Thrill of the Chase RP MA15+ (Language adult themes horror) IC (closed)

Started by Paladin Sheppard, August 09, 2008, 11:06:42 PM

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Theo's eyes snapped open, and he let out a scream - strangely out of place, like one who'se found a scorpion in his spaghetti rather than a man whose found himself on the wrong side of cover while pirates are attacking.

With impressive grace, the raccoon launched himself over the makeshift barriers that Johnny and Celine had constructed, and landed catlike on his feet on the other side. And promptly found himself off-balance and fell on his face, the gun in his hand going off and blowing a hole in the wall directly to his left.


By the time the good captain finished his - albeit hurried - description of their assailants, Pandora was caught between a strange mixture of incredulity and mortification. Slavers? What the hell did they want with this ship? Just then, it occurred to her that the slavers were, in all likelihood, besieging the ship for the purpose of capturing new "merchandise." The idea of human beings (or similarly sentient organisms) being sold as a commodity made Pandora feel rather ill, apprehensive - especially since she contemplated the fact they possibly wished to condemn her to an identical fate of imprisonment and servitude. It was no surprise that, with this obsessive rumination, Pandora was feeling quite repulsed by some of the outlaws that crawled around the darker regions of the galaxy.

Conner started communicating with someone over his earpiece, much to Pandora's dismay. Gritting her teeth together and gripping her gun like her life depended on its protection, she wormed closer to the barricade guarding her from enemy gunfire and cursed, violently, as she heard another shot resonate. Just then, she realized that the overall, painfully conspicuous pink color scheme of her clothes and hair made her a delightfully vulnerable target. That meant she had no choice but to use aggression, unless her companion and superior, respectively, had any objections or other strategies in mind. Reaching up and seizing her goggles, Pandora drew them over her eyes, affixing the protective lenses as she spoke.

"What? What's 'e sayin'?" Pandora hissed to Conner, "Tell 'im t' get us outta 'ere, whoever 'e is!"

Paladin Sheppard

Thrill of the Chase

Ephrael's voice came over Kevin's suit radio, "Kev get inside, we are going to launch, there is no way we can hold off an attack in here. As she finished speaking the airlock doors started to close and Kevin slipped through. Thanks to Nova's preparations the Thrill was almost underway as soon as the airlock for bay 25 was closed. Thankfully there were no hostile ships outside the station and Ephrael held a position nearby. Once she was sure they were ok the Hybrid opened a channel to the crew. "Skipper we had to bug out, and we are on station for a pickup if you can get to a service or rescue lock."

Celine, Theo and Johnny

Theo's dive for cover attracted the fire of a squad of the Kalmethi, the storm of hard slug rounds chipping away at the cover and causing them all to to try and make themselves as small as was possible.

Lucien, Pandora, Captain Conner

"Copy that Eph, hold off for now we actually need to find an airlock...But Mister Weaver just gave me an idea, we're gonna hijack one of those torps. They have a boarding tube that doubles as a lock." He said over the crew link ensuring all could hear. "Just two problems, the Kalmethi in our way and the turrets as Johnny pointed out. Rekk if you can start taking em out I'll try and talk the Leathernecks here to help." Will conferred with the Marine who earlier had being on the radio, and the two quickly hashed out a plan.

He pointed to Pandora "Can you cover me? I need to get over to Rekk so we can hammer the turrets shields at the same time to get them down." As soon as she was set Will was off and running sliding feet first behind the Vending machine.


"Hello Rekk fancy meeting you here." Will said with a smile "You pick a target, the Marines and I will go off that, we got two of the tribarrels helping but we will have to work fast or the troopers will pick us off as we fire."

llearch n'n'daCorna

Johnny ducked as Theo leaped over the planter, yanked himself out of the way when the gun went off, and then ducked, as the resultant fire shredded the bushes and planter, and showered leaves down on them.

"For gods sake, Celine, throw one of those bloody things at them!" he shouted, over the noise of the hail of bullets. "Please!"
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Thrill of the Chase

Kevin slipped back into the Thrill, and after double checking his tail was in one piece, was not sure what else to do.  He figured that hanging out in this area would be best, in case someone showed up via air lock or some such.

