Character Lounge

Started by Kio, July 10, 2006, 11:49:25 PM

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E shook his head and looked around. he'd been doing it again zoning one and following people with his mind. your becoming more and more like yourself E " don't you dare say that" you'll understand in time E sighed fearful that Erebus was right.
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


I sigh and whisper in Sylver’s ear. After I finish, I stand back upright.

“But how do you plan on pulling that off? It’s not like there’s some sort of library or school specifically designed for cubi,” Sylver says.


Stygian flinched for a second.
   "She..." he started, but then Salticia spoke from behind them all, at the other edge of the room.
   "I'm here. And I'm sorry, but I don't intend to stick around." Looking at her, you could see what she meant, for she had switched from her dress back to her black, almost military outfit and coat. "If I am ever going back home, I'm going to need something. Something that only Stephen's got right now. So I'm chasing after him, and I don't plan on resting here," she said, and walked up to Stygian. From under her coat, she pulled out both of Stephen's swords, and handed them to him. Then she kissed him on the cheek, and looked at him.
   "You are going to have to come back some day. And I'll make sure that we're all ready and waiting."

   Stygian looked at her confusedly for a moment. He really had not expected this. She didn't say a word, just retorted with a meaningful gaze, and then moved around the room, dealing out hugs and kisses to all. She seemed specifically intent when it came to Gareeku, and when she hugged Aisha perhaps more tightly than was comfortable, what with the spider woman being many times stronger than she looked, she also held her for a moment and spoke to her.
   "You take good care of him now, you understand? A guy like that deserves a real woman," she said, and eyed Gareeku with a grin.


Boogey had been looking out the window, first at the dancers and then at the white woman who had appeared out of nowhere. His eyes had narrowed as he gazed at her.
Of course, angels. Is this the girl from before? Or something new? Should I trust her? She can erase knowledge, and that's all I am. She seems more confused than dangerous though...
He turned away in time to see Stygian's little scene with Salticia. A hug, a murmered goodbye, and another thought to mull over. Would she be back with Stephan, causing trouble? Or was she still an ally? Twisted webs only catching themselves...
Gah. If if if, angst angst angst. I really need to get over myself.


“I must go to my lab. I have something to work on,” I say. Sylver chronoshifts himself and me away to my lab.

After a few moments, we chronoshift back. I look as if in shock.

Aisha deCabre

For a while, Aisha watched everyone as they came back into the mansion, some with looks that were a bit troubled, but perhaps easily fixed.  At Sal's appearance, the panther raised an eyebrow curiously.  It almost seemed that her stay was short, but if she was determined to leave, then she would.  It was funny how the first meeting of she and Stephen wasn't at all too friendly...but with the recent events, in the huntress's book, she was okay.

Chuckling at her statement, Aisha returned the friendly hug.  "Oh don't worry, I'm always there to save his tail...and hey, you take care of yourself too muchacha, okay?  Not that anything can kill you or whatever," she smirked.
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.


“I am so totally going to have to kill that girl next time I see her,” I say.

“Oh, don’t be so hard on Valencia; she didn’t mean it,” Sylver says.

“Didn’t mean to what? Stroll into my lab against my orders and proceed to press the one button that would lock me into this form permanently?”

“Well, I admit she did the first part on purpose, but still, she really didn’t want this to happen.”

I spot a young half-fox woman walking toward the house and immediately recognize her. I sprint toward her and Sylver follows me.


Salticia just laughed at Aisha's comment, whatever that meant. Then she let her go and walked out the doors into the garden, looking a bit at the white feline angel-woman who was sort of skipping across the water excitedly. She shook her head, then turned and walked in between the trees after a while, dissapearing into the shadows under them, and was gone.

   Stygian sat in the sofa for a while, running his long fingers along the blades of Stephen's swords. He seemed lost in thought. But after a while he looked up at the Boogeyman, as he seemed to have perceived at least a little bit of what he had been thinking.
   "The... The girl's name is Sathariel. At least, that's what I named her. I just remembered one of the Qiploths that corresponds to the Sepiroth Binah, and how it means "the concealer of spirit", or rather knowledge..."* he said distractedly, but noticing that no one seemed to get what he was saying he moved on. "I don't know how she ended up this way, much less how she is still alive. She doesn't seem to remember anything of what happened or who she is. But she does seem to know a lot of things though, however that's possible."

