Character Lounge

Started by Kio, July 10, 2006, 11:49:25 PM

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Seeing Stygian leave, Boogey shrugged and took a tiny sip of the drink. This cost him a few minutes.
When his vision wasn't blurred and he was sure of his current mental state, he set down the drink just as Sathariel and Gareeku entered.
He knows little of her abilities, but is willing to look after her. Noble, but not very practical. I should probably volunteer my help... No. It may be taken the wrong way. I'll wait; if he wants my aid he'll ask for it.
He continued to watch the girl, mulling over what may or may not happen.


*all of a sudden, the doorbell rang*

Karl: I'll get it!

*Karl opens the door and recieves 3 packages from the postman*

Karl: thanks!

*Karl closes the door and opens the packages*

Karl: looks like all three consoles are here!

*pulls out a Wii, a Xbox 360, and a PS3*

(edited due to consent rule...forgot about asking)
I'm a Skype User.
Skype Name: Karaius

Mel Dragonkitty

Mel, peacefully asleep, felt a faint vibration against her dream. As faint as the ripple of a water-bug on a pond it barely registered. With a sleepy grumble Mel tightened her mental shields and tried to fall back into the dream.
My, I'll bet you monsters lead interesting lives. I said to my girlfriend just the other day: "Gee, I'll bet monsters are interesting," I said. The places you must go and the things you must see. My stars! And I'll bet you meet a lot of interesting people, too. I'm always interested in meeting interesting people.

Aisha deCabre

Before Aisha could answer Gareeku's inquiry, she glanced down at the girl as she spoke, who nearly hit what the panther was feeling right on the mark.  She had to smirk a little, watching her walk over to the sleeping Mel.  A psychic.  I guessed so.

The pantheress raised her hand and put gently on his, looking up at him with a slightly tired but warm expression.  "Ah, I'm okay.  I just wasn't the most prepared for that little interruption...but you handled it valiantly."

What an understatement.  It still shouldn't have taken me that long to get up and help.  Thank the gods, it wasn't anything destructive.

Still, she felt a little better with the wolf there to comfort her.  She gave his hand a nuzzle and glanced back at the girl.  "So, that's her, huh?  Strong for someone who looks young."
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.


The girl looked to Aisha with an innocent expression, and blushed at the comment. Or maybe it was the sight of her and Gareeku together, or the feelings from them. Yeah, she was still young.
   "He... told you not to feel that way, didn't he?" she said shyly to Aisha. "I think he's right. It was my fault. I shouldn't have gotten scared like that..." She looked pained to say that, but she quickly turned her attention to Mel again.
   "Are you... allright?" she asked the dragon, her thoughts a bit more probing.

Mel Dragonkitty

At the mental poke Mel came awake with a jump. "What?!" Seeing the girl over her Mel gave a yelp. "Gareeku! Keep your pet out of my head. I thought you were teaching her manners." Mel stood and took a step back. "She was trying to break my mind shields."
My, I'll bet you monsters lead interesting lives. I said to my girlfriend just the other day: "Gee, I'll bet monsters are interesting," I said. The places you must go and the things you must see. My stars! And I'll bet you meet a lot of interesting people, too. I'm always interested in meeting interesting people.


Feeling Aisha nuzzle into his hand, Gareeku smiled softly, his feelings for her rushing back as he gazed lovingly at her. This was soon interrupted, however, by Mel being startled by the girl.

"I'm sorry, Mel." Gareeku said apologetically, before turning to the girl with a reassuring smile. "Come on, let's leave Mel and go get you a drink." he said in a comforting voice, taking her by the hand and leading her over to the drinks table. Knowing that an alcoholic drink prehaps wouldn't be the wiset thing to give to a girl who pretty much had the mindstate of a child, Gareeku gave her a glass of water.
"Now then," the wolf said with a reassuring smile as he sipped some water of his own, "You need to remember that not everybody likes their mind and feelings being read. It's a privacy thing. Next time, try not to read people's minds unless people ask you too, ok?" he said reassuringly, before taking her back over to Aisha. He could not help but smile softly at her every time he saw her.
Heh, who knew that I could be such a softy... the wolf thought to himself, but he didn't care.


*just then, Karl comes into the room carrying the three consoles* me with these?