He gets the feeling he was going to have a close encounter of the boarding torpedo kind.
The All Purpose Fox


Pandora was not happy with Connor's description. Judging by his report, the Kalmethi had an arsenal's worth of advanced weaponry - the word "turret" sounded unfamiliar to her, but she doubted her (enhanced) rifle could compete with its gunfire. Fidgeting and scowling with obvious anxiety, Pandora glanced back and forth, clearly expecting for something hostile to leap out of the shadows and assault her. The Kalmethi were unknown shadow-demons to her; inconceivable monsters. They could be anything, anywhere.

Finally, Connor ceased all communications with his unknown benefactor and briefly instructed Pandora. She was not too happy about the prospect of her employer risking his life by racing through hailstorms of gunfire, but she needed to contribute somehow. Popping a fresh round of ammunition into her rifle, Pandora nodded affirmatively to Connor. "Roight. I'll be watchin' ya." With that confirmation, Connor dashed to a nearby vending machine - Pandora took aim with her rifle and scouted for any potential assailants, her twitching finger eager to yank on the trigger.


Lucien sat back, listening to what the others were saying and flipped the safety back off when Will asked the girl to cover him.  He figured adding multiple shooters would probably grab more attention, and would also make it hard for any one to get a bead on Will once he was ready to move.

Pandora set up in crouch, right by the captain, Lucien set up on the other side of the planter, to help split attention and help Pandora with the covering fire, perhaps she could crack the shields, and he could finish someone off.  As the captain started to move, so did Lucien.  He picked a target who was watching the general area the captain was moving, and he slammed the thing with 3 rounds, fired much more slowly than before.  He made each shot count as he placed the slugs in almost the exact same place, about the bridge of the nose on a human.

After the 3rd casing left the chamber, he slid back into cover and looked over at Pandora, and beyond her, seeing that Will had made it to cover.  He waited a second or so longer while she was unloading her much larger and more powerful weapon, then shouted, "Get your head down! The Captain made it!"

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->

Mel Dragonkitty

Celine found herself still trying to dig out from under a hugely fluffy raccoon tail that seemed determined to take up the space she was currently occupying when Johnny made his request for her to use one of the grenades on the snipers. It was lucky that she had a rough idea of where they were from earlier, since she certainly wasn't going to stick her head up to check. Pulling the pin on the one Johnny had handed back a moment ago she tossed the pin to Theo before throwing the grenade over the planter at the snipers. She covered her head and hoped her blind throw did something positive.
My, I'll bet you monsters lead interesting lives. I said to my girlfriend just the other day: "Gee, I'll bet monsters are interesting," I said. The places you must go and the things you must see. My stars! And I'll bet you meet a lot of interesting people, too. I'm always interested in meeting interesting people.

Paladin Sheppard

Thrill of the Chase

The Thrill slid through the inky depths of space its grey hull making it hard to spot without any positioning lights or beacons.

Ephrael was surrounded by a holographic globe, giving her perfect 360 view around the ship. Nova assisted her by giving a navigation point to where the crew were trapped. "Skipper I've got the Thrill 500m out from the torps nearest you. Lemme know which one you guys are going for and I can rip the backside off of the other with the anti-fighter guns."

She switched to the ships intercom "Kev Get ready by the forward port airlock, I know you're not a soldier but when the time comes we may need to sandwich the torp as the others come in the other end."

Celine and Johnny

Celine's purloined grenade bounced once then twice and stopped at the foot of a Kalmethi trooper and his friends just about to hurl one at them. As it exploded it caused the Kalmethi to let go as he swung his arm back, sending it into another squad. the resulting carnage wiped out a fifth of the enemy force. For the moment no one was firing at them.

Lucien and Pandora

Lucien's shots punched through the Kalmethi's helmet voiding his head, Pandora with a short burst had knocked down his shields but not taking him out...


Thrill of the Chase

"Sandwich?  Oh..." Kevin said to no one in particular.  He did not know what she meant exactly, but he had a good idea.  He picks up his shotgun and heads to the forward airlock, hoping that he doesn't have to use it.  Please let what ever comes out the other side be friendly.  Kevin is friendly.  They should be friendly too.  It is only nice.
The All Purpose Fox


Rekk nodded and started looking for more cover to get closer to the boarding topedos. Shame that it was a park, trees were notoriously poor cover against what the enemy troops were packing... He wasn't likely to get too close without seriously clearing out a bunch of 'em sometime soon-
Annnnd something exploded. About bloody time. A fifth of the enemy force went up, and the walker focused his fire on the turrets in that group. It was a trickier shot, but if he could clear that up they should be overrun the remaining forces nice and quick...
He grimaced as he felt Lostriin kick back into his hand once, twice, three times. Even for a creature of his proportions, the gun had a lot of force.