((OOC:*Loooads of Judaistic references here. Go look it up on Wikipedia...))


“Joat. This is the form you’re stuck in for a day?” the woman asks.

“Yes, Valencia, but not merely a day. Turns out the effect is permanent. That thing completely erased my alien DNA,” I say. I then explain to her in detail what happened. Of course, she cuts me off when she hears about the knowledge thing.

“WHAT!?” Valencia excalaims, shocked and appalled.

“It’s really…” I begin.

“Nobody messes with my friend’s brain and gets away with it!” She runs off toward Sathariel. I chase after her.

After getting as close as she can without getting wet, Valencia yells to (or, more accurately, at) Sathariel, “Alright, whoever you are - or whoever you think you are - you have five seconds to get over here and explain in detail why you erased part of Joat’s knowledge before I come over there and hit you so hard with my purse you’ll kiss the moon!

“Valencia, settle down!” I say.

*OOC: Here is the profile for the third character.

Valencia Renard Young
Species: Fox being
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Gender: Female
Class: Reporter
Age: 21
Appearance: White fur and long, white hair. Wears traditional reporter garb modified for comfortability.
Inventory: Purse with two pencils, a pencil sharpener, a small pad of paper, and her debit card.
Abilities: Very good aim with firearms.


The girl stopped, looking up from the water and seeming worried. Then, she walked over to face the fox woman, still standing two steps out on the water.
   "Why are you angry? It's not your choice, or your form," she said, leaning forward and looking at her. "I don't think I'm anyone. And if you like, I can make you think thesame."
   A quick wave of emotions and psionic energy zoomed through the air, directed at the fox woman. Joat could feel it, but not do anything to stop it, as it wrapped around the woman's mind, clouding her synapses and hiding her very own memories and feelings from her. Sathariel giggled.

   "I think she might be useful which is why I didn't... what the Hell?!" Stygian exclaimed, and stood straight up, looking out the windows. He then turned to the Boogeyman.
   "You. Please come with me. Now!" he said to him, and it was not a question.


Sylver sees this. He glows white and his body turns into nothingness, leaving only his soul. He charges at Sathariel.


"As you wish," Boogey skulked over and grinned his peculiar little grin, "Wotcha need, Styg?"


despite the motion and interaction of his body is is not really there. he has been wondering through the place and watching some of the interesting guest Stygian, Mel and Joat/silver  among them.
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


At Sylver's attack, Sathariel simply slid to the side, gliding swiftly over the surface of the water like a ghost in her silken clothing. She threw up a barrier of psionic energy, preparing to dodge and parry whatever the glowing form might throw at her, while trying to figure out what to do next. She wasn't sure just what Sylver was, but if she could make him forget why he was there, or even better disturb his form altogether...

   "I need you to back me up on this, and if it gets neccessary, I want you to take the girl and possess her. And kill her," Stygian said to the Boogeyman. "Seems that she can't behave herself after all..."
   He stood up, and walked out the doors, his eyes having gone from a dim, almost unnoticeable glow, to emerald fires.


Suddenly, to everyone’s surprise (including his own), he moves right through the shield as if it weren’t there. He attacks with his claws.


All traces of joviality vanishing, Boogey nodded and glided along behind Stygian.
"Got it. Anything I should know about her before going in? Particular psychosis', favorite color, convenient weak spot, anything you got."


