Re: Which species from dmfa would you like to be?

Started by Vekar, July 23, 2008, 09:32:00 PM

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Someone is feeling wage here. Tewwible wage.

I'd say the underlying flaw in your arguments is a host of presuppositions, Vekar. That, and a damn over-the-top, preachy, blowhard tone.


To Stygian:
Rage? Nah. Pride? Yes. Pride is what I am speaking from right now, pride in the military advancements of humanity. I have made no assumptions or pressumptions about the world, I read through the history and background and this is my scientific logical conclussion.

Over the top? No. I just cite facts for you. Preachy? No. If stating fact makes me a preacher than I am honored to be preachy for stating facts. Blowhard? Nah, just look back to the last sentense. If you do not like what I say then you must not like science and historical fact about who we truely are, like it or not your human and I for one love that fact and would never trade that off for anything.

Now stop trying to goad me into a fight with your own pressumtious and insulting tone Stygian.


Quote from: Vekar on July 25, 2008, 05:40:42 PM
Tapewolf your reasoning is MUTE! Cubi are an evil race, pure evil. Plain and simple. One or two good ones out of an entire race hardly makes them "good once in a while" even in the slightest sense.
Pure(n.) - 1. Free of impurities, completely homogenous
"Once in a While" (phrase) - 1. An occasional occurence
Pure =/= Once in a while

Yes, I accept that you dislike the idea of cubi>human, and that you are quite proud of non-fictional human's ability to blow s**t up, however there is no need to start a long fight over the issue of truth vs. fiction. Also, while I am not a mod, I will point out that flaming people isn't a very good way to make friends of them, so I'd recommend that you calm down before posting again.
This is the kind of flaming I'm talking about, in case you were curious: "Now stop trying to goad me into a fight with your own pressumtious and insulting tone Stygian."


Quote from: Vekar on July 25, 2008, 05:40:42 PM
Jackal: Sorry to burst your bubble about who we humans are but that is just historical fact. We are who we are: a race of violent psycopaths who enjoy the art of war and destruction more than anyone else ever concieved. I for one am proud of that fact because it makes humanity stronger and more powerful, give a unifying cause and you have a hoard of 6 billion ready to commit genocide to preserve humanity if it comes down to a "us or them" type situation. Humans are no push over and are NOT to be triffled with, that is another lesson of history. However humans do have a darn good culture, great technology and a future amoungst the stars and planets.

Dude, I know what humans are. I am one after all. And personally, given the ingenuity, inventiveness, and adaptivity of the human race, realistically, I'd never want to be anything other than a human. So to an extent, I guess I have pride too - just for an entirely different reason.

However, I think that it's pretty ridiculous that you're proudly ranting about how human beings have committed just about every atrocity ever invented. Humans are responsible for horrific events in the history of the world, but that doesn't necessarily mean that, by and large, we encourage them. Only complete idiots do that.

Also, believe it or not, on the Internet, capitalization just leads people to believe that you're getting upset and frustrated, since it implies that you are shouting loudly. And abuse of caps lock is a pretty good way to get ridiculed on the Internet - but then again, this is coming from someone who uses them quite often as a joke. Plus, it's pretty easy to assume that you're getting upset, seeing as you made that completely uncalled for "take some college English classes and public speaking classes" jab.

I'm going to scoot out of the topic now.

~Keaton the Black Jackal


Vekar, you're way too new to be breaking rules already.  Take a chill pill, or I'll give you some time to think about ways to cool off.

Additionally, I swear to god, if several of you keep up the nitpicking in this thread, I'm Mining it.  Locked.  And the mods will mock you and your inability to post.

You're used to flame wars with flames... this is more like EZ-Bake Oven wars.   ~Amber
If you want me to play favorites, keep wanking. I'll choose which hand to favour when I pimpslap you down.   ~Amber


You're tacking these off as if they were items on a list. Were you in my position, you'd hear how you sound just like... let's see... A fourteen-year-old military fanatic who needs to cut down on the Pixie Sticks?

I'll give you my impression of people, of humans, as I have come to see them over time: A very eclectic, selfish bunch, who can be creative and clever at times, but in general need an instruction manual to hook up a bloody DVD, can't drive right, give voice to and do the most stupid of things when they have morality backing them or when they can't be held accountable, and who tend to follow the 'law of least resistance' at all times. The human innate biological strength is, and has always been, intelligence. And most people can't even handle that right.

Ignoring that we're discussing a fantasy world, I think the exact same can be said about Creatures though. The thing is just that they have more direct power to bring to bear. That's all there is to it.

But, I don't really need to refute your arguments. Your grammatical errors and your hostility alone are enough to irritate people. I don't think I could manage a better troll if I tried, actually. Though that does not seem to be the case, sadly. Short of a boot to the face, I don't think there would be anything crude or painful or effortless enough to shut you up. So I'll just tell you what I want said:

You are being an idiot. You deserve to, and probably do, suffer for it, though not enough. And you have no business talking down to people here, be it Keats or Tapes or anyone really.

Also, in addition, you have my vote for throwing this topic into the Mine by now.


well, several of you are being quite reasonable, and participating in a civil discussion.  I don't want to punish you lot.

You're used to flame wars with flames... this is more like EZ-Bake Oven wars.   ~Amber
If you want me to play favorites, keep wanking. I'll choose which hand to favour when I pimpslap you down.   ~Amber


I was putting together a reply, but to be honest this discussion is becoming rather bitter so in the interests of keeping the peace I'm not going to post it.
One of my main arguments has always been was that condemning a whole race is a bad thing, and I'd like to extend that to this thread too.
In other words, if anything goes in the mine, could it be just the 'Cubi -> Humans part of the debate, and not the entire thread?

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E

MT Hazard

Yes, discussions got little too hot, better leave it to cool. I imagine that a few people jumped ship as soon as humans where mentioned (If I was the first one to use the H word, sorry)
Grammar and I Don't always get on.

Link of the moment:  Sleepless domain (web comic) 


heres how I calm down on a forum, I wright my angry post, braking any rules I want. Then I delete it.  I get it out of my system, with no consequences of any sort.  It's good for calming down, and if you want, you can go through it, select the arguments that break no rules, and are reasonable, and post those, so that you get in the good points, and don't irritate everyone else with the bad ones. Kk? Hope my idea helps!


@ Vekar:
You know on the internet, typing in ALL CAPS is commonly considered shouting.
That's why we have things like bold or italics or even underlined text here on the forum to highlight certain words.

Fa'Lina isn't evil when she cares for Abels well-being, is she now?

Being a world where humans aren't normally found, Furrae can not be compared  1:1 to our earth.
There isn't one dominant self-aware species on Furrae; but many (more or less) peacefully coexisting ones.

Tone down a bit on the "Hail Humans!" , k?

Also, in a world of magic, who tells you that technology works the way you're used to?
A fae might as well change your nuke-splosion into a shower of daisies with the flicker of their eyebrow, should they be so inclined.

When you ponder SciFi vs. Fantasy vs. RL, you simply can't insist on normal facts. SciFi and Fantasy lie outside that boundary.

One last thing. You shouldn't 'argue'. Discuss instead.

Thank you for your time.
Have a nice day.
*bows, waves byebye and wanders back to his fishing rod*


I'd like to hear more other people about what they would like to be on Furrae.
Gimme more of that.
Tigriel's got a guest:

A Furry fan, that's what I am! - Proud member of the AP-Team. - Avatar Art by INK


Honestly I think we should stop discussing humans. This is a dmfa forum, not about anything but dmfa. And so far humans aren't a major part of dmfa and have only seen one for a brief arc.


Too true... so, I say we make a topic on the topic of our charicters interacting, and having brawls... we could call it... The Tavern... yes... I think I'll do that now... how would brawls work though... oh, who cares, I won't make it too complex...


Ok lets see who I start with in response...
Frag: Pure evil is metaphorical. One of the many intracacies of the english language.
Keaton: Someone jabs at me I jab back.
Damaris: Chill pill? How am I not calm? I am using logical conclusions and fact which I state once again. Also, chill out Stygian who tries to keep goading me at every turn. Do what you want, I do not care in the slightest, this is an ONLINE forum.
Stygian: keep on goading me kid not going to get you anywhere as you try and insult my intelligence. I stated fact which I state AGAIN for you. Also I have yet to talk down to anyone, I debate and argue, part of a discussion about who thinks what species is better and why then why others are not. Keep on goading me, it only shows your own childishness.
Tiger: I go for speed not nitpicking when it comes to grammar online, this is a forum not a political forum let alone a college class level discussion so I care little for such things. I go for speed as I said. As for Fa'Lina she is caring for another Cubi, not like she is actually caring in the slighest for someone of another species so I call that a major difference. An Aryan National will watch out for another Aryan National but not for a black man. I will continue to hail humanity.
Gamma: bah screw the warp-aci, cut out the middleman and use your own magic to get that satisfaction. Besides a volcano is quick, try putting them into space or teleport them beneath the ocean and watch them drown.
Silent: Yes but they are still on the list and I made my choice, funny how we wind up in these situation huh?

There. Responded to hopefully everyone in turn. Begin round two of flaming and hostility which started out as scientific FACT and historical FACT which I was calling out as reference.

Edit: Needed to add this part: I never joined to be liked whoever made that comment, I came here to make a statement as to what I would choose and I chose then the mudthrowing began. None the less, I dont give a darn what anyone thinks of me and never have. If we all cared what others thought of us we would all have heart attacks before age 10.


wow... way to ignore my post... you just irritated everyone else on this forum... in TURN!
also, read comic 524 here: it tells you that cubi are probably about 50:50, but the evil ones are more interesting.


Quote from: Vekar on July 25, 2008, 10:14:41 PM
Also I have yet to talk down to anyone, I debate and argue, part of a discussion about who thinks what species is better and why then why others are not.
Quote from: Vekar on July 25, 2008, 10:14:41 PM
Keep on goading me, it only shows your own childishness.
I'll just sit back, and enjoy the contradictions flying. On a less topic related note, I advise you read the rules, and try to follow them, though it'll be up to the mods for whether you'll get the chance to act on that. Flaming is not tolerated on almost any forum, this one included. Your discussion of the topic at hand is fine, personal attacks are not. And yes, that does go for you too Stygian.
Rule are here:

I'll add my vote for cutting this part of the thread out to be thrown into the mine.


Quote from: Vekar on July 25, 2008, 10:14:41 PM
*long winded speech*

i'd say roughly half of cubi are just purest evil, however, not being one to believe in absolutes, however, i'd say the rest are morally ambivalent. That is to say that they may be good, may be bad, varying in between your cold cast definitions of good and evil.

Also, spare the preaching for the church, padre

Dragons, it's what's for dinner... with gravy and potatoes, YUM!
Sparta? no, you should've taken that right at albuquerque..


Turnsky: Yet to preach, just stating facts and I have said that for the umpteenth time. Not one for preaching less it be politics.

Frag: HAH! No contradictions. Only attacked the illogic used for others conclusions and shot down what others said on basis of scientific and historical fact. I have never and I still stand by this, have never attacked anyone on this forum. However, I have been attacked. I attack illogic and faulty reasoning.


Quote from: Tapewolf on July 25, 2008, 02:23:57 PM
We'll leave aside that in present-day DMFA they have what appears to be a microprocessor-controlled coke machine in SAIA (574).   The 'Cubi race has a history going back 100 millennia, and remarkable powers. 
I would expect that magic could be made to emulate the same results as technology. A magical vending machine shouldn't be too hard.

Quote from: Vekar on July 25, 2008, 10:14:41 PM
As for Fa'Lina she is caring for another Cubi, not like she is actually caring in the slighest for someone of another species so I call that a major difference.
Not caring for someone of another species? What about Pyroduck (particularly the last panel)? It sure looks to me like she cares for a non-cubi. And not even opposed to his relationship.
"Cogito, ergo es. I think, therefore you is." Ray D. Tutto (King of the Moon) to Baron Munschaussen


Quote from: Vekar on July 25, 2008, 11:00:06 PM
Turnsky: Yet to preach, just stating facts and I have said that for the umpteenth time. Not one for preaching less it be politics.

Yet the fact is, you only have their actions in the comics to go on by, rendering all your arguments moot. Only Amber herself and a few others close to her in terms of "knowing what's going on", have most, if not all of their facts straight.
Nothing is set in stone, grasshopper, One can be good can do acts of evil, or vice versa, then there's the self-serving evil, which includes acts of good, which elevate them to the "magnificent bastard" level.

Being one who writes himself, i find the idea of an entire race being put in a single box because of the actions of others that have been barely hinted upon to be quite offensive. ESPECIALLY to the degree you have been going on about it.
You're putting all your moral ambiguity into a world that none of us barring a select few know anything about, and the fact that Furrae would not have had the same history as our own, we know only a little about Furrae's overall society, it may seem to be close to our own, but it may be further from that than you could possibly conceive.

that's my Two cents for now, but know this: Anything other than what the creator herself has said, is just pure speculation on anybody's part, and even then it's not set in stone, and can be retconned by said creator.

Dragons, it's what's for dinner... with gravy and potatoes, YUM!
Sparta? no, you should've taken that right at albuquerque..


Phew, stinks in here.  Lot of less than pleasant things being thrown around here, similar what you might find in a monkey pen.  So rather than this back and forth flinging of putrescence, why don't we all just get back to the initial intent of the thread and just post the creature we like the most and not get at any one for their choices and their justifications for said choices.  Besides, all this nastiness is making for bad blood needlessly.  Keep it to pm's if you've got heated things to say, fact or not.  The rest of us don't need to be dragged into this stuff. :)



I'm locking this, splitting it up, and then reopening the original thread, per request of several people.

There is also the possibility that there will be a ban or three handed out- I'm doing that after I finish splitting this up and reviewing.

*edit* Note to those coming in to sightsee.  I've placed a post in the original thread, as well as in the rules thread in the DMFA forum.  Go and read it, as it will remind many of you about rules that need to be followed.  I think a few of you have forgotten.

You're used to flame wars with flames... this is more like EZ-Bake Oven wars.   ~Amber
If you want me to play favorites, keep wanking. I'll choose which hand to favour when I pimpslap you down.   ~Amber


this is the worst fucking thing i have ever read


Dragons, it's what's for dinner... with gravy and potatoes, YUM!
Sparta? no, you should've taken that right at albuquerque..



Dragons, it's what's for dinner... with gravy and potatoes, YUM!
Sparta? no, you should've taken that right at albuquerque..

Amber Williams

I personally am a big believer in free-will.  To me, it is essential and what defines an individual from a bundle of instincts with no definition of good or evil.  Cause in my mind, evil can only be truly evil if someone has a choice between good or evil and choose to go the route knowing full well their choice.  As such, I personally find the concept of an entire race of any sort all being nothing but evil to be silly and ill-thought.  Cause if its an entire race, from birth to old age...then its obviously not a choice they have made cause only something completely devoid of free-will could have such a total 100% rate.

And in such a case, the definition of evil cannot truly apply.  It would be like saying the shark is evil because it attacked and killed a kid on an intertube.  Can it truly be evil if it had no real ability to understand its actions and make a choice based on them.  No.  For something to be evil, in my book, it has to understand the concept of evil and actively choose to pursue that path.  And that is something, in my mind, that is up to each individual...some more than others.

True, it is biased in ones favour for some than others. If you are raised to think a certain way, its more than likely you will follow it. But its not absolute or set in stone.  And to consider an entire race as unredeemable and better off removed...


...lets just say there is a lot of irony in that.