(OOC:the consoles are in their cardboard packaging, which seem to be block my view somewhat)
I'm a Skype User.
Skype Name: Karaius


Sathariel practically jumped, and looked terrified when Mel shouted, cringeing.
   "I- I'm sorry... I thought I was being careful..." she said, looking ready to cry again. When Gareeku smiled and led her over to the table though, she calmed a bit, and took the water thankfully, sniffing it curiously before drinking. She looked ashamed when he spoke to her, and kept casting half apologetic and half fearful glances to Mel. His words also seemed to have another effect on her, because she looked wonderingly on him when he spoke of the part about privacy.
   "But... I can feel them anyway... at least a little. Why don't they hide them if they don't want me to hear them?" she said, and then looked to Mel, and then the Boogeyman. "I can't feel what he's thinking. And she's hiding everything except when some anger slips out..." She blushed again. "And what about the other one? It hurt lots when I tried to read his mind earlier, but now he's not even bothering to shield it at all."


My wings finish leading me to the water. The tendrils go underwater.

May sees my tendrils heading toward her. “Oh, gimme a break!” she thinks. When the tendrils grab her, she expects be harmed, so she is quite surprised to be gently lifted to the surface.

She looks just like a rabbit being, but is a mere two feet tall. She seems quite young, not even yet in her teen years. She has pink fur with white hands. “An incubus!” May shouts in shock.

“I am no enemy of yours. I do not mean to harm you,” I say.

“Alright. What is it?”

“What is what?”

“What do you want with me?”

“I’m not evil.”

“Yeah. And I’m not the easter bun… wait… crud…”

“Seriously. I’m not evil. Just ask anybody.”

“I’ll be the judge of that!” May begins to chant a spell.

“Chanting a spell to destroy me? What is this? Guilty until proven innocent?”

“No. It was a detect alignment spell. Turns out you’re the same alignment as me. Cool. Kinda unusual for a cubi to be a good guy. But then, most people don’t think of the possibility that the Easter Bunny is a Qwertish Wizard. Name’s May, by the way. May Cottontail.”


Hearing the girl's words, Gareeku looked back at her, feeling guilty upon seeing her upset face.
"Hey now, don't worry about it..." The wolf said as he gave her a hug. Thinking about her last words, Gareeku smiled.
"I don't think some people can hide their emotions that well," he explained, the reassuring smile back on his face. "Mel's a bit upset at the moment. Give her time, though, and she'll cheer up."

Aisha deCabre

Aisha leaned against the side of the food table, grabbing a drink of her own as she watched the girl.  She felt a little guilty about having thought earlier that she was trouble.  From how she acted, she seemed sincere enough...just misunderstood.  Almost like the first impression with people is always bad.  The panther knew what that was like.

When she came back, Aisha gave her a light smile.  "Not everyone's good at shielding their thoughts, chica.  Sometimes people are so emotional and outgoing that it's probably easy to sense it...but they get mad still.  Go figure," she shrugged.  "People tend to get apprehensive when one penetrates the place that secrets are supposed to be safest.  I'm certain you don't mean harm."

Then, the panther quirked an eyebrow at Karl as he came in carrying some heavy boxes.  "Ay!" she interjected and went to push one up that looked like it was tipping over.  "Good thing it's not a long walk to the entertainment system."
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.


“Joat Legend Delia. Mind if I take you back to the others in the house? Have you meet the others?” I say.

“As long as they can keep a secret,” May says.

“Don’t worry about that. They can,” I say. May and I walk back toward the house. Once I am in the house, Veronica asks me, “How was the walk your wings took you for, hm? And who might that be?”

“Why are you looking at me like I’m two?” May asks rhetorically.

“Oh, sorry. Instinct, I guess,” Veronica says to May, “I’m Veronica Young.”

“May Cottontail,” May says as she curtseys, “And don’t get used to that curtsey. I’m kind of a tomboy. Just ask anybody.”


*Karl then walks to the entertainment system and slowly places the boxes on the floor*

Karl: Thanks Aisha...I didn't want to pay for a replacement if one of them broke...

*Karl then looked around*

Karl:Hmmm...where did I put that A/V selector?
I'm a Skype User.
Skype Name: Karaius


May spots the boxes. “GAMES!” she yells in delight.


"Well kid," Boogey said, hearing Sathariel's comment, "You can't keep up a mental shield all the time. Some aren't so bad, depending on what kind, but even the most benign can start to show psychological side effects after a while. Others, you just forget to leave them up all the time. Either way, it's still rude to eavesdrop."


“With Calica, you’re protected all the time,” May comments.


Sathariel just looked confused with all that was happening. Obviously, she was starting to pick up on things again. And she eyed the recently arrived people with as much suspicion as anything else. She fumbled for something more to drink, while it looked as if she was thinking hard.
   "I... don't think that it..." she said, taking a glass and walking over to look at the huge flatscreen on the wall beside the stereo, which Karl was fiddling with, with curiosity and amazement. Against the Boogeyman's words, she felt around in the room for free thoughts again to see if she could find out what was going on, and then just barely dared to reach for the other ones that were coming from deeper within the house...