*OOC: He can get hit by physical attacks, yet is unfazed by the psionic shield. Kinda the opposite of what would be expected.*


e sighed as he body retrieved a  can of glowing fluid and began to drink it. why  was it that fighting was inevitable for mortals? Even he was subject to battle fatigue not the he was fully mortal. as he watched the exchange his felt a little saddened
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


*OOC: I think Joat and Sylver would be able to truthfully tell you that they do not like fighting. At all. They only do it to in protection of others or themselves.*

Mel Dragonkitty

Having finished her snack Mel was wandering around the room, pretending to look at the ornaments while she debated which would snap her out of her mood faster, getting drunk or going for a flight. The flight would probably be better but the drink would be faster. One strong drink would have her under the table. But her pondering was disturbed by shouting from outside and the feel of a mental attack. She looked out the window and saw a commotion by the pond. Stygian and Boogey were already crossing the lawn. Mel thought to herself that it was more support for her theory that every time someone new showed up a fight broke out. She pushed open the large windows and a second later a little grey housecat was slinking through the bushes, trying to get close enough to see what was happening.
My, I'll bet you monsters lead interesting lives. I said to my girlfriend just the other day: "Gee, I'll bet monsters are interesting," I said. The places you must go and the things you must see. My stars! And I'll bet you meet a lot of interesting people, too. I'm always interested in meeting interesting people.


Whether the claw attack connects or not, I will begin to glow yellow immediately after the attack.


Sathariel moved faster and faster. Sylver's claws had glanced her side before she had time to slide away, and granted her some wounds, but fortunately they were only shallow. Since the thing obviously wouldn't get hurt by a mental attack, and she really didn't think she could get away with a physical one, that only left the option not to attack him. So she went for his friends instead. With a quick move she moved herself behind Joat, placing a hand on his neck. In but a moment he was frozen, completely unable to move.
   "Stop!" she shouted. And at the same time she reached out for the fox woman's mind, sealing it off and taking control of her body but not moving her, keeping her ready for any eventualities.

   Stygian looked sideways at the Boogeyman.
   "I don't know anything about her. I guess that will have to change." His face was grim, and shadows gathered around him. He hadn't really changed appearance, but it was as if there was something darkening to him, something that accentuated his hard streaks and made him seem threatening and fiendish. "Though I will say one thing; keep focused, whatever you do!"


“We’ll stop if you will. We have no reason to attack you other than to defend ourselves and Valencia. Stop attacking and we will not need to fight you,” I say.

“Yeah, you started it! Valencia may have yelled at you but what you did was entirely unnecessary!” Sylver yells to Sathariel.

Even though I am supposed to be paralysed, I drop onto my knees to the ground. “Ow! My headache is back!”


e was starting to get bothered but all the negative energy that was flying around. he check the area for balance but it was anything but balanced
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


*OOC: Actually, if he is able to detect it, there is a holy energy coming from Sylver.*


(even dark gods have holy energy. he he referring to the emotions  and actions that have been flying about. there is much more negative energy then positive energy even count you holy power as a positive on )

e groans and he approaches his body only to realizing that he has at least three other perspectives  merging back into himself. " when did i spread myself that thin" he asked out loud
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


*Sylver: Well, I think he was saying that there is a particularly large amount of holy energy coming from me. Why is he not telling you this himself, you ask? Well, he’s a bit busy…*

*OOC: OMIGOD! OMIGOD! OMIGOD! My new forums are up! And they look really really cool! Now I gotta do a whole bunch of administrator stuff like creating the forum boards and creating the styles and…*

*Sylver: Hey, Joat. You could try posting a link to it on your site’s home page, for starters.*


Karl: Ok everybody, calm down!

*is smacked in face by incoming object*

Karl: OK, who threw that?!
I'm a Skype User.
Skype Name: Karaius


“Not Sylver nor I. No reason to do so,” I say, “You okay?”

*OOC: Okay. My forums are all up. Now what do I do?*

*Sylver: You should probably go to sleep. It’s past midnight.*

*OOC: I’m not… *Yawn* …tired yet, Sylver.*

*Sylver: Joat. You’ve had a big day and you have a bigger day ahead of you. Go to sleep.*

*OOC: *Sigh* Very well, then.*


Boogey nodded once and then reached out with a tendril of thought to investigate the girl and her handywork. It wasn't so much her he was poking at as the area around her, examining the results of what she had done so as to not attract too much notice.