Unlikely Adventurers (OOC) – Closed: Starts Thursday

Started by Ryan_Galen, June 10, 2008, 01:06:30 AM

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We are going on an adventure!
...ok, not so much, but we needed to break the ice somehow.

Hi, remember me? Two months ago, give or take a week, posted that I was looking for a Co-GM. Well, two applied, and Llearch won out. Not going to go into the details of the interviews, but he's here and hopefully is able to help me get this thing to its conclusion.

So... what are we doing?

The Premise
This is a humor RP. I made the mistake of saying this was to be done in the spirit of DMFA before. Such statements are open to too much interpretation. So, while I can promise you that I've learned to not go rapid fire so that the player characters can provide their own jokes, I'm not making any promises on Llearch's behalf, and things should still have the humor element even when they are deadly serious.

While not DMFA canon, things will do their best not to violate DMFA canon. ...didn't mention it was a DMFA based RP yet, did I? Not in this thread anyway. Well, it is. Our setting is far enough away from the 'canon' location we shouldn't have a problem. It is taking place 100 years before or after the actions of the comic. Which one? Your choice. While not expecting many existing characters to apply to this thread, we're not going to box them in time wise. There is a two hundred year window for you to use.

If two characters enter that window at different points, it is mostly up to you the players to make sense of it if needed in a further thread down the road. If needed, I'm sure me or Llearch could come up with a plot device at the end to smooth out any temporal hiccups that might occur.

No, this does not make this a time travel RP. We're not even sure if it will be a concern going into the thing.

Ryan is a catalyst for the adventures. Two important notes here. Ryan Galen, the character behind my handle on this forum, is a character in this adventure. A major player? Without spoiling anything, it is enough to say that the adventures are not about him, but happen because of him.

The plural is also an important note. We want you to know going in that there will be three adventures in this RP. There might be a roleplayed epilog afterwards, but any more then the three planned and Ryan starts to lose his ability to be in the background. We'll need a vote between the involved parties other then me if they want to continue on past that point once we reach it.

You are unlikely heroes Unlikely is key. You don't need to be inept. Untested, unproven, unwilling, but certainly not inept. At the very least, we need you not to have formal ties to any adventuring guild.

This is a journey Finally, it needs to be pointed out that this adventure will involve travel from point A to point B. Ideally we'll need to come up with some motivation to travel from point A to point B... otherwise people go their separate ways as soon as the first adventure is done.

The Setting
And everybody died. At the very beginning of the story, your character will experience something that kills him. Or at least should kill him but won't for story related reasons. Default cause is the explosion of the gas station Ryan is working at, but under this retry you're allowed to come up with your own reason and location. The important thing is that if the situation was left to its own devises, you would not survive under your own power.

In all future points of this post, act of sort of dieing will be referred to as the incident.

The City of Shale
A city of Mythos, and our point B. It is Ryan's home town, and returning here is Ryan's motivation for traveling from point A to point B. To help you craft a reason for coming to Shale (making me and Llearch's job easier), here are a few brief details.

Shale is a city of mythos mostly in name only. It is a sanctuary city, protected by an aggressive antiviolence spell that turns violators into stone. The spell is focused on a statue in a temple in the center of a city. Legend holds that this statue was once a powerful mythos whose species was threatened during the purge. (Species was a snake haired, six tailed naga body mythos, to those interested.)

While no one has seen the species in centuries, the spell continues, and the city thrives. It is filled with mythos of all types, both those who hid from and participated in the purge, and many beings. The knowledge of sanctuary under this spell keeps creature tolerance high, and a decent handful of almost every race that commingles with others can be found here.

Despite being the mythos city, the standard of modesty is set rather high. While exceptions are made regarding pants and naga bodies, those with legs must abide, and shirts are required for all women. Due to this, the city can boast to having the world largest miniskirt due to its one resident dragon.

Tourist locals are mostly limited to the temple itself. Tourists are warned that while accidents do happen, violence is still not tolerated. Petrifaction is reversible to minor or accidental offenders (like so many young kids raised in this city), but punishment is still administered. Petrifaction of major offenders is technically just as reversible, but is rarely practiced.

