A grown man cry

Started by Brunhidden, August 15, 2008, 03:32:03 PM

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yesterday morning, on my way home from work, something happened

but it started before then, and got complex

in february i got a speeding ticket while going down a hill- the cop claiming i moved from a 35 to a 25 while doing 40, thus making it 15 over the limit. this is a lie, but i could not contest- i was actually moving from a 25 to a 35 while doing 30, but appearantly you cant tell a cop he is wrong. so i got a fine and a ticket, which i was okay with as the fine is mild and i set it up to pay over time.

in june a cop claimed i did a 'rolling stop', that i was at a full stop for less then 3 seconds while checking to see if cars were coming. this is a crock, has no proof even if it was true, and quite a few people i have talked to claim there was no stop sign at that intersection. however, once again, theres no way for me to prove it either and thus of course the cop will be believed over me. i got another fine, to the exorbitant amount of 160 bucks. i could not contest the fine, and was sent a letter a few days after the court date stating that at the time of the court date i had ZERO days to pay the fine, not having 160 dollars and a time machine i said 'screw it' and would pay when i had the full amount.

for not having the money on my person four days before i was told the dedline had already passed-i had my license suspended

however i have to drive to work. as the sole income (and pitiful income at that) of a family of soon to be 4 i NEED to work, and the complete lack of public transportation or a practical taxi service prevents me from getting there other then with my car. lately the wife has become extremely pregnant, had multiple medical problems, and has been on bed rest for a while so i cant ask her to drive me either.

which brings us to yesterday, thursday, morning. while coming to a stop at a stoplight my foot slipped off the break and my car rolled forward at about walking speed, denting the license plate of the car in front of me.

seriously, that was the only damage was license plate dent.

however the 16 year old driving the car insisted on calling his mom, having no clue what to do. i had said "i will give you my phone number, if there is a problem or you need insurance information let me know and i will give you any information you need" and actually bent his license plate flat while waiting for his mom.

then his mom came, and had aperantly thought that this was a serious accident, i dont know what he had told her but it seems she thought there would be blood and shards of glass everywhere because she had already called the cops.

and then the cop came, wondered why he was called, and asked if either of us had physical injuries because there sure as hell was no car damage.

anyways, because he was required to see our licenses to write out the "less then 100 dollars worth of damage, do not report to insurance" report, he saw mine was suspended. he then took my license, told me to lock my car, and suggested i walk home.

half the rest of the day was spent with my wife who should be on bedrest driving between the DMV, the police office, the county courthouse, and the city courthouse- EACH of which told us to go ask the other. i did not get much sleep that evening before the wife had to sacrifice her own sleep to drive me and eowyn a half hour out to my job. she is not a happy preggy.

then we finally found out that the charge, which was NOT told to me or issued by the cop, had finally been decided to be "knowingly operating a motor vehicle while suspended and causing property damage" for the whopping fine of $1306.

if i ever see that sniveling little twat i shall kick him in the nards. seriously, what would calling the cops have accomplished? there was no damage, there was no criminal to track down, he admitted there was no real problem, but for some reason he and his mother were compelled to call the cops. i wish to call him and ask him if he is happy, and listen to him complain that he did not know that it goes on his record as well, which he did not need after having his license only two months or less.

so, here is the scenerio.

i owe roughly $1500, which i cannot pay

i need my car to go to work, which will pay off that after about a year of scrimping and saving

i cant get to work due to the suspended license

i COULD get a occupational license, which cant be taken away and has only lgiht fines

but i cant, they dont give those to people with unpaid fines, yet they only give them to people with suspended licenses, which begs the question of how you get one.

so, we have contacted the district attorney, to re-open the rolling stop case because OH-HO! the letter saying we had zero days to pay was a lie, we actually had at least two weeks but were not informed. this is doubly irritating because when we had gotten the letter we called to ask if there was something we could do and told 'no', and it seems no branch of the courthouse wants to own up to saying that as it was a boldfaced lie.

so, if the rolling stop fine is overturned my license was never suspended in the first place, thus i could not have knowingly operated with a suspended license nor caused damage while doing so

i have no clue if this will work, if not i will need a butload of money i don't have, and cant earn.

the possibility is that i may not be talkative much then, whether because a lack of income will shut down my electricity or internet, jail, severe depression, not nice side effects of severe depression, or working two jobs with a carpool plus selling my plasma (someone has already agreed to take me to a plasma center to get stabbed for money yet again) or some other reason

so why the title? because when i had walked home after the cop took my license i saw an empty tissue box on the floor that reminded me of how bad the wife is doing and all our other griefs.

i curled up in the fetal position hugging the empty box and whimpered, tears rolling down my face

man, i am pathetic
Some will fall in love with life,
and drink it from a fountain;
that is pouring like an avalanche,
coming down the mountain.


That is a rather pissy day for you and Thora, I do wish and hope things look up for you soon and if I see that dweeb, I will personally kick his ass and nads to the moon


You are not pathetic. You are going through an incredibly stressful time and series of events, and so far you seem to be holding together. I wish I had some helpful advice to give you, but all I can say is good luck and I really really hope everything works out all right for you.

Damn, that all just totally and completely sucks, though.
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as some one who was in a similer situation license wise (and still am)  It won't work completely as you hope.  your fines will mostlikely be reduced but you will still have some and there is probably a 30day automatic suspension that will be applied



I agree with everyone else. You're not pathetic, Brun. To be honest, if I was in your position, I would have done the exact same thing. So I don't blame you one bit. :/

I'm sorry to hear this is happening to you, dude, and I hope everything works out for you.

Also, I echo Zedd's sentiments about the general anger and dismay directed toward the sniveling little shit. If bludgeoning does not happen, I at least hope karma does.

~Keaton the Black Jackal


Man, that stinks. :<

I hope it turns out well in the end.
*hugs* :hug

Hang on there, Brunhidden!

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Hmm.... it seems like you have every reason to cry to me.


That is awful.  I can only hope it works out somehow.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


-huggles the Brun- I really do hope it works out as well as it can in your favor.
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With what you're going through, you deserve a good cry. I hope things get a lot better really fast for you. *hug*



Even this too shall pass. From what I've seen of you on the forum, you are a responsible father, a good husband, and are willing to do hard things to take care of your family. If anyone can make it through this, I'd be putting my money on you, sir.

I'm sorry to hear of your troubles. There are few less deserving of this bad turn than you.


Dude I'm on the verge of tears just from reading this. You have earned your tears my friend. I will pray for you and Thora.


Best to cry and get it out.  Makes it easier to face it once you've done as much.. even if only a little.  Anyway, I hope this all works out and things get better.   :hug


That's some of the most awful shit I've ever heard. And even more pitiful is that so much blame lies with the 'public servants'.

You did the right thing in bringing in a lawyer though. Don't settle for anything less then full compensation. That's why you have the judicial system you have in the States. And at the slightest hint of an opening to get in a fine or to be able to leech more, take it. You deserve it.