Brotherhood of the Machine (IC Thread) [PG/14] {02}

Started by Ryudo Lee, October 10, 2007, 03:04:38 PM

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Dorcan was taken aback at Jexx's outburst.  After a shocked silence, he eventually decided to pretend it hadn't happened.  Still, it was an interesting form of amnesia he'd been subjected to, if he didn't remember about money.  Usually with cases like that the subject remembered everything except their identity.  Basic concepts like commerce usually remained in place...

"Sir, I think the barracks should be fine for me, if that's not a problem."  He glanced over his shoulder at the black dragon-like wings on his back.  "Winged creatures don't seem to be the norm here, so I can't exactly check in at a hotel without causing a scene."

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E

Ryudo Lee

The lietenant opened his mouth to speak, but he was interrupted by someone laughing in the back of the room.  He looked up and saw that Jackson had finally arrived.
"Hah ha!  I like your spirit Jexx.  And you'll soon get your chance." Jackson says as he moves to the front of the room. "Excellent work in Northon everyone.  Now, while I still have you all here, how would you like to do some more important, and possibly dangerous, work for the rebellion?"

Thanks to Taski & Silverfoxr for the artwork!

lucas marcone

Josh grinned. "I like the sound of it. Maybe this time I'll get to practice more of my magic on the goons."


"What kind of mission are we talking about, and how soon?"  Dorcan asked.  Although he didn't exactly need to rest, he preferred to give the impression that he did.  And while it was unlikely they were thinking of a suicide mission, a little prudence never hurt anybody.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


   Needless to say, Jexx was visibly latched onto Jackson's words from 'soon you'll get your chance'. For once, the psychotic little cyborg furre didn't say anything, he just listened, waiting for the mission explanation.

lucas marcone

Josh looked at Jexx funny. "O.K. He's quiet and that scares me." The scrapeing of his chair could be heard edgeing away from Jexx.


Exo nods to Jackson as he makes his presence known, then stretches a bit, taking a couple of steps toward the center of the room.

"Query: Only 'possibly' dangerous, Jackson?" the 'bot makes something that sounds like a deep and slightly sinister mechanical chuckle "Last time you said that... well, nevermind. What did you have in mind, Sir?"

Prof B Hunnydew

"So we get paid and encouraged to take a break, but you are going to tell us about a mission before we go away for the weekend?  or a week? or whatever.  Am I going to able finish my unpacking at my apartment? Hmmm.  Before this thing, Should I buy Milk?  Diner and Mess hall food is giving me some stomach problems... Burahp OH."  Said Sally

"excuse me"



Morgan examined the paper and nodded approvingly, "quite respectable indeed.  It would be nice to take a hot shower, get some warm food a tad better then a cut lunch and a nice bit of sleep in my own bed.  I am intrigued to learn what will be the next operation, I nary say I share Jexx's... enthusiasm for violence, but I do enjoy causing a bit of mischief with the Brotherhood."

The rusty haired lad fished about his pockets and produced a set of keys.  He pressed something on a fob attached to the ring and an audible chime was heard from it.  A short time later a small sport coupe pulled up near the most convenient entrance and parked itself.  The engine powered down and it wait.  From the key fob could be heard and audible, "Welcome back sir.  I hope all is well."

"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"