Character Requirements / Suggestions
Yes, we have both. While running through the list, the decision was made that some requirements were really not necessary, but would still help the story greatly if they kept it in mind while preparing their characters. It's been awhile since me and Llearch discussed this point, and I cleaned out my PMs. So if I miss anything boxy, please speak up.

Characters can not have easy teleportation powers. Traveling is part of this story.
Characters can not be a professional adventurer with ties to the adventuring guild. Newbie adventurer with no ties to the adventuring guild will be considered.
Character must die during the incident. They do not have to all die in the gas station explosion at Strata.
Low powered characters. Skill over magic, potential over proven, etcetera. Remember that low does not have to mean inept.
This is not cannon, but please keep it within spitting range of what is plausible in DMFA cannon.

Creatures are recommended to be under 50 years old. The older you are, the harder it is to explain why your power level is low.
An attitude at least helpful enough not to want to let someone die. We don't need heroic, but this will be a short adventure if every character decides that saving people just isn't their thing.
A reason to travel to the city of Strata. A theoretical destination beyond, the city itself, something that keeps you traveling with the group after the incident rips you from your previous location.

As an RP, there should be no surprise that you will be required to submit a profile. What might be of a surprise is that I'm having you both a public profile and a private profile. Character are allowed to keep secrets from each other, and it helps players from having their characters 'discover' those secrets too quickly if the player themselves don't even know it is there.

Public profiles are to be posted in this thread, and are considered part of your application to join.

Private profiles are just as important, and can be PMed to me. I'll forward it to Llearch with my initial comments, and the two of use can ping pong it back from there, referring to you about any qualified opinions.

The an example of the preferred format of your profiles are as followed.

Public Profiles
Name:  Character's public name or alias.
Age:  Apparent age.
Gender:  Apparent gender.
Race:  Race and species. (Example: Feline Angle.)
Height:  Observed physical height. While no one will be measuring you, it is probably best just to give a measurement in feet and inches. (I'm American.)
Build:  Observed physical build. Basic muscle bulk or lack there of, plus any accessory limbs.
Coloration:  Observed coloration of character's body coloration. This includes fur or scale color, hair color, eye color, and the color of any accessory limbs
Clothing:  Brief description of clothing worn at the time of the incident. Coloration of clothing included here rather then above.
Equipment:  A list of either visible or disclosed equipment.
Brief History:  The briefest of histories of your character. What he is to the casual observer, and why he or she was doing what they were doing at the time of the incident.

Private Profiles
Actual Physical Description:  The true form of the character if patched, or nonobvious details of their physical description.
Hidden Equipment:  Any equipment not already listed, and true uses of those listed if needed.
Abilities:  A workable list of abilities. Mundane skills, magical powers. With mundane skills, one is encouraged to use generalities. With magical powers, specifics are more encouraged.
Special Effects:  Effects that affect the character. Situational or constant, they should be outside the character's, and preferably but not essentially the player's, control.
Weaknesses:  The flaws of the character, physical, magical, and phobias that are truly disabling.
Detailed History: A more detailed version of the character's history. Hidden details of what happened behind close doors, inclusive to what the character themselves might not know. Everything doesn't literally have to be included, so secrets that the player is fairly certain will remain unimportant to this RP can be skipped over. No penalties will be made if your judgment was wrong unless it appears to be intentionally wrong.

The Rules
Finally, it should go without saying that there will be rules in this thread. Most are very common sense, but here we go:

Respect each other, even when your characters don't.

Attempt actions against each other. The GMs will resolve, though if two players plan the action ahead of time leeway to this rule will obviously be given with a gain of salt.

Attempt actions against NPCs and environment when deemed appropriate. Realize that the GMs reserve the power to undue auto actions against the NPCs or environment up to the point the action was attempted. This is as much a detail of roleplaying as it is the GMs keeping the unexpected in reserve.

Keep your powers within spitting distance of what you originally PMed in your private profile. We expect improvement as the story moves on, but radical and unprovoked improvement or outright additions will not be tolerated.

Ryan and Llearch decisions are the GMs. I might be the primary story teller, but I'm not the primary rule keeper. As far as players are concerned, he has the same authority I do in this thread. Though I do reserve some right to contradict him... we don't need things too get too silly.

And... that's it. I'll be posting Ryan's profile tomorrow as an example... or later on today since it is 1am here. Oh boy.

llearch n'n'daCorna


To spellcheck, or not to spellcheck... *cough*

If not, this is gonna be a blast.
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Y'know, suddenly I really want to get into this.

I'll think of a new character. I think I have one in mind. >:3

~Keaton the Black Jackal


Nevermind that character I'll use him somewhere else. Thank god for Ryan saving characters.

Name:  Romulus Darkcloud
Age:  26
Gender:  Male
Race:  Being, Wolverine
Height:  5'9"
Build:  Rugged. Very muscular, it's tone muscle.
Coloration:  Normal wolverine color markings
Clothing:  Wears what seems to be a letter man jacket. The torso of the jacket is black and the sleeves are white. On the left breast of the jacket lettering that says Darkcloud. He is also wearing a grey hooded sweatshirt underneath the jacket. He wears a pair of black cargo pants and a pair work boots. He has a Celtic cross necklace and a fitted baseball hat
Equipment:  Besides a Leatherman nothing.
Brief History:  Romulus is a drifter. He moves from town to town looking for odd jobs to make some money and such. He's traveled alot and has done alot of manual labor, that's way he is so rugged. He works out when he gets time, normal just doing sit-ups, push-ups and the like. He's been in this job longer than any other. It seems he likes this town and has found a nice job.

Ok that should be the last edit I'll have to do.
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.


It will be good to see what you come up with Keaton. ...I think.

And Daimien, I might be able to help you and someone else who contacted me by PM.
Thankfully for both of you I rarely delete stuff from my computer. Too bad I didn't grab final record of the previous attempt while I was at it.

Now, onto Ryan's public profile.

Name: Ryan Galen
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Race: Feline Being
Height: 6' 2"
Build: Athletic
Coloration: Completely white fur, with the exception of his black left ear. Blond hair. Emerald green eyes.
Clothing: White undershirt with light blue maintenance pants and overshirt. Overshirt has his first name embroidered on the left breast. Black work boots, white socks.
Equipment: Wallet. House keys.
Brief History: Ryan has lived in Shale city for most of his life. At the time of the incident, he was working at his part time job at the cities one and only gas station. As such, he was ground zero for the fire blossom the gas station was to become.

The private profile will of course only be seen by Llearch.

Forget one end tag and suddenly half the post is in bold print.


Should try and get some of the old crew back together.
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.


This looks to be a good one to wet my toes in..

Question: Is there a list of races allowed, or is this to be up to our imagination and common sense?

llearch n'n'daCorna

It's DMFA settings. Any of the standard DMFA races is allowed, but we do ask that common sense be used.

So, yes, your imagination is probably ok; what had you in mind?
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Ooh! I just realized, I do have a character who can fit in here! I have to retrofit his profile, but I think it's workable.

EDIT: Whoa, wait a sec. So, we post a public profile, which is basically just what our character is on the surface, then PM a private profile, which contains their actual abilities and whatnot?

EDIT EDIT: I'm also going to add a "personality" slot in my public profile, since that's a rather important detail ;)


Excellent. I've been brainstorming up a half-cubi, if such would be allright? Given the fact that the characters are quite young by cubi standards, his powers would be minimalistic at best, and afterall.. I have him planned as a merchant in his early years. ;)


Quote from: Ghostwish on June 10, 2008, 11:13:06 PM
I've been brainstorming up a half-cubi
You have no idea how many people here would want to smite you if they saw you saying that :U


Ok, edited in Llearch's spell checking. (It is a proper name and I'm capitalizing it.)

Ghost, Tech, you're welcome to make your submissions.  Though I warn Tech about adding a personality section. Normally that is something that is expressed and discovered through roleplay. Most attempts I've made to describe a personality before or even after anything but months of roleplaying a character normally fails at describing what the character is really like. But that might just be me.

Daimien, while I won't name names behind his back, as I stated above it was you and someone else who requested a copy of their previous character. He/she will probally be posting in a few days depending on how fast they can make additions/adjustments.

...got a love that "two posts have been made while you where typing feature.
Ghost, Demonology 101 tells us that there aren't really half cubi. They are either one parent's species or the other.

