World of warcraft gathering..

Started by Turnsky, July 09, 2008, 10:32:08 PM

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of sorts, Me and Siir have discussed making a horde side for all folks who frequent both here and the chat, anywho, details are..

Horde only, we'll discuss guild options later on, but for now, come one, come all.  :3

Edit: server changed..

Dragons, it's what's for dinner... with gravy and potatoes, YUM!
Sparta? no, you should've taken that right at albuquerque..


Come one come all, to the wonderful Kael'thas server! Untold delights await ye!

If you want to find one of us go ahead and whisper myself or others:

Neverforget (Ramsey)
Kthaine (Siirenia)
Clayor (Turnsky)
Bullshiveks (Wildy)
Jousterl (Jouster obviously)
Akisohida (Akisohida)
ShadesFox (Naibed)

Edit for great justice: We do have a guild now. Still not srs bzns, but the name is <Fluffy Hates You>. Drop us a line if you're interested in being in the cool club.


I joined the Kael'thas server as an Undead Priest (always wanted to try a Priest).. Feel free to send me a tell, I am Akisohida on there.
Amber-ism #700: If the problem isn't solved, there are still survivors you missed.


lol, DMFA forumites guild, that'd be amusing. Though I do get a bit skeptical when getting into webcomic guilds. My last one ended badly when I joined the CAD guild, The Rapscallions on Dark Iron. This is mainly due to the fact that Tim Buckley is a drunk dick >.>


I'm with ya' on that.  The Fancy Lads of PA did me in.  I'll stick with my toned down Runetotem and Aegwynn.


Finally got everything patched up X3

Anywho, My character is Naibed.
The All Purpose Fox

James StarRunner

We have multiple DMFA'ers on the alliance in Moonrunner. Kenji (and his mom), Jouster, Siir, myself, and others.


Oh yes, I was adding the named listed by Ramsey and it says that Kthaine does not exist.

And we know of the alliance on the other server, which is why they started a horde server ;p
The All Purpose Fox


Too many diff chars on too many different servers!! Arrrgh! And PvE FTL... No transferability.


Just a one way street to PvE.
Also ironically, it seems my luck is golden in, of all places, Molten Core.  :santa


We're MC raiders, (we aint got no laaahiiifffeee)

Anyone actually remember that song?  We always used to have it playing on the jukebox when we were doing MC.


I officially declare Kael'thas the official DMFAer server, horde side. If you've got a character you play on another server, you're probably doin' it wrong. :x


So essentially you all just run around and gank people? 

How is this an escape from reality... oh, the big pointy swords, I get it now.
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


Quote from: Azlan on July 18, 2008, 01:55:35 AM
So essentially you all just run around and gank people? 

How is this an escape from reality... oh, the big pointy swords, I get it now.

Pointy ears, too.