Ryudo Lee

Jackson seemed pleased at their positive responses.  He turned to Armstrong and clapped him on the shoulder.
"Why don't you go check on that new girl, I'll fill them in on what I've got in mind." Jackson said.
The lieutenant saluted.
"Yes sir." He said, and then walked out of the room.
Jackson turned back to the group.
"As most of you already know, a Brotherhood tower is an almost impenatrable fortress.  We've only managed to get a spy in one of them, but even he's in a completely low-level area.  Dorcan, you had met him when you first appeared.  The Brotherhood towers come in three different versions: City-Control towers, the ones that you see near cities, Waypoint towers, located between cities which we believe act as messaging routers between towers, and the Central tower in Capitol City, which is the largest tower and what we believe to be the Brotherhood headquarters... possibly the very home of the one they call 'Mother'." He said. "Recently, intelligence has found possibly the rarest opportunity for us.  The Brotherhood has just started constructing a new Waypoint tower, and it's only a day's drive away from here."
Jackson turned and walked to the back of the room.  He pushed a button on a control panel on the wall and a screen came down.  He clicked a few other buttons, punched in a passcode, and then the lights dimmed and a projector hidden in the wall on the other side of the room came to life and displayed a sattelite image of the fields east of their current location.  Circled in red and surrounded in handwritten notes was what appeared to be the beginnings of a cylidrical structure, obviously the construction site for the new tower.  Not far to the west of the site, running north and south is what appears to be a dried up riverbed.
"It's a fairly remote area, not a whole lot of cover.  They will most likely see you coming.  Except, there's a dried up riverbed that runs along the west side of the site.  The Brotherhood appear to be using the riverbed as a storage area, as you can see here on the image.  So they would most likely have guards posted there, but if they're taken out quietly, you might be able to slip in unnoticed.  Or you might try a full-on frontal assault.  Whatever floats your boat." He says.  "The primary mission objective is to collect as much data from this new tower as you possibly can.  Anything that they have stored in their computer systems, we want.  It will all most likely be encrypted.  If it is, don't try to decrypt it.  Leave that to our cryptography boys.  The optional part of this mission, which I'm sure you won't mind accomplishing, is to destroy this tower.  Since it's still under construction, it's not operational, and we don't want it to be.  So find a way to make sure that the construction never finishes."
He looks around for a moment, letting all that sink in.
"The tower should be partially operational within a few weeks, so you have time to kick back and relax, spend your hard-earned money.  But keep in mind that the sooner you start on this mission, the easier it will be.  The further they get on with the construction of this tower, the more defenses it will have.  So don't wait until the last minute, or we'll have to abort the mission.  When you're ready, requisition whatever you feel you will need from the armory.  This includes vehicles and other soldiers.  As you've seen, we have specialists in many different areas, and they're at your disposal." He says. "And of course, you'll recieve a hefty payment for the completion of your mission objective, and a bonus for destroying the tower.  So that's it, any questions?"

Outside the briefing room, a soldier leads Babs to a set of chairs.  Apparantly she had come up clean.
"Just wait here, they're still going through their briefing." The soldier said. "When they're done they'll come out.  Welcome to the rebellion Babs."
He gave her a salute and wandered off.

Thanks to Taski & Silverfoxr for the artwork!


"So..." Dorcan began slowly, "Am I to understand that the tower's construction is performed in stages?  And that as soon as the first section is complete they will have that part of it 'live' while they work on the next section?"

He paused.

"This is probably a silly idea, but would it be possible to plant some kind of backdoor and let them finish it?"

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E

Ryudo Lee

Jackson shook his head.
"Not exactly in stages, more like levels.  From what information we've gathered on their construction methods, they build the tower from the ground level up, and each level's defenses at the same time.  If you move in while they're still working on the ground level, then those defenses may not be active yet." He says.

Thanks to Taski & Silverfoxr for the artwork!


   Jexx was near stupified with psychotic glee when Jackson finished his explanation of the mission. An actual move against a Tower! He barely heard Dorcan speak, or Jackson's responce.
   Eventually he shook his head and stood up. "Well, if the earlier we strike, the weaker they are, I'll go right now!" Suddenly noticing the looks he was getting, Jexx quickly added, "Not to, y'know, actually attack them...just, more of an...uh, recon thing, right?" The more he talked, the weaker he spoke. "I can use a radio, so I won't...have to actually come back...and...maybe I could do a little sabotage...y'know, just harrasing the supplies, ruining the tools...setting off a big detpack in the middle of everything..." Jexx's smile was so weak a mouse could have shattered it. The only kind of person who wouldn't be able to see Jexx's real intentions would be a social dimwit.
   Jexx slowly sat back down. "I'll up now." he said, self-defeated.

Ryudo Lee

Once Jexx settled down, Jackson cleared his throat.
"Jexx, your enthusiasm to put the Brotherhood down is commendable, and I realize you're eager to get going and smash in your fair share of heads, but remember that you all are a unit, so you need to work together as one, just as you did in Northon." He says.

Thanks to Taski & Silverfoxr for the artwork!

Prof B Hunnydew

Babs quietly finds a seat in the back as Jackson finish up the briefing.  She wonders what she could add to these psycho warriors.  Dr Sally looks like she fixes in, but she is doctor.  Sally turns to the back and smiles, motions to the girl to come closer. 

But Babs waits for the end of the briefing. 

"So, Do we have a week before the tower's first level is complete, more or less?    We all need about three days of rest, and then we could use some recon information on the tower,and with planning and maybe even some training drills.  Oh, I know you, boys and your games." commended the Doc.  "Maybe this time, we can have more of a semi=plan before we leave HQ"



"I concur," said Dorcan.  "A properly worked-out plan would be good, although you know what they say... the plan survives until the battlefield.  Nonetheless, we will need a few days to recover."  And I'll need a few days to learn about the world, he added mentally.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E

lucas marcone

"I hate to admit it but I agree with Jexx... If we go in now while there's less security then that means the less we have to risk. I'm sure nobody wants anyone to die here." Josh looked stern. "Let's rest for three days then grab some thing to store the info on and some guns and roll out."

Ryudo Lee

Jackson straightened up and went back to the control panel and shut off the projector and brought the lights up.  He produced a file folder and placed it on top of the podium.
"Here's all the intelligence we have on the site.  And with that, we're done here.  I'll be around if anyone needs to talk to me.  Remember, my door is always open." He says.
He then heads out, back towards his office.

Thanks to Taski & Silverfoxr for the artwork!


"Time is of the essence, but on the other hand, we do need a break," Dorcan pointed out, as Jackson left.  "Some of us have been on our feet for more than 24 hours at a stretch.  If we go now, our attack - with no plan - will consist of falling asleep outside the tower.

"Anyway.  Let's see what's in the folder before we make a decision," he said, opening it up and scanning the contents.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E

Ryudo Lee

The folder contains a copy of the map they were shown along with spy reports of movements of supplies, tools, materials, weapons, as well as the movements of zealots and enforcers, along with the latest guard positions.  One spy notes that it seems that the riverbed where all the supplies are kept is rather lightly guarded.

Thanks to Taski & Silverfoxr for the artwork!


Morgan sat quietly, he took in the information as anyone would, but kept his thoughts quiet for the moment.  When the file folder was placed on the podium, he approached the podium with Dorcan and also perused the contents of the folder. 

Morgan made special note to take scans of all the documentation and overlay it with a satellite map downloaded from Quest.

"I suggest we get some rest, but probably a limited amount of time... a few days at most as Josh suggested.  It does not preclude us from planning as we take a break, I'll add my suggestion to it all."  Morgan paused before continuing, "I would suggest a stealthy approach, using the riverbed, but perhaps we should time such a maneuver with a direct assault... as a distraction.  A fighting force utilizes a classic lure to force the enemy to commit its combat forces to maneuver to engage them, while a special operations team moves in to eliminate structural, command and control and support assets, as well as obtaining any intelligence from the enemy's systems."
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


Suddenly, a dim light came on in the shadows, and a dimmer voice came from it's vicinity.

"So... are you gonna need a pick on this mission?"

A small man clad in dark clothes stepped from the shadows, his steps sounding much like that of a mouse. He held up his right hand, brandishing a nano lockpick in the place of his little finger. His left arm was odd... almost as if half of it was missing, and the scorches at the bottom of the sleeve added more to the conundrum.

"Cause i'm all that you need."

Prof B Hunnydew

"Oh goddess, not another macho dimlight warrior or Are you the prince of thieves?  Please leave impress teens back at whichever schoolyard you came from... and save the dramatic phrases for someone who cares." Says  the otter female doctor.  "I am Dr Sally Joywaves and I am sure the staff look you over before you got here to this point .  But Do step into my office when you are ready for your medical exam."

"Babs, you will need to assist me, and get my bag from the van" orders the doctor, as Dr Sally Joywave walk to a small office in the hanger bay.   Sally turns to Jackson and asks, "Will there be anything else, we need to know about this mission, today? Commander".  Babs runs out to the van give the doctors' medical bag.  Sally waits at the door to the small offices for the new comer to enter the small office and /or if Jackson was indeed finish with his briefing with rest of the troops.



"I imagine we're more likely to encounter electronic locks and other defences than the good old-fashioned mechanical variety," the doberman remarked to the newcomer.

"Anyway.  Dorcan Ja'Fell," he said, holding out a hand.  "And you are...?"

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Lewis took the hand in his right and shook firmly.

"I'm Lewis. Lewis Nicolas."


"Pleased to meet you," Dorcan replied.  "What did you say your specialities specialities were?  Aside from locks, that is?"

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


"Well, excluding locks, I'm also handy with my saber."

Lewis pulled up his left sleeve to reveal that he had an inactive laser saber device where his lower arm should be.

(OOC - This is kinda hard to explain... the saber comes out below the elbow)

EDIT - Mentioned the saber is off


Dorcan's ears pricked up.  "An energy blade?" he asked, and glanced towards Jexx and his metal arms.  "Wouldn't a prosthesis have been a bit more flexible, though?"

"I'd like to think I'm reasonably good with a sword myself, although I didn't think there would be much call for that skill when the Brotherhood are armed with projectile weapons."

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Lewis rolled his sleeve back down.

"Well, i was born with some kind of problem in the motor nerves in my left arm, so all it could do was move jerkily."

He reached to his lower back and pulled out a laser pistol.

"And don't worry, I've taken the Brotherhood's armament into account."


"A laser saber?  Well now, not as clumsy or random as a gun, an elegant weapon for a more civilized time."  Morgan smiled slightly to himself after making his comment and turned to everyone else.

"Melee weapons are not as well used now as they were, but never discount a skilled wielder of the sword, staff or other similar weapons."

"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"