Character Lounge

Started by Kio, July 10, 2006, 11:49:25 PM

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“Oh, I soooo want to help. But I guess this is his show, not mine. Besides, I need to worry about mastering my OWN powers,” I think. Sylver and I exchange glances. We do not need to say anything, for we know what is on each-others’ minds. We slowly walk back into the building.


E too had retied to the lounges. He could feel eliander sulking. despite his age he was still little more then a hatchling. e well remember learning the truth when he saw the battle between Eliander and well Eliander.
One was a dragon, one a powerful magical knight both sharing the same soul. At the time eliander had just reached the age of 800 mortal years and was dominating a planet. he spent much of his time sleep or reading readings and he rules were simple. "no blood shed or abuse or i'll come destroy everything" it had worked and to the plant was more or less peaceful most of the time. At the time challengers were welcome to come and make challenge for his head to free there world from his then 50 years of domination. thousands had come and of the thousands less the a hundred had died in battles. there were a few repeat challengers but to eliander it had been more of a game then a battle. he had do this because his fire memories were of waking on a battlefield and watching others kill each other. he was spared death at that time buy what had seems to be an act of nature as the battlefield  was rocked by an earthquake. But it was too lad the damage was done. As he laid in the earth he began to understand the anger and rage of those in battles. As he grew he encountered it over and over again and it warped him to a point were he could thrive on the power provided by such energy. finally around 600 to700 years later Eliander took over a section of the planet and imposed his rule. by doing some he for a time found some piece until war came to him again. in the end to stop the blood shed eliander took it all give the image of a powerful raging dragon. Now all anger was director at him as was some fear. But now Eliander was beginning to hate himself. As time  went one he warped more actually initiating sure anger flying over places were there was despair and feeling the sudden surge of rage empower him. He was reveling in tint has hating what he was becoming . still he could not stop himself he did not have the power thon he wished for it. He looked at the girl and knew as eliander did that she was not far off form such a life.
E looked at Mel and wondered what she feared would become of the girl. He looked at stygian and wondered what he knew. He listens to the whispers in the dark as Erebus began to snoop. he did not like the chaos that was happeing here but still there was not much that he could do.
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


The angel girl sniffled, then smiled warmly at Gareeku, and hugged him close.
   "Thank you," she said. She then kissed him right on the mouth.

   Stygian laughed, and swigged down his drink with fervor. He smacked the glass down on the table, and called to the other occupants.
   "Yeah, that tingles! Who wants a shot?"

   Upon drinking the coruscating concoction, Mel found it had a chemical, sharp and slightly sour but exciting flavour to it, with a lingering aftertaste of something slightly metallic. But soon, her focus shifted from the taste, to the very feeling of it. As it passed down her oesophagus, Mel felt a jumping, sparking feeling that even breathing ice from deep in her throat could not give. It went up her nose, twisted down her throat, made little saltomortals on the walls of her trachea and a very good salsa on her tongue. She wasn't sure if she was feeling dizzy or more clearheaded when the effect of the drink hit her, but it felt like she was feeling every missed sensory stimulation from her body, thinking every hidden or forgotten thought she had forgotten in the last three weeks at least, and going crazy and realizing that she was saner than ever at the same time. Her face flushed and she felt all wobbly and weak with it.


E decides that he could uses for release himself with a press to his belt he becomes flesh and blood. "i'll take a shot Stygian. i just hope it doesn't kill me"
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


Hearing the girl's words, Gareeku smiled warmly. However, his eyes then went wide as she suddenly kissed him on the mouth.
"You''re welcome..." he managed to say, still in shock as his cheeks went bright red, hoping that Aisha had not seen what the girl had just done. Then again, maybe it was just a sign of gratitude from her and nothing more. Even so, the wolf could not but think of Aisha.


As the girl calmed down, so did Boogey. The light gathing in his hand dimmed and disappeared. Still, as he went inside, he let himself loose to seethe a little.
I can understand making a monster. Hell, I do it all the time. However, he made one without any thought for the concequences and, rather than FIXING the mess, he was going to just destroy her! Good thing Gareeku at least stepped up to the plate and took some damn responsibility. After a bit more inner ranting, he was calm enough to crack a smile at everyone else. Noticing the fizzing drink, he grinned broadly.
"Don't suppose you have a virgin version of those? To someone made of thoughts, getting too drunk can be pretty damn hazardous." He strolled over, "What's it called? And if any part of the name includes the words 'gargle-blaster' then I'm getting Mr. Adam's lawyers on the line."


Veronica says, “Nah, I swore off alcohol years ago.”

“A wise choice,” I say, “Another fine choice would be for everyone to stand clear of me. The first rule of experimentation is that anything that can go wrong most certainly will.”

Sylver and Veronica move away from me a bit.

*OOC: Don’t worry, nobody needs to move. Everyone is a safe distance away.*

I open up my laptop and begin typing on it.

“Is this part of your experimentating?” Veronica asks.

“No, silly! He always keeps a journal of his experiments,” Sylver says.

“It’s the scientific method,” I say.

“Ugh. How boring,” Veronica says.

“Nobody said being a mad scientist was all dramatic diologue and crazy ideas.”

“It isn’t?”

“Well, it is for some, I’ll readily admit. Let’s just say that I’m one of the more intelligent mad scientists.”


The girl blushed at Gareeku's thoughts and his response, yet he didn't think it was because of the reasons one might think.
   "I'm... sorry. I... I didn't mean..." she said, and pulled away a bit.

   Stygian laughed at E and the Boog. He mixed up more of that drink, taking a cider in one of the mixes instead of Vodka.
   "Don't worry. It's not really my blood. If that were the case, I don't think Mel would be capable of thinking now. Or breathing. No..." he said as he shook out one of the drinks. "...I basically form a nice and eeky organic neurostimulant laced with a load of other substances that catalyzes with alcohol and goes straight into the bloodstream." He sounded like it was the most amusing thing in the world. "It makes your brain go crazy, and overstimulates neuron regrowth! All rush, no hangover, no senility!" He slapped down more glasses on the table, and took a vigorous gulp of more of the substance himself. "I call it... hmmm..." he stopped, scratched his chin and turned around a bit. Then his eyes lit up, and he snapped his fingers and struck a pose.
   "Mens Sinus!"


“I think I’ll take the non-alcoholic variety,” Veronica says, “C’mon, Joat! Try it with me!”

“But I’m in the middle of… ah, what the hell,” I say. I close my laptop.


E sips it. "An interesting drink it is thou i rarely drink alcohol myself my emotions warrant it this time." E's shared spaces is  a mass of quite and discomfort. to have lives so long ,  to have learned so much  but still remember so little. he's spent to many wakening years in solitude it seemed but this century he was trying to change that.
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


Sylver’s body rematerializes, though very slowly. His soul returns to it and he immediately falls asleep.


Seeing the girl's reaction, Gareeku smiled softly, hugging her again.
"Hey now, don't worry about it." He said softly. "Now then...we need to find out how you can control your powers. I'm guessing they're provoked when you experience certain emotions." He continued, his facial expression showing he was in deep thought as he spoke.


*OOC: I have an idea!*

*Sylver: What?*

*OOC: We could have OOC conversations. That way, the two of us won’t be bored if our characters have nothing to do.*

*Sylver: What mean we? I happen to have places to go, things to…*

*OOC: Stop that. Stop having more of a life than me.*


E drink in hand looks at Mel. he has a moment flash of her dancing in the sky and smiles. " Mel will you be okay?" e knows that like his robotic body his flesh one has it's limits as well but for not he would not worry about that. for now he would worry about the mental state of his friends.
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


*OOC: Aha! I have it! I have a vague idea! Now let’s see if I can turn it into something more specific… *goes off to plan**