Now, when a cubi is born, they look like the noncubi parent, but with wings (as far as we know). But with demons and angels even that isn't a give away. And up until their twenties they'll be normal plain old "other parent species", and at their twenties the cubi traits start popping up.

Now, this forum does have one half cubi in a true sense, but I'm not sure if talking to him would be any help.


Return from the original, out of the box so to speak.  Though the original did not have a family name it appears.

Name: Bryden Tyridan
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Race: 1/2 Fox Angel, 1/2 Fox Being
Height: 1.83 meters (~6')
Build: Slightly below average
Coloration: very deep, vibrant grey fur with a dark black frontside.  His wings are the opposite in patterning, black primary with grey secondary.  He has chocolate brown 'socks' extending from hand/foot paws all the way to the knees and elbows, as well as ears of the same color.  He has greyish white hair and bright, intense violet eyes which glow in the dark.   
Clothing: Generally wears any clothing that is gender appropriate from a business suit to a t-shirt and jeans. For the purpose of this RP, he is wearing an average pair of black slacks, a purple button up collared shirt and a light jacket.
Equipment: Wallet, Keys (flat, car, post box, etc.), sunglasses, backpack with various books relating to college courses with calculator, pens, pencils and assorted effects), mobile device
Brief History: A current college student working towards a Ph.D. in Biological Anthropology, his parents are especially well to do and are paying Bry's way through the university.  They are also providing a furnished flat in town and a top-line car.  Despite being well off, his parents were very caring and supportive, giving the needed attention, discipline and motivation to succeed. This means he has lead a relatively sheltered and fair life, nothing like that of reality.

[edit]rearranged text and edited a bit to be a little more readable to someone not mentally retarded like me...  :B
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


BAH! Infernal DoD networks!!

Terribly sorry about that, Ryan. I reloaded the forum page this morning to find your post magically appearing above mine where there was none before. Lag is your friend. The cake is a lie. Etc, etc.

Allright, here goes.

Public Profiles
Name:  Malcurth Snowfur
Age:  25ish
Gender:  Male
Race:  Snow Leopard Incubus
Height:  Five feet, ten inches
Build:  Athletic, lean and supple. Well-balanced build.
Coloration:  Predominately white fur with teal circlets adoring his back and his tail. Teal paws and feet, with stripes around his eyes and muzzle of the same color. Hair also has natural highlights. His wings also carry the same coloration on the crests and underfeathers. His eyes, however, are a distinct blazing amber color.
Clothing:  Usually found in the large, pocketed robe of a merchant, dyed a deep, dark violet. Wears simple and functional clothing underneath, usually of the cotton variety.
Equipment:  Backpack, pocket belt, sometimes a rucksack as well.
Brief History:  Conceived between the brief union of an amazon warrior on an unwitting incubus, Malcurth has lived a quiet and prosperous life in the amazon kingdom, plying his trade in small magical trinkets and odds'n'ends spell components. His mother is a passionate warrior and a caring mother, while his father remains largely unknown, beyond being of the demon ilk, and Malcurth truly does not care either way. He is loyal to the amazon people, although he may often be seen outside of the kingdom, plying his trade in foreign lands.
Born-Again: His previous life was far from pleasent, however. A petty criminal involved in smuggling illegal arms into the city and beyond, his life gone sour met a sudden and fiery end at a local gas station..


It was difficult, but I managed to transcribe this guy's profile from the RP I'm already using him in to here. He's a character I'm using in the Honor Circle and I had to do quite a bit of reverse-engineering to fit it. But I thought he'd be the perfect guy for here; Karazkt the Insectis :3. Here is his Honor Circle profile, for reference, even though these two RPs are definitely not canonical with each other. I modified the Honor Circle one to fit here.

Name:  Karazkt
Nicknames: Bug, Bugger, Ant-boy, Gearbug, "I'm not your Queen, dammit!"
Age:  38
Gender:  Male
Race:  Insectis
Height:  5' 2'' (not counting antennae)
Build:  He's a bug, and one bred for thinking, not combat. Quite spindly. Also, of course, has two long straight antennae protruding from the top of his head. Undersized stinger (almost useless in combat).
Coloration:  Dark and dull-brown chitinous exoskeleton. Large shiny-black eyes.
Clothing:  None functionally
Equipment:  A bandolier with various metalworking tools, heavy and fine. He is usually wearing a pair of large totally black goggles that make him look more bug-eyed than he already is, but they are not for decoration. Wears a clockwork exoskeleton on his back and limbs, which bulks him up some, but offers little extra protection. The exoskeleton is equipped with a drill on the left arm, and a gripper claw on the right.
Brief History:  Insectis don't usually go to the surface at all, so he'll probably be hiding somewhere during the Incident.
Speech: When he's talking in the surface language rather than his own, his speech is laced with distinctive buzzing and clicking. Every "s" is replaced with a "z", every "t" is emphasized, but most strangely, he doesn't actually make a "k" sound, ever. Instead, he actually "clicks". So, read his dialogue as;
Bold K=click
Capital T=emphasis
Everything else read as written.


All right Azlan is here now it's a party. I'm guessing there will be no cities full of mimes in this incarnation?
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.

llearch n'n'daCorna

Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


*dares someone to enter a character with an acute phobia of mimes*


sounds fu but i'm running out of ideals for characters. i'll pm  the gm's a concept for my character but it's not very original i'm afraid.
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey



llearch n'n'daCorna

We're busy talking over your characters, and waiting for, I think, one or two more.

And deciding what to do. We're allowed to do that, right?
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


I'm hoping y'all won't mind my hopping in again here.

Name: Miaka Gelski
Age:  23
Gender:  female
Race:  Red Squirrel, Being.
Height:  Squirrels are small(surprise, surprise). Miaka is no exception, and is around 4 feet tall.
Build:  Slim, very little apparent muscle, aside from what little arm and leg strangth is expected frm climbing trees. Legs are slightly more built from running.
Coloration:  Miaka is almost entirely white, the only exceptions being a light blue stripe running down her front, and another down her back, continuing on her tail. Her hair is a slightly darker blue, and her eyes are a similar shade as her markings.
Clothing:  When the incident happened, Miaka was dressed casually, in simple, grey jeans, a blue tank top, and sunglasses.
Equipment:  Unless her wallet counts, nothing.
Brief History: Miaka is, or at least was, nothing more than a simple, average furre. Sure, she had a little bit of a talent with ice magic, and yeah, she's a bit of a better runner than most, but that's nothing horribly interesting in a place like furrae.
At the time of the incident, Miaka had been waiting at the corner the gas station was situated on for a friend.

I hope that was alright.
Lemme know if anything needs changing, yeh?


Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on June 14, 2008, 07:17:13 AM
We're busy talking over your characters, and waiting for, I think, one or two more.

And deciding what to do. We're allowed to do that, right?

I certainly hope so.

Anyway, Miaka, remember that even if your character is completely and totally dull we'll still need a private profile. If it helps, remember detail history only needs to cover secrets that might come out in this RP.

E_Voyager, I just got your character concept... and... um... I'll get back to you on it.

As for the mimes, we make no promises.

llearch n'n'daCorna

Quote from: Ryan_Galen on June 14, 2008, 10:05:59 AM
As for the mimes, we make no promises.

I make promises. I promise that things will be punful, and disturbing. ;-]
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Well, just remember that a mime is a terrible thing to waste...

"We demand rigidly defined areas of doubt and uncertainty!"

I'm on deviantART.
Also FurAffinity

llearch n'n'daCorna

... let's get wasted and have the mime of our lives?
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Quote from: Ryan_Galen on June 14, 2008, 10:05:59 AM
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on June 14, 2008, 07:17:13 AM
We're busy talking over your characters, and waiting for, I think, one or two more.

And deciding what to do. We're allowed to do that, right?

I certainly hope so.
Oh, uh...um, it's just that Ryan hadn't said anything here for a few days, and that was sort of worrying me.
But know that I know there is nothing wrong, don't mind me. My apologies for disturbing you.

llearch n'n'daCorna


We're still setting up. It'll take a bit of time - and a lot of talking, behind the scenes - to get it started. We'll try to give you warning, ok?

But we ain't going away. No time soon. ;-]
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears
