Nighttime Cleaners (OOC) - Update: January 3 (see latest post)

Started by Angel, July 01, 2008, 03:44:25 PM

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thank you. a cyber human he is then.  if i'm okay they i'll wait for a opening to appearing in the IC  thread. and thank you for the response. i post a brief profile to  well i forget why but i wanted to show you what i was thinking of. and the less there is the less this is to modify. his corporation is if allowed still in the shadows.

oh and black_angel well i'm sorry but just realize i don't have a client is this acceptable?
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey

lucas marcone

so will you be posting the accepted profiles or is it safe to assume the ones you don't shot down are accepted?


Well, now that I've got the general gist of things, here's something I've been thinking about. I don't plan on introducing the client now - I suppose, I will whenever that becomes appropriate.


Name: Fredrick J. Ralston
Age: 35
Gender: Male
Prior Affliations: Darkwater Technological Industries, St. Zachariel's University, College of Arts and Sciences (graduate program)
Species: Human
Build: Slender
Physical Description: If there was ever a perfect gentlemen, Fredrick Jasper Ralston would fit the bill, to a T. Genial, kind, dapper, fond of wearing dark anachronistic suits with rounded glasses and carrying a cane ornate enough to use as a lamp-stand, the rather pale, emaciated looking man is a strange and strangely polite sight to behold. His clothing itself tends towards the black-and-brown side, with waistcoat and tie, and occasionally a gold watch-chain peeking out of one pocket. His coal-black hair is cut short, and his well-formed teeth are eerily white, while his body is just on the healthy side of thin.

Personality: A cheerfully polite and dapper man, Fredrick is quite inclined to good, interesting conversation and pleasant company. If his image is the perfect gentlemen, than his personality surely reflects this, having the time of day for almost anyone, and with a temper that is nearly impossible to set off. Underneath what seems to be a grand heart, however, is the purest form of black ice. His concern and nicety are largely a facade, as the man is possessed with the most startling apathy towards his fellow man imaginable.

History: A double major in chemistry and physics left Fredrick with a delightfully broad knowledge of the sciences, and found himself an easy fit into the weapons manufacturing market, his own little niche being the research and development department of Darkwater Technological Industries. Ten years later, he quit, and hasn't taken another day job since. Accusations of stolen weapons, schematics, ethical violations and intellectual thievery have dogged him since he quit – however, no-one has managed to put enough pieces together for anything definitive, and Fredrick has no reason to suspect they ever will.

Abilities: His greatest asset being the mindset that allows him to ask with a smile how a man's children are doing while readying his pistol, the assets that allow him to be an assassin rather than a stock broker are somewhat unusual. His time with Darkwater left him with several prototype weapons not-quite available to the public.
Of the prototype weapons he stole from Darkwater, one was an alloyed sword equipped with a subsonic vibrational generator in the hilt – wrapped in an insulating grip, the weapon itself possess the ability to shear through nearly anything. He's since incorporated the design into numerous small knives and weapons located on his person.
Another item stolen from Darkwater's labs is his own brainchild – a single, thin vial of self-replicating nanomachines smuggled out of the lab in a empty tube of toothpaste. Able to touch and manipulate molecules themselves, the little machines are like the touch of God, bestowing upon small man the luster of divine blessing. Trillions of the 'smart drones' now swim in Fredrick's veins, and through their manipulations, are able to repair cuts, breaks, fractures, holes, and gaping wounds on the microscopic level, as well as affording him enhanced strength and speed. They offer him an amazing resistance to poisons and diseases well - to a point, they can nearly heal any injury. An experiment with a toe showed that they can heal amputations, if the severed limb is reconnected. However, he's never tested what might happen if his head is removed. As well, they require certain amounts of matter to work with in order to repair things – Fredrick generally uses the food in his stomach as raw material, so he's often seen eating lots before a job. However, if caught on an empty stomach, it's quite possible for him to run out of things to repair his body with. Certain amounts of injury would also simply be too much for him to repair.

Trivia: Fredrick took fencing his sophomore, junior and senior years.
He loves cookies.
Since he ingested the nanomachines, he hasn't needed his glasses. He continues to wear them, however, because he likes them.

*   *   *


Name: Jedidiah Wright
Age: 30
Gender: Male
Species: Arctic Fox
Build: Average
Physical Description: Blue eyes, blond hair, and snow-white fur give the impression of the great, cold north, although the man's kind smile reminds one more of the gentle west Zephyr than the fierce north Boreas. An immaculate white suit seems only to highlight his appearance, and an elegant tie and broach somewhat gives the impression of wealth and refinement. His physical characteristics aside, he is only of a moderate build – clearly someone who might work out once a week, and spends the rest of his time in leisure.

Personality: Seemingly a man of enlightened interest, Jed gives the impression of wisdom and kindness, and so complete is this impression that one might believe it to be true, if he wasn't offering you a job to kill someone. While sometimes seeming apologetic in asking, he has no qualms about referring to it as what it is – when he needs someone dead, he needs them dead, and has the money to finance it.

History: The youngest recorded mayor of a major city, Jedidiah is about enlightened social service. His policies and procedures have led the city to prosperity, and there seems to be unilateral and enthusiastic support behind his successes. Inquiries into his questionable practices with city funds, as of late, seem to be dying out.

Abilities: Wealth, political influence.

Trivia: A flagrant womanizer, and has been married four times already.
Is personally not as rich as he likes people to think he is.
A former alcoholic – he gave up the bottle in exchange for public office. So far, power has been a acceptable substitute as an intoxicant.


Quote from: e_voyager on July 04, 2008, 06:40:22 PM

oh and black_angel well i'm sorry but just realize i don't have a client is this acceptable?

let me know when it's okay to join. i have an ideal as to why my forte is in the area he;s in and who he'll get his orders  to join the rp.  i must commend you and Ryudo both for the rp you've made so far.
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey

Ryudo Lee

Shade is looking for any kind of information that the underground might have on Khimara.  Any history, prior contracts, whether or not people find him trustworthy, who he's worked with or related to in the underground, and other similar stuff.  You can PM me whether or not Shade finds anything out.

Thanks to Taski & Silverfoxr for the artwork!


So, Hermes can just stroll on in now then?


Quote from: Boogeyman on July 21, 2008, 11:33:56 PM
So, Hermes can just stroll on in now then?

Yup, go right ahead.

Because I've received enough questions about it, I've read over all the profiles and am putting my judgments here, so that you guys know whether or not you're okay.

Hermes McMortimer (Boogeyman): Confusing, but acceptable.
Shaun Damsey (lucas marcone): Acceptable, if a little brief.
Lord Joshua Rotton and Roger Waxman (Malone): Acceptable, but Mal has informed me that with school and his other RPs, he is unable to participate. How sad.
E's forte (e_voyager): Profile not very telling, but acceptable if more is revealed in game, which I'm assuming is about right.
Frederick J. Ralston (Cogidubnus): Acceptable. If I said any more, I'd be accused of playing favorites, so I'll shut up. :)

There. As for the tests, I am a bit undecided. My original idea (partially inspired by my little brother) was to play the test-run victims myself, but if anyone has a better idea or a victim they'd like to use, please let me know. I have a bit of trouble coming up with red-shirt characters.
The Real Myth of Sisyphus:
The itsy-bitsy spider went up the water spout,
Down came the rain and washed the spider out.
Out came the sun and dried up all the rain,
And the itsy-bitsy spider went up the spout again...


After much discussion and major revision, my submission is ready for posting.

Police, technically.

Name: Alasdair Gray
Age: 26 (timeless)
Gender: Male
Position: Special Agent
Family and Associates: Numerous associates within the Intelligence Community, Ancient Lotus, Princeton University alumni and faculty, and Law Enforcement personnel.  Alasdair has only his sister Candace and mother Alexandria as his most immediate family.
Species/Race: Fox
Build: average and wiry

Physical Description: Alasdair is a pure white fox with black hand/foot paws, tail tip and ears.  His eyes are an odd light purple color.  He dresses business professional, at home in such places as Board of Trustees meetings, the House of Lords and addressing the United Nations.  He will dress a little more casually while going at the day-to-day activities.

Personality: Alasdair is rather pleasant and friendly sort.  He is not one to raise his voice or speak out in anger, but one who remains calm and collected.  Professional to a fault when he needs to be, but capable of relaxing and winding down when the time is appropriate.  Alasdair displays a well practiced facade of emotionless, compassionless dedication to duty, but it is only a face he wears and he wears it well.   

History: Throughout his life, Alasdair has been a tad bit different then other kits his age.  He was always fast and very agile on his paws.  He was not a fighter, but his talents insured he was subjected to a lot of altercations, much of which he dexterously avoided or ended them swiftly.  There is no known explanation for his preternatural dexterity and agility, except possibly a genetic mutation.

Possessing a Masters degree in Cultural Mysticism, with a minor in Sociology, from Princeton University, Alasdair has always been one seeking truth and a greater understanding of the universe.  He completed his degree, but found that it held little practical use and it could yield him virtually no career opportunities outside of teaching.  After this revelation, he spent a few years traveling in Asia, studying Eastern Mysticism and social systems, but the real journey was one of self-discovery and what direction he should head in life.  During his studies in China, he met a stunning lady who took to him immediately.  This lady revealed herself to be Ho Hsien-Ku (He Xiangu), one of the eight Taoist immortals.  She was attracted to him because he was a beacon of the West, one who had the potential to understand despite his heritage.  He took to calling her Ancient Lotus and they discussed much.  She traveled with him for his time in China, providing insight into culture, cuisine, philosophy and even the origins and techniques of Chinese Martial Arts.  Though her realm is that of female immortals, she was one of the few left who interacted with the world still.  She urged him to return to the West and pursue his destiny.  On that day they parted company.   

Shortly after his return to the States, he was contacted by Jonathan O'Donnel , a fellow Princeton graduate, with a proposition for a position.  College was most definitely good for one thing, social networking.  Jonathan was an intelligence analyst for the National Security Agency and though it was not in line with what he had studied, it was an opportunity for employment.  He was given a crash course in intelligence analysis through military training and appointment to Army Intelligence, to date he is still considered Army Reserve and holds the rank of Major (due mostly to his education and talents as opposed to time in service).       

Abilities: Alasdair has preternatural dexterity, agility and speed.  He has the abilities to dodge, quick-draw and move with lightning speed, making for a deadly combination when combined with weapons or hand-to-hand training.  Despite this, he is not a natural fighter.

He is well trained in the areas of weapons and tactics, especially pistols.  When combined with his reflexes, he is quite a dangerous force to be reckoned with.  His skill has a high enough of a reputation to dissuade many a criminal, Mafioso, Yakuza and Triad to flee or surrender.  Despite his skill, he is not overly reckless or impatient, definitely not a loose cannon.  August Practitioner of Gun-Fu, perhaps even a master.

As part of his Cultural Mysticism major and his travels with one of the eight Taoist immortals, Alasdair has made a study of many of the world's martial arts.  This study has not made him an expert in performing these martial arts, but it does allow him to recognize and analyze another's particular form.  He can gauge much information that can give him an edge when combating the person.  This study has allowed him to integrate many of the techniques with his own hand to hand skills learned from his training in the NSA and Military Intelligence.  The specific form was drawn from many different martial arts itself, and is designed to be fast, brutal and efficient.  When tempered with a calm mind and refined through heavy training, it is very effective.       

His most unusual trait is that he has become a type of mystic immortal.  Alasdair is not a Taoist and does not follow its tenets, but thanks to his time with Ho Hsien-Ku, he has partaken of Mica and elixir.  This does not grant any immediate benefits or powers in of itself, as he would need to ascend (which he won't be doing as he is not a Taoist) to gain access to them.  He does understand the concepts and manipulation of chi, both positive and negative.  As such he can defend himself against those that have found some way of manipulating it.  Alastair himself can only repair damage done by excessive negative chi infestations, restore the flow of natural chi, heal himself, or perform minor healing on others.

Trivia (if any): Alasdair is a red fox with a very recessive gene for white fur.

Alasdair was originally recruited by the NSA as an assassin for government black ops work, however, at the time he lacked the necessary moral flexibility necessary to kill indiscriminately.

