Nighttime Cleaners (OOC) - Update: January 3 (see latest post)

Started by Angel, July 01, 2008, 03:44:25 PM

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So I'm standing there at work, ringing up a call-in order, when, to put it in a friend's way, I got hit by the inspiration train. (That IS what it felt like...the idea just came out of nowhere.) I've been trying to come up with my own RP for years, and it perfected itself in a half-hour.

Now, then. It has come to my attention that although villains have joined forces, heroes have saved people, and fighters have fought, there is a specific group of people who have never truly gotten their chance to shine.

My task to those of you who are willing is this... We're gonna run a hitman agency.

Time: Present
Setting: Earth; preferably limited to America and Europe
Plot: In every society, from the biggest city to the smallest towns, there are people who want someone else dead. Their reasons don't matter; all that matters is their goal. In a small but bustling city, there is a building below ground-level where a man has just set up shop. Masking his true purpose under the guise of a nighttime cleaning service, this man is willing to help these people achieve their goals – for the right price and motive, of course. But he can't do it alone, no matter how much he'd like to...


Hitmen. I'd like to keep the number of hitmen on call between 5 and 10 people. Not to discourage, but too many cooks spoil the broth. If absolutely necessary, that number can be extended – but no more than 15 people. The hitmen will be contacted for work either through personal request or the leader's recommendations.

In your entry post, if you wish to be a hitman, you and select others have received a letter written in the style of a classified ad:

"Wanted. Professional hitmen. Must be quick, quiet, efficient, available and willing. Prior experience or training absolutely necessary. If interested, please come to the Black Sky Nighttime Cleaning Service building at 440 South Main St. in (City X) at designated time. Come alone. If coming alone is impossible, do not bring more than one person. Return this letter upon arrival."

As indicated, hitmen should not come in together unless they are working together. Each one will have a private interview with the leader, and then go back to their daily lives. If they're needed, they'll be called. Their only other rule, the most important one, is this: Try not to get caught.

Clients/Targets. Note that these two groups are together. Well, that's for a reason. The players who wish to be clients have to play as the victims as well. Though I realize this may cause some difficulty, I couldn't think of any other way to make this successful. No bio is necessary for the client or victim, unless they have a reason to come back. The entry post can tell all the other players will need to know.

Clients will interview directly with the leader, and, if necessary, with the hitman involved in the job. The motives of the clients will be under the scrutiny of the leader, as well as the method they'd like to have the hitmen use. If they have a personal request for who carries out the task, it will be arranged. If not, the leader will decide based on preferred method and motive.

The victims will be expected to put up some sort of struggle. Killing someone isn't as easy as it looks. Hold to that truth. Defend yourself. Try to escape. Whether the victim really dies or not is left entirely up to the player.

Police. It just wouldn't do to have murders run rife throughout the city – or possibly the nation – without some opposition. The police numbers may have to be limited that will be decided later. If you choose to be a police officer, you have been assigned to figure out who is organizing these murders and where they are – at any cost.


Species. Pretty much anything goes species-wise.

Weaponry and Combat. Weapons shouldn't be too futuristic, though advanced technology is certainly allowed. For the hitmen, anything goes – but keep in mind, you're trying not to get caught. The job has to be quick, clean and quiet. Dirty tricks and sneaky tactics are expected and encouraged, but god-moding, as always, is PROHIBITED. No automatic kill unless the victim's player allows it, and know when to give up, if need be. The job doesn't HAVE to be completed in one day, though that is certainly encouraged. As for the police, no immediate sting operations or anything like that. Be methodical and careful. These are pros; they will be trying to evade you at all costs, maybe even kill you if necessary.


That's ... pretty much it. I'll post the leader's bio once I'm sure we have enough people to get going. As this is my first RP, I'm rather nervous. Hope this doesn't all go under, and good luck!

EDIT: Character sheets off the port bow!


Prior Affiliations (if any):
Physical Description:
Trivia (if any):


Position (as in on the force):
Family and Associates:
Physical Description:
Trivia (if any):

Required Information about Victims (as much as the client can tell)

1. Physical description. Build, looks, species, etc.
2. Abilities and strengths. Is victim a superhuman/superfur? Does he know karate? Can he kill you with a knitting needle?
3. Weaknesses: physical, psychological and otherwise.
4. Other notes: anything else that might help.


EDIT (Jan. 8, 2009):

Okay, guys, we have enough hitmen now. Of course, if anyone else wants to sign up to be one, they can; I'll just have a "rain date" set up in the game where anyone who didn't respond has a last chance or something. But now we need to focus on the police, and I need help figuring out how to start things off. I have a stock character in mind to 'control' the investigations, which won't start until the murders do, but we need other police. I also need at least a few more victims for the test runs, so sign up, please, and remember, you don't have to let a victim get killed; it's up to you. Anyone with ideas can PM me or post their suggestions here.


UPDATE: May 14, 2009

Techmaster has graciously provided us with a character index! Here it is. :)

Black_angel - Khimara H. Transphermi (Hitman Leader)
Black_angel - Jacob "Jake" Whitson (Police Leader)

Ryudo Lee - Shade, the "Ghost Thief"
Boogeyman - Hermes McMortimer
lucas marcone - Shaun Damsey
e_voyager - (33233) E's forte, alternate Forte
Tipod - Stepan Lloyd Pushkar

lucas marcone - burturm ford (victim only, terminated), jorje eglace (incomplete, victim only)
Azlan - Jason Cross Jr. (victim), Eugene Cross-Myers (client)
Boogeyman - Mr. Fogerty (victim only)
Tipod - Bonzo Quevado (client), Angel Alazraqui (victim)
Black_angel - Andrea Darley (client), Connor Adams (victim)

Azlan - Alasdair Gray

Inactive Players: (people who haven't yet posted, or won't)
Malone - Lord Joshua Rotton, Roger Waxman (hitman)
Cogidubnus - Fredrick J. Ralston (hitman), Jedidiah Wright (client)
familyghost - The Wraith, aka Maddock O'Donnelly (hitman)
Basilisk2150 - Johan Viesigar (police)
Arroyo Milori - Arroyo Milori (unsure of side)

The Real Myth of Sisyphus:
The itsy-bitsy spider went up the water spout,
Down came the rain and washed the spider out.
Out came the sun and dried up all the rain,
And the itsy-bitsy spider went up the spout again...


I am intruiged.  >:3

I'm going to be considering this until I get home, I think.

Be polite. Be efficient! Have a plan to kill -everyone- you meet...


Quote from: Cogidubnus on July 01, 2008, 03:59:48 PM
Be polite. Be efficient! Have a plan to kill -everyone- you meet...

That's exactly what I was thinking. Though, considering, I don't think that either of us is so fortunate that we'll find out that Black_angel plays Team Fortress 2...

Either way; Great going, Angel!


If I'm able to work joining this into my now-limited computer use, I'm so going to be with the Police... >:3 >:3 >:3

llearch n'n'daCorna


I'm utterly torn between doing this (which will be fun) and resting on what I already have going (ER, UA, and forum management...)

And if doing this, do I take hitman, police, or a series of clients and/or victims? I can see temptations in all three roles... although the police role doesn't suit me too much.

Images of Grosse Point Blank leap into mind...
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears

Ryudo Lee

My attention has been grabbed.  I thoroughly enjoy assassin and stealth style games.  I'm in as a hitman, definitely.  And I have a character in mind already.  We should probably have some kind of character sheet to fill out.

Thanks to Taski & Silverfoxr for the artwork!


Correction: We should carefully inquire as to just what sort of characters Black_angel was opting for here and moderate our choices thereafter, instead of just throwing something in and then either getting angry because the character in question was not accepted or ruining the RP by being excessive or going at it too hard from the start, thus making ourselves look like genuine asshats.


Whoops. I did forget about bio sheets. Hm.... I suppose there'd be two main bio types: police and hitmen. A victim/client bio wouldn't be needed unless they turned out to be recurring characters. I have no specific format in mind at the moment, but I'll certainly come up with one. In the meantime.... what he said.  :yeahthat
The Real Myth of Sisyphus:
The itsy-bitsy spider went up the water spout,
Down came the rain and washed the spider out.
Out came the sun and dried up all the rain,
And the itsy-bitsy spider went up the spout again...


Well well I suppose my entrance has been delayed long enough.
What are introductions if not the title of a book yet to be read?
My name is Malone and I'm a dear friend of Black_Angel from a world not so far removed from the internet.
-N.E.D Malone

llearch n'n'daCorna

... Did you post this in the wrong place, Malone?
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


I have but one question that can adequately express the amount of befuddlement and my feeling of simultaneous incredulity and slight discomfort at not knowing what that previous statement was all about, what context it came from and what other circumstances are involved:

'What the shit is going on here?!'


:animesweat Ahehehe.... let me explain.

I sent the outline of this RP to a very close friend who is currently away at college. This friend is the guy who got me into roleplaying games, Hellsing, and Sandman, and made me a flash animation connoisseur. In other words, he helped me become the nerd I am today. He also is a professional at annoying me and making me laugh at the same time.

If this is not him, I am very nervous. If it is him, then I am smirking and shaking my head while plotting to kill him. That is all.

EDIT: Yup. It's him.
The Real Myth of Sisyphus:
The itsy-bitsy spider went up the water spout,
Down came the rain and washed the spider out.
Out came the sun and dried up all the rain,
And the itsy-bitsy spider went up the spout again...


In that case, that's great to hear. More fun for everyone!


Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on July 02, 2008, 05:35:45 PM
... Did you post this in the wrong place, Malone?
How can something be in the wrong place? Everything is right where it is intended to go.
Its just fate.


Quote from: Malone on July 02, 2008, 09:26:04 PM
How can something be in the wrong place? Everything is right where it is intended to go.
Its just fate.

Yeah, sure, Ozymandias. Now, will this be developing or what?

lucas marcone

i be interested... id prefer a role as a hit man but i'd be willing to take a cop job if necessary. though i do like the idea of the challange of playing both....


Hmm. That's enough yeses and maybes to get a move on, I think. I'll start the IC thread shortly. Post your bios whenever you feel like it, the character sheets are up. Oh, one final note: I'd like to have no magic users among the hitmen. Mutants and superpowered people, though, are quite welcome.  :3
The Real Myth of Sisyphus:
The itsy-bitsy spider went up the water spout,
Down came the rain and washed the spider out.
Out came the sun and dried up all the rain,
And the itsy-bitsy spider went up the spout again...

Paladin Sheppard

This seems seems very interesting I must say. How will you be running the police side of things BA?

llearch n'n'daCorna

And where do we sign up to be victi^H^H^H^Hclients?
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears

Ryudo Lee


Name: Shade, the "Ghost Thief"
Age: Appears to be in his late 20's, but doesn't know his true age.
Gender: Male
Prior Affiliations (if any): Various fences, his own personal friends, and other assassins.
Species/Race: Black cat (like your average household cat)
Build: Lightly muscled
Physical Description: 5'10", short black fur and hair, and yellow eyes.  Not a large fellow, but with enough muscle to do his job.  Has a chewed up left ear and a crook at the end of his tail.  He wears blacks all the time, day or night.  Be they just shirt and pants or a cloak, it's always black.  He also tends to wear sunglasses, especially at night.

Personality: The quiet type, and patient to a fault, the kind that everyone says you gotta watch.  Tends to sneak off when no one's paying attention, to give the illusion of being able to disappear at will.  But if you're one of his friends, he'll do just about anything for you.

History: Shade was an orphan, and so had to steal in order to keep his skin from meeting his ribs.  He started his career small time, just being a pickpocket, but eventually grew into a professional thief.  But he eventually found out that being an assassin pays better.  From being a thief he'd learned to work on his own and had built a reputation as being a "Ghost Thief".  Being a black cat, he became a thief who works best in shadow, who comes in unseen in the middle of the night, takes everything of value, leaves under the cover of night, and no one notices until the next morning.  Once he started getting assassination jobs, he applied his stealth techniques and found that they worked out perfectly.  His favored targets are the rich.  Mansions pose such a wonderous challenge.  But he will take any job that strikes his fancy.  Often he's had to work in groups, and when in such a situation, he usually acts as an infiltrator and scout for the rest of the group.  This also means he gets first grab of the loot.

-Invisible in shadow: Being a black cat, he has an uncanny ability to disappear entirely in any shadow he can put his entire body into.  When all the lights are extinguished, he's practically invisible.  The only problem is that he would have to keep his eyes closed to remain invisible, as any light is reflected in his eyes.  To combat this, he often wears special, reflection resistant sunglasses at night, but that hinders his eyesight substantially.
-Stealthy foot paws: He doesn't wear shoes.  He's learned to walk silently on his footpads.  This makes for an eerie effect when he's wearing a full cloak, or robe.  Of course this causes problems for him if he ends up walking on gravel or broken glass.  Ouch!
-The art of distraction: Using various techniques and tools of the thieving trade, strange noises or odd happenings can emanate from just about any place within his eyesight.  Noisemakers, smoke bombs, flash bombs, and others are good for creating a distraction, or even a little chaos.  Unfortunately, he can only carry very few of these tools, as too many would weigh him down too much.
-Thieving: He carries with him a set of lockpicks, gloves, and wears blacks all the time.  Being a professional thief, breaking and entering is child's play.  And who's going to notice if some valuables go missing in the home of one of his assassination targets, hmm?  Of course, this causes a huge problem for him should he ever get caught.  Being a killer and a thief does not go unnoticed for long.

Trivia (if any):
-His chewed up left ear was from a fight with a freelance (and in his opinion, ameteur) thief who had tried to break into HIS home.  The other thief did not get away, although Shade didn't get out unscathed.  But it does make for a good conversation piece.
-He carries a blackjack and a knife as his only weapons.  His MO is to knock out people in his way with the blackjack, and to only kill his intended target, without being seen.
-Aside from being an assassin and thief, he's actually a fairly nice guy once you get to talking to him.  He holds his friends in high regard, and often is asked to go on "rescue" missions when someone steals something of value from them.

Thanks to Taski & Silverfoxr for the artwork!


Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on July 03, 2008, 08:57:15 AM
And where do we sign up to be victi^H^H^H^Hclients?

You don't, at least not the way I figured. Seems to me that victims/clients will just come in whenever they dang well please - one at a time, but still. Unless you want to be a recurring character, in which case I'll come up with a bio sheet later.

Quote from: Paladin Sheppard on July 03, 2008, 08:22:18 AM
This seems seems very interesting I must say. How will you be running the police side of things BA?

Still working on that one, truthfully. I figure there'd be about the same number of police as there are hitmen, but I'm not sure whether I should reallly limit it or not. Come to think of it, I don't even have a police chief yet... Hm. Once the murders get under way, I'll cross that bridge, I s'pose.
The Real Myth of Sisyphus:
The itsy-bitsy spider went up the water spout,
Down came the rain and washed the spider out.
Out came the sun and dried up all the rain,
And the itsy-bitsy spider went up the spout again...

llearch n'n'daCorna

Hmm. It wasn't that I wanted to be a recurring character, but that, as a client/victim, I should probably work up half a dozen clients and victims, since they'll be short-run chars, rather than full play chars.

If that makes sense.

In fact, if you can talk to me over AIM or on IRC or MSN or something, I have a few questions and ideas to bounce past you, for later use...
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Gaaarr, I'm really wanting to get in on this as a police, but with how skewed my computer time is now, I'm not sure if I'll be able to. I'm also I'm having difficulty coming up with a good concept character. I need a little elaboration on this;
Oh, one final note: I'd like to have no magic users among the hitmen. Mutants and superpowered people, though, are quite welcome.
What exactly is alowable, limited, and restricted? Is this even available to a lawman character? I actually want my character to be a part of a gov't agency specifically formed to track down hitmen and assasins(yes, I know that the gov'ts would be the most likely to contract hitmen, but, I'd like to go with benevolent leadership :)), thus giving him good equipment and manpower access. But if he's going to go up against a whole pantheon of superhuman killers, he's gonna need some power of his own going for him. (unless my entire draw is in mook command and nice toys)


First up, a Hitman. Might add a client later.

Name: Hermes McMortimer
Aliases: The Dead Man, Jimmy Molovich
Age: Either 30 or 7, depending on how you look at it.
Gender: Male
Prior Affiliations (if any): Anastasia Molovich
Species/Race: Human, sort of
Build: Wirey, muscular. A swimmer's physique.
Physical Description: Medium length blond hair, brown eyes that on closer inspection are both glass. Tends to wear baggy clothing to cover the makeshift rubber tubing and gizmos (on his back, strapped down to his stomach with duct tape, along his arms and legs, etc) that keep him "alive." Pale and thin in the face, but of more of a reddish hue in the hands and feet. Moves rather stiffly.
Personality: ... Nonexistant, really. Hermes speaks only when necessary, and that's rather rare to begin with.
History: Soon after a woman named Anastasia Molovich invented a substance that she would eventually name "Prometheus' Putty," her 23 year old nephew Jimmy walked in on her work and saw too much. Too much of what would be hard to say, but most assume it was too much of a homeless person that wasn't a vat of organic slurry yet.
This, tragically, is where Jimmy exits the story.
It's also, interestingly enough, where Hermes enters it. After the panic subsided and Anastasia put the scalpel down, she realized that Jimmy would be missed (a fact that she's long since held up as proof that the world is a sick and twisted place). She attempted to somehow restore the cadaver to some functioning capability using her creation and whatever other componants and mechanisms were at her disposal but, alas, failed. What she got was a quasi-aware corpse that could fake being alive so long as it was hooked up to a dialesis machine and a plethora of IV drips, and could on occasion talk thanks to the motherboard wired up to his frontal lobes. She managed to create a complete duplicate of Jimmy eventually to send back to her family with none the wiser (save for its funny habit of screaming whenever it heard the word "radish." She still didn't know what she did wrong there, but it hadn't happened since so hey), and yet later on out of necessity upgraded The Dead Man to be more capable of independent action, for reasons that were very important at the time.
As time went on his circuitry became more efficient at interacting with the mutilated brain they'd been housed in, to the point that he was as smart if not significantly smarter than your average human being. Not particularly long after naming himself he realized that he, like many of the things Anastasia created using the Putty (up to and including the duplicates of Anastasia herself), would eventually be returned to the vats of organic slush that she used to create other things. Her complete lack of morality and ability to justify any action she may take meant that he could count on neither gratitude nor mercy on this front and, fearing his own mortality, he fled.
For a time the two pursued each other, each seeking to put an end to the other; at first he out of fear of death and her out of fear of discovery, but as time went on matters changed. Some people, reasoned Hermes, were harmful to ALL of society. Anastasia hated society, constantly talking about how very different things would be if she were in charge and what would happen to those she disliked in her perfect world. She was also accumulating power that one day may be enough to accomplish her goals. She was a scourge on society, and he made it his personal crusade to destroy his creator. Meanwhile, she sees him as a representation of every bit of control over her plans that she's lost as her projects have gotten more and more depraved.
Hermes sees his role as an assassin as a means to killing Anastasia, eventually, but it's a very long-term goal.
Abilities: Hermes is in very good physical condition, feels neither pain nor fatigue, and is an incredibly quick thinker. He commonly modifies his body for new missions, even transferring all his electronics and biological oddities to a new corpse entirely when the old one is beyond repair. A cyst full of the Putty also allows him to twist and warp his current shape in other ways, although not on the fly.
Trivia (if any): Hermes does have a few hobbies; board games, playing the tin whistle, and sudoku. He's blind in both natural eyes, but has made... modifications that allow him a route around that. Tends to think too much about philosophical ideas that he doesn't completely understand.


Name: Lord Joshua Rotton

Age: 29

Gender: Male

Prior Affiliations (if any): British East India Company, Foreign Legion, British House of Lords.

Species/Race: British (Because according to Americans, they are the only Humans on the planet)

Build: Sturdy and hearty with more muscle than should be fitting for a man as thin as he.

Physical Description: A spitting image of his father, Lord Rotton is a man of stature and poise. Under his refined way of dress, he is comparable to few but Olympians in his tone of mussel. A man of his likes is not seen but once in a while, for he has a distinguishing scar that runs along the bridge of his nose in a X shape, the souvenir of war and the violence that comes with it. He normally dresses in fine, outdates suits or a black mafia suit. He has fine slicked back black hair with a bit to much jell. A scruffy 5'oclock shadow sits on the bottom part of his face, never seeming to pose a threat to gown out more than that in fear of the trimmer. Two dark blue eyes sit in his skull, all and all he is a rather attractive fellow with a laid back demeanor. Appearing more as a worldly gentleman, a wink can bring a lady to her knees.

Personality: A true British gent right out of the pages of a book. Honest as long as it's not an inconvenience, honorable as long at it is, and witty all the way threw. Given to vice, he doesn't shun a drink or two before a good night out on the town. A spirit more at home on the battlefields of Africa, Joshua is a dog of war. He doesn't think twice about killing a man and has the self-preservation instincts of an animal. Now alone in an unfamiliar world, he is just trying to survive by hiring himself as a top class Hitman. A man of the Age of Enlightenment, he is interested in all facets of science and politics.

History: If time was a river our friend Lord Rotton is the glass egg that made its way over the fall and come out no worse for the rough handling of its person. Rotton is the man time forgot. Rotton has the luck of the devil when it comes to survival. Many a war left him tired and scared but alone. Many a woman have broken his heart and many a time has he found himself in a hard place in once sense of the word or another. A "mad scientist" (to play to a stereotype) by the name of Harold Lost made an abomination of science as far as the British government was concerned. Lord Rotton, as far as war was concerned, had been retired for several years but when the crown called him, he could not turn it down. A mistake, a momentary hesitation left Rotton in the future. The abomination, a time machine, was destroyed along with its creator but Rotton and his nephew were taken to a very different time. Finding work was not hard for a man of his military talents. Acting as a mercenary for a little time, he finally found his skills lucrative when he picked up the mantel of a Hitman.

Abilities: Gifted with a will beyond that of normal men, Rotton has a keen power of observation and an even keener sense of deduction. Always on the up & up, he is a paragon among plebeians when it comes down to pure physical agility and strength. Resourceful to a tee, Rotton is mealy a shadow on a wall. An assortment of gadgets strait out of science fiction of the 18th century adorn his person at all times.

Trivia (if any): He is a fan of the band "Duran Duran". He has a great dislike for computers, more because they confuse him and make him look foolish. He is also notorious for using old rifles due to his familiarity with them. His weapon of choice is a "M1917 Enfield Rifle" (aka "The American Enfield").

(That's right! No powers for me! That's some strait up Batman for you right there! Only he's not punishing evil doers so much as he is filling his wallet and his pride. Think Batman meets Sherlock Holmes, meets James Bond, then remove the moral aversion to killing. Heck, I even got a sidekick!)

Name: Roger Waxman
Age: 13
Gender: Male
Prior Affiliations (if any): Lord Joshua Rotton
Species/Race: British
Build: Spindly and malnourished.
Physical Description: Standing at a runty height, Roger is spindly and boney. Arms and legs far too big for his body, Roger is as about as strong as he is smart. Normally wearing a matching outfit as Rotton, he is more an item of style than anything else. A permanently dirty face adorned with a permanent frown on it sits on a slouched spine. A messy bowl cut gives him the look of a scolded puppy, the heavy freckles don't help.
Personality: Meek and unassuming. Cowering and general unhelpful. A bit dark and brooding, he is a pessimist with the attitude of a 3 year old at times. (He acts like a scolded puppy.)
History: The son of Rotton's brother, Roger's father was killed in the Great War. Living on the street for a time, he found himself with but an address and some threadbare cloths. Arriving at the dress of his Uncle, Joshua took him under his wing as a helper. Treated more a baggage, Roger is a plucky tag along who follows Rotton more for the degree of security than for the food... but don't get him wrong, he wants food.
Abilities: A powerful smell of bad cheese? Whining? Asking if he could "have s'more sir. I'm hungry." (WHAT! You want more?)

lucas marcone


Name: Shaun Damsey
Age: 30
Gender: male
Prior Affiliations (if any): various drug dealers, Juston darmuth: hitman, bill highwater:hitman, dustin perisi: old mafia boss(shaun was his body gaurd till an unexplained incident involving a straight razor and an empty bathroom)
Species/Race: Otter
Build: strong and lean, 6' 180 lbs
Physical Description: from top to bottom, he is a brown otter.hazel eyes,  he wears nautical looking necklaces. armored dull brown tanktop with a black leather jacket. army fatigue bottoms. brown suade steele toe work boots.
Personality: contrary to his profession Shaun is an optimist and very outgoing. he is exmilitary and sometimes has flashbacks, wich is the reason normal professions won't hire him. that's why he turned to what he does best. he will not, however, kill a good honest man.
History: he is exmilitary. his wife(natale) and three month old son(joshua) have absolutely no idea of his new profession.
Abilities: he is calm under fire. he has an above average athletic ability. he also has a steady hand when weilding presision weapons.
Trivia (if any): -he's irish
- he is a sticler for profesionalism
-polite and curtious, always.

strengths: leadership, well weathered(preforms well undr extreme weather), patient, loyal

weaknesses: family, his mental problems from the war, cocky
equipment: sniper rifle, twin  Smith & Wesson 1911 Performance Center Semi-Auto Pistol 170261, 45 ACP, 5", Wood Grip, Two Tone Finish, 8 Rd

two thigh back holster. two flash bang grenades and three concusion grenades (per job)


are robots allowed? if not i'll be human. a cyber enhanced human.
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


And the IC thread has started! Hitmen, please remember; come in one at a time, or with your character's partner. Clients/targets, don't post until I have at least five Cleaners available. Same goes to the cops, who I will be working with to figure out how to run their side of things. And lastly, here is the bio of the leader, my first original villain. I'm so proud of him. (sniffs and brushes a tear of joy away)

Name: Khimara H. Transphermi (note: first name rhymes with Samara)
Age: 24
Gender: Male
Prior Affiliations (if any): Gareth Transphermi
Species/Race: Feline Shapeshifter
Build: Lean, but muscular. Roughly the physique of a sprinter, or a dancer.
Physical Description: Khimara stands about 5'10", maybe a half-inch taller. He has a basic feline body structure, with golden-blond hair that reaches his shoulders and slightly messy bangs. His fur is light yellow, and he has a fox-like bushy tail that tapers in typical cat fashion at the end. His typical clothing consists of a red cotton t-shirt, black jeans, and a black, sleeveless duster that he never buttons for some reason. He owns a pair of dark sunglasses that he is rarely seen without. They make it impossible for anyone to see his eyes.

Khimara is far more calculating than he appears at first. In mixed company, he's quite the gentleman, although he sometimes smiles a bit too often for comfort. He can be polite, funny, creative, and overall very charming. However, when among coworkers, rivals, and people involved in crime in any way, he shows his true colors - ambitious, intelligent, charismatic, and slightly more condescending than someone his age would be. Whether that last is subconscious or not is still unknown. He has a strong stomach for violence, having grown up with organized crime. He's very calm under pressure, and has no trouble killing someone when threatened. To the confusion of those who are less familiar with him, he does draw the line at certain points – sex crimes disgust him, and he'd never hurt a woman or a child unless threatened directly.

History: As previously stated, Khimara grew up with less-than-moral people – his father, Gareth, was heavily involved in organized crime in the town where they lived, and taught his son everything he knew once he saw the boy's interest in power. But like any father, he had ideals for his son, and was a little displeased to find that the boy had more of an artistic side than serious criminals tend to have, and chose activities in school to further this. Khimara's mother, Alice, supported this as well as her son's involvement in Gareth's work, though she constantly wished he'd chosen something safer.

As a child, Khimara was very impulsive, and a bit too cocky for his own good. Having discovered his power early on, he let his ego grow too much and was known to be pretty violent – until he accidentally scarred someone for life (literally) at age thirteen. Although he had been about to lose a battle, and didn't really regret his actions, he was old enough to understand overkill. The incident tamped down his arrogance to a much safer level, though his drive for power never died. His chagrin with his father's personality may have spurred this on – he wanted to prove that he didn't need to rely on Gareth's connections to make something of himself. He first struck out on his own at age 23, but having been caught before completing his goal, he's decided to work for others rather than under them or without them.

Abilities: Khimara is a Shapeshifter, a rare genetic fluke that can change into almost any living creature in the world (with a few exceptions; dinosaurs and bacteria are the only ones he's sure of right now). It is because of this rare and sometimes terrifying ability that he has gained so much influence, as well as his early ego boost – though he has since learned his limits. As with the majority of Shapeshifters, he has one identifying mark he must work around – black markings in the shape of his sunglasses appear around his eyes whenever he's in another form. He's amazingly quick, and very capable in hand-to-hand combat. His inherent heightened senses and uncommon persistence in battle make him a formidable foe.

Trivia (if any):
-Though very few people know this, Khimara took dance lessons for five years (specifically, ballet), which is probably why he's so fast.
- He's a very good singer, and has a strange affinity for any music by David Bowie. (Creator's note: His character is more than a little based off Jareth from the movie Labyrinth.)
- He has a strong hatred for getting his hair cut any shorter than its typical length.
- As far as people outside his family are concerned, the H. in his name stands for "hold your tongue and mind your own business."
- Because of his abilities and his own ethics, Khimara tries to be a vegetarian. But because he's a cat and therefore a born carnivore, he makes an exception for fish every once in a while.
The Real Myth of Sisyphus:
The itsy-bitsy spider went up the water spout,
Down came the rain and washed the spider out.
Out came the sun and dried up all the rain,
And the itsy-bitsy spider went up the spout again...


Name: (33233) E's forte

Age: 27

Gender: unspoken

Prior Affiliations (if any): Wily robotics , Everyday armored solutions

Species/Race: assumed human

Build: fairly compact. strong and wears what is assumed to be and armored exosuite

Physical Description: E's forte stands about 6'4", often called e

Personality: a mystery e seems to show a different personality for every job.

History: virtually unknown as his file has disappeared form the day she started working for everyday armored solutions.

Abilities: Forte is a sharpshooter, sniper and at times a one man army. relying  on infiltration rather then might e has more of a James bond, solid snake approached to getting near his target.  for the job.  (those were two of his favorite video game one man armies )

Trivia (if any): it is believed that everyday day armored solutions has been abducted unwanted children form 3 word countries and train them before truing them into mercenaries. after 20 years if they are still alive they are allowed to retired. if they go AWOL but survive 5 retrieval attempted then they are considered honorably discharged and allowed to return to the company should they chose to.
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


Quote from: e_voyager on July 04, 2008, 01:25:41 AM
are robots allowed? if not i'll be human. a cyber enhanced human.

Because I didn't say so before, a cyber-enhanced human will be fine. A complete robot might be a little more powerful than what I'm looking for. The bio seems a little brief, but it sounds acceptable.
The Real Myth of Sisyphus:
The itsy-bitsy spider went up the water spout,
Down came the rain and washed the spider out.
Out came the sun and dried up all the rain,
And the itsy-bitsy spider went up the spout again...