Thrill of the Chase RP MA15+ (Language adult themes horror) IC (closed)

Started by Paladin Sheppard, August 09, 2008, 11:06:42 PM

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Paladin Sheppard

Lucien and Pandora

Leaving Rick's Bar and Grill, The pair headed back to Edge where Pandora picked up a kit to modify her M14, plus a scope kit, a Guardian 2 pistol, an upgraded tool kit and a Medium lvl 1 EVA suit.


After leaving Edge Rekk wandered towards the docking bays, but unusually for him not paying much attention to his surroundings and missing the beefed up Marine and Colonial Marshal patrols and checkpoints.


After poking around in the Thrill's medbay, Theo headed down to Rocky's just as Johnny and Celine had entered the firing range. After dealing with Rocky's sales assistant and asking Will (through a PDA text message) what he should get, he settled on a M12 pistol (which he doubted he'd ever need.) and a light lvl 1 EVA suit. He was headed back before the other two exited the range.

Celine and Johnny

Johnny told Rocky that he'd carry his purchases back, and after accepting a loadlifter drone, started heading back to the ship.

While Celine bought the Hawk and Casul with Sandy, and waited while Johnny finished.

Kevin and Ephrael

At the lift Ephrael hit the button to open the doors and slipped inside, but Kevin wasn't far behind her, and made it inside before she could hit the close button. "Heh you're pretty fast on ya feet Kev, but I still won." She said grinning.

Captain Conner

After leaving Edge and replying to a message from Theo, Will decided grab a snack and eat by one of the vast windows looking out into the blackness.


Taskforce 21: UNSF Warlock

The Commander in charge of the Tactical section was conferring with his team trying to pinpoint the source of the jamming and their nationality of the ships emitting it, when four of the ships near the station seemed to break up on his holo screen. "What the hell..." He muttered and was about to inform the Admiral and Captain, but stopped after he realized the ships weren't breaking up....they were blasting false superstructure away. Instead of four bulk freighters, they were now troopships, and no sooner had the false panels floated clear, boarding torpedoes shot out and towards the station.


Delphi Station

All this unfolded right in front of Captain Conner, who while sitting at the view port was the first to spot the Torpedoes and one of the first to react. Jumping to his feet and grabbing his rifle case he span around and in the command voice he learned from the Navy bellowed for everyone to get clear. As luck would have it everyone (bar those on the ship) on the crew of the Thrill was in the area.

No sooner had the people in that section of the station taken cover when the first of the Boarding Torpedoes slammed home, there was a moment fear as the howling of the vacuum space cut though, but that was silenced as the station's auto repair functions sealed the breach, but not around the end of the Torpedoes. Everyone looked up for a second, but were driven back down again as weapon ports on the noses of the Torps opened up targeting anything that moved. And in the middle of that mass of firepower the tip opened up and Kalmethi Storm Troopers poured out....


Responding to Pandora, Lucien replied, "I hope not, but i've got this feeling... i dunno, just too many things aren't adding up..."

After finishing up some shopping with his new friend Lucien was about to ask pandora some other questions... except someone had shouted for everyone to get down in a authoritative and militaristic tone, interrupting his train of thought.  Almost immediately, he grabbed Pandora by the arm, and shoved her down below a garden display in the atrium where they were walking.  It was a rougher move than he'd intended, but at the very least he knew she was temporarily safe...  In a continuation of the same motion, he crouched down on 1 knee and flatted his back against the same planter.

As the boarding craft slammed into the station Lucien said "what the fu..." but was cut off as the hissing sound of air cut off his words.  As soon as it stopped, he whispered a faint "oh... shit" as drew his pistol, chambered a round and flipped the safety off. Crouch walking below the planter, he edged up to the corner and took a peek.  He spotted a handful of creatures pouring out of the small craft.  With practiced ease and years of training, he steadied his breathing, then lined the sights up with a creature's head, and let off 3 rounds in quick succession before whipping back into cover.

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->



Kevin did he best to hide his heavy breathing.

"Heh, ya you won.  But I was still in the running!"

With about everyone else away from the ship it seemed like he was hitting it off with this cute Taz lady.  He looked forward to a nice quite cup of coffee with her.
The All Purpose Fox


Wrek made his way toward the docking bay, rolling the kinks out of his shoulders. There'd been some traffic blockage on the way, he hadn't bothered with the details. Lots of folks panicking. He shrugged and caressed Lostriin's hilt absent mindedly. Some people put off panic with prayer, back home. He didn't do much panicking these days. He had Lostriin and that served him just fine. Some people put faith in gods, but he'd found gods to be appallingly unreliable. A firearm, however, did EXACTLY what it was built to do. Once he finally had one that worked how he wanted, he'd never had to panic again, and that was more than he could say for those who tried to do the same with religion.
Reaching his destination, he noticed some of his new shipmates across from him. He raised one hand in greeting, started making his way over...
And then, in a phrase he'd learned from a friend of his from a neon-based atmosphere, everything went <keening noise that, literally translated, means "both testicles flying in opposite directions">.
The woosh of escaping oxygen briefly lifted the walker off his feet, causing him to briefly encounter the rare experience of being flipped over. After a flailing attempt at righting himself he saw the boarding ship crash through the station's hull, unleashing troops.
Rekk moved as fast as he could to take cover behind a bench, whipping Lostriin out of her holster and giving her an affectionate nuzzle before lining up a shot on the opening ship door.
These days, he never panicked.

llearch n'n'daCorna

At Captain William's stentorian call of "Boarders inbound! Get to cover!", Johnny stopped dead. His arms shot out, and without looking, one grabbing Celine's gun case off the top of the stack of packages on the drone, the other grabbed the front of her outfit. He then threw himself - and, perforce, her as well - to one side, behind a planter, and rolled over once, ending up with her and her gun together. "Er, excuse me." He let go of her chest, and went on. "Load that, and watch for boarders." Turning away from her, careful to keep below the level of the planter, he grounded the drone, and pulled out his suit.

He struggled into it, without getting above the level of the planter, then cracked his two gun cases open, loaded both of the weapons, packed the two spare clips in the pockets on the suit, and attached the pistol, safety on, to the suit. He then closed both cases, and returned them to the drone. Fishing out his PDA, he zipped through various menus and tapped briefly away. Flipping it away, he grinned across at Celine. "We used to do this back at the Academy, only we'd usually be on the things."

With that cryptic comment, he rolled over, grabbed the rifle, checked the safety, and glanced briefly past the planter to see if anyone was looking in their direction, and to see if he could spot anyone else on the crew, what the boarders were doing, and what the Marines were up to. The big spidery guy had gone to ground nearby already, so at least he was safe for the moment. With any luck, they could get out of there and let the Marines handle it...
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears

Mel Dragonkitty

Celine was busy deleting yet another message from Captain Dante off her PDA when the alarm startled her. Before she could react Johnny did, grabbing her and flinging her behind cover. As she loaded her larger gun, she reflected that males had an uncanny accuracy in finding handholds. "Can you tell what's happening?"
My, I'll bet you monsters lead interesting lives. I said to my girlfriend just the other day: "Gee, I'll bet monsters are interesting," I said. The places you must go and the things you must see. My stars! And I'll bet you meet a lot of interesting people, too. I'm always interested in meeting interesting people.


While Johnny was occupied arming and suiting up with astounding skill - or at least, what seemed to be astounding skill to Theo - and getting Ceiline out of danger, Theo had managed to find a hiding spot around a corner, the other direction from the sudden boarding party.
He was currently gasping on the floor, eyes wide. A feeling of coldness in his left hand made him look down. He'd apparently drawn the pistol he'd bought with the captain's money, although he didn't remember when. His hand tightened around it. Despite his utter lack of training with such weapons, and the ridiculousness of the thought of him actually being able to fight, he seemed to draw some strength from the firearm's presence. He smiled, a small grin.

He took in his surroundings, and scooting forward, looking behind him. Something had been digging into his back - the metal louvers of an AC vent, it appeared. He fumbled in his pocket for a coin - a instinct from his planetside days. Small metal objects were generally frowned upon in space.
He looked at the gun in his hands.

Obviously not thinking clearly at all, two shots rang out through the hallway. Theo grabbed the now-loose top end of the vent and bent downward, and sliding the gun in before him shimmied belly-first into the ventilation system.


Quote from: Basilisk2150 on June 01, 2009, 11:26:31 AM
Responding to Pandora, Lucien replied, "I hope not, but i've got this feeling... i dunno, just too many things aren't adding up..."

After finishing up some shopping with his new friend Lucien was about to ask pandora some other questions... except someone had shouted for everyone to get down in a authoritative and militaristic tone, interrupting his train of thought.  Almost immediately, he grabbed Pandora by the arm, and shoved her down below a garden display in the atrium where they were walking.  It was a rougher move than he'd intended, but at the very least he knew she was temporarily safe...  In a continuation of the same motion, he crouched down on 1 knee and flatted his back against the same planter.

As the boarding craft slammed into the station Lucien said "what the fu..." but was cut off as the hissing sound of air cut off his words.  As soon as it stopped, he whispered a faint "oh... shit" as drew his pistol, chambered a round and flipped the safety off. Crouch walking below the planter, he edged up to the corner and took a peek.  He spotted a handful of creatures pouring out of the small craft.  With practiced ease and years of training, he steadied his breathing, then lined the sights up with a creature's head, and let off 3 rounds in quick succession before whipping back into cover.

Pandora apprehensively watched Lucien, not contributing with any input. At the moment, she was extremely tense and more than a little nervous - after Lucien described the anxious ambiance of their surroundings, she became almost subconsciously paranoid. Entering a conflict was not something Pandora was hoping for - she was skilled with a firearm, yes, but how would she fare against alien forces? Fortunately, her rifle came pre-assembled, with all of its enhancements attached. There was no ammunition, but Pandora had purchased some along with the weapon itself.

Before she could actually load the gun, however, Lucien flung himself on her. A quick "wha' th' fuck--?!" was all that she managed to elicit before the impact against the floor - uncomprehending, dizzy, disoriented, Pandora flailed and struggled to get up, not immediately understanding the dangerous situation. Only when Lucien climbed off of her and fluidly switched to a more offensive posture did Pandora realize the extent of the crisis.

Fuck. Fuck. Pandora's thoughts were buzzing with curses as she quickly pressed herself against her makeshift barricade, her teeth clenched and her face taut with fear. Almost instantly, she fumbled for the ammunition she had bought, trying to remove the cartridge from the container. All she needed was Lucien to keep their assailants busy, so she could focus on loading her new weapon and participate in the fight. She was horrified, yes, but she wasn't useless.

Paladin Sheppard

Thrill of the Chase

As the lift rose to B Deck, Ephrael reached over and grabbed the front of Kevin's top, before yanking him over and smothering his mouth with hers. "Screw the coffee I think you're coming to my bunk..." She said breaking off the kiss.

Before Kevin could reply Nova interrupted over the intercom. "Eph the station's under attack! You better get to the bridge..."

"Oh Crap! Nova warm up the engines...Where is the Captain and the rest of the crew?" Ephrael said as the doors opened and she sprinted to the bridge of the Thrill.

"They are still on the station...One moment...They are pinned down in the east atrium, there are boarders inside already!"

Delphi Station

As the Kalmethi swarmed out of the torpedoes the UNSF Marines returned fire, and the better equipment and training of the Marines showed. Scores of the attackers went down, but soon the gunners controlling the turrets on the torpedoes were pinning the Marines down again.

Celine and Johnny

Just as Johnny was suited up and Celine had loaded her Casul, ready to lose a few rounds a Kalmethi trooper came running past the planter box they were behind. As he saw them he skidded to a stop and raised the rifle he was carrying...

Pandora and Lucien

Lucien's shots smacked into the shield of one of the leading Kalmethi, they didn't penetrate but the kinetic force added to the trooper's foot sliding on a bit of rubble, sent him falling backwards, and eye to eye with Captain Conner....

Pandora finally managed to load several mags of 7.62x51mm ammo for the  M14 and slipped one into the rifle.


Crawling into the darkness Theo could hear the gunfire and screams behind him. Reaching a junction he found a map that suggested going up would get him to the Thrill the quickest.


Rekk's first large caliber round smacked into the chest of another of the Kalmethi...and right though his armor and shields...But before he could fire again his position came under heavy counter fire.

Captain Conner

Staring the Kalmethi trooper that Lucien had shot in the eye, Will pulled the trigger on the brand new rifle he had picked up. The H&K M102 railgun worked as advertised and a quintuple of slugs slammed through the shields and armor of the alien like a hot knife through butter.

Opening a comm line to the Thrill "Ephrael I hope to God you're warming up those engines...Cause we REALLY need to leave..."