He loves peppermint

This fox cannot drink coffee.  It grants him a royal tummy ache if he ever tries to partake of the java.  Hence he has a healthy appreciation for tea.

Alasdair has a bizarre aura due to his mystic immortality state

Alasdair makes Feng Shui work
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


Good, good. So you'll be in right after Boog's interview is over.
The Real Myth of Sisyphus:
The itsy-bitsy spider went up the water spout,
Down came the rain and washed the spider out.
Out came the sun and dried up all the rain,
And the itsy-bitsy spider went up the spout again...

lucas marcone

so will i be in after e? or am i not accepted?


Quote from: lucas marcone on July 24, 2008, 03:44:07 PM
so will i be in after e? or am i not accepted?

You've been accepted, though as I said, your profile was slightly brief. Your guy can come in after E, yes.
The Real Myth of Sisyphus:
The itsy-bitsy spider went up the water spout,
Down came the rain and washed the spider out.
Out came the sun and dried up all the rain,
And the itsy-bitsy spider went up the spout again...


Should I post an intro or just wait until a crime happens...?  Maybe have him in his office sticking pencils to the ceiling...
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"



Name:The Wraith aka Maddock O'Donnelly
Age: roughly 32, appears mid twenties.  No longer ages.

Prior Affiliations (if any): Mostly organized crime families spread along the coast.
Species/Race:Undead Human
Build: Slim Muscular build for maximum dexterity and stamina.

Physical Description: 
The Wraith is roughly 5'10" tall and wears a black outfit laced with strong leather straps resembling belts.  He wears a green cloak and hood to conceal his face and features which are unpleasant to say the least.  To add to his bizarre appearance his eyes (on command at that) glow a bright teal. 

Underneath the costume is the man or rather what was once a man.  While Maddock's appearance is largely unchanged from the moment he died, he still has an unnatural look to him.  His skin is almost translucent and he often smells like a pile of dead animals although he does not actually decay.  As Maddock he wears black jeans and green shirts with varying foot ware.  To keep his fragile mental state in check he wears gloves at all times to avoid visions.  As Maddock his voice is quiet and often shy.

While in The Wraith persona though this changes, his face takes on the look of the night he died with half of his skull missing, his lower right jaw exposed and his eyes looked in an unblinking stare.  The cause of this is largely his own self perception and partly the very force that keeps him alive.  The Wraith has a twisted almost demonic voice often compared to the voice of dying men.

Take a man and break his will to live, and then give him near immortality and his soul will shatter.  Both persona's share a tragically shallow view of life, yet both demand that life be respected.  Maddock however, has the lone quirk of having the ability to fall in love and he fears and longs for that day.  The Wraith as his name suggests though is a cold and distant personality often lamenting his own existence but at the same time finds reasons for both personas to continue in their duty.  And again both personas are on constant edge from the combined stress of their existence and their abilities as well as a shared code to never kill bystanders or innocents.

Maddock O'Donnelly was once a mafia hitman of some renowned, often taking witnesses and rival bosses out at surprisingly close distances.  Then came the day he messed up and died...

Two weeks after that he awoke in a crypt and an odd sense of vertigo and death.  He managed to stumble his way out of the strange crypt and wander straight into hell.  The city he once saw as a hunting ground for professional killers now screamed at him it's unrelenting pain channeled straight into his mind and his soul.  He awoke again in the morning, unable to understand what had happened and so he returned to his life or so he tried.

His life after death produced nothing but failure as he found he could not kill the men he was hired to eliminate.  Soon the inability to act drove him to the edge and he confronted his boss where he was once again bombarded by the unrelenting pain of the city, this time however he had focus and could see what caused this pain.  It was his current boss and he was compelled to end the pain.  In that night he discovered another ability of his, the power to bend shadows to physical form.

The next day brought some clarity to his mind as he once again focused his murderous sights, this time on the sadistic, the cruel, the monstrous and the evil that infected the city.  He didn't know what his new unlife was all about but he had a hunch.  He was in for one hell of time trying to repent.


Close Combat: The Wraith is trained in close quarters combat with daggers, boxing and strangely enough Akido, though this is mostly used to not kill people who end up chasing him.

Stealth: Because of his traditionalist roots The Wraith has training in stealth and stealth killing.  This includes using thrown stilettos

Psychometry (pain affinity): The Wraith has the innate and uncontrolled ability to absorb the emotional context of pain into his mind.  His lack of control with this ability often causes him immense pain and is the reason he is almost always seen wearing gloves even as Maddock.  This ability always leaves him drained and defenseless.

Shadow Affinity: The Wraith is bizarrely bound to shadow by on odd force.  As such he finds too much light or even darkness to be a detriment to use the following abilities.  To much light makes the shadows weak and unstable.  Whiile to much darkness makes them invisible and completely ineffective, almost like paper.

Shadow Bend: The Wraith has another strength though it is only very rudimentary in its capabilities.  He can warp shadows into temporary solid objects that once exposed to light deteriorate very quickly.  He often uses this ability to supply himself with spur of the moment stilettos. 

Shadow Cocoon:The manipulation also provides his only way of healing by providing a cocoon of shadows that envelops him for a great deal of time to heal him, often lasting from a day to a few weeks depending on the severity of the damage.  Bullet wounds and cuts can be repaired in under 24 hours, broken bones and anything greater require more time (approx: 24 hours for each major injury).  However during this time the cocoon is also removed from this world providing a safe place to heal.  Should he be sufficiently injured the cocoon will automatically envelop him and force him into a hibernation that can last years.

Undead: The Wraith is a zombie (of sorts) and though he doesn't know why he does know it provides a few fringe benefits such as never worrying about food, drowning or death.  However he is dead and thus has no real way to heal and must rely on the odd ability to bend shadows around him to make a healing cocoon.

Trivia (if any):
The Wraith is constantly searching for redemption due to his life of murder and evil.  His death was a catalyst that cause his soul to fight and return to the world in an attempt to find that path.

The Wraith calls his daggers "Azreal" and "Lucifer" and often quotes many Holy Texts when killing someone who has committed a grave injustice.

The Wraith often focuses on crime against children and other similarly defenseless people.  He has been known to leave the remains of his victims strewn about the crime scene.

The Wraith has no delusions about what he does and is always on the verge of a sociopathic snap due to this as he is driven by the urge to kill the guilty and often sees himself amongst the allotted guilty.

(If the Shadow abilities are too much or not welcome, let me know I'll redit the powers.)


As much as I hate resurrecting threads, I needed to put up a few notes. Llearch, please don't kill me.

e and Lucas, you two are up next, in that order. Cog, FG, you two decide which of you wants to post first after their interviews are done. I know the interview part is tedious, but the trial runs should get interesting. Speaking of which, I'm going to need some victims for that...Clients, you guys can start posting your bios and start coming in once the interviews are over. Follow whichever bio sheet would tell me the most about your character for now. If it really seems like Clients need a separate bio sheet, I can make one with no trouble.

Azlan, once all the hitmen have had their interviews, you can probably start. Maybe have gotten a tip from an informant or something, or just overhear some guys talking about it at the station, whatever works. Pal, you seemed interested in the police side of things, which I'll admit I need a little help with, so PM me with any ideas. In fact, if anyone has any ideas about the police, please help. I can't decide whether I should create a cop character, or put the most sensible police applicant in charge, or what.

Here's hoping this doesn't all go to hell once college starts...
The Real Myth of Sisyphus:
The itsy-bitsy spider went up the water spout,
Down came the rain and washed the spider out.
Out came the sun and dried up all the rain,
And the itsy-bitsy spider went up the spout again...

llearch n'n'daCorna

Quote from: Black_angel on August 14, 2008, 02:08:30 PM
As much as I hate resurrecting threads, I needed to put up a few notes. Llearch, please don't kill me.

OOC threads of active IC threads get a bye. So as long as one or the other is active, you can PM me (or any of the mods) to get the auto-locked unlocked, and we're all fine with that.

Common sense, remember? Use some of it, and you'll be fine. ;-]
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Quote from: Black_angel on August 14, 2008, 02:08:30 PM
Azlan, once all the hitmen have had their interviews, you can probably start. Maybe have gotten a tip from an informant or something, or just overhear some guys talking about it at the station, whatever works.

Roger that... I just hope the police side has some help. 

I can always add to the clients and victims part as well.
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


( i hope my post was satisfactory. ii had to find and edit it some but the undercurrent is roughly the same as the original.
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


Quite satisfactory, E. On with the game!  >:3
The Real Myth of Sisyphus:
The itsy-bitsy spider went up the water spout,
Down came the rain and washed the spider out.
Out came the sun and dried up all the rain,
And the itsy-bitsy spider went up the spout again...


at a request i edited my post to clear up a lot of what was said. enjoy i go recharge now. ( oh yes Angel i kind of when with forte being in his armor. at first i was going to have him play closed but what you said and the convent were too good to pass up. armor that looks like a tacky costume a manner like a fan more until he speaks. and the eyes that give away little of the thoughts behind them but invite you to read into them anything you can imagine.  i got the eyes from the Born supremacy book a read a few years ago. i thought it fit with the chilled voice. he doesn't mean to sound like that most of the time and can effect emotion in his voice when working a cover to really sound like a lost fan boy.)
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey

llearch n'n'daCorna

I wasn't requesting that you elaborate - although that's appreciated.

I was suggesting that the sentences you had put up were so partial and incoherent as to be painful to read; something you've improved upon, but not entirely.

FYI, a "convent" is where nuns live. This makes for a jarring contrast with the assassin background, and makes it hard to follow what you mean. I suspect you mean "convention", which is something totally different...
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


didn't i correct that to convention? i know when i'm on my way to work i can be rushing and when i get home i uselly tired so i rely on a spell checker more and reread my post  less
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey

llearch n'n'daCorna

Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears

lucas marcone

you guys mind if i seperate my intro into two posts, one now of him entering the city and one later of him meeting with "the boss"?

also is this a port town? or at least set on the coast?


Hm. I hadn't really thought of that. It night be near a coast, but to me, cities are cities and coasts are coasts, and the two are pretty different. That may not make much sense, but I live in Northeast America, so it should make sense to others from that area, hopefully.

Also, the separation of posts could work... but time it carefully. You might want to make the first post right before E leaves the building.

EDIT AND UPDATE: Yeah, this totally doesn't count as a double-post. So shut up, mods. :P

I didn't want to put this in the Villa, and posting in all the other OOC topics would make me a thread-cromancer. So, I'll just post it here and hope the news gets spread far enough.

As of Friday, I will be going on hiatus for about ten days, or a week longer than that. I need the time to get used to college life, make friends, get settled in, all that cool jazz. Naturally, this poses a problem for Cleaners, since the interviews aren't even done yet... so, I need advice on what to do. I don't want the thread to just gather cobwebs, but I'm not sure I want someone else running the RP. Anyone with advice or a brilliant idea, post it here.
The Real Myth of Sisyphus:
The itsy-bitsy spider went up the water spout,
Down came the rain and washed the spider out.
Out came the sun and dried up all the rain,
And the itsy-bitsy spider went up the spout again...


The Real Myth of Sisyphus:
The itsy-bitsy spider went up the water spout,
Down came the rain and washed the spider out.
Out came the sun and dried up all the rain,
And the itsy-bitsy spider went up the spout again...


sorry to take so long i started working on my post on Tuesday then i was gone fore a few days. sorry again. also the profile is the only thing that i know is in the envelope for certain all else is subject to your gm rule. and i can put the profile up here form the agency if you like.

if i need to clear up something or elebrated just tell me and i'll do so. i'm on the midnight shift for now so my time for response will change for will change for a bit.
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey

lucas marcone

i'm going to say this now so i don't forget. saun is simple, not stupid. there is a diffrence. you're wondering when this will be relevant? soon as he meets mr. Transphermi


Okay, then. Hopefully, neither I nor Khimara will make that mistake now.
The Real Myth of Sisyphus:
The itsy-bitsy spider went up the water spout,
Down came the rain and washed the spider out.
Out came the sun and dried up all the rain,
And the itsy-bitsy spider went up the spout again...

Ryudo Lee

This is shaping up to be an interesting rp...

Thanks to Taski & Silverfoxr for the artwork!