Paladin Sheppard

Rekk and William

Rekk's first shot bounced off the turret's intact shield, the second also bounced off with a blue energy flare, the third with assistance from William and the two Marines equipped with tri-barreled railguns broke through. With a small explosion the turret's ammo supply cooked off, causing the second turret to go quiet for a few seconds before resuming fire. This time directed at the threat Rekk and William had become.

Directly in front of Pandora and Lucien a Kalmethi stood up with his double jointed arm flung if he was about to throw a grenade at Will and Rekk.....


Lucien caught the movement the moment while he was peeking out to see if he could help get some attention his way.  He noted the movement and recognized what it was.  He rotated out of cover in a smooth and fluid motion.  He, took a kneeling stance while leveling his sights on the small globular object. Slowing  his breathing as he began depressing  the trigger, exhaling slowly, so as not to disturb his shot, he began adding addutional pressure until he felt the recoil.  As soon as he felt the small shock wave travel down his arm, he began sliding back into cover.  He shouted to Pandora, "GET YOUR HEAD DOWN, NOW!"

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->


Once confirmation of the captain's safety from Lucien came, Pandora immediately ducked, disappearing from sight to the best of her ability. Unfortunately, inconspicuousness was not something she was used to, not even in a life-or-death situation that demanded such talent. The thought I'm invisible ran through Pandora's head a thousand times in hopes that she was somehow reciting a voodoo chant that would shroud her from enemy scrutiny, even as she prepared her rifle and remained alert. Nothing immediately caught her attention - Will seemed to be safe, but what about the others? If this was a full-blown invasion the other members of the Thrill's team would also be in danger. It was a rare moment of disenchantment on her part, but she predicted that she would eventually receive word of some casualties after noticing mysterious absences.

A Kalmethi stood upright just in front of her; Pandora cursed. He apparently didn't notice her or Lucien because his attention was elsewhere. Her blood ran cold as she realized the wretched creature was flinging something at Will and another faraway figure she couldn't immediately identify. Lucien reacted faster than she did, firing off a shot before barking at her to take cover - Pandora knew better than to ignore his instructions. Muffling a curse, she dropped to the ground and stayed there, huddled protectively for the catastrophic explosion that she anticipated.

llearch n'n'daCorna

Johnny glanced over the remains of the shattered planter, out towards the Kelmethi. They seemed to have mostly fallen over, at least in this area. He spotted some cover, over towards where the Captain's position was being flayed by the remaining turret, and ducked back down again. Grinning over at Celine, he complimented her. "Nice shot." He then turned to Theo.

He briefly assessed the procyonid's ability to handle himself in the current situation, came to an unflattering conclusion, and, with a short bark of "Cover me!" to Celine, grabbed the doc by the back of his lab coat, and the corner of the planter with his other hand. With an impressive heave of his shoulders, he flicked the other around the planter and across the floor, sliding smoothly in behind the cover he'd chosen earlier. Before the doc had even reached the cover, Johnny had yanked himself out and over, running and dropping in behind. Once there, he pulled the SMG ready, pulled the mag to check it still had ammo, slammed it home again, and glanced up over the edge to see if they'd gained any attention, before waving Celine over.
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears

Mel Dragonkitty

Celine grinned back at Johnny when he complimented her aim with the explosive. A quick peep over the remains of the planter showed her no good targets for the remaining grenades. She carefully stashed her remaining prizes in the voluminous pockets of her salvage vest before checking her gun. She remained alert and absolutely did not giggle, much, at Theo's lesson in finding cover. With a quick look around for emerging dangers she smoothly followed Johnny when he gave the signal.
My, I'll bet you monsters lead interesting lives. I said to my girlfriend just the other day: "Gee, I'll bet monsters are interesting," I said. The places you must go and the things you must see. My stars! And I'll bet you meet a lot of interesting people, too. I'm always interested in meeting interesting people.


Rekk swore and ducked back under cover, fumbling slugs out of his pocket to reload Lostriin. The burning smell of the shots hammering against the vending machine he was hiding behind mingled with the smell of the various sugary, sulfury or mercury-y drink cans being punctured, creating a smell like someone smoking in a confectioners shop/doctors office. He took another deep inhale from his breath canister and laughed once, feeling that slight rush and illusion of increased focus that came with overindulging a bit. He laughed once, snapped Lostriin's chambers shut and shouted over his shoulder to Will. "Oi, theeerrrre an'employee he'lth c're plan f'rbein'on this creeeeew?"

Paladin Sheppard

Thrill of the Chase

The wait for Kevin was both boring and stressful, he had no idea when they would have to move in and start the rescue...

Meanwhile Ephrael was too busy up on the bridge to be able to worry. Dodging the other ships and escape pods launch by those trying to escape even with her knowledge and experience was a little harrowing.

Celine, Johnny and Theo

Johnny was successful in avoiding any attention as he threw the raccoon hybrid towards cover and followed after, Celine however was not...Half way across the gap between the planter an the pillar one of the Kalmethi mortally wounded by her grenade steadied his SMG long enough to fire at the diminutive woman. Miraculously all but one round missed, and that bullet which had deformed, and most of its energy spent had ricocheted off the ground and lodged itself in her rump just as she reached cover.

**Sorry Mel I rolled a 1 on the D20 :<**

Lucien and Pandora

As slow as Lucien's reactions where from his end, to everyone else his arms were a blur as his pistol came up and  fired a shot at the Kalmethi's grenade...And promptly blew its fingers off causing the explosive fragmentation device to drop at it's feet. Unfortunately the only enemy casualties were the the trooper and another Kalmethi that was with him.

The Marine NCO with them whistled and commented on the shot before pooping up and triggering a burst of Railgun slugs down range. As he was coming back down something broke his shields and deformed the front of his helmet, staring the ClearSteel(tm) and causing him to grunt with pain as he fell to the ground...Well he would have if Pandora wasn't in his path.

Rekk and William

As Rekk reloaded and asked about health insurance, Will reached out and picked up one of the undamaged cans of soda, the blue and red of the can clearly identifying it as a Pepsi. Cracking it open with one hand as he stuck the barrel of his Railgun around the corner and triggered a shot grinned. Taking a sip he turned back to Rekk and over the din of battle shouted back "Yea there is...You get wounded in a fight we send ya to the doc who patches ya up as best as possible....Which is a little hard sometimes depending on how many parts we can bring back!"


Mr Fastpaw was NOT having a good day...First one of the Colonial Marshal's had questioned him over a stolen purse (Which he'd not had anything to do with) but had not seen through his current id, there was the malfunctioning coffee machine which had dumped milk all over him, someone had stepped on his tail, and a dockworker had almost crushed his foot with their steeltoe'd boots.....And just as he was about to board a shuttle to Delphi prime the Kalmethi attacked, leaving him stuck in between two boarding torpedo's and a bucket-load of Kalmethi and the rest of the station's inhabitants.

Someone had just tagged the turret on the torp closest to him showering him with sparks and rather hot bits of metal.... 


Kevin was bored.  He contemplated the fact that he was bored with an automatic shotgun.  He never thought that he would be bored while holding an automatic shot gun.  It just didn't seem right.  He had an automatic shotgun after all.  But here he was, stressed and bored at the same time as he was holding an automatic shotgun.  Obviously, automatic shotguns are overrated.
The All Purpose Fox

llearch n'n'daCorna

Johnny spotted the mortally wounded Kelmethi, and fired in his direction, but didn't manage to actually hit anything - nor drive the dying Kelmethi into cover - before Celine both reached cover, and got tagged.

At the thump of Celine landing next to him, accompanied by the meaty sound of the shot hitting flesh, he ducked behind cover, and turned to Theo. "You're a doc, right? See to her!"

And with that, he turned back to watching the bad guys. After all, someone had to...
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


while ducking behind cover, Lucien could feel the distinct *whooomp* reverberate through the floor as the grenade exploded is a spray of deadly shrapnel.  A whistle of admiration and a "nice shot" comment would be all that the confirmation the wolf needed.  While leaning with his back against the planter, Lucien ejected the magazine from his pistol and took count of how many rounds he had left, he whispered a faint curse realizing he clearly didn't have enough bullets to go around.

His focus was broken as a large caliber round knocked the marine over, and on top of Lucien's pink clad friend.  He uttered another curse and began trying to get the two untangled.  He was paying special attention to Pandora since he knew her...

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->


"Oh crap ohcrap ohcrapohcrap!!!"

Jinx flung his arms up to protect his face as he dove away from the blast. The rain of twisted metal danced across his shields in sizzling blue flashes. Strapped to a small pack, his helmet flopped unhelpfully against his back. He rolled into a crouch, slightly singed but otherwise unharmed. Kalmethi with turrets and freaking battle armour blocked his way to the safety of the docks. And now he was caught in a crossfire with UNSF troops. Could this day get any worse?

He sprinted towards the nearest cover--an overturned vending machine--almost running on all fours in an attempt to duck below the streams of bullets. He spun on his hand to face the invaders as he slid behind cover... right into a pool of carbonated syrup bleeding from the wounded machine. Skidding past a human soldier and some arachnoid alien, he twisted into a catlike crouch to control his momentum.

"Ewww... fuck." The black feline scrambled up to the others, shaking Pepsi from his fur. "Watch where you're shooting, guys?"

The boy didn't look like much of a soldier. Even the bulk of his grey and black powered armour couldn't hide his lanky frame or youthful face. He quickly set about extricating the helmet from his pack.

The same thing we do every night, Pinky...

Mel Dragonkitty

Celine let out a yelp that was half pain, half outrage. She managed to get the last feet to the cover Johnny and Theo had already claimed before giving in to cursing. She didn't figure it was a serious wound, unless they were trapped here long enough for her to bleed to death, but it was going to slow down her retreat to the torpedo tube and the safety of the Thrill. She addressed Theo, "I hope you have a can of instant bandage in your pocket Doc."
My, I'll bet you monsters lead interesting lives. I said to my girlfriend just the other day: "Gee, I'll bet monsters are interesting," I said. The places you must go and the things you must see. My stars! And I'll bet you meet a lot of interesting people, too. I'm always interested in meeting interesting people.


Pandora watched with some mesmerized, impressed fixation as Lucien's aim meticulously removed the Kalmenthi's fingers, blowing the explosive out of its chitinous claw. While it did effectively disarm the assailant, the grenade clattered to the ground and detonated, a great upswell of fire and flying shrapnel bursting from the danger zone. Pandora couldn't give a rat's ass if the abomination lived - she didn't hear anything more other than the ring of an unloading gun as someone shot him, probably slaying the "unfortunate" Kalmethi. With its fingers gone, there was no hope of the Kalmethi retaliating. Pandora pressed her back to her temporary shelter, reviewing the amount of ammunition that remained. Fortunately, she still had a fairly plentiful supply, having been conserving bullets during her -

- oh shit someone had fallen on top of her. Pandora let out a surprisingly feminine scream as Lucien crashed against her body, pinning her to the ground in an awkward jumble of limbs. The wind was punched out of her lungs by the impact; she momentarily misplaced her sense of concentration amidst her dizziness. Pandora couldn't quite understand why she felt like her chest felt so tight or who assaulted her until she looked down and saw Lucien's chin resting atop the tent of denim created by her cleavage.

There was a very pregnant, very awkward pause between the two of them; Pandora's olive-skinned face flushed a bright pink that unusually complemented her signature color of choice, but other than that, she did not seem to acknowledge the embarrassing nature of their predicament. "Uh," she grunted, "Y' okay?" It was almost as though the fact his face had virtually landed between her breasts was a secondary consideration.


"Ma' shah they ge' th'left half'vem'face back. 'Ssssm'best side." Rekk growled, smirking as turned to take aim at the Kalmethi again. The remaining turret was still standing. This offended him. The walker took a deep breath, careful aim... And fired.


The marine had managed to roll around Pandora, however, Lucien's leg was in his path,  smacking the side of his head against the planter, Lucien fell forward, and face-planted into the... soft, warm ground?  Lucien blinked, his head was a little fuzzy, however, his entire upper body felt warm... particularly his nose.  He brought a hand up to try and wipe the stars out of his eyes.

He blinked again as his eyes started to focus again.  He saw a pinkish hill to either side of his nose.  Refocusing, he noted the woven pattern on the hills.  Blinking again, he looked beyond the denim valley up into a familiar face... which had flushed to a color of pink almost identical to hills... and then it clicked as his own embarrassment assaulted the wolf, he stumbled  and stammered as he brought himself to a push-up position, then rolled to the side.  He smiled sheepishly once he was off Pandora, and said in almost a squeak, "I.... I'm, okay... I am soooo sorry about that... I, uh... are, are you alright?"

With composure shattered, Lucien's normally fluid motions were rather jerky.  He slowly brought himself up to a sitting position and Leaned against the planter... Looking over at Pandora again, he managed in a bit more of a normal tone,  "I am terribly sorry about the... uh... awkward position... and I'm, well, I'm terribly sorry... " the timid half smile still on the edge of his lips as the various fears about how Pandora would react raced through the wolf's mind.

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->

Paladin Sheppard

Thrill of the Chase

"Um Kev? We may have a problem. It looks like there is a Kalmethi soldier on the hull of the Thrill and hes working his way to the airlock you're near...He shouldn't be able to open it but he might have a breaching charge that could blow open the door..." Ephrael said from the bridge "You might want to get your helmet on and shields powered..."

Celine, Johnny and Theo

Theo's eyes boggled at Celine's rump for a few moments before stammering a few nonsense words and promptly fainting.

Johnny meanwhile had a any number of targets, as weapons fire from the Captain's position silenced the last turret on the torpedo closest to them. This left the Kalmethi in a uncomfortable position of low numbers and no heavy weapons... To which they responded to by charging at the defenders...

Lucien and Pandora

The Marine that knocked Lucien onto Pandora grabbed a handful of his shirt and hauled him off. "Grope later, shoot things trying to kill/enslave us now." The NCO said taking his helmet off and handed Lucien a standard issue pulse laser pistol and some clips.

Rekk and William, and a cola soaked Jinx.

"Well  to be fair you were on their side of the park." Will said to Jinx as he popping up after Rekk and slamming three score rounds into his target.

The turret's shields shimmered under the impacting rounds and then shorted out as it lost strength, and the follow up rounds from the Marine's heavy weapons shredded it.

"Alright people, as quick as you can shift over to Celine and her boys, less of these bastards to go though, keep low though, no point getting shot now...." Will said over the crew's comm link.

Mel Dragonkitty

From her place face down on the floor Celine had a good view of Theo's reaction to her wound. She made an unflattering suggestion about his relationship with his mother and worked her way onto her hands and knees so that she could start checking out the pockets of her vest. Eventually she managed to come up with a mini spray bottle of liquid bandage she normally kept to numb and seal scrapes in the junkyard. "Well, this will have to do for the time being, since we seem to have hired the discount house doctor." Seeing that Theo was out conscious and Johnny was busy with their defense she applied the sealant as best she could one handed. "How are things out there?" she asked as a distraction from the wound.
My, I'll bet you monsters lead interesting lives. I said to my girlfriend just the other day: "Gee, I'll bet monsters are interesting," I said. The places you must go and the things you must see. My stars! And I'll bet you meet a lot of interesting people, too. I'm always interested in meeting interesting people.


"Why are there people out to kill me!  I've not done anything to anyone!"

Kevin look about for his helmet, found it right behind him where it should be and fumbled for all the controls.  Shields, shields, wait, does this thing even have shields? Or maybe she means the airlock?  AHHHH!!!!

So many things going through the poor fox's mind.  For all the thinking being done, all he knows is that he has his helmet on, his gun loaded and ready, and looking for shields of some manner.
The All Purpose Fox

llearch n'n'daCorna

Johnny fired a couple of shots in the direction of the visitors, then briefly dropped down to reload. By the time he popped back up again, the Kelmethi had started running towards them. He responded by emptying the rifle in their direction, trying to hammer one or more of them down. He shouted back to Celine, over the chatter of gunfire, "Not good. Gimme a grenade, get here, they're coming."

With that, he emptied the SMG, dropped it, and pulled the pistol, firing one-handed, his other hand back towards Celine, groping for the grenade.
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears