Thrill of the Chase RP MA15+ (Language adult themes horror) IC (closed)

Started by Paladin Sheppard, August 09, 2008, 11:06:42 PM

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Paladin Sheppard

'Thrill of the Chase' Main Cargo Hold

As the group broke up Captain Conner answered Johnny's question. "We'll supply the ammo, the only things someone new to the crew needs to have is a weapon, a suit, and a change of clothes." He finished, grinning.

Meanwhile Room 11's name plate changed from vacant, to display 'Johnny Weaver', and Nova sped through the ships network and onto Johnny's PDA "Heya Johnny! Just letting you know I fixed the room up for ya! Welcome to the crew.....mwhahahaha" The AI signed of with an evil laugh that wasn't too threatening.

Rocky's Equipment and supply

As the young pilot entered the Man-Mountain Stepped out from behind the counter. "What can I help you with sir?" He rumbled.

Onyx Armor and Arms

After waving Kevin, Pandora and Lucien inside the Obsidian stone archway (Which to have installed in a space station goes to show how wealthy the shop really was) Conner made his way over to the order pickup counter.

More of the black stone adorned the walls and floor, with spotlights and floor lights illuminating racks of rather expensive armor and weapons. But scattered around were more reasonably priced articles.

A Feline hybrid wandered over to the group, "Hi, I'm Daniel can I help you with something?"


Lucien nodded to the feline and brought up a list of weapons he thought he might actually be able to afford, along with the upgrades.  Turning his attention back to feline he said "i'm looking for a few possibilities right now, perhaps you've got something like the 7mm Masker Laser rifle? if not, perhaps a 5mm Jagear?  Along with the rifle, do you anything like an adjustable zoom reflex scope? if not, basic reflex or holo-sight would work... I'm probably going to need an under-slung shotgun for the rifle, so how much does that run? and a laser sight for a 10mm Guardian 2..."

He paused, hoping that the attendant had caught everything he'd said... then decided he'd run through the rest of his list "i'm going to need a military grade combat harness, with at least 6 mags worth of storage capacity, i'm going to need a mid range PDA with enhanced storage space, and depending on the price, i could probably use some enhanced armor and kinetic shielding for my EVA suit"

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->

Mel Dragonkitty

Rocky's Equipment and Supply: 

Celine had already taken care of the odds and ends she needed to order and was looking over the items in the gun case. "Rocky, can you get a couple of these out for me to try on the range?" she asked, pointing to the Hawk and the Casul. It was only when she didn't hear the thudding of his stone feet against the floor that and looked up that she realized that Rocky was speaking to one of her new crewmates. "Sorry. When you're free," she apologized.
My, I'll bet you monsters lead interesting lives. I said to my girlfriend just the other day: "Gee, I'll bet monsters are interesting," I said. The places you must go and the things you must see. My stars! And I'll bet you meet a lot of interesting people, too. I'm always interested in meeting interesting people.


Kevin looked at the feline, "Yes, I am looking for... stuff.  Engineering tools, an EVA suit, and a shotgun.  Just entry level stuff really."
The All Purpose Fox

llearch n'n'daCorna

Johnny blinked at the unexpected intrusion to his workspace on his PDA. "Thanks, No..." but she was gone again.

He muttered - under his breath, but fully expecting Nova to pick it up - "I swear, that AI is on speed, or something." Shaking his head to clear it, he packed up, and headed off to strip his locker and go shopping.

* * *

Upon arrival at Rocky's, his half-empty travel bag dangling from his hand, Johnny was glancing around the shop for the terminal, to start his list. Whilst he was still getting his bearings, what appeared to be a section of wall detached itself and moved towards him. Upon it speaking, however, he recovered his bearings. Before he could speak, however, he was interrupted by the short, blue-eyed blonde he recognised as being the Quartermaster from the ship.

Addressing Rocky, he indicated Celine with a nod of his head. "Please, deal with your other customer first." The he grinned. "She outranks me. Besides, I'm just browsing at the moment, so no real rush."

With that, he parked his bag by his foot, fished out his PDA, and started comparing his suggestions and ideas to the list of what was available.
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears

Paladin Sheppard

Rocky's Equipment and supply

Pulling his PDA (Which was quite a bit larger than most and probably a bit more sturdier as well) Rocky imputed a few commands. After a few seconds the blast door off to rear of the store labeled 'Test Range' opened.  "Sandy ((Despite what you are all thinking it is actually a human female who's full name is Sandra Dee Robins)) will get our trial models out for ya Elf. Just head on through.

After Celine had headed thought to the back Rocky turned back to Johnny. Do you need a hand or do you just want to browse though our catalog?" He said indicating one of the holo screens.

Onyx Armor and Arms

Grinning Daniel waved Lucien over to one of the counters but turned before following him. "Alexsi can you help out the gentleman? Hes looking for a few basics" Indicating Kevin to a another Feline Hybrid this one also tan furred but blond haired.

"Would you like to follow me?" Alexsi asked Kevin and lead him to a separate counter where he slotted his PDA into the slot provided. "I see you just joined the 'Thrill' I see! So I guess you'll be needing a level 1 or 2 suit, and did I hear you wanted some tools and a shotgun? We have three models of shotguns available here, the M6 pump action for 550, the SLS-15 semi-auto which is 800, and the AA-90 automatic for 1100."

Alexsi pointed to the suit racks just in front of her. "As you can see our only level 1 and 2 suits are lights the 1 for 550 and the 2 for 800. And finally our upgraded and deluxe tool kits are 170 and 800 respectively.

At the other counter Daniel had a Masker Rifle for 2k and a Jegaer AR for 1250 on the counter as well as a few scopes ranging from a 6-12x magnification, 4x, a 3.5x reflex and a 1.5x Reflex scope all which where part of a kit for 200 Creds. Next to this was a harness that fit over a AEVA suit for 25, and Midrange PDA priced at 250. "Sorry sir our suit upgrade kits are our of stock at the moment. IS there anything else you would like to look at?"


Lucien looked over the equipment, he liked the Masker, a lot, and a very big grin came across his face, he said "i'm liking the Masker, the scope kit, the harness and the PDA... i'll be purchasing those in a moment...  is there any chance i could get a partial trade in price on my current EVA suit? i'd like to upgrade to the light level 2, preferably in black... and if you've got an under-slung shotgun for the Masker, i'm a little worried about the laser's notorious lack of stopping power if i find myself in a CQC situation... other than the shotgun, a side mounted torch might come in handy... but besides that, everything looks good"

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->


Onyx Armor and Arms

Kevin thought for a second as the cute lady told him what was available, "Hmm, never believed in doing something half hearted.  Could I get the AA-90 automatic, the deluxe toolkit, and a light level 2 suit."

When Alexsi asked the standard, 'Is there anything else you wanted?' question Kevin could only answer with, "Yes, I wanted to let you know you have lovely eyes."
The All Purpose Fox

llearch n'n'daCorna

Johnny glanced at the holo screen, then back up at Rocky. "Well, I was planning on browsing your catalog, then heading on over to Edge and Onyx to compare prices. However, if you're willing to deal with a few opening questions, I'd be happy to take the recommendation." and he indicated the door through which Celine had just left, and grinned.

Settling down to business, he consulted the list in his hand, glanced again at the holo, and went on. "Right. I was after an EVA suit, a medium toolkit, and The Captain suggested I pick up a weapon or two. In terms of the suit, I was thinking something reasonably agile, but preferably with some armour on it - I'm not the best of fighters out there, and you can bet I'd prefer being slightly clumsier to being perforated." He shrugged, deprecatingly, and waved a hand at the holo. "It's a toss-up between the medium level one, and the light level two; while the one gives more armour, the two gives more agility. Being a pilot suggests the mobility might be important, but the agility is useless if you don't live to use it. As for the weapon or weapons, I've had basic training, but nothing more. I hadn't yet done more than glance through them, and was going to see if I could try some out, pick one that fits me. If you have suggestions, however, I'd be happy to entertain them."

He glanced at the PDA again, and scratched his head. "That was all I'd come up with, but if there's something else you think I might find useful to have, it'd be better to know now, rather than two months out. I figure you'd have some idea."

He flipped the PDA shut in a practiced move, and slipped it back into his pocket, gazing up at Rocky.
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears

Paladin Sheppard

Rocky's Equipment and supply

'Well, if you're planing on staying out of a fight the Light level two is your best bet...It has slightly more shields than a level one of any of the weights." Rocky lead Johnny over to the weapons case. "Now as for a weapon for a pilot, a lot choose a Guardian 2 and a Hawk SMG, mostly due to the ammo commonality and both are very easy to use and maintain. The Guardian 2 is very reliable and the Hawk can put alot of rounds down range fast, good for keeping peoples heads down. Lets take you out back and have a go with them, to see if you like em, I'll get a  Masker laser pistol as well for a trail too." Rocky with Johnny in tow headed out the back.

Onyx Armor and Arms

Alexsi rang up the bill for Kevin, smirking as she did so at his last comment. "Why thank you, but no discount sorry. I've billed your account for 2700 credits. Would you like your purchases delivered or will you take them now? Oh and don't worry about the suit not being the right size, you're standing on a biometrics scanner."

Over at the other counter Dan looked over the stores inventory screen. "Sorry it seems we're out of the shotgun mods, we'll be getting a delivery tomorrow though. Torches we have at 50 creds. I'll just total up all this for you,
Scopes set for  200, a light level 2 suit in black for 800, harness for 25, PDA for 250 and a Masker Rifle for 2k. That comes to 3325 credits. Do you want me to bill your account?"


Lucien double checked his account, then said "Billing my account would be fine for now, as for transportation, if you wouldn't mind, i think i'd prefer delivery... wouldn't want to scare too many people running around the station in full combat gear... also thank you very much for your time time."  slotting his PDA, Lucien then let the feline go and do his thing to finalize the transaction

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->


When Kevin heard that he was on the biometric scanner he couldn't help but wiggle, see what it did.  He was a tad disappointed to learn that the answer was 'nothing'.

"Ah, I'll just take them now. I kind of want to get back to the Thrill."

He had no real reason for wanting to get back.  Well... maybe to try out his now shooty...
The All Purpose Fox


Looking over to the other side of the store, Lucien noted that one of the other crewmen had decided to purchase a shotgun... fully automatic, and looked to be drum fed, then looking back at the Kevin, he wondered if the fellow had any idea what he was getting himself into... standing by his pile of equipment, Lucien said "yo, any chance you've ever fired something that heavy before, from what i've seen of the series, it's normally rather large folk, with massive muscles who tend to be toting around a beast like that"
Lucien grinned, practically from ear to ear

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->

Paladin Sheppard

Onyx Armor and Arms

Daniel busied himself arranging for the delivery of Lucien's purchases, while Alexsi packed up Kevin's in their carrying cases.

((OOC woulda posted more but you guys didn't give me much to work on :P))


with his gear being tended to, and the fox seemingly ignoring him, Lucien turned around, and was about to head out, when saw someone else he recognized from his tour of the Thrill.  With a small wave he approached the pink clad female, and through sheer force of will managed to not cringe at the sheer brightness of her color of choice.  Figuring he'd get to know someone on the ship before they started actual work, he put on a pleasant smile, and said to  Pandora, "hello, sorry, that took longer than expected, if i'd have seen you waiting i'd have let you go on ahead... Lucien Grendel." He extended a hand, and added in an apologetic tone, "sorry, i didn't catch your name doing the tour... anyway, i figure i should probably get to know the people i'll be working with."

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->


"Ecksellen', gotta pikkupafew thin's m'sel'..." Rekk ambled away from the rest of the group, shooting an affable grin over his shoulder, "Won' be bu'a few, promise."


"Oi, Maggie!" Rekk raised one arm as he strolled into the shop, smirking at the angular figure behind the counter. "Ah foun' a berth, go'anything partic'larly 'splodey for m'? Few'ther thin's on the list, but lets start wi'the splodey."

Paladin Sheppard


Maggie, or Marget Anne Fraser to use her full name, a human of African decent, was the the proprietor of Edge.

She looked up from the Jagaer AR she was working on as Rekk entered. "Howdy Rekk! Nothing new for Lostriin sorry..." She made sure there was no one else in the area before continuing "...But I did get my hands on a ARC-120 plasma rifle, haven't been able to override the biometrics tho."

Rocky's Equipment and supply

As the firing range's security door closed behind them Rocky lead Johnny over to a counter, where a drone passed over  the weapons that Johnny was to try out. After signing for the weapons and four clips of ammunition for each Rocky showed 'Weaver' to one of the six firing lanes, which was also right next to where Celine was also being shown her weapons by Sandy.