   Stygian was just done with pushups and had thrown the weights off his back, now sitting cross-legged on the floor while stretching his arms and humming a chant, settling his breath for the next exercise. Then, something brushed against his consciousness, like a feather on bare skin. He didn't get very angry, but enough for him to harden his mind not to let any thoughts out, and then to grab hold of the searching thoughts swiftly, like a vice tightening around a reaching hand.
   I wish to be left alone! he sent to the girl. I will not intrude upon anyone else, so neither shall anyone else intrude upon me! If you seek me, then come and ask for me! he passed to the girl, and forced the thought to her, then shut his own mind in and continued with his exercises.

   "...intrude upon me! If you seek me, then come and ask for me!" The girl had silently repeated all of Stygians words, her eyes wide and her emerald irises glowing for a moment. She trembled, then staggered back against the table to support herself. She took another drink, and looked back to the Boogeyman.
   "I... won't do it again..." she said, fear still on her face.


"Hmm, not here in this room, grouchy... sounds like Stygian. Styg's kind of an extreme example of the other reason you shouldn't do that sort of stuff; you can get a sort of backlash from looking too closely at the minds of those who have particular types of mental shields or who are just outright crazy. If you ask me, he's a dash of both," Boogey grinned, "You're off to a good start kid, you just gotta learn a bit more self restraint."


May notices Sathariel’s troubled expression. A chocolate bar appears in May’s hand, which she passes to Sathariel. “Here. Candy is the best medicine for the soul.”

“I thought that was laughter,” I say.

“Yeah, laughter can help, too.”


E sighs. this was not going Well and as nice as she was an annoyed dragon was trouble  though an angry dragon was worst. he knew this form experience. at the rate things were going Mel would be angry again soon ant his time with genuine ire
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


Seeing the girl stumble, Gareeku quickly supported her, help her to regain her footing. Listening to the others, Gareku smiled.
"Boogey's right; you're definitely on the right track," he said reassuringly, putting a hand on the girl's shoulder. "You just need some help in restraining your powers."


May says to Mel, “By the way, you want a really effective mind shield? I can do that for you.”


Sathariel laid her hand on Gareeku's and looked up at him. Then, at the Boogeyman.
   "He... he created me, didn't he?" she said, still looking really afraid. "Why is he so angry?" She turned between the two of them and Aisha. "Is it because of me?"


Boogey considered saying no, but thought better of it. When it came to those who may or may not figure out why they can't read your mind, honesty was usually the best policy.
"I have no clue why he's mad. I don't know if he intended to create you, but some of my best creations were by accident. I don't think it's so much you as just the world hasn't been going his way as of late." He shrugged and reached into his coat, rummaging around for something, "Now, I can't stand seeing little kids really and truly upset, or at least not when I can't take credit for it, so lets see if I have- Aha!" With a crinkle, he pulled out a large bag of sweets, "Here we are! These usually help me when I'm not feeling to well, and it looks like you could use it." He grabbed a handfull of brightly colored, sugar-encrusted things that looked like they could cause tooth decay at 20 paces and offered her the open bag. "Want some?"


“I’ll bet you and your, um, ‘father’ be back on good terms in no time at all,” Valencia says to Sathariel, “I should know a thing or two about parent problems. Me and my parents argued countless times. For example, when my father tried to train me to use a gun, I refused. When he forced me to train anyway, I thought he was doing it because he hated me. Turns out that he actually saved my life with those gun lessons. Sometimes it may seem like parents do things just to make you unhappy, but in the end, they just want to help you learn and to help you be happy in the long run.”

Aisha deCabre

While watching Karl fiddle with the game systems and Sathariel reel from the wall, Aisha raised her eyebrow in thought.  She didn't really know what to explain to the girl, or even how.  She certainly didn't feel like making the mood any more somber than it was a while ago.  She smirked when Boogey comforted her and the other strangers put in their two cents, irrelevent or not.

"Maybe he's just having a bad day..." the panther shrugged.  "He kinda got irritated with me too.  Everyone."
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.


The angel girl looked, then sniffled, and took some candies, adding them to the chocolate she had already recieved. She continued sniffling, tears trickling down her cheeks as she ate.


“You actually tried to get out of a cool lesson like that?” May exclaims at Valencia’s words. “How could you not like a gun class. I wish my father could’ve taught me that.”

“The easter bunny, master of guns,” Valencia thinks aloud. She chuckles at the mental image.


"Hey now..." Gareeku said softly, wiping the tears from the girl's face. "It'll be ok. I'm here for you, and so are the others, i'm sure." He continued, feeling he had a duty to look after this scared and confused girl as best he could.
"Well I don't know about you guys, but this place could use some livening up!" the wolf said with a warm smile, looking to the others and then back at the girl. "What do you say?"