Character Lounge

Started by Kio, July 10, 2006, 11:49:25 PM

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*OOC: Is this reading detailed enough to show things such as how I can move or how Sylver is resistant to psionics?*


ooc: Not you, the angel girl and the new character you've introduced. And only stuff that the angel girl has done.


*OOC: Ah, I see. Well, then, it looks like it may be a while before anyone figures out why those things happened.*

Mel Dragonkitty

Mel found herself sitting under a bush almost directly behind the hostages yet far enough away that no one would pay any attention to a little cat minding it's own business. She watched the power flying around. Not touching it, not acting upon it, just studying the patterns.
My, I'll bet you monsters lead interesting lives. I said to my girlfriend just the other day: "Gee, I'll bet monsters are interesting," I said. The places you must go and the things you must see. My stars! And I'll bet you meet a lot of interesting people, too. I'm always interested in meeting interesting people.


*OOC: Booored…So boooored…Ooh! Lint!*

*OOC: If but only I could react to something, but all my characters are too busy.*


The area around the girl, or rather what resembled it in simpler terms, was a tangle of thoughts and powerful currents of mentally "tinged" energies. It was like she was at the centre of a little vortex of her own, drawing in the surroundings, and the people and their thoughts to her. It was very strange; cubi did feed on emotions too, but they certainly didn't draw them in that way. Fortunately though, while her influence on the psi of the place, so to speak, was extensive, she did not seem to even border on touching her surroundings physically.

   "But I didn't do anything!" the girl cried. "You started yelling and thinking bad things about me! I only hid a little bit of your knowledge so I could protect your brain from the ill thoughts. I haven't been bad!" She clenched her fists and stiffened as she shouted at Joat. Then, Stygian stepped out and spoke in a loud, clear tone that cut through the shouting and demanded attention.
   "Stop right now, all of you!" he said, a sharp command filled with anger and annoyance. "Everyone of you will become perfectly still this very instant, or you will regret it!"

   The girl didn't seem to want to listen, for though she stepped back for a moment and looked almost fearful, she shouted back at Stygian.
   "I haven't done anything wrong! They didn't even ask me to undo it, they just wanted to be mean to me!" she said, and you couldn't help but get the feeling of seeing something like a child defying a parent to the whole situation. Then she looked angrily at the Boogeyman. "And stop poking me!" she shouted, and a strange lash of thoughts snapped out at the Boogey.

   This was all wrong! was the Boogeyman's first thought. One could not be sure of where that had come from, because plainly, it was. Why are these people all fighting? And why were they being mean to that girl? Okay, that was not his thought. He was sure of that. But it was still wrong! They shouldn't be! And Stygian should not be backing them! That certainly was not his... but he still felt angry. He wanted to hurt Stygian, and make him leave her alone! No, he didn't. Yes he did! He wanted to! What the Hell was she doing to him!?
   Her thoughts wrenched his, like a giant hand trying to force him to do something, to bend him into submission.

   From where she was hiding, Mel could feel the girl tugging at the thoughts around her. Some curious ones even snuck out against her. Who was this? The dragon? No, it couldn't be. But she felt thesame. Was she looking? The feeling of all this was about the equivalent of being poked in the side with the tail by a curious young dragonling who was trying to get a response from her.


I sigh. “Okay. So she overreacted, then you overreacted to her overreaction, then we overreacted to your overreaction to her overreaction. We’ll get a bandage for the scratch and we’ll politely and calmly talk about this over some pizza. Okay?” I say calmly to sathariel, “Valencia didn’t really mean what she said; people tend to say things they don’t mean when they’re angry. She had thought you were trying to mess with my thoughts for a bad reason. I really think messing with her mind for just that was a bit unnecessary. Now, if you would, can you release your mental hold on Valencia now?”


E hearing this knew at once what had gone wrong. he once read mortals much like gods can not abide with people mucking with this mind. this was taboo Even among the recent gods in the Greek empire though they were pulling double duty with the Romans. how long ago was that 30 ? 100 years?
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


“I agree that she should have let me finish explaining why you blocked that part of my mind. I agree that maybe we should have tried diplomacy before attacking you for messing with Valencia’s mind. I admit to my faults and apalogize for them. You have overreacted to Valencia’s words. I forgive this fault. It is done. We should not dwell upon what we cannot change,” I continue.

“I could probably change it,” Sylver says.

“Yes, but that would be quite dangerous,” I say.


THESE ARE NOT ME! Boogey howled mentally. Anyone psychically inclined could pick up on it. How dare you!? How DARE you!? She had not only bypassed his mental defenses, but his emotional ones that prevented his getting really and truely angry. That made him even madder. Reaching out with his mind, he cluched one of the fingers of that giant hand and bent it back.

You think you're unique in that trick? You're wrong. I don't mean about anything in particular, you're simply WRONG. You want to play like this? Fine, lets see how you like it. Reaching out, he started cramming Arguments and Concepts into the girl like someone stuffing books into a bag.
    Dissention and doubt! Nothing is as it should be and everything is what it's not! You're a bookcase! You're the fox girl! You are not and never were and never will be! There's no real tactic or subtlety to it. She's definatly succeeded in making him mad.

The others still had a decent hold though. "Stygian, she works like I do! Back away from me, now!" Patterns of light flowed from the fingertips of his right hand, while his left gripped his right wrist so tightly you could almost hear bone grind. "Back away!"


Stygian watched the Boogeyman in shock. He could feel all too well what was going on, even though he hadn't reacted to the girl's flailing around before. Backing up, thoughts unhearable to the others, thoughts that were his and his alone, shouted at him what a fool he was. Of course you are immune, you dolt! But that doesn't mean the others are, and now you're in a tight spot and out of options again! What? You thought you could just walk down there and make them all behave? You're not even behaving yourself!

   The girl seemed to yelp at the Boogeyman's resistance, and he felt her fighting back. And not only was she trying to push harder, but when she found she couldn't bend him anymore she whipped out more of those lashes of psi, grabbing hold of what else she could find to help her. More thoughts raced through the place...

   Mel suddenly thought she felt furious. She had just gotten out of her first ever fight, and now they were starting at it again! Why!? She was hungry and tired of all this idiocy. She just wanted to get rid of them, starting with the Boogeyman, so things would calm down...

   Joat thought he just wanted all of this to be over. Why wouldn't they stop? If they did, they could all settle down and solve this. He would be rid of the headache, and everything would be calm. He should make them stop!

   Gareeku suddenly thought he felt worried, and agitated. What were they doing out there? No. That was not his business. He was having a great time with Aisha, and he would not mind... But they were going to get violent and disturbing again, and he wanted to be alone with her. He should go out there and shut them up so they could have a little peace!

   And Aisha thought she felt annoyance and anger building. Why couldn't they stop? Well, if she just closed the doors so she and Gareeku could be alone, that would be just fine. But they would continue to mess around and be violent, and they would never have a calm moment. If only she could just make them go away from the house so they could have a little privacy...


“I… I can protect one person… but can I protect everybody?” Sylver thinks.

“This is no good. They aren’t listening. What can I do?” I think. I could tell by their facial expressions that Boogey and Sathariel were having a mental battle. “Guys, for the last time; stop fighting! All of you! I hate to see friends fight each other!” I yell.

Mel Dragonkitty

Mel abruptly found herself full sized and screaming in rage. She caught herself before she moved, what was she doing? She recognized the mental tampering; clever to flood the emotions to weaken the shields first. She couldn't defend on both fronts at once and put everything into defending her thoughts, accepting the flood of emotions. You want me angry, I'll take angry. But I get to pick at whom. "You! Impertinent mannerless brat. Did you want my attention?" Frost billowed on her breath as she shouted. "I was minding my own business and you POKED me."
My, I'll bet you monsters lead interesting lives. I said to my girlfriend just the other day: "Gee, I'll bet monsters are interesting," I said. The places you must go and the things you must see. My stars! And I'll bet you meet a lot of interesting people, too. I'm always interested in meeting interesting people.


I yell to Mel, “No, stop! That won’t help!”


Stygian had stood to the side when the Boogeyman had requested, thinking that he would probably handle a standoff. But for all the calculating person he was, and all his education, he did not understand how the girl was thinking. Subconsciously he remembered some of his psychology studies, telling him that she was behaving a bit like a cornered and agressive child. But he could not apply anything he really knew about to that, and he had never liked children anyway.

   The girl stepped back with a frightened look at Mel's reaction, trying for a moment to force her to obey. But when she couldn't, she strengthened her hold on the others, and accumulated more psionic energy to her. She was readying a blast that would virtually scramble the brains of any creature with a more or less sensitive nervous system that came into its way.

   You have to go outside! Now! Protect the angel girl! Gareeku thought. The intensity of it in his mind was almost painful. Go out and beat on the others! He found himself wanting it, having to run outside. But somehow he managed to keep still, even though he nearly twitched with the need to move. It all felt very wrong.

   Aisha almost shot up, thinking that she had to go out and help the angel girl! But that wasn't her thought! She knew these things, recognized them. She was no magician or mind-reader, but with enough strength of will those things were not neccessary in most cases. But she had to go out there! Now! It seemed that any minute her body would begin moving of its own accord just to comply.


Sylver approaches me and whispers in my ear. I nod. I stop glowing yellow and my headache disappears (though chances are that I can still move, since Sathariel is probably allocating too much energy elsewhere to maintain that spell). Sylver’s body rematerializes and his soul returns to it. Sathariel glows yellow.

“There. You are fully protected and nothing can harm you. Now that you have nothing to fear from them, stop this now! This is my final warning!” Sylver yells to Sathariel.

*OOC: Before you accuse me of godmoding, I must tell you that there is a drawback to this protection.*


E shivved. he'd not seen Mel angry before. " i'd better get in here"  E teleports into the area "before war starts again" e looks around. "uhms yes. Everyone lets calm down before we destroy a city size chunk of this world okay?"
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


Gripping the table, Gareeku began to break out into a cold sweat. What was this sudden urge within him? Why did he feel so compelled to try and attack the others? The answers to these questions the wolf did not know. Suddenly he could feel his body walking over to the door, opening it and stepping outside.
"Damn it...!" the wolf cursed, gripping the doorframe as he desparately tried to stop himself from going any further. "What is happening to me?!"


*OOC: Since I’m the one who posts most often, maybe I should make the next plot arc.*

Mel Dragonkitty

"Apologize," hissed Mel. "You ARE being bad. You know it. Stop it now and apologize. Naughty hatchling."

Mel was finding it harder and hard to stay still and not just flatten the girl. The girl was pushing too much emotion into her and she was trembling with her efforts to curb her temper. She could feel the ground getting crunchy under her feet as she began losing control of her magic and cold started radiating from her. Someone please do something before she lost it.

(OOC:  Joat, I don't believe your boredom is a legitimate reason to dismiss an excellent GM with interesting plot arcs. I am enjoying this no matter how long it takes. Start your arc in a separate thread if this isn't going fast enough to keep your interest.)
My, I'll bet you monsters lead interesting lives. I said to my girlfriend just the other day: "Gee, I'll bet monsters are interesting," I said. The places you must go and the things you must see. My stars! And I'll bet you meet a lot of interesting people, too. I'm always interested in meeting interesting people.


( i could post more but i don't want to be to contorting )

e spots the wolf and realizing his in troubled. the anger here is tangible it is along line rage but not quite. he knew what was coming and he did not like it. he's frame jerks like a puppet on a string and He gives off a red glow. in a new voice he calls out in an harsh and laughing voice " And the called me Eliander!" all at ones the emotion in the arena seemed to double and the emotions of anger and rages were being drawn to Eliander and he based in the attention.  those with the eyes to see it would realized that he was having taken a backseat in the body to the new arrival. whats more the energy this guy was give of seemed Draconian in nature.
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


*OOC: I never said I was unhappy with this. Okay, maybe I did exaggerate my impatience a little, but I agree that this is a great plot. I was just trying to say that I am in a good position if I want to start a plot.*

*Sylver: He has aspergers syndrome, so his words can sometimes come out wrong.*


( he and me both. they've had me pegged since grade school '7th grade actually.)

Eliander glowers at the others. "Come to me, kill for me, worship... follow everything i do, act it out before me" ENOUGH! Cries e in a mental shout so loud that it around with int 50 meters can here it even if they are psionically Resistance. You are here to stop the rage not bath the world in blood or go on a major power trip. " You put me in charge let me do what i want. " No. get the anger and rage under control then if your good you can stay " how do you manage to stay in charge anyway e?"  Became i am E and you are not. " i was E once. " and when the time comes you'll be E again but until then help my friends. " they are you friends" of course that is why i called you to help me. Eliander nods and his aura seems to change as he now starts to absorb the emotional flooding in the area.  E hopes this is enough to calm down his friend as he gets the feeling that Mel is barely holding herself in check and that Gareeku is on the verge of going feral do to this emotion jamming

(ooc. yes basically upon his accent to dominate status Eliander flood with area with his own dominate emotion and power source rage. he did not generate the emotion but acted as a catalyze for  it's generation. now after  he an e spoke  he is absorbing all anger related emotion. he is eliander dragon of rage)
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


*OOC: I am a bit confused on what happened to all the emotions in here. If I am correct, all the emotions, especially hate, got magnified, correct?*


((OOC: Not quite. It's a direct link. She's using mind control, magnifying or dimming the emotions right at the origin point, and twisting people's thoughts in detailed ways with it. That's why it doesn't really work out...))

Slowly, Gareeku opened the door, even though part of him told him he really should just run away. But he had to! There was no choice! No! What was Aisha...? They had to stop! he thought, and went outside, hesitating a bit before unsheathing his katana.

Stygian snapped. There was no other way to say it. He took a step back and hunched a bit, turning down his face...


(Eliander is drawing the emotions out of people regardless of the emotions origins that's is what he likes to do. eliander revels in anger rage and unrest and once dominated a world before a second e stopped him and the two merged becoming eliander valderen. but on the flip side tho his is the original eliander even if he drains them all you can make more but be warned he gains power by either generating  the emotions or consuming them the more he takes in the hotter his fire the more he is surrounded by the greater his influence over the situation and when he get really powerful my body will melt and reform into his as the sky dragon of enlightened anger or rage takes flight in his natural form with is a bit big for the house.)
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


“Do you fail to hear me?” Sylver yells, “Now I see. You are not doing this to defend yourself. You are trying to harm people for the sake of doing so and that I will not stand for!”

Sathariel stops glowing and I begin to glow yellow.

I concentrate. One of my tendrils wraps around her neck, though not tightly enough to choke her. “I do not want to kill you. I really don’t. I want you to live. Stop this madness. Don’t make me kill you,” I say to Sathariel.


*just then the objects in the building start to levitate and Sparks of energy were eminating from Karl*

Karl: All of you...settle down before I get ticked!
I'm a Skype User.
Skype Name: Karaius


“Wait a second. I have a better idea as to how to get her to calm down. It’s perfect. Why didn’t I think of it before?” I say.

The tendril around Sathariel’s neck retracts. All four tendrils move toward her to tickle her.


Eliander is stunned while e laughs. whats a funny way to attack a person in reminded him of Goku in the tournament that he saw. he was only passing thorough the kioshin invited him to the torrent and he had to go.
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey