, and I'm braver than I believed. I think that's enough self-revelation for one little dragon for one day. " She looked back at the house lights. "They are up there planning yet another party. I think they are scared to close their eyes and go to sleep."
My, I'll bet you monsters lead interesting lives. I said to my girlfriend just the other day: "Gee, I'll bet monsters are interesting," I said. The places you must go and the things you must see. My stars! And I'll bet you meet a lot of interesting people, too. I'm always interested in meeting interesting people.