Erebus chuckles. i wonder whats he's up to now "I doubt that it matters to us Erebus but follow him if you wish". the shadow diminished but does not vanish. Erebus is using ominpresence again. E is almost certain of it but right now he is more worried about Gareeku and Mel, Gareeku being to busy to bother at the moment.
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


*OOC: It’s time, I think, to add a temporary new character to the mix.*

*Sylver: Who?*

*OOC: May.*

*Sylver: That’s a pretty weird choice. Any reason?*

*OOC: Actually, yes. A very special reason.*

*Sylver: Why, then?*

*OOC: That would be a spoiler.*

“Mayday! Mayday!” May yells as she soars through the air at breakneck speed. If only she hadn’t mispronounced that last syllable of the spell, this would have been a simple levitation. But she just had to let herself be distracted. The fumbled spell wears off and she is sent spiraling toward the Earth. “I can do this. I can turn this around. I don’t have any spells quick enough to save me. Oh crap, I’m gonna die!”

Suddenly, she felt the spell kick in again, sending her toward the water near the house. The spell wears off again and she falls into the water with a huge splash.

*OOC: She flew too fast for anyone to get a good look at her, which is why I didn’t describe her appearance.*

Mel Dragonkitty

Mel was leaned back into the couch, her wings flattened awkwardly to either side. She looked sleepy-serious and very carefully enunciated, "Okay? At the moment I am quite scattered. But that's good. If I can't feel anything then Gareeku's little protoge can't rape my emotions again." She shook her head. "He thinks she's a victim but I think she's a wolf in sheep's clothing."
My, I'll bet you monsters lead interesting lives. I said to my girlfriend just the other day: "Gee, I'll bet monsters are interesting," I said. The places you must go and the things you must see. My stars! And I'll bet you meet a lot of interesting people, too. I'm always interested in meeting interesting people.


"I think so," Sathariel responded to Gareeku. "But I can still use them when I feel other things." She demonstrated by sending thoughts to Gareeku, first of calmly laying on a beach and bathing in the sea, then of standing on a mountain afraid and lost in the blowing, freezing wind, and then back to the beach.
   "Right now, I was thinking of spaghetti sauce," she says, making a clear point in her own way.

   Stygian practically danced across the room, dealing out drinks liberally. He kept talking, warning everyone not to take more than two or three, to loosen up and relax, and to combine the drink with alcohol and a good headsmashing or two to even out. Green fumes seemed to linger a bit in the air, and the room was quickly filled with a pleasant mood as he turned on the stereo again, this time with a more pounding, beating song that seemed like some sort of dance-like hard rock fusion. It was fast and hard, but melodic, speedy riffs combined with a pulsing rhythm and a few piano-keyed electronic elements to make for a perfect environment and dancing music.
   Making a spin, Stygian swung his last drink around and offered it to Aisha, making a bow in the process.
   "Best lady, wouldst thou move thine so well-shaped bod' with me?" he smirked to her. He looked over at Mel for a while. "Let's not be such grouches, dear. Let's liven up this party!"

Aisha deCabre

((People, I am SO sorry...just got home and I had to read through the last three pages of this stuff.  Man, I'm gonna make an announcement before I go on a trip next time...  :rolleyes ))

All of a sudden it seemed the peace had shattered.  From what had been some commotion outside turned out to be a total frenzy.  Aisha's mind, in a state of peacefulness, was now unwillingly arguing with was like her own thoughts were being manipulated, played back with horrifying arguments and images.  She tried tuning them out, hands gripping the sides of her head, claws digging into her scalp.

No puedo pensar...I can't think!  What's going ON?!  A girl in trouble...?  Stay or go...?  She was about to fall to her knees.  It was happening being ripped to shreds within the only haven a living thing has.  She couldn't take it...not again.

Her eyes focused on Gareeku, and he seemed to be in the same amount of pain, if not more.  She wanted to move over to him, to help comfort comfort herself...but she too couldn't move an inch.

Then it subsided...the panther watched him run out the door.  She stayed on the floor, rubbing her head, trying to revive from whatever it was.  Still, in her own personal thoughts, she was still in turmoil.  Why can't I move?  Am I doomed to live in fear of this happening again?