Lucien peeked back out to watch his target fall with a feeling of satisfaction thinking he'd dropped a round straight through the Kalmethi's brain... that was until it started squirming around on the ground... though the squirming was ended quite quickly as the captain put several rail-slugs through the creature.

Seeing that his first target was unquestionably dead, he took a second to check on Pandora, he said with a bit of a crooked smile "Sorry about shoving you down like that... it was a lot harder than i intended, and i really hope your ok... there's a swarm of these things out there, so be careful, and when you shoot, don't expose yourself for too long, they've got some pretty nasty looking weapons..." The wolf took a second to ready himself, "looks like your good to go for now, we can probably take one down if we work together, look for the one that jerks as i shoot and, and try to finish it off... i don't think i've got the power to punch through their armor..."  he paused, and took a quick peek to try and spot  his next target... it wasn't hard to spot them, as the things were still pouring out of the breach in the wall.

The wolf picked his target as one of the closer aliens who's attention seemed focused on the station marines.  Lucien emptied the rest of the 12 rounds left in the magazine at the creature.  He aimed at about center mass of the breast bone (on a human) and let the recoil of rapidly fired shots raise the muzzle, finishing the magazine around the thing's forhead.  As the last round left the chamber, Lucien quickly ducked back behind cover and began fishing for a new mag.

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->

llearch n'n'daCorna

Just as he'd raised his head to peer through the plants at the carnage, a trooper appeared on their side of the planter. "Shit!" He could fire over Celine's head, but given his previously demonstrated accuracy, that was a sucker bet. No, there was only one thing to do.

Johnny spun on the spot, reaching out to grab Celine with one hand and bringing the Hawk SMG around with the other. He snapped Celine back, clearing his field of fire, and poking the Hawk past her, one-handed, he pulled the trigger back, and held it, holding the burst of fire on the intruder as best as he could.

Heck, given the way it was going, they'd be lucky if _any_ of them survived...
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears

Mel Dragonkitty

Celine had just finished loading the Casul and was reaching for the Hawk when she spotted the trooper. She was swinging the gun up when Johnny tugged her backwards and out of the way of his shots. Her ear rang a bit from the proximity but she managed to line up her own shots and take them.
My, I'll bet you monsters lead interesting lives. I said to my girlfriend just the other day: "Gee, I'll bet monsters are interesting," I said. The places you must go and the things you must see. My stars! And I'll bet you meet a lot of interesting people, too. I'm always interested in meeting interesting people.


Kevin was a little pissed.  Just his luck too, though now he wished for Eph even more then before~

He followed her to the bridge, where she won the race again.  After Nova mentioned the situation he patted Eph on the shoulder, "I'm going to get my gun, let me know if you think up a plan for getting them out of there."

He kisses her on the lips quickly before turning to head to the armory.
The All Purpose Fox


Bits of Rekk's mind crowed as his shot found the mark, bringing down one soldier immediately.
Ah-ha! Brilliant! They-
Oh, right, they fire back.

Rekk ducked behind the bench, bringing up his durable armored legs as an additional layer of shielding between him and their gunfire. He looked around for other cover to break for- they didn't exactly make park benches to last through this.


 Theo coughed and paused to wipe the dust out of his eyes. He'd thought the breeze to be refreshing at first, but its constant blowing of dust and dirt into his eyes was moving beyond annoying and getting to disabling. He took off his glasses and wiped his eyes on his sleeve. He could feel grit digging into his wrists and the corners of his eyes.

He saw a light up ahead, peering over the edge of the sharp incline before him. He crawled towards it, attempting to keep his glasses out of the dirt and his eyes out of the wind. He felt a grate beneath his hands fairly soon, and to his surprise a map to his left, lit by the vent's light.
He sighed.

It appeared he needed to go up. He looked up, and saw very clearly the route that he needed to take. Sheer metal walls, with screw ends every now and again to cut his hands.
He sighed.

He put the gun between his teeth and rubbed his hands together, trying to get some friction going, and then with much rumbling and banging got himself upright, and then attempted to scale the sheer walls with only friction. He promptly fell on his ass, and began spluttering on dust again. He coughed and spat, and stood, patting the dust off his clothing futilely, and stared at the clearly impossible climb. He looked at the gun, and made a sour face.
"Useless. I can't shoot my way up." he paused, and poked the ducting with one hand. The thin metal bent easily under his index finger. He hit it with his fist. The metal deformed. He grinned.

"When all you have is a hammer..." he said, putting the gun between his teeth. "Mph mrphph mrphh."
He managed to get himself just barely into the shaft, arms shaking, and then delivered a savage kick into the duct wall. His shoe continued through, making a nice hole. He grinned, and made another hole with his other foot. He used his arms to push himself level, and then began to climb, kicking holes in the vents to use as steps the whole way.


The magazines were finally locked into the rifle, and Pandora quickly assessed the impressive-looking, enhanced firearm, admiring its various improvements and newly-added mechanical features, before shifting to an unclaimed spot protected by a barricade. Aiming for the nearest figure, her gaze narrowed and her finger tightened on the trigger, releasing a spray of bullets. Much to her surprise, the gun operated no differently from a non-enhanced antiquated rifle - it was still her baby. A wide, wicked grin split her face.

Paladin Sheppard

Thrill of the Chase

As Kevin was leaving the bridge Ephrael called out "Get suited up as well! Get down to the main hatch and keep watch for the others or anyone trying to get in!"

Delphi Station

As much as the weapons and training of the UNSF Marines was was far better than that of the Kalmethi, the turrets on the torpedoes and the numbers of storm troopers was telling, slowly the Marines and civilians were beginning to be pushed back,

Celine and Johnny

Elf and Weaver's fire was combined with that of a Marine tri-barreled Railgun to turn the Kalmethi into messy orange chunks...Most of which sprayed over Celine but some how missed Johnny...

As soon as the trooper went down however it seemed that other patrons of the station were falling back past them towards one the airlocks leading to the surrounding airlocks.

As one group of civilians made it to the lock leading towards the docks they were pulped in an explosion, from weapon fire coming out of the airlock!

Pandora and Lucien

As Pandora opened up with her M14 she had picked up a target who's shields had already been beaten down by another shooter. The 7.62x51mm rounds plowed through the Kalmethi almost chopping him in half.

Lucien however, was again stuck with the problem of handgun verses shields at long range. Although they did no real damage his round made the Storm Trooper take cover.

Just as he was loading his last clip Captain Conner came sliding along the ground past him and quickly crawled behind cover.

"Howdy folks, Thanks for the cover."

Two Marines followed him taking cover with the trio. As one took up a firing position the other seemed to be a officer or NCO, and he began to speak quickly to someone over a radio link. "Golf six, Golf four. These crazy bastards have brought Battle Armor on board...I don't know how they packed em into the torps but there are two at the bravo airlock leading to the docks..."


Theo's journey through the vent was wile dusty far easier than trying the battlefield below, however as he was about half way towards the docks the section behind him was riddled with weapons fire. There was a creak and a groan and then the mounts holding the section of vent he was in started to give way, as it tilted down he could see the horrendous amount of tracers and other projectiles ripping both ways.


Spotting the Captain making a break for it towards some of the other members of the crew, Rekk also took off, he was about half way to them when a Kalmethi came round the other side of a pillar, they collided sprawling to the deck.


Rekk had finally managed to plot out a safe route through the park to the others when the captain barreled through. Abruptly he changed plans; catch up with the captain, keep fire off his back while they make it through. Yeah. That wont get him killed. Totally. Lumbering after the man as fast as his eight legs could carry him he couldn't swerve in time to avoid an enemy combatant who, all things considered, looked about as surprised as Rekk was. They both had apparantly gone for cover behind the same column.
"Oough..." Rekk picked himself up and winced at the Kalmethi almost appologetically, "Damn, boy, bu'if yew di'in' jess make th'wors'move a' y'rprofessional c'reer..." One fist the approximate shape of a sledgehammer and size of a honeydew melon flew in the perfect arc of a left hook, and the Walker moved on. He had things to do.


Kevin nods and rushes off to the armory, retrieving his gun and his suit.  He then makes his way to the main hatch to see... well what ever may be there.
The All Purpose Fox


Lucien nodded as the captain slid over and took cover, giving a brief "sir" as he looked over and gave his thanks.  His attention then switched to pandora, "Um, do you think i could borrow a mag or 2 for your pistol, i'm almost out."  

Keeping his head down, the wolf  overheard the talk of battle-armor, this sudden turn of events worried him as he knew he had virtually nothing capable of fighting that type of protection...  He took a few moments to breath, then peeked back out to observe the carnage.  Quickly darting back into cover after his little look.

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->


 Theo's eyes widened. He scrabbled against the smooth metal for a moment, and then started to slide increasingly fast down the tube of bullet-riddled death. He closed his eyes tight.
"Jesus Christ I'm going to die-"


The bottom of the duct section hit the floor, and like a bowling ball rolled down a children's slide Theo slid out and then skidded on the hard floor, knocking the wind out of himself and slamming into a wall. He goggled at the ceiling.
Then he sneezed.

Mel Dragonkitty

Celine felt the hot splatter of blood and chunkier bits spraying over her. She spit, wiped her eyes, and spit again. It wasn't the worst thing she'd ever been drenched in but it definitely made the top five. "Argh!" Shaking off some of the larger bits she picked up the alien's gun, then discarded it as unusable. "Johnny, can you see a way out of here?" She picked up the bag that had fallen from the corpse. If the guy's mom had made him pack his hankie that morning she could wipe some of the orange goo off. But the contents were better than a hankie, it contained grenades. She smiled in an almost frightening way, "Heh. This almost makes up for the shower, you bastard." She handed her companion one of her treasures. "Think we can parlay these into an escape?"
My, I'll bet you monsters lead interesting lives. I said to my girlfriend just the other day: "Gee, I'll bet monsters are interesting," I said. The places you must go and the things you must see. My stars! And I'll bet you meet a lot of interesting people, too. I'm always interested in meeting interesting people.

llearch n'n'daCorna

Johnny took the grenade, turned it over in his hand, looked at it, and handed it back. "I dunno, but the marines might have some ideas - depends on what's on the other side of that 'lock. Hang 5, and watch my back; I'm gonna see if I can get in touch with the Captain."

He kept his eyes on the closest point to the airlock from which the fire had come, and called up the comms program, making a call to Nova on the Thrill. "Nova! We've got incoming fire from the airlock to the docks, and we're pinned down from behind by a torp full of boarders. Can you get me in touch with Rekk, and the captain, quickly and silently? We need to take out those turrets ASAP, and those two are about the only people here with the firepower to do so... You probably want to watch your locks, too, you may have boarders inbound."

He paused, waiting for a response, and glanced over at Celine. "How many of those little toys have we got? I'm pretty light on ammo, here..."
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


The rifle's handiwork was quite satisfactory; Pandora was far from sadistic, but she couldn't help but feel a swelling sense of accomplishment balloon within her chest after watching her victim's bisected form crumple to the ground. Part of her was surprised - she never had the opportunity to use her vast collection of antiquated firearms on anything organic unless she was hunting for food; otherwise, the closest to a rampage she had ever come was destroying some porcelain dishes scavenged from the junkyard for target practice. Only, instead of chips of tarnished white and faded floral patterning, there was splintered bone and splattered blood. Regardless of any pang of sympathy or her often-abused conscience, Pandora readied her rifle for the next creature after withdrawing. When Lucien requested - quite urgently - more ammunition; Pandora immediately tossed him an emergency magazine.

Captain Connor's appearance nearly made Pandora's heart explode in her chest. She had to minimize the sound of surprise that squeaked in the back of her throat, replacing her look of astonishment with an accusatory glare. "Maggie CHRIST, don' do tha' t'me, Captain," she growled, clutching her rifle with pallid, cadaverous fingers, like the firearm had to be wrenched from her cold, dead hands. "What are these things?!"

Paladin Sheppard

Thrill of the Chase

As Kevin waited by the Thrill's main hatch he could hear a rather large firefight somewhere in the docks area, It wasn't in view but it did seem to be getting closer judging by the stream of other civilians running past bay 25. Then the stream stopped and the stations Marines came past in a bounding overwatch retreat. One of them with the rank of Corporal on his armor ran up to Kevin. "You better get this bird out of here, we've got some Kalmethi Battle Armor heading this way and we don't have the weapons to deal with em yet." With that he ran off to rejoin his squad.

Celine and Johnny

"Nova here." the AI said over the suits comms system. "Thanks for the warning, they seem to have taken out most of the camera's I can link into in the docks." There was a pause then William spoke. "Good to hear you still breathing Mr Weaver, Nova says you wanted me? Rekk is online too."

Lucien, Pandora, Captain Conner

"Those things would be Kalmethi, Slave empire with a bit of a quirk...They usually eat about 25% of the people they grab...And I'm not just talking humans either, they have some weird stomach system that allows them to eat just about anything..." He Paused to pop up and chop two Kalmethi down as they tried to get close enough to flank the trio and the Marines. Ducking back he held a hand to his earbud. "I'm here Nova, what do you need? Right. Good to hear you still breathing Mr Weaver, Nova says you wanted me? Rekk is online too."


Theo managed to land against a support pillar that at the moment blocked him from the Kalmethi. From here he lay he could see Celine and Johnny on one side and the rest of the crew on the other.


The Kalmethi trooper's head practically exploded as Rekk's fist pulped it against the floor. Standing back up he sprinted further back towards the way the Captain had gone finding cover with a Marine not ten meters away from Lucien, Pandora and Will. As he hunkered down his PDA beeped with an incoming message from Nova. "Rekk, Johnny wants to link with you and the Captain, connecting now..."


Lucien leaned back against the planter, he'd had some experience with 2nd and 3rd hand battle-armor.  Nasty stuff for infantry to go against. He looked at the captain, then Pandora, and knew they didn't have anything close to capable of dealing with something, even if it was 100+ years outdated.  He paused and asked Will, "if we've got battle-armor between us and the thrill, there's not much we can do but get slaughtered.  Is there another route? or can the Thrill dock somewhere else?"  

The wolf was concerned, but refused to give in to panic.  He kept himself in check, and flipped the safety on his pistol to on.  It wouldn't do much good unless someone could get the hostile's shields down, and unless they were using some type of experimental ion weapon, whatever brought the shields down probably had a better chance for a kill then the rather diminutive 10mm slugs he was throwing away like candy.

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->


Thrill of the Chase

Kevin waved to the Marine, "Thanks for the info..."

When the Corporal left (which was very quick) Kevin turned around to a comm unit, "Eph, this is Kevin, a Marine just advised me that there is Kalmethi Battle Armor on the way to make our lives miserable."
The All Purpose Fox

Mel Dragonkitty

Celine counted the grenades in the bag, "We have four grenades." She eyed the ammo from the discarded gun and wondered if they could do anything creative with it. She decided they didn't have time to play mad scientist and wiped another handful of orange glop off herself. That crap ought to be a weapon. "I'm still doing pretty good on ammo if you can see a useful spot to apply it." Some days working with all these overtall people with their oversized furnishings was more of a pain than other days. She really had very little view of what was going on.
My, I'll bet you monsters lead interesting lives. I said to my girlfriend just the other day: "Gee, I'll bet monsters are interesting," I said. The places you must go and the things you must see. My stars! And I'll bet you meet a lot of interesting people, too. I'm always interested in meeting interesting people.

llearch n'n'daCorna

Johnny nodded to Celine. "Thanks." He then reported to the Captain. "We've got four grenades here. I'm light on ammo, Celine is ok. The Kalmethi have something nasty through the door ahead, just shredded a group of civilians." Off to his right, Theo tumbled to a halt behind a pillar. "Oh, and our doctor just appeared off to port." He glanced that way, checking to see if Theo was ok, and if there was anything else coming that way. "Other than that, we're good, if slightly pinned down. Reckon you and Rekk could deal to those turrets?"

He paused, briefly. "Oh, and we have a drone here; I was going to flip it through the hatch, see what fire it drew, but I'll hold it, if you or the troops have a better idea?"

Johnny tapped Celine on the shoulder, and indicated Theo's position - pausing briefly to shake some of the orange goo off his glove - as he commented "Not a good spot for him. I'll watch where he goes."

He glanced briefly over the planter they were huddled behind, checking for incoming Kalmethi or fire; but held his fire for the moment, both due to lack of useful targets, and lack of ammo to shoot with. Hopefully that meant he wouldn't attract too much attention...

  Upon correction from Paladin, I've edited starboard => port.
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"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Rekk winced as more fire peppered the overturned vending machine he'd hidden behind, right as his PDA beeped. It never failed. The damn thing only ever rang when he was in the tub, eating dinner, talking to a beautiful woman, or getting shot at. One day he'd find out whose idea this invention was and beat them until they didn't grow anymore. He reached into his pocket, cursed to himself, wiped the gore of his hand and reached into the pocket again, wiping a gob of something off his PDA screen and holding it up to his ear.
"Ai'ght, patch 'im through."