Mel Dragonkitty

Celine took the larger of the guns from Sandy. Might as well start at the top and work her way down. Stepping over to the lane she fired, loud booms preceding a neat pattern of very large holes on head and heart of the target. She stepped back and shook her head. "Nice gun but not particularly inconspicuous. I'd never be able to conceal it." She gave it a bit of a longing look. "I do wish I had something like this when I was back home though. Rat hunting would have been easier. The tanners don't pay as much for the hide if you put too many holes in it."
My, I'll bet you monsters lead interesting lives. I said to my girlfriend just the other day: "Gee, I'll bet monsters are interesting," I said. The places you must go and the things you must see. My stars! And I'll bet you meet a lot of interesting people, too. I'm always interested in meeting interesting people.


Kevin took his stuff, thanked Alexsi, and headed back to the thrill.  On the Thrill he put up his stuff and... well... Will mentioned something about a firing range on the Thrill, he headed out to ask about that.
The All Purpose Fox

llearch n'n'daCorna

Johnny quietly followed Rocky back through the door, over to the counter, and signed for the guns. He then continued on to the firing lane, and picked up the Guardian. He pulled the slide back, checked the chamber was empty and the safety was on and functional, then dry-fired it to check the action before flicking the safety back on, picking up one of the clips and sliding it home. He'd just pulled the slide back again to chamber a round, when the air was split by a series of massive booms, accompanied by equally massive holes in the target one aisle over.

He cocked one eyebrow, checked the safety again and put the gun carefully on the bench, then poked his head around the back of the partition and grinned, briefly, at the size of the weapon in Celine's hand. "Ye gods. I don't think I could hide that unless I were Rocky's size." He glanced down the lane at the target, and whistled. "Nice grouping. I guess the rats are much bigger than I'm used to, though. Any of the rats where I grew up, you hit 'em with that, you'd pick 'em up with a sponge."

With that, he threw her another flashing grin, and ducked back to pick up the pistol again, holding it in a fairly standard two-handed stance and emptying the clip in a slow and methodical - if not brilliantly accurate - manner.
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Pandora briefly assessed the feline. The problem with being asked such a specific question was Pandora's inexperience with "advanced" firearms. By all intents and purposes, on her planet, she was an expert - but weapon technology was often limited to flintlock mechanisms or devices considered obsolete and primitive by alien standards. After fidgeting indecisively, Pandora revealed her gun in an nonaggressive motion and laid it flat, as though demonstrating it from all angles, on her palms. It was emptied of all ammunition, so any accidents were definitely out of the question.

"Got somethin' like this...?" she asked. She would have elaborated, but Lucien took that opportunity to introduce himself. Blinking, Pandora looked at him from over her shoulder, then turned to face him. She accepted his proffered hand and shook it gratefully, grinning widely.

"Nice t' meet ya. I'm Pandora Rosendahl... 'pparently I'm gonna be th' shi's engineer. And y'rself?"


Lucien smiled at the warm introduction, he replied in a calm tenor "seems i'll be working security and scouting... bit of a weapons specialist if you will... speaking of which, sorry to seem like i was eavesdropping, but it sounds like you're looking for a new weapon.  Would you like a hand with making a proper selection?"

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->

Paladin Sheppard

'Thrill of the Chase'

Ephrael was eating some two minute noodles in the mess hall when Kevin entered from the lounge/accommodation hallway.

Noting he was looking a bit quizzical, and was carrying what looked to be a rifle case she waved him over. "Got a new toy have you?"

Onyx Armor and Arms

William wandered over to Pandora and Lucien having slung the rifle case he was picking up over his shoulder. When Pandora held out her piece he grinned. "An M14! Good choice Miss Rosendahl, the design may be over two hundred years old but you really can't find a more rugged long gun. To be perfectly honest if you just swap out the wooden frame and stock for neoplastic and steel with some mounting rails I think you'll be fine. Mind you getting a backup pistol wouldn't go astray."

Mel Dragonkitty

At Johnny's complement on her shooting Celine smiled and said "Thanks." At his following comment on rodent size Celine shrugged and tucked a strand of hair back behind her ear. "Depends on what you mean by big. The feral rats aren't as big as the domesticated ones, but they make a nice piece of leather. Now roaches, they aren't good for anything but sled roach racing. Or feeding to the rats."

Deciding against the larger model she set it aside and picked up the second gun.
My, I'll bet you monsters lead interesting lives. I said to my girlfriend just the other day: "Gee, I'll bet monsters are interesting," I said. The places you must go and the things you must see. My stars! And I'll bet you meet a lot of interesting people, too. I'm always interested in meeting interesting people.


Thrill - Lounge

Kevin scratches his own ear with his free hand, "Yes... well... I got a new toy.  Big dangerous shooty toy.  The AA-90 auto shotgun type... on a similar note we have a shooting range on board yes?"
The All Purpose Fox

Paladin Sheppard

'Thrill of the Chase' Mess Hall

"Overcompensating  for something?" Ephrael teased before giggling to show she was joking. "Kevin right? I'll take you downstairs"

The diminutive Tasmanian Devil lead the Arctic Fox down to C Deck and towards the bow. "You had a suit aswell right?" Eph asked as she put her hand on the palm scanner to open the Armory's hatch. "You can store it here, and we also keep personal weapons in here, just for safety reasons. Although if you want to keep a weapon on you that's ok, Theo, one of our old crew never went without his P120 even showered with it."

Inside the Armory Nova projected herself life sized next to Kevin. "What Kind of targets do you want Kev? Ephy can put up paper ones or I can do holograms..."

As Nova chatted with the Fox, Ephrael opened a locker and pulled out some ear protectors, and thinking about it opened her personal weapons locker and pulled out her RG(c)-20 Pistol plus one of the metal blocks it used as ammo.

"Well I don't know about Kevin, Nova but I'll take holos standard spheres please." Eph said as she slotted the block home in the pistol's grip, and handed one of the ear protectors over.

She walked over to one of the four lanes and took up a two handed weaver stance and started plinking at the moving targets Nova projected.


TotC Armory

"Well, I'm mostly compensating for never owning a gun before," He gives a shy grin.

When Nova appeared and ask about a choice of targets he thinks for a moment, ''I'll take what she's having."

Kevin gets some ammo, and ear protectors look like a good idea.  Big shooties are loud.  He puts on the ear protection and, after figuring out how to work the gun, he aims down range at the holosphere and gets ready to pull the trigger for the first time in his life...
The All Purpose Fox


After gesturing for Lucien to wait, Pandora looked at William almost skeptically, a pinkish eyebrow (evidence of the thoroughness of her lurid, obnoxious dye job) raised. She rustled the rifle and assessed it owlishly, trying to act as though she knew more about the advanced technology of this galaxy than she actually did. In spite of the fact she was a certified firearms professional back on her planet, she was still painfully inept at understanding the upgrades in this space station. "Y' c'n really do tha'?" she asked, for affirmation. "That'll probably make things a lo' easier 'fr me... do ya need ta borrow it?"

With that issue addressed, Pandora craned her head around to look at her new companion, a satisfied, salacious grin on her face. "I'd love ta. I love shoppin'."


Lucien shrugged, took a bow, arms held low and wide, with his palms up.  He said "well then, it would seem i'm at your disposal... perhaps afterwards we could  get something to eat? it will probably be the last meal we'll be eating on station for a good while.... but that can wait... for now, would you mind tell me a little about yourself miss Rosendahl? and perhaps, if your still shopping here, let me know what your looking for?"

Taking a step forward, Lucien examined the weapon in Pandora's hands, the antiquated rifle was in fact quite formidable, even by modern standards... while making the observations he let out a whistle of admiration and approval at the girl's weapon of choice.

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->

Paladin Sheppard

Onyx Armor and Arms

"If you talk to Alexsi or Dan, Miss Rosendahl they'll be able to fix you up with a conversion kit. Shouldn't be too much trouble of an engineer of your skill. Now you two will excuse me I'm gonna get back the the Thrill and stow this baby." Will said patting the rifle case he had acquired.

'Thrill of the Chase'Armory

As Kevin pulled the trigger, the AA-90 clicked instead of the roar that it should make. "Would you like a tutorial Kev?" Nova giggled from behind him. "Accessing model AA-90 Assault Shotgun serial number 995257321-C....Ok Kev have you made sure you have a round chambered? You pull that handle on the right hand side there." The AI said pointing a ghostly finger at the charging handle in question.


Outer Edges of the Delphi system

For a moment a section of space was a total void as space normal was, then with a burst of light and radiation a ship appeared, then another and yet more until a fleet was floating in the blackness. All was still for a heartbeat, then smaller fighters jetted out of their mother ships and the unknown fleet lit their drives and headed in system.