You're not a coward, chica.  You never were a coward.

Then why do I feel so useless?  Here I am on my knees recovering while everyone else is out the door...

Aisha could still hear what everyone was saying though, and even more so when she finally stood up on shaky legs to look outside.  She heard everyone picking on this poor girl, the one who apparently had started the whole thing...Stygian was back to his darker self, a shudder crawling up her back at the thought of it...Mel, E, Joat, others that she didn't even know, they were all there observing and planning...the girl crying...

And then Gareeku had cut in.  She observed him as he defended the poor child, and she was reminded once again of how admirably valiant he was.  A part of her wanted to go in and interrupt...but she knew the wolf, his determination was unstoppable.

A half of Aisha was with some of the group, and the other was with him.  She hadn't seen what the girl was truly like.  Was she really as innocent as she looked?  Or was she trouble?

Now, while the others were coming in, she had asked what was going on, and knew the story.  The only one who hadn't come back was Gareeku and the girl.  Now, she was watching from the doorway, half of her attention back on the goings-on of the mansion party and the other half on the wolf as she could barely see him in the dark of the outside.  Her eyes narrowed a little at the girl's affectionate gratitude towards him...but she had to shake her head and smirk.  He did have that kind of way about him.

Her tail was flicking lightly to the music, but otherwise she didn't dance.  The only reply she gave to Stygian was that one of her ears had turned back to listen.  But still she had a silent argument going on in her head.

I didn't even have the instinct to grab my weapon.  I always did...was it just because we were all just...unprepared?

A sigh escaped her throat.  That must be it.  Just try to relax...and Gareeku will come back in as well...and maybe you'll get to see what all the fuss is about with this girl.
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.


"it is the lone wolves that one must be weary of. once  300 years ago i was raise by feral wolves for nearly 8 years. i was 5 going into the event with only the worlds of my people to . they treated me like a lost pup and due to them i could survive in the harsh landscape. for that i was grateful. "e remember this life only because he had reached the minimum age for it's survival. 20 mortal years he'd died shortly after movie into the city form a disease.  e felt Eliander stabilize as he merged with his other half. in this state he was his full age of 320K (still younger then Erebus and 22billon) mortal years of age and prone more to philosophy then battle but it was a trade of he make with joy. " Do you know what i fear Mel? what i truly fear above all on this mortal plane?"
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


Stygian stood still, face and posture unchanging. He held the glass like that for a few seconds. Then, he swigged it down, threw it into the fireplace with a loud smash, and spoke harshly in a very familiar voice.
   "If you think you can do everything on your own, then you are a fool, chica! ¡Usted es irracional y usted sabe tan!" he said, then muttered something in his ordinary voice and walked off, with a last glance to the girl playing with Gareeku and Mel and Boogey slumped as they were. He dissapeared through the doors towards the entrance hall, turning in the corridor and leaving a trail of indignation and irritation behind, both scent-wise and mentally.

   Just a few minutes ago, he had found it so fun to sense the thoughts of others, Stygian thought while the snapping of his own footsteps echoed in his ears. Now, he was positively sure that he would not use that ability for quite some time to come, before he learned to filter out every last scrap of an idea that he didn't want. Mel sulking, Boog and his ideas (did he really think he had wanted to create something!?), Aisha's distraught and more sulking, and Gareeku's self righteous bleeding...!
   Things started crawling under his skin again, but Stygian forced back the anger as he had before. No. He would not be the bother here, not this time. They had filled that task just fine, and they could sit. As for him, he was off to deal with his anger in a productive manner, one which he was used to...


e sighed. Stygian was bothered and for what seemed to be good reason this time. still he was powerless. well it was not that he was powerless per say but that he did not know what to do or say. his experience said to let him be so he would.
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey

Aisha deCabre

When the sound of shattering glass was heard, Aisha flinched.  She still had her back turned and head bunched in her shoulders when he shouted.  When finally the sound of stomping footsteps was heard, she turned her head away from the door with a quirked eyebrow, showing a look of irritation and confusion mixed alongside the already burning inner fires.

