Person Above You (P.A.Y.)

Started by Dakata, July 08, 2006, 06:43:53 PM

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Malakin has never met StarFox
I'm a Skype User.
Skype Name: Karaius


KarlOmega1 has an awsome invisible avatar  :mowwink


Aiyno has not one yap, but three! awesome stuff ^.^


Well, you have 2, you're not far behind.

Gareeku is so nice he deserves a hug from everyone. *Hugs.*
~~ Gabi a.k.a. Gliynn Starseed, APF ~~
Thanks to Silver for the yappities, and to everyone for being so great!
(12:28:12) llearch: Gabi is equal-opportunity friendly


Gabi calls me nice, when she's even nicer, and so deserves double hugs from everyone! *hugs*


Gareeku likes to do the HADOUKEN...
I'm a Skype User.
Skype Name: Karaius


Karl's a perv. that's both a good and bad thing.


Miaka speaks the truth. She's also got a pretty sweet avatar, as well as being a rather awesome person.


Gareeku knows much about the ways of fighting. Even the difference between the hand positions for Hadouken and Kamehameha. And that story of his... :januscat


Ly's new picture is on the way ^w^

Much thanks to Keaton and Haz for my sig, and King Of Hearts for my avatar. ILU guys <3


As well as being a great artist, Xze is also a very good writer. Is there anythign she CAN'T do?! :O


I'm convinced that Gareeku's avatar is sending me subliminal messages along the lines of: find your original MUGEN compilation and share it with the World.

That or that I should gather together a ragtag group of people with which I shall create a furry version of Street Fighter: Third Strike.


Rowne has mentioned one of the greatest fighting games ever. Not only that, but he wants to make a MUGEN game based on it. I bow to you, sir. *Does so*


Gareeku has mentioned a very nice racing engine.


Billbuckner seems to be very interested in racing


EMD's Idling... 4-stroke for the win. :razz


Hazmat is confused for  I have a two stroke engine...nice guess though


EMD has a really nifty avatar, although admittedly it would be niftier if it were a steam engine, I have a weakness for those.

Gareeku: Actually, I once did.  Sort of.  The MUGEN scripting language was very easy to grasp, compared to some of the scripting/programming tongues I can speak in, mastering theirs was cake.  So I had my own, self-balanced compilation which used the art and animations of other folks.  I never released it of course because it would be a copyright nightmare and I didn't think it'd be wise to get into that, even if almost all of them were rips from existing Capcom games anyway.

So if I did dig MUGEN out again and I roped in a sprite artist, it might happen.  Though even if I could start tomorrow, I'd rather put it off until about October ... this bloody heat is baking my brain, I'm in no condition to script!



EMD takes me for a fool!  Of course I know you have a two-stroke, but 4-stroke is better.


×HaZ×MaT× is dragonicly good.



×HaZ×MaT×  is good at stating the obvious  :mowwink :bunny


Aiyno Wolf is good at stating that people are stating the obvious.

Hazmat- not necessarily. Alco loco's had four strokes and their engines frequently required more maintenance than an EMD two stroke ,and the Alco makes more smoke than the EMD.


I never said they were more efficient, they just sound better. :D

EMD over-analyzes things like I do.


Cool! Hazmat likes the way a four stoke engine sounds like I do! :D


EMD keeps changing his avvie.


Hazmat is really good at stating the obvious. I like this one though.


ElectroMotiveDiesels remembers the line betweeen lines.  ;) on topic guys.


Aiyno is male but his avatar is clearly female....
I'm a Skype User.
Skype Name: Karaius