I'M being irrational?  What have I done?  She hadn't seen him this mad before.  Her head lowered in thought for a few moments.  Stygian was a mystery ever since he came back.  He's been bothered after playing the music with Sal...and it was almost scary to see his power before.  And now this.

Aisha turned back around, her eyes watching the night sky and the moon, suddenly feeling a little guilty for all of these events, though they weren't her fault.  She'd apologize to Stygian when he came back.  Hrmph...I wish this thing could be purged.
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.


May resurfaces for a moment, sees the people in the house and near the water, then goes back underwater, praying that nobody saw her. Nobody is supposed to know that she really exists. So what would she do? Water Breathing spell? No, she couldn’t chant underwater. What would she do?

I am finished with my drink when see something in the water. It popped to the surface for only a second, but that was long enough to arouse my curiosity.

Veronica sees me staring out the window and asks, “What is it? You still worried about the girl?”

“No. Well, yes; but that’s not what I’m looking at,” I say.

Mel Dragonkitty

Mel quietly falls asleep without anyone noticing.

(OOC:  I think cranky-girl has needed a nap for the last several pages. <waving> Welcome back Aisha.)
My, I'll bet you monsters lead interesting lives. I said to my girlfriend just the other day: "Gee, I'll bet monsters are interesting," I said. The places you must go and the things you must see. My stars! And I'll bet you meet a lot of interesting people, too. I'm always interested in meeting interesting people.


My curiosity kicks into high gear. While I have enough self control to stay in the house…

My tendrils immediately go toward the water. I try to grab them and pull them back, but they just end up pulling me forward, steadily closer to the water.

“Talk about the tail wagging the dog,” Veronica says.

“Bad wings! Bad!” I yell.


Finding his way through the house, Stygian stepped into the gymnasium of the place, a large semi-submerged hall in the cellar with smooth, high walls and machines and weights all around the place, surrounding a mat-covered open space at the back of the room where the walls were hung with training weapons. Perfect for relaxation, he thought.
   He walked to the back of the room and threw off his shirt and pants, moving and rolling his arms and legs as he walked, snaps coming from his joints. He concentrated, and forced down his own entity, holding his abilities back. Then he laid up some weights for later use, and went into a split on the floor, reaching around to place a hand under  each of his hindpaws. He slowly began working through his whole body, stretching and pulling on every muscle to ease them up, and clearing his mind to get rid of all emotion, breathing very slowly as he did.

   Sathariel eyed Joat very curiously. Because of who and what she was, she knew perfectly well what was going on.
   "Can we go inside?" she asked Gareeku. "It's cold out here." He could see what she meant, for some wind had started blowing as well, and the trees rustled with whispers in their branches while coloured autumn leaves danced across the ground a bit. Considering what the girl was wearing, it was a bit confusing that she wasn't shivering. But then again, she had fur, although that usually didn't do much to cover more sensitive areas of one's body.


"Oh! of course" Gareeku replied, noticing that the wind had picked up. Taking off his shirt, he then put it on the girl, taking her hand and leading her back to the house.
Entering the house, Gareeku saw Aisha, and immediately he was filled with worry for her. with the girl's hand in his, the wolf walked over the panthress, softly placing his hand on her cheek.
"Are you ok?" he asked, his worry evident on his face as he spoke.


"She is feeling... responsible," the girl said. "And insulted... no, wait, that's not her." She looked confusedly at Aisha. Then she looked around at the others, and her eyes stayed at Mel. Previously the dragon had been so intimidating to her, and now she was slumped back and... sleeping? Gently, the girl touched the dragon's thoughts to see if it was a bluff, like placing a finger on a surface of water without disturbing it the least.

((OOC: By the way... Stygian wasn't shouting. He almost never does in his regular form. Think of it more as speaking strongly, sharply. It's more the